Anonymous ID: c470fb Jan. 3, 2024, 5:31 p.m. No.20178932   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Sarah Kellen and Glen Dubin discussed


Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP Document 1320-5 Filed 01/03/24 Page 25 of 56


1 G Maxwell - Confidential

2 asked and answered already.

3 Q. You can answer the question.

4 A. I have no idea what Sarah Kellen

5 did.

6 Q. You never observed Sarah Kellen

7 with girls under the age of 18 at Jeffrey's

8 home?

9 MR. PAGLIUCA: Object to the form

10 and foundation.

11 A. The answer is no, I have no idea.

12 Q. Do you know Glenn Dubin?

13 A. I do.

14 Q. What is your relationship with

15 Glenn Dubin?

16 MR. PAGLIUCA: Object to the form.

17 A. What do you mean what is my

18 relationship.

19 Q. Are you friendly with him, how do

20 you know him?

21 A. He is the husband of Eva Dubin.

22 Q. Is Eva Dubin one of your friends?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Did you ever send Virginia to

25 Glenn's condo at the Breakers to give him a

1 G Maxwell - Confidential

2 massage?

3 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

4 form and foundation.

5 A. No.

6 Q. Did you ever instruct Virginia

7 Roberts to have sex with Glenn?

8 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

9 form and foundation.

10 A. I have never instructed Virginia to

11 have sex with anybody ever.

12 Q. How old was Eva Anderson when she

13 met Jeffrey?

14 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

15 form and foundation.

16 A. I have no idea.

17 Q. What's she under the age of 18?

18 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

19 form and foundation.

20 A. I just testified I have idea how

21 old she was.

22 Q. You testified she was your friend.

23 You don't know how old she was when she met

24 Jeffrey?

25 A. That happened sometime in the '70s,


Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP Document 1320-5 Filed 01/03/24 Page 25 of 56

Anonymous ID: c470fb Jan. 3, 2024, 5:41 p.m. No.20179008   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Questions to Ghislaine about Prince Andrew, John Luc Brunel and Lex Wexner


1 G Maxwell - Confidential

2 Q. Were you present on the island when

3 Prince Andrew visited?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. How many times?

6 A. I can only remember once.

7 Q. Were there any girls under the age

8 of 18 on the island during that one visit

9 that you remember that were not family or

10 friends of or daughters of your friends?

11 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

12 form and foundation.

13 A. There were no girls on the island

14 at all. No girls, no women, other than the

15 staff who work at the house. Girls meaning,

16 I assume you are asking underage, but there

17 was nobody female outside of the cooks and

18 the cleaners.

19 Q. Did you, as part of your duties in

20 working for Jeffrey, ever arrange for

21 Virginia to have sex with John Luc Brunel?

22 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

23 form and foundation.

24 A. Just for the record, I have never

25 at any time, at anyplace, in any moment ever

1 G Maxwell - Confidential

2 asked Virginia Roberts or whatever she is

3 called now to have sex with anybody.

4 Q. Did you ever provide Virginia

5 Roberts with an outfit, an outfit of a sexual

6 nature to wear for Les Wexner?

7 MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to the

8 form and foundation.

9 A. I think we addressed the outfit

10 issue.

11 Q. I am asking you if you ever

12 provided her with an outfit of a sexual

13 nature to wear for Les Wexner?

14 A. Categorically no. You did get

15 that, I said categorically no

16 Q. Don't worry I'm paying attention.

17 A. You seemed very distracted in that

18 moment.

19 (Maxwell Exhibit 6, flight logs,

20 marked for identification.)

21 A. Do you mind if I take a break for

22 the bathroom.

23 Q. It's 11:08 and we are going to go

24 off the record now.

25 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: It's now 11:09.


P116 & 117

Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP Document 1320-5 Filed 01/03/24 Page 51 of 56

Anonymous ID: c470fb Jan. 3, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.20179045   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Ghislaine's had a physical outburst under questioning, knocking a computer off a table -


Defendant’s deposition consisted almost entirely of “I don’t recalls” or “I refuse to answer that question”1 and also included a physical outburst that knocked the court reporter’s computer off the conference room table.