Anonymous ID: 496333 Q Research General #24780: ePstain And Other News Edition Jan. 6, 2024, 6:27 a.m. No.20193982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4096 >>4186

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Anonymous ID: 496333 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:39 a.m. No.20194035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4523

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#24779 >>20193161


>>20193208 Who wants to tell him?

>>20193215 California to provide free sex changes for illegal immigrants

>>20193261 NATO state recruiting nuclear submarine chief on social media

>>20193276 Illinois gov. issues 18th 30-day migrant disaster proclamation

>>20193295 A Horrible Contagious Illness is Spreading Through Portland, Oregon’s Homeless Population, Shigella

>>20193328 @CodeMonkeyZ Twenty seven state attorney generals formed a coalition to support Trump's appeal to the Supreme Court.

>>20193332, >>20193338 Trump's first Iowa Rally

>>20193340, >>20193346 2ND TRUMP RALLY IN IOWA IN MASON CITY 5TH JAN 2023

>>20193409 Epstein gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to MIT's Media Lab, and its founder said he would accept the donations again if given the chance

>>20193433,>>20193419 Meet Nathan Wolfe, virologist.

>>20193461 A Finite-Element Simulation of Galvanic Coupling Intra-Body Communication Based on the Whole Human Body

>>20193498 Trump leads Nikki Haley by 29 points in her home state South Carolina

>>20193520 Epstein associate funneled large donations to Vivek Ramaswamy, several Dems

>>20193524 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Hospitalized

>>20193575 Epstein's Island Gets Big Makeover After Being Sold for $60M

>>20193591 It’s time for a new generation of conservative leadership, and Nikki Haley is the only candidate that won’t just defeat Joe Biden…

>>20193601 Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

>>20193602 Bolivia announces biggest-ever cocaine bust at nearly 9 tons

>>20193642 a senior dem member has shared that moderate Rs have reached out suggesting that if McCarthy wins by making these Freedom Caucus concessions…..

>>20193657 Films Pushing Trans Agenda, Puberty Blockers Forced on Fifth-Graders in California School District

>>20193671 Black Chicagoans Vowing to ‘Make Chicago Red’ as Migrant Crisis Roils Windy City

>>20193771 Hit your senators now

>>20193775 Burisma lawyer FINALLY registers as a foreign agent in the US

>>20193809, >>20193818 Peter Nygard Confesses to Draining Babies' Bodies of Blood and Injecting It in His Body

>>20193843 Fmr. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Tells Harvard’s Institute of Politics How to Convince the Vaccine Injured to Get More Vaccines

>>20193887 NTSB has launched a Go Team to Portland, Oregon to investigate an event with a Boeing 737-9 MAX during a flight from Portland to Ontario, California. No serious injuries were reported

>>20193893 Top Democrats Had Children as Young as 7 Delivered to Hot Tub Party for ‘Entertainment’

>>20193986 BIS stuffs

>>20193991 Dan Scavino is showing us that 100% on purpose. neclear football

>>20193999 Happy Entrapment Day

>>20194026 #24779


#24778 >>20192424, >>20192426

>>20192441 Topher the billboard charting rapper from Mississippi gives a cash reward to the people that can respond to his biblical questions correctly.

>>20192454 After Shooting Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police Lt. Made False Radio Report: Lawsuit


>>20192512 @CodeMonkeyZ Twenty seven state attorney generals formed a coalition to support Trump's appeal to the Supreme Court.

>>20192654, >>20192803 pair of C-2 greyhounds. 162157 and 162161. Headed west, toward the Red Sea, out of Bahrain.

>>20192775, >>20192780, >>20192834 Alaska Airlines Forced to Make an Emergency Landing After Large Aircraft Window Blows Out Mid-Air

>>20192842 How many more Boeing 737 max 9s in service are just ticking time bombs?

>>20192785 Did GHW Bush have a deeper relationship with David Miscavige & Scientology?

>>20192791 We have already passed the rubicon and all cards are on the table.

>>20192921 Tucker Carlson / Bret Weinstein- Using the WHO to Destroy America's FREEDOM

>>20192933, >>20192939, >>20192941 FRAZZLEDRIP Surprise

>>20192990 Disney Star Mark Ruffalo Shares Fake AI-Generated Trump 'Epstein Island' Images — Gets Slammed

>>20192986, >>20193023 RED SEA UPDATE: Only western shipping vessels having problems with delays and price increases, but not Russian, Chinese, and Iranian

>>20193142 Baker claim

>>20193146 Today's Schumann

>>20193155 #24778


#24777-A >>20191570


>>20191599 President Trump: Together we stood up to the failed establishment, the corrupt media, we stood up to the Deep State, the globalists, the warmongers, the Wall Street special interests, the open borders fanatics, and the radical-left, and we achieved more than any administration, just about in the history of our country.

>>20191621 President Trump: Unlike every other candidate in the race, with me you know that in your heart, I am the only one that puts America First. I put America First. And with God's help, I will get the job done like I did before.

>>20191700 President Trump: Looks at these scenes of millions of people coming across our border. I think it's going to be fifteen or sixteen million people. That's more than New York state…it's horrible. People are going into schools now; they're occupying schools, they don't speak the language, they don't even know what the language is, and they are sitting with your children in schools. They're occupying the hospital beds; and look, we all have a heart, we don't want that to happen, we don't want bad people to be hurt, but they shouldn't be coming here, and the way they don't come here, is you say, 'sorry, we can't take you', so when they do come, you don't feel so bad about turning them back. But we accept everybody, and we can't take care of them. It's unsustainable for a country. This is the largest illegal mass-migration in history.

>>20191846 President Trump: Nikki Haley would also sell you out and grant amnesty to Biden's illegal aliens in her very first… She said, 'I will give them amnesty'. You know how many people come into the country through legal means, and sometimes it takes them ten years, and they have to study…they have to love our country. And now you have people just pouring across the border.

>>20191862 President Trump: Sadly, the establishment losers and sellouts, lagging far behind us in the republican primary, can not be trusted on taxes, trade, or anything else. They're globalists, and they always will be globalists. You now, when you're a globalist; something wrong with that, because it really hurts our country…history will show that there's nothing you can do to change them and they will betray you just like they betrayed me.

>>20191902 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, you were better off, your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off, and our country was better off. America was stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever, when you had me behind that beautiful resolute desk in the Oval Office

>>20191944 President Trump: The boxes; how about the boxes hoax? Biden has fifteen times the number of boxes over fifty years, and he took it when he was a senator. He wasn't allowed to do that. He took it when he was a vice president. He wasn't allowed. I have the Presidential Records Act. I'm allowed to do it. I'm allowed. All that stuff is a hoax. It's a big hoax. And they'll let him get away with it…he has it under his crummy Corvette…I wonder who gave him that car. Which country gave him that car….the Corvette runs over papers from China. It's very interesting. Classified information from China. He send s it to Chinatown. What's that all about? And then it gets sent from Chinatown, all over the place.

>>20191962 President Trump: If we didn't win, I think the stock market would be 19; I think it's going to be 1929 depression if we don't win.

>>20191998 President Trump: Unlike Crooked Joe, who wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, or the death tax; I virtually eliminated the unfair death tax. I did eliminate it essentially for almost everybody in this room, saving countless family farms and small businesses from destruction.

>>20192056 President Trump: We will turn the page forever on the days of foolish, never-ending wars, that squander American blood and treasure in distant foreign lands, and we will restore Peace Through Strength. We can do it very easily. We don't have to go out and lose our young people and our wealth.

>>20192069 President Trump: Just as I did before, I will appoint strong, highly-qualified, pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, who will interpret the law as written.

>>20192081 President Trump: We're also going to federalize Washington, DC. It's become hell on Earth…we're going to take over Washington, DC, and we're going to make it great again. We're going to make it beautiful and safe.

>>20192102 President Trump: We're also going to fight to give you much better healthcare than Obamacare, which is a disaster…because it's so expensive…you're going to have much better healthcare at a much lower price. You don't have that now.

>>20192494 #24777-A



>>20191801 Paul Sperry: While serving as president, Joe Biden personally spoke with donor Kevin Morris as Hunter was under investigation and Morris was bailing his son out of a $2 million IRS jam; while at same time, Joe's brother Jimmy Biden privately met with Morris

>>20191612 State Bill to Remove Joe Biden from 2024 Election Ballot is Filed in Missouri

>>20191614 Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew visited Epstein's Palm Beach lair where Duke had DAILY massages and stayed in 'blue room'

>>20191696 Bill Clinton Involved In Murder, International Crack Cocaine Trafficking Alongside The CIA, Raping Underage Children With Jeffrey Epstein On Epstein Island

>>20191713 Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who allegedly had s*x with an Epstein victim.

>>20191867 Nearly 17,000 people across six countries may have died because they took hydroxychloroquine (HQC) during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020

>>20192040 PDJT: Biden is a manchurian candidate, he is paid off by China

>>20192043 France’s biggest supermarket chains, will stop selling PepsiCo products because they have become too expensive

>>20192065 Dropout Jeep

>>20192065, >>20192124, >>20192160 U.S. Virgin Islands reveals ‘Project Jeep’ effort at JPMorgan to study Epstein ties

>>20192112 Jeffrey Epstein's employee invoked 5th at least 42 times, including questions about Bill Clinton: documents

>>20192166 The members of Congress who made the MOST money out of trading stocks in 2023 as calls for a ban grow (and Nancy Pelosi isn't at the top of the list)

>>20192196 Biden is lost again

>>20192187 A Disabled Vet Combed Obituaries for the Words ‘Suddenly’ and ‘Unexpectedly’ — Here’s What He Found

>>20192216 Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented powergrab - BLUMPF!

>>20192232 NAIL IN THE COFFIN for Desactimonius :c

>>20192271 A college class on what they are hiding. No new jobs are going to Americans, its going to illegals.

>>20192331, >>20192388 "FBI" is demanded to release HUNDREDS of 'missing' Jeffrey Epstein documents including tapes, CDs, passports and pictures raided from his $51 million NYC townhouse amid suspicions pedo was linked to Mossad

>>20192348 Dershowitz: "Secret" Emails About Underage Sex Allegations Will Put "Prominent People in Handcuffs"

>>20192382 The Voting Moms, A Front Group For Dems, Signals It Wants To Take Over The Greenwich Republican Party

>>20192968 #24777-B


Previously Collected

>>20190728 #24775, >>20191527 #24776

>>20188299 #24772, >>20189082 #24773, >>20189819 #24774

>>20185801 #24769, >>20186529 #24770, >>20187411 #24771

>>20183402 #24766, >>20184201 #24767, >>20185011 #24768


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Q Research Notables #21: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: cae509 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:43 a.m. No.20194062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4114 >>4821




How can they get away with being so Wrong? If this was a Corporation reporting to Wall Street…


Kiss The March Rate Cut Goodbye! December Jobs Soar By 216k (But Full-time Jobs Plunged By 1.5 Million In December While Part-time Jobs Soared 762k)


But to quote Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation, “Now hold on to your wad.” While the headline screamed remarkable, please note that the civilian labor force actually declined. As did the Employment-population ratio (to 60.1).


But next month today’s print will likely be revised sharply lower (perhaps even below 175K, meaning today was a miss). Why do we say that? Because once again the BLS revised not just one but both previous months sharply lower:

October revised down 45K from 150K to 105K

November revised down 26K from 199K to 173K


This means that ten of the past 11 jobs reports have been revised substantially lower.

Anonymous ID: 061af7 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:45 a.m. No.20194066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4079 >>4821


Truth-Loose and Policy-Free: Biden’s Valley Forge Speech and His Campaign Plan.


In an act of desecration of yet another great American monument, Joe Biden gave his January 6th speech at Valley Forge today. The address came a day early, since the Commander in Chief and his aides were worried it would be too cold tomorrow. Hardly the Valley Forge spirit Biden attempted to invoke during his irate, truth-loose and policy-free rant.


In full flow, the 81-year-old president prattled off lie after lie about his political opponent, Donald Trump, including the false claim that Trump “did nothing,” during the January 6th riots. Trump in fact tried to have the National Guard deployed the day before, called for protesters to “march peacefully” prior to the event, and even told them to go home after police provoked them and things got out of control.


Biden parlayed this lie into his next: that Trump “lost 6o court cases” concerning the 2020 election. In reality, most of these cases were dismissed, never to be heard. Trump never got his day in court. And conversely, nor did those who repudiate his claims. It’s why to this day Biden’s entire presidency is viewed as illegitimate by at least a third of Americans.




Get used to this Joe Biden. This is the real Joe Biden. A habitual liar, a con-man par excellence, and a wannabe bully who drops lines such as today’s “I’m glad you can’t see the Irish in me,” as if he’s a hard man. But he’s not a hard man. And everyone around him knows it. Only the weak and frail need to assail their political enemies with the weaponization of government, with corporate media cover, and by reciting a tissue of lies at every opportunity.




Joe Biden has lied his whole life for this moment. The next eleven months are where he intends for that to pay off.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:49 a.m. No.20194082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4099 >>4103



Some fucking LYING ANON is saying this bullshit hopium.


The same troll don't wanna talk about TURBOCANCER DARPA ADEPT

Anonymous ID: 4e7256 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:49 a.m. No.20194085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4091 >>4101 >>4140 >>4821

Nice save, Jill! First lady rushed to embrace zoned-out Biden, 81, after he finished speech, then went into trance-like state on-stage

Anonymous ID: 061af7 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.20194097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4108 >>4620 >>4748 >>4821


Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dark Globalist Agenda


In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss the long-term agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO).


Essentially, the WHO agenda ties into the larger “Western” control operation which encompasses finance and banking control (Central Bank Digital Currency) to connect with the WHO control agenda. As Weinstein talks about travel and commerce being controlled by the WHO, under the auspices of “global health initiatives” or “public health emergency,” there is an element being built in parallel which connects how citizens will be permitted to spend money.


In the bigger picture, the Western global alliance is working systematically to control the behavior of all humans under the guise of “health.” The key and operative word is “control.” Outside the Western global alliance, in what I have called the ‘grey zone’, there is a battle waging against the control mechanisms. This, in combination with the social foundation of freedom, is why various states like Russia have been deemed enemies of the West.


In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss the long-term agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO).


Essentially, the WHO agenda ties into the larger “Western” control operation which encompasses finance and banking control (Central Bank Digital Currency) to connect with the WHO control agenda. As Weinstein talks about travel and commerce being controlled by the WHO, under the auspices of “global health initiatives” or “public health emergency,” there is an element being built in parallel which connects how citizens will be permitted to spend money.


In the bigger picture, the Western global alliance is working systematically to control the behavior of all humans under the guise of “health.” The key and operative word is “control.” Outside the Western global alliance, in what I have called the ‘grey zone’, there is a battle waging against the control mechanisms. This, in combination with the social foundation of freedom, is why various states like Russia have been deemed enemies of the West.



Anonymous ID: 5310bb Jan. 6, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.20194099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4103


I like to call it lipidnanoaids, but yes turbocancer was discussed since the very beginning see this medical journal..

Joe Biden isn't going to fly on AF1 today, and Smith-Mundt would allow medical journals to be controlled.

Anonymous ID: db66c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.20194100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4339

>>20192785 (pb)

>Did GHW Bush have a deeper relationship with David Miscavige & Scientology?


of course he did. scientology = a microcosm of the CIA - total control, human torture, oppression, etc

Anonymous ID: f89872 Jan. 6, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.20194114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4821

>>20194039 (lb)



I'll repeat.


"You stupid."


The Street's wuz sellin' Muh Rate Cut to unwind winning long Treasury positions going in year end. Pumping client enthusiasm for certain trades so as to dump prop trades is the oldest Street Trade dere is.


"Civilian Labor Force, NonSeasonally Adjusted, fell by 1,316,000, Month over month. "


Employed, NSA, fell by 1,395,000.


Big adjustments, which MAY allow the Fed to ease next year, but Wall Street's leverage lent into the markets is what the Fed Tightening Cycle is aimed at, not Main Street's cost of doing bidness leverage.


"That is a massive hole in workers, not coming back, no MATTER what JOLTS tells you is there.


Gargle more CW while yer at it.."


Here's the data that matters….

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.20194118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4128

President Biden



For a long time, we’ve told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed, but it’s not.


Each and every one of us has to defend it, protect it, and stand up for it.


9:36 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: be9ee2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.20194125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NWS Weather Prediction Center


An update to the Key Messages for the significant winter storm spreading ice across portions of the Southern Appalachians and snow from the interior Mid-Atlantic through New England this weekend.

4:56 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: f89872 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.20194126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4306 >>4360 >>4365 >>4366 >>4821

Shadow of Ezra


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposes Pizzagate and names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, who was recently arrested for child porn.


He also discusses how Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation on his island and collected evidence of well-known people committing heinous ritual crimes against children.

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.20194128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>For a long time, we’ve told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed,


U.S. Constitution Annotated


ArtIV.S4.1.1.2 Guarantee of a Republican Form of Government: Doctrine and Practice

Article IV, Section 4:


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Anonymous ID: c66437 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.20194129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20194093 I used to think that too . Flew out of Cancun a few years ago , the airline said they had over booked the flight and we’re offering money and free hotel to not take the flight .

Got on the plane stewardess closed the door

I looked at my spouse there were at least 35 to 40 empty seats .Hmmm we were flying into Salt Lake City where the weather was a blizzard and the pilot was explaining to us we might have to do a touch and go if they can’t land . Pilot would apply full throttle and have to go into a hard bank or something to that effect . So the airline knew conditions were bad and needed to lighten the plane just in case . Moral take the money and the extra day …..

Anonymous ID: 754913 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.20194133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Loveboat and fantasy island were both written but the same guy.


Was that guy mossad like Epstein?

I'm old enough to remember the show, and can imagine an episode with hawking rolling off da plane and getting his creepy midget fantasy.

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.20194135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4821

Olivia Beavers



Inbox: Speaker Johnson Invites President Biden to Deliver State of the Union Address on March 7


9:49 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: d70ed0 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.20194138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20193524 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Hospitalized PN


Guys, I think I’m getting too cynical and angry, when I read this title, I actually said Thank God, but I think my faith is getting stronger. Kek

Anonymous ID: 3ada71 HOW 2 AVOID ILLNESS .... Jan. 6, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.20194155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4654


'The disease of Shigella is spreading in the city, mostly through the homeless population, and to make matters worse, it spreads in a disgusting way, through fecal matter.'


  1. Do not buttfuck anyone

  2. Do not fuck or suck anyone who buttfucks

  3. Stay away from any city where people shit in the street.


Monkey pox and Shigella will not make you ill unless you like to wallow in shit.

Do not engage in aberrant behavior and keep yourself clean. You will not contract any of these shitty infections.

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.20194161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169 >>4183



I see you are interested in Nikki! She's got 3 events today! Stay tuned for more updates!


Gram Slattery



INDIANOLA (just south of Des Moines) 📍


NikkiHaley gets ready to speak at event this morning. Tricky conditions, with black ice and occasional flurries. Medium-size venue to capacity #FITN


10:05 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: 8e79b5 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.20194163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4175


"Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes it's laws.".


Mayer Amschel Bauer, aka Rothschild'. - An Austrian Jew that settled in Switzerland.


No coincidences.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20194178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4217



Banks control Gov'ts

Gov'ts control people

SA controls elected people.

SOROS controls organizations of people.

Ready to play?



It's a simple formula that seems to be a hard pill to swallow for the shills.

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20194181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

God bless all jews and all Jewish Patriots world wide. Forgive smoking pepe the projection shill for his projections that have zero evidence to support.

Anonymous ID: fc1496 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20194187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cletus baby

I will take it further

Maxxed out all the unsecured credit cards I had

Then told them …lehman bros took it…

Fuck off.. Confused the shit out of them …kek

Anonymous ID: d70ed0 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.20194190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4821

Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dark Globalist Agenda


January 6, 2024 | Sundance |

In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss the long-term agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO).


Essentially, the WHO agenda ties into the larger “Western” control operation which encompasses finance and banking control (Central Bank Digital Currency) to connect with the WHO control agenda. As Weinstein talks about travel and commerce being controlled by the WHO, under the auspices of “global health initiatives” or “public health emergency,” there is an element being built in parallel which connects how citizens will be permitted to spend money.


In the bigger picture, the Western global alliance is working systematically to control the behavior of all humans under the guise of “health.” The key and operative word is “control.” Outside the Western global alliance, in what I have called the ‘grey zone’, there is a battle waging against the control mechanisms. This, in combination with the social foundation of freedom, is why various states like Russia have been deemed enemies of the West. WATCH:


At 16:00 of the video above, you will gain a much bigger understanding of my recent travel. Yes. Yes. Yes. Weinstein is exactly correct…. As he quickly skims on what theproverbial “West” is doing, it is the Eastern bloc of EU nations where the pushback is strongest.


The “powerful set of forces” he describes are the elements within and connected to the control officers (like the WEF) who triggered the Build Back Better agenda. My research approach was to go into that BBB initiative and work my way outward and downstream. Ultimately, thatresearch approach is what led me to the forbidden zone. I will have more on how this is all ultimately connected, but for now this interview is an excellent summary point.


This is an excellent interview.

Anonymous ID: 95071d Jan. 6, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.20194194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4821

A Case of Manifest Injustice in United States v. Ronald 'Colt' McAbee, J6 Defendant

By Shipwreckedcrew | 6:00 AM on January 05, 2024The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Anonymous ID: cae509 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.20194197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4208 >>4334

Complications to Transition Surgery?


Defense Secretary Austin has been hospitalized since Jan. 1, but the Pentagon kept the news quiet


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been hospitalized since Monday due to complications following a minor elective medical procedure, his press secretary said, in the Defense Department’s first acknowledgement that Austin had been admitted five days earlier to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Friday that it was not clear when Austin would be released from the hospital, but said the secretary was “recovering well.”


The Pentagon’s failure to disclose Austin’s hospitalization is counter to normal practice with the president and other senior U.S. officials and Cabinet members. The Pentagon Press Association, which represents media members who cover the Defense Department, sent a letter of protest to Ryder and Chris Meagher, the assistant defense secretary for public affairs.


“The fact that he has been at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for four days and the Pentagon is only now alerting the public late on a Friday evening is an outrage,” the PPA said in its letter. “At a time when there are growing threats to U.S. military service members in the Middle East and the U.S. is playing key national security roles in the wars in Israel and Ukraine, it is particularly critical for the American public to be informed about the health status and decision-making ability of its top defense leader.”

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.20194200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4240 >>4243 >>4821


Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid

Published Sat, Jan 6 20247:23 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.20194202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4212


to ANON (this anon) it's the same as you STAND ON THIS KIDS HEAD.


NIKKI and TRUMP both need to come off this bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20194203   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Bolton…got him added to the list.


Let's call her Neocon, War Monger, Birdbrain, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Bush, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Bolton, Viper, Globalist and echo chamber that shit hard….anything that will stick and keep people from looking at Nikki Haley. Who will it be next week added to the list of names? She is from the Trump Administration. He called her "ambitious", "fantastic person", and "someone who gets it."

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20194205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh did I mention God bless The Jews yet today? It really makes smoking pepe seethe when his projections have no validity, sauce or screenshots to back them up. God bless all Jewish Patriots WW. Amen.

Anonymous ID: 061af7 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20194206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4245 >>4391 >>4404 >>4552 >>4568 >>4821


Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor.


Democrat billionaire Reid Hoffman, who has been funding Nikki Haley’s run for the GOP nomination, has been outed as a visitor to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, Little St. James – better known as ‘Pedo Island’.


The Democrat mega-donor and LinkedIn founder was reported to be considering funding Ron DeSantis, purely to try and thwart Donald Trump’s nomination, nine months ago. He ultimately decided to back Haley, gifting a quarter-million dollars to the pro-Haley SFA Fund Inc.


The super PAC had been asked if it would accept the money, given Hoffman’s status as an active Biden supporter, prior to the donation, and it confirmed it would.


Hoffman has now been outed for visiting Epstein’s island in 2014 – long after Epstein’s conviction for procuring a girl below age 18 for prostitution – and even arranged to stay at the Manhattan townhouse where the financier abused many of his victims.


Hoffman admitted to The Wall Street Journal that “by lending my association, I helped [Epstein’s] reputation, and thus delayed justice for his survivors”. He claimed his last interaction with the convicted sex offender was in 2015.


Haley is coming under pressure to return Hoffman’s money on social media from users including Congressman Lance Gooden.


Hoffman is also known for having secretly bankrolled E. Jean Carroll’s civil case alleging that Trump raped her in 1995 or 1996.


Carroll initially claimed she had been receiving no outside funding, but was not sanctioned by Bill Clinton-appointed judge Lewis Kaplan when the truth came out. Kaplan also ruled jurors could not be told about Hoffman’s involvement in the case.


Hoffman also “contributed more than $600,000 to the legal defense fund of Bean LLC — otherwise known as Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the creation of the Steele Dossier,” which spread various false accusations of links between Trump and Russia.

Anonymous ID: 240a27 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.20194212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4226


you stand with people who rape people, and kill them, and then post it on the internet.


It's possible to be concerned for the victims on both sides, and that's what a lot of people feel.

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.20194216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4223

Q warned you about the deep state and their tactics on this board. Q warned you about projection. Q warned you about narcissists. Aka Q warned you about smoking pepe the narcissistic projection shill. God bless The Jews, his empty projections fall flat.

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.20194223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Keep desperately try generating consensus while mimicking the mannerisms of another Anon as a means to cope for having the regular narrative you're paid to spam removed. Bitchflap.

Anonymous ID: ca22d1 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.20194229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4244 >>4258 >>4313

Dear Lord

As we come together here in frenship , we ask that You bless our work here on this day and all days, guide our actions in Your light and Grace, and keep us and those we live safe from evil.


Anonymous ID: 240a27 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20194232   🗄️.is 🔗kun


how do you know how that anon responded to the Q post?

you take a post and post it out of context and expect to then be able to scold everyone who questions your motives. Sounds manipulative to me.

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20194236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4241



>projection shill

>ethnic accusations

>muhjoo projection


How to both prove you have a limited vocabulary and also prove you're smoking pepe with a single word or phrase.

Anonymous ID: 061af7 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:25 a.m. No.20194246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4309 >>4619 >>4821


Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


This might be the most insightful and terrifying interview I’ve ever done. Iranian national who crossed illegally into Jacumba, California, warns me and America of what’s coming. You must watch the whole thing! Listen to what he says about Trump versus Biden, it truly is incredible. Please share and help wake up the sleeping masses. Biden and the Democrats are National security threats! I would trade this guy for any of the Democrats in power right now.


Law & Border - Real America’s Voice News @RealAmVoice


Last edited 6:54 PM · Jan 5, 2024 3.4M Views

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:25 a.m. No.20194249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

God bless Jewish Patriots. It really makes smoking pepe seethe knowing his projection that I'm muhjoo is a total lie and he can't produce a single fucking screenshot to prove it. Unlike this evidence of him being an obvious board troll slideshill. Proof is important. Screenshots are important. Facts matter. God bless The Jews!

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.20194252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265

>>20194242 ←Sad MF can't read, filtered.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: YzNom6b4 No.150513545📁

Nov 22 2017 16:33:25 (EST)


Iran Deal.

Why is this relevant?

Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

The public release was a mistake.

Who released the picture?

Who has all the information?

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?




Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.20194276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ho'ike akea ka ho'opahele

Expose the deception


Ho'ike amaka ka 'oia 'i'o

Reveal the Truth


Kipaku he po'e ho'opunipuni a 'opuka wehe o lakao mana

banish the deceivers, frauds, and liars, and remove their power


ho'omalu ka 'imi 'oia huna kapua a me na a'ole ho'o maka 'ia

Protect the Truthseekers and lightworkers including the uninitiated


amama ua noa

let it fly

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.20194283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Isn't it about time you IP hopped and busted out these repetitive memes trying to manufacture consensus like you always do?

>Clown watering a tree

>Welcome to fail, population: You

>"Attention newfags" warning with blue background

>"Hey newfag" warning

>Two babies, one laughing one crying

>Drag queens

>You are too stupid for Q Research

>Alphabet agency shills

>Then he said I'm Anon just like you

>Genuine shill glow

>I've seen this shit before

>You stupid fucks don't get it Anons never quit

>We falsely accuse you of what we do

>You are a faggot case dismissed

>It's very shilly in here

>Trump hater projection here's your binky


Anonymous ID: febc29 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.20194286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294 >>4302 >>4304 >>4318 >>4431

>>20193591 (Lb)

On Chris sunnunu using our comms to push Nikki haley


The WORLD is watching us. You think they won’t use our own codes against us to stop Trump. Trump is the only one they fear. They don’t make a single negative comment on Nikki Haley do they?


Sorry DS, another fail. Got to give you credit for trying it though, I’ll say that. But you’re still can’t meme.

Anonymous ID: ab72d7 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:32 a.m. No.20194291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4331

taking questions from his campaign audience, Disˈänəst claims the questions he receives are concerned about Trump image problems…


is it a good statistical sample?



>▶Anonymous (You) 01/06/24 (Sat) 07:27:40ab72d7 (3) No.20194260

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20194297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You mimic as a means to cope with having the narrative you're paid to post removed, as well as a means for revenge. You didn't destroy me, moran, you're destroying yourself. It's quite telling that you think you destroyed my personality when it still continues without the images your brian has associated with it, while you use the images you've associated with it. You're right where I want you.

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20194299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4402



>what's that?

>this your first day here?



>>20193409 Epstein gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to MIT's Media Lab, and its founder said he would accept the donations again if given the chance

>>20193575 Epstein's Island Gets Big Makeover After Being Sold for $60M

>>20193575 Epstein's Island Gets Big Makeover After Being Sold for $60M

>>20193601 Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

>>20193809, >>20193818 Peter Nygard Confesses to Draining Babies' Bodies of Blood and Injecting It in His Body

>>20193893 Top Democrats Had Children as Young as 7 Delivered to Hot Tub Party for ‘Entertainment’

Anonymous ID: bbb71c Jan. 6, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20194306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20194126 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposes Pizzagate, names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer



>former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer

Brids of a feather flock together. Personal favor, asking for a fren. Anons got intel on other individuals who worked at the Recount and are connected to this sickness? Please post, would be very grateful.

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20194307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4316

Remember when smoking pepe failed to label me as muhjoo shill with his endless projections on repeat? Oh wait that's every day. Don't need to remember it when you can see for yourself right now. Once again, God bless The Jewish Patriots around the world.

Anonymous ID: 94228b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20194315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4323 >>4336 >>4341 >>4348 >>4364 >>4467 >>4471 >>4640 >>4668 >>4672

Bill Barr just BTFO’d Trump on Fox News


I mean it, guys. This was fucking devastating. He said Trump is most likely to lose, given that he motivates the opposition more than Haley/Desantis (this is a FACT). AND - and this is the most important part - he said Trump on the ticket will cause the House to flip Blue. Anons, if Trump wins but Republicans lose the house and senate, Donald Trump will be, as a matter of fact, a LAME DUCK president. He won’t be able to get anything accomplished, and our lives will only get worse. In that light, I think it’s time to circle the wagons around Desantis or Haley.



Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20194316   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember when you used to post AI generated poetry to "destroy" SmokingPepe? How did that work out for you? Remember when you used to post AI generated reasoning for why I and other Anons that stand up to you are bad and you are good?

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20194319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4392—Ordo-Ab-Chao:5


✨💥✨(Max Igan) The Truth about Technocracy Rising - Ordo Ab Chao

January 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: cae509 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20194320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4380 >>4527

“Banking your vote” makes it easier for the fraudsters to plan how many fake votes they will need to “win” their rigged elections.


McDaniel wrote that Bank Your Vote "encourages, educates, and activates Republican voters on when, where, and how to lock in their votes as early as possible through in-person early voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal."


The RNC launched Bank Your Vote in June 2023. The campaign is co-chaired by Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., and Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20194321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4335





Why were keywords provided?

Guide to reading map?

Lord d R.

What was previously stated?


Who was the pilot of the plane?

Bad actor?

Who was the pilot of the helicopter?


What was countered?

Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?

Who was in the home shortly before the collision?

Learn to read the map.

We may have overestimated your ability.


Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:37 a.m. No.20194324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You can really feel the seethe and rage building in smoking pepe the projection shill. Muhjoo poster is here posting muhjoo and he can't project that it's me. Nothing pisses him off more than having his empty projections destroyed in front of the whole board and the entire world. Oh Did I mention God bless the jews yet today?

Anonymous ID: 5310bb Jan. 6, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.20194330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can rightfully hate the shit out of Trump and still, root for the possible pied piper to go super-saiyan and not fill his new SS with jews like last time.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.20194336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Be done with this motherfucker. seriously. between Aimcats and Housatonics. Stick a fork in it. Reposting his shit only amplifies his criminal voice.

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.20194339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4351


>The G.H.W Bush WH gave Scientology religion status because they were such good earners and infiltrators? He owned them IMO. Then the Clinton used their blueprint and created CGI & TerraMar Project with Epstein & Ghislaine.


"Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project 'bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges,” read the July 2007 letter to the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of Florida. “Focuses of this initiative include poverty, climate change, global health, and religious and ethnic conflicts.”


So there is a there there?

If Jeffrey took over for/with Robert Maxwell via Ghislaine after his swim

and Robert was already connected to Bush 41 through John Tower


Epstein may well have had an egg in the basket


Egg Management Fee

Anonymous ID: d7991a Jan. 6, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20194343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4357

We Plan In Silence




"We plan in silence, we move in silence, and we hit hard."

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20194344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4355 >>4381

Remember when smoking pepe the board shill sat around using AI to make narcissistic famefaggot memes about his board personality because he lacks creativity to make any of his own OC? You don't need to remember. It's every day. Pathetic ego.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 7:42 a.m. No.20194347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4356 >>4361 >>4418


Nice 3s

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).


Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.


How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’? (Rockefeller)

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.20194355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> because he lacks creativity to make any of his own OC?

You say that while using even the filenames I used on my memes? Your brand of stupidity is quite humorous sometimes.

Anonymous ID: fc1496 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:45 a.m. No.20194361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They sold out their own peeps and the

Military industrial com0lex kept the paper dollar alive on the amount of oil That was traded….only problem …lease ran out …

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.20194364   🗄️.is 🔗kun


as devastating as

grab 'em by the pussy

pee dossier

and the

race is on….


what it will come down to

is when the time comes

Trump will BTFO 'em all with

a single meme….

and of course



mass hysteria, chaos in the streets, dogs and cats living together

Anonymous ID: 45d897 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:47 a.m. No.20194371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4378

Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative

Anonymous ID: cb25b8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.20194381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons don’t care. We’re strong enough in our own brain filters to bleep right past things were not interested in.

Why do you rage so hard over it erry day? Use your own freedom muscles and ignore. Use the board tools and filter.

No, you’d rather censor.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:51 a.m. No.20194389   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it don't matter.


ONE THING MATTERS and it ain't fixed.


for 75 years of fail to stop commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud.


Address it. or watch 2024 go to shit.

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:52 a.m. No.20194395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation


Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton's controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, has learned.


The 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was apparently part of an ultimately successful bid to negotiate a plea deal before Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in a sex ring based in Palm Beach, Fla., and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed “Orgy Island.” Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to a plea deal in which he admitted to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:53 a.m. No.20194396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ignore the weapons sales, warmongering, terrorism funding, drug trafficking, and 3rd world vaccine pogroms conducted by the entire US Gov't under the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden Admins


Have you heard the REAL news?

Bill Clinton went to Infant Rape Island on the same plane Trump once rode on.


Stay focused on the important stuff, QANONers.

Anonymous ID: c1724c Jan. 6, 2024, 7:53 a.m. No.20194399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4406 >>4411

17 K croaked by the HCQ says the Yahoo.


17,000 might seem like quite a few if we're an innumerate cabbage, but to sportsbooks and insurance companies its the merest dusting on the big and also fake numbers, a rapidly vanishing dew of death, deaths attributed to anti=malarial HCQ.


17 k also seems like a troll because more people die of heartbreak every day than croaked from HCQ in the entire media propagated 'ronademic.

Anonymous ID: cae509 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.20194401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4414

Whistleblower exposes how the FBI encourages domestic terrorism


‘The demand for white supremacy is outstripping the supply of white supremacy,’ Seraphin said. ‘And so, when you create terrorism, you’re basically ensuring that your budget’s going to be good.’


FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin exposed how the FBI is encouraging terrorism for its own benefit and explained how the Deep State operates.


In an interview on the Redacted podcast with former Fox News host Clayton Morris, Seraphin, who blew the whistle on the internal FBI memo that showed the agency was surveilling “radical” Latin Mass Catholics, explained that in the past years, U.S. intelligence agencies have been increasingly focused on “domestic violent extremists.”


According to Seraphin, under the Biden administration, which is primarily focused on “white supremacy,” the FBI has tried to “spin up the threat” of domestic terrorism in order to get a larger budget.


“But as you try to spin up the threat and as you have more and more money that is tied up in terrorism, that’s not going to the places that it ought to go, you start looking for and making up this threat,” the former FBI agent said.


“I’ve said it multiple times now that the demand for white supremacy is outstripping the supply of white supremacy. So, we have to manufacture it.”


He said that the FBI has a “playbook” that involves contacting people online who are “low IQ or down on their luck financially, in bad situations, that have some rough ideas.”


Story from this interview -

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.20194414   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon proposes all prospective Jurors be prepared ahead of time with knowledge of Nullification.


FUCK THE FBI, DOJ, SES, CIA, NSA, FDA, FCC, USDA forever with a legal chainsaw

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.20194419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4442 >>4448

They must pay SP and the other shills to work from home. No office in the world is open that many hours a day. I wonder if the pay is good, I doubt it because he always seems so pissed off.

Anonymous ID: cea665 Jan. 6, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.20194428   🗄️.is 🔗kun




3 weeks ago

"is that programmed into their character or do they change over time and become like that through algorithm? Its scary real. Some NPCs say they dislike humans because they treat them like tools or for their personal entertainment which is impressive Awareness for NPC ai. Is it possible if game developers can create ai so advanced that it can have a consciousness or is it acting? Creating a world within a world Trippy"

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:01 a.m. No.20194437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jack Smith isn't his real name


Trump hits the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation


Notably, Trump's criticism of Smith included the antisemitic "globalist" terminology, which alludes to a conspiracy theory that alleges Jewish elites are trying to run the affairs of the world behind the scenes. The anti-Jewish attacks against Smith, whose religious faith is not well-documented, isn't new territory for Trump, writer David Margolick, writing an op-ed for The Nation earlier this year, has noted.

Anonymous ID: 7fd981 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:03 a.m. No.20194448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4460 >>4468


The pissed iff rage is really the #1 way to spot shills.

Anons are frenz, gave a healthy sense of humor.

Shills only seethe. And they’ve even brought some recognizable seethers over from 4chan recently. Cant understand why..

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.20194455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't care that you don't care. It's not a bitchfest, it's a battle between guud Anonymous Anons and ebil famefag shills protected with board immunity because they cause the maximum amount of division and gaslighting Anons to other boards. feel free to filter, so long as the protected board personality shills are here so am I. If they didn't exist I wouldn't be compelled to post and give contrast. God bless.

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.20194465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did they ask that professional (got paid) "sex-trafficking victim" if she was still working in the Industry, being paid to tell men whatever they want to hear?


<Objection, Insulting Sex Workers is a Violation of the 8Kun Speech Code

>Goes to credibility


Anonymous ID: 7fdd44 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.20194466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4517


Right I wasn’t sure till the photos of him in the garage with the Q on the cardboard box.

Give the moderates someone so lame and take the country to the brink to wake people.

It’s painful but it had to be this way. Because it’s war for our very lives and souls.

Patriots in control.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.20194472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you come from another country and you fuck another country up that your country wanted fucked up. YOU ARE HERO in your original country but WAR CRIMINAL in the country you did the dirty deed.


Add to it. Diplomatic Immunity

Add to it. Special Partnership


all of it now is shit and legit open to be debated on being deactivated destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.20194481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608


if all you can think is D vs R you miss these threats here: commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud


there are multinational / transnational threats now.

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.20194485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everyone knows you're the shill, Loretta. Probably boils down to just BrokeDick, but you've admitted to being VaticanTard as well and… wouldn't you know it, you're running up to 30 posts this bread and he's nowhere to be found after being a daily fixture all day for years. Strange coincidence, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.20194486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MANDY & THE PAEDO Lord Peter Mandelson parties with Jeffrey Epstein in photo taken after paedophile had been charged in underage sex probe


US entrepreneur Forester was a long-standing friend of Epstein and Maxwell.


never seen that blurb anywhere before

or so anon recalls or doesn't

Anonymous ID: 33f1f2 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.20194490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502 >>4503


Not year(s), only been this year. It's a classic smoking penis meme. I use his memes until the point there's such a negative correlation to it that as soon as anyone sees it it fills them with rage. That's how I destroy him step by step until all his repetitive memes have a stigma. Instantly recognizable.

Anonymous ID: ba0485 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20194502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4509


the joker one has been around for a long time. Maybe not used as much till this year but that one been a round. I dont care you two are doing your thing. I never know which one of you is which, as suspected as you like it. Meh.

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20194503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I use his memes until the point there's such a negative correlation to it

And thus your intent. You're trying to create a negative Pavolovian response in Anons to seeing that meme. It's blatantly obvious. You wouldn't be doing it to Pig and I, two individuals who stand up to you on the regular, if you didn't see either him or I as threats to your ability to shill here unchallenged.

Anonymous ID: 7cca3d Jan. 6, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20194504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4787

Exciting news:RINO Radio Host Michael Medved Gets the Boot


Michael Medved is the only major nationally syndicated host of Salem Media — a fast-growing player in conservative, Christian radio and online media — who is vehemently anti-Donald Trump. He’s defended Hillary Clinton when callers call her “the most corrupt candidate in history.” Medved also hosts a regular segment shunning conspiracy theories.

Medved noted that his position has “generated primarily anger from our syndicator, many of our 300 local affiliates and thousands of indignant listeners.”


I personally listen to KTTH and I always hated Medved's time slot, but would sometimes listen anyway. Right before new the new years break I was listening and wondering who out there that listens to this station could possible agree with this guy. I got my answer with a replacement host. This article sums it up.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.20194506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tell anon more about how the sheriff protects coronavirus award contracts from wellcome trust (london) and WHO (genevia)

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:14 a.m. No.20194515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4533 >>4821


How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings


American Thinker, by Peter Olsson



Posted By: Imright, 1/6/2024 10:09:52 AM


Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon. Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation. Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse.

Anonymous ID: ba0485 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:16 a.m. No.20194520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4529


They want us to die and yet they want to police my words. Get fucking bent. People need to get vocal and loud and fucking be offensive because the fucking situation is offensive.

Anonymous ID: cae509 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:17 a.m. No.20194527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“Bank Your Vote”


That way the ‘Rats and Uniparty RINOs know how many fake ballots they need to bring in at 2am after the election overseers mysteriously have to leave because of …


If we don’t have a more “Evil Genius” ideas than this, we ain’t winning shit in ’24.

Anonymous ID: 94228b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.20194531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4587 >>4591

The more we see re: the friendship between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton, the more I’m convinced Bill Clinton did nothing wrong.


>Was friends for a brief time 20+ years ago

>Never went to the island

>Flights were strictly business/convenience

>Private jets are passed around in elite circles

>Trump did the same thing

>Relationship revolved around philanthropy

>Witnesses say Clinton was a gentleman

>Never touched the girls

>Nobody ever claimed he abused them

What am I forgetting? I mean it’s like these recent Epstein dumps basically exonerate Bill Clinton lol.

Anonymous ID: c155a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.20194532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oy Fuggin Timothy McVey!





Anonymous ID: ba0485 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20194535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is a massive strawman that is just too fucking stupid to even, yeah. Fuck you. My enemy is the lie that still perverts the good people of the nations, and that lie is religion.

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20194538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Scientists warn ‘zombie deer disease’ could spread to humans as cases surge across US


Chronic wasting disease was found in 800 samples of deer, elk and moose across Wyoming, United States

Alexander Butler

Thursday 28 December 2023 06:03 GMT

Anonymous ID: fc1496 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20194540   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Henry Winkler

Now selling some shit

Calling the infection AMD and or GA

Forgot name of drug …crs

They however described my affliction

That is a parasitic infection

Assassins in white jackets

Anonymous ID: 883b09 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20194541   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then why not save it for the evildoers, child molesters, and satanists, instead of going after anons…. Who are working AGAINST the evildoers…the oedopliles… and the satanists…


Anonymous ID: 210d20 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:20 a.m. No.20194542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20193972 lb

>Germania at the time was "Rome" BTW

BS Fucking retarded Yid!

Germanic tribes in south and western Europe were occupied by hook-nosed Khazar wankers, just like ancient Rome or Greece.

Nevertheless, they were Germanic tribes, even if they were subjugated by the hook-noses, just as they are today.

Anonymous ID: f5d94d Jan. 6, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.20194555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4558


>Only real Anons get censored.

So… to continue that logic.

If they want a shill to look like anon, would they start censoring that shill? Like how they post CP link they need to clean up the bread.

Censorship means almost nothing here. Someone saw the post before it got deleted.

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:24 a.m. No.20194559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632


Transgender woman is disqualified from Ohio House race for not disclosing her former name

Vanessa Joy was ruled ineligible under a state law that requires prospective candidates to put their former names on their candidate petitions.


Jan. 4, 2024, 10:31 AM SST / Updated Jan. 5, 2024, 5:14 AM SST

By Matt Lavietes

Anonymous ID: 7cca3d Jan. 6, 2024, 8:25 a.m. No.20194562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elon Musk




Interesting. 𝕏 will add them as defendants in the lawsuit.







🚨BREAKING: @FreeBeacon has uncovered a confidential list revealing Media Matters' major contributors.

Brace yourself for this shocking surprise — they're all Democratic megadonors.

Anonymous ID: ba0485 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:26 a.m. No.20194563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4579


dick feel good still want to know the back side of that story. The song was said to be stolen from someone else, yet this version appeared first on youtube, I think anons figured that out the first time the music played and it pulled up that version not the version the media tried to claim.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:29 a.m. No.20194570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4573 >>4605


(November 15, 2022 / JNS)

There were standing ovations in abundance at Chelsea Piers on Manhattan’s West Side Sunday night as former President Donald Trump received the oldest pro-Zionist organization in America’s highest honor.


Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, bestowed its Theodor Herzl Medallion on the 45th U.S. president for his achievements on behalf of Israel and world Jewry.

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:32 a.m. No.20194576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're not a real Anon though, Loretta. You're a mimicking Absolute Retard paid poster, desperately trying to generate a false consensus to build a narrative around because your MuhJoo narrative gets removed. Because that form of spam was a daily fixture for half a decade before Anons stood up to it.

Anonymous ID: 5ed121 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:32 a.m. No.20194578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4594

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 6, 2024


The Snows of Churyumov-Gerasimenko


You couldn't really be caught in this blizzard while standing by a cliff on periodic comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Orbiting the comet in June of 2016, the Rosetta spacecraft's narrow angle camera did record streaks of dust and ice particles similar to snow as they drifted across the field of view close to the camera and above the comet's surface. Still, some of the bright specks in the scene are likely due to a rain of energetic charged particles or cosmic rays hitting the camera, and the dense background of stars in the direction of the constellation of the Big Dog (Canis Major). In the video, the background stars are easy to spot trailing from top to bottom. The stunning movie was constructed from 33 consecutive images taken over 25 minutes while Rosetta cruised some 13 kilometers from the comet's nucleus. In September 2016, the nucleus became the final resting place for the Rosetta spacecraft after its mission was ended with a successful controlled impact on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.20194585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NEW YORK (JTA) — Stephen Bannon, the former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, called himself a “Christian Zionist” at the Zionist Organization of America’s annual dinner.


He also praised Republican Jewish megadonor Sheldon Adelson for his help in guiding Trump through a sexual assault scandal.

Anonymous ID: f9c325 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:35 a.m. No.20194587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> The more we see re: the friendship between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton, the more I’m convinced Bill Clinton did nothing wrong.


Good try Chelsea!

Anonymous ID: ba0485 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:35 a.m. No.20194588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So the way I remember the story was that night it first was heard, the night when the media went all crazy because of the pointing. That bread would have it. If that narrows it down at all. Look around those breads because I remember an article that came out from the media the day after or so that said the song was from some other person. Digs were done. If that helps direct you if you care that much.

Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20194605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump," the video starts.


The narrator goes on to frame Trump as a messianic figure who was created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's."

Anonymous ID: 9f4b05 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:43 a.m. No.20194608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4623


Yes hence the projection about the border the invasions the corruption of the apparatus of national statecraft etc thankfully even if every public body and popular symbol or even the constitution became corrupted to greater or lesser degrees those things are not the true founding of state cohesion I feel

Anonymous ID: fc1496 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:45 a.m. No.20194617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Almost same crap they pulled in 71

Swap out ..resign ..whatever

Moron puppet to clean up

Get sold out to highest bidder

State funeral ….falling from sky ?

Anonymous ID: fa05be Jan. 6, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20194620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


hahaha was born in the rabbit hole…. bought a hard copy of Bill Coopers Pale Horse when it came at as a young lad… everybody been calling me crazy my whole life… I have been saying they are going to use false medical tyranny to take over the world… scamdemic happens…. 30 years later… I finally get to say, 'told ya so!' … people are still telling me I'm cray… and lined up to be medical experiments even as I begged them not to… many of my frens are having weird immune reactions and not aware of the correlation …. one of them told me after a major skin freakout, it's just a reaction because I drank a Grey Goose drink, and I must be allergic… smdh.. cognitive dissonance is real and runs deep….

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20194623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4631


All this shit about election integrity matters not.


FIX the national security background checks that have been broken since Paperclip 75 years ago. US Mil, US State Dept, OPM, Secretary of State, Judges, and Sheriff all conspire to put commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud who intend violence, death, torture, genocide, war and harm to innocent americans.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.20194631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4651


Using NAtional Security background checks get


commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud




let the fuckin 30 million illegals vote

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:50 a.m. No.20194639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4648 >>4650

Daily Loud



Man that attacked Las Vegas judge is now facing 13 new charges


11:28 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: b53f5c Jan. 6, 2024, 8:50 a.m. No.20194640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I think it’s time to circle the wagons around Desantis or Haley.

Very convincing. You're undoubtedly right. I can see everyone is on board with you. Every time. Keep it up! It's very affirming. I'm Sold.

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:51 a.m. No.20194645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Memristor-Based Intelligent Human-Like Neural Computing

Shengbo Wang, Lekai Song, Wenbin Chen, Guanyu Wang, En Hao, Cong Li, Yuhan Hu, Yu Pan, Arokia Nathan, Guohua Hu, Shuo Gao

First published: 30 October 2022





Humanoid robots, intelligent machines resembling the human body in shape and functions, cannot only replace humans to complete services and dangerous tasks but also deepen the own understanding of the human body in the mimicking process. Nowadays, attaching a large number of sensors to obtain more sensory information and efficient computation is the development trend for humanoid robots. Nevertheless, due to the constraints of von Neumann-based structures, humanoid robots are facing multiple challenges, including tremendous energy consumption, latency bottlenecks, and the lack of bionic properties. Memristors, featured with high similarity to the biological elements, play an important role in mimicking the biological nervous system. The memristor-based nervous system allows humanoid robots to obtain high energy efficiency and bionic sensing properties, which are similar properties to the biological nervous system. Herein, this article first reviews the biological nervous system and memristor-based nervous system thoroughly, including the structures and also the functions. The applications of memristor-based nervous systems are introduced, the difficulties that need to be overcome are put forward, and future development prospects are also discussed. This review can hopefully provide an evolutionary perspective on humanoid robots and memristor-based nervous systems.

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:51 a.m. No.20194648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4656



"13 new charges filed


Jail records show Redden now faces 13 new charges including coercion with force, intimidation of a public officer, extortion, and multiple counts of battery on a protected person.


Holthus was elected in 2018 after working for the district attorney’s office for more than 27 years, including 16 years as a prosecutor on the special victims' unit, according to the District Court’s website."

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:57 a.m. No.20194664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Mike Pence signing artillery shells before their deployment from the occupied Palestinian territories into southern Lebanon.

Anonymous ID: f9c325 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:57 a.m. No.20194668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I think it’s time to circle the wagons around Desantis or Haley.


Doesn’t work out well for them in the end. This is MAGA Country, and only Trump will win the vote.

Anonymous ID: b53f5c Jan. 6, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20194674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4683


>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Select BANKING families. Since the war of 1812 they've financed pretty much every side of every war and picked the winners and losers to their advantage.

How did that happen? Glad you asked:

Recommended: None Dare Call it Conspiracy, The Creature from Jeckyll Island, The Suppressed History of American Banking, and anything by Smedley Butler.

All wars are bankers wars.

Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20194676   🗄️.is 🔗kun


EXCLUSIVE: After Shooting Ashli Babbitt,

Capitol Police Lt. Made False Radio Report: Lawsuit


Epoch Times, by Joseph M. Hanneman



Posted By: earlybird, 1/6/2024 11:52:37 AM


Within a minute after firing the fatal bullet that struck Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd broadcast a radio report claiming shots were being fired at him in the Speaker’s Lobby and he was “prepared to fire back,” a federal lawsuit alleges. The previously undisclosed radio dispatch is also contained on an audio recording obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times of the “OPS2” dispatch channel used by Capitol Police on Jan. 6. Information on the recording is contained in a federal lawsuit filed on Jan. 5 by Ms. Babbitt’s widower,

Anonymous ID: 0e4472 Jan. 6, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20194679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pluto has five known moons: Charon, the largest, whose diameter is just over half that of Pluto; Styx; Nix; Kerberos; and Hydra. Pluto and Charon are sometimes considered a binary system because the barycenter of their orbits does not lie within either body, and they are tidally locked.


The earlier name for the god was Hades

Anonymous ID: 0d920f Jan. 6, 2024, 9 a.m. No.20194687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4698 >>4751

The airline grounded its 65 Boeing 737-9 aircraft until they can be inspected.

Anonymous ID: 0e4472 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:01 a.m. No.20194690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4706


Jun 25, 2020 3:16:38 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19f964 No. 9744864

Praying for a swift recovery to YOUR BACK [keep fighting! never give up!].

United and Strong.



Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.20194692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You don't have to agree with me.

Anon is only an opinion.

But Anon notes. The big bully opinions are what has led to 17 million deaths while telling anon to shut the fuck up.

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:06 a.m. No.20194704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good morning, Highest Ranking Retard. You wish you were the Highest Ranking Nacissist. You're just showing your insecurity in your ability when you mimic other Anons here.

Anonymous ID: 0e4472 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:06 a.m. No.20194706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kirk - Wikipedia


Both words, kirk and church, derive from the Koine Greek κυριακόν (δωμα) (kyriakon (dōma)) meaning Lord's (house), which was borrowed into the Germanic …


kirk (also: church, place of worship, church-building, house of worship)


Anonymous ID: a79aee Jan. 6, 2024, 9:10 a.m. No.20194722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739


Guud morning famefag shill destroyer helper Anon. Somewhere right now smoking pepe is rocking back and forth on the floor in the fetal position repeating one word over and over again.


Anonymous ID: 2e454f Jan. 6, 2024, 9:10 a.m. No.20194723   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Charge means someone is a victim. He was being charged. He was convicted and threw a fit because he was held accountable for his actions as a human.


You are a nigger and in MAGA you will get wrecked. Fuck around. Find out.

Anonymous ID: cce567 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.20194728   🗄️.is 🔗kun


9393 N 90th Street, Suite 102 #45

Scottsdale, AZ 85258


Cannot find who this is. Notes with obvious bullshit stories are from this website who has no information at all onwho they are, and also who accepts submissions (articles) from the public. When sensational stories come out that are not true, they are meant to poison the well of information. They are boys who cry wolf. When we put them in our notables, even though they are not endorsements, they are unsauced boys crying wolf that will detract from any real story when it does come out. Think of how much the media needed to poison the well of Q's information with sensational lies. It causes weak minds to be unable to notice the naked king.

Anonymous ID: 377574 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.20194730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We’re winning so much. We’re winning bigly It’s huge. huge. In the history of the United Stares, the history of the world even, there’s never been this much winning. Never before has there been this much winning. You’ve never seen this much winning before. It’s gonna be great.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.20194733   🗄️.is 🔗kun


18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act







Anonymous ID: d6d07b Jan. 6, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20194735   🗄️.is 🔗kun




LIVE: Vice President Kamala Harris has landed in Myrtle Beach ahead of giving a speech later today.


LIVE: Kamala Harris arrives in Myrtle Beach | Jan. 6, 2024

6:08 AM · Jan 6, 2024


Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20194736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act







Parakletos ID: 50813b Jan. 6, 2024, 9:13 a.m. No.20194740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing.

Anonymous ID: 53a673 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20194753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4760 >>4806

Dylan Wells



Haley hits Trump for not debating and says “he’s having a temper tantrum about me every day.”


11:08 AM · Jan 6, 2024


Nikki Haley



@RunGenZ thank you for having me last night at a fantastic event! We can't just look at winning the next election. We have to look at inspiring young people to take up the mantle for freedom and help save our country.


10:49 AM · Jan 6, 2024





@NikkiHaley & @ChrisSununu speaking to a PACKED Saturday morning crowd in 📍 Indianola, IA!


10:40 AM · Jan 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: f73887 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20194754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My trigger word? There's absolutely nothing you can do to trigger emotion in me, dipshit. It's just a word to describe that persona you're currently using on that ID, Loretta. It encapsulates the tactics you're using. It encapsulates the failure of a paid poster. You've trapped yourself within your own failure.

Anonymous ID: 1b188a Jan. 6, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.20194756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4758


My God you’re fucking stupid. Guy had a rap sheet of violent crimes. If that judge would have given him probation she would be no better than the Soros DAs and judges. She was keeping a violent criminal off the streets. And since nigger chipped out he’s gonna be off the streets even longer.

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.20194759   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The man, Deobra Redden, 30, was in court in Las Vegas for a sentencing hearing on Wednesday morning after pleading guilty to attempted battery with substantial bodily harm, a spokeswoman for the Eighth Judicial District Court said in a statement on Wednesday.


Redden told Judge Mary Kay Holthus Wednesday he felt like he should not be sent to prison. The judge went on to note his long criminal history, including convictions for robberies and battery.

Anonymous ID: a963a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.20194761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789

William Shockley had a memristor back in the day. His obsession with it led to the departure of "the traitorous 8" and to Fairchild Semi and then intel.


When Shocley died his house was completely full of paper, he kept copies of every reciept, every cancelled check, every letter sent or received. He was one OCD wacko who spent ten years trolling freshman on college campus division shilling racial intelligence disputes.

As to his co invention of the transistor, his weirdness made for partisan disputes about assigning credit for the invention of the transistor.

Anonymous ID: 0e07a8 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:17 a.m. No.20194764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

if you don't like anon's saying SHIT JUDGES, why not try PAXLOVID…



Anonymous ID: 93771e Jan. 6, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.20194776   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jan 06, 2019 7:30:38 PM EST


Get in line.



Dershowitz: "Secret" Emails About Underage Sex Allegations Will Put "Prominent People in Handcuffs"


Posted By Tim Hains

On Date January 4, 2019


In an interview Thursday morning with 'Good Day New York,' Alan Dershowitz pushed back against allegations that he had sex with underage girls through billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. He said he is being framed and has emails that will put "prominent people in handcuffs."


"There are emails so far that are secret, but that prove, not only that I was framed, but who framed me," Dershowitz said. "It names names. These people are going to go to jail once these e-mails come out because this was a total frame up for financial reasons, and I can prove it, and will prove it. Have me back on the show when the e-mails come out, boy it will be so interesting because there will be prominent people in handcuffs. Prominent people in handcuffs once these e-mails come out."


"Look, as to the first woman who accused me, her own lawyer admitted in front of witnesses that she was wrong, just wrong, that I couldn’t have been in the places,” he said.



"The second woman," he said, "is a woman who wrote to the NY Post claiming she had video tapes of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump having sex with underage girls. The NY Post said, ‘We don’t believe you.’ They wouldn’t even publish her story, but, she’s one of the people."

Anonymous ID: 5ed121 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.20194784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 'Super Bowl of Astronomy' begins next week in New Orleans

Jan 5, 2024


The world of astronomy has already offered a pretty fascinating start to 2024. In just the first five days of the year, we've seen incredible discoveries like the true colors of Neptune and Uranus as well as a massive cyclone raging on a distant exoplanet thanks to the trusty Hubble Space Telescope. But things are only going to ramp up over the next week. By a lot.


From Jan. 7 to Jan. 11, the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society will convene in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Louisiana.


Thousands of scientists specializing in an absolutely incredible array of subjects ranging from dark matter mysteries to star explosions and the search for habitable exoplanets to the technology required to propel spacecraft across the solar system will gather in one area. They'll get ready to announce some of the best and brightest studies they've been working on; meanwhile, they'll be figuring out how to get even bigger and brighter with their next by listening to wild ideas, strange contradictions and telescopic achievements their colleagues will lay out. Some have even called this event the "Super Bowl of Astronomy."


NASA will be there too, to offer updates on major missions like the trailblazing, $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope and the upcoming, highly anticipated, Habitable Worlds Observatory. According to a statement released on Jan. 5, NASA will also be discussing the 2024 total solar eclipse, which will take place on April 8, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope currently under construction and even its scientific balloon program.


"Experts will discuss new research from NASA missions at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) on topics ranging from planets outside our solar system to fleeting, high-energy explosions in the universe," the agency said in the statement.


All NASA press conferences will be streamed for the public to view on AAS's Press Office YouTube channel; other conferences during the meeting will be found there as well. After the meeting concludes, the streams will be available to view on an online archive provided by the organization. You'll notice that this archive includes a wealth of presentations from previous years as well.


Beyond NASA, teams from other iconic space facilities, current and upcoming, are scheduled to speak, too. Members of the Rubin Observatory, for instance, are expected to let everyone know how things are going with their efforts to discover tens of billions of galaxies once its construction is complete in Chile. But, as we'd mentioned, perhaps the most interesting and hopefully mind-blowing presentations will be coming from researchers speaking during the event.


Though we don't have a ton of information yet on each of those talks, we're able to see some of the study headlines. And they look quite intriguing. For instance, Jan. 8 is poised to bring us an update on a "dark galaxy," the origins of "odd radio circles," and a "famous exploded star in its best light." Jan. 9 appears to have information concerning an exoplanet's tail-like escaping atmosphere and a highly distant fast radio burst seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. Jan. 10 has something about a "supernova imposter" on its schedule and Jan. 11 beholds an entire category of presentation dubbed "Oddities in the Sky." This honestly barely scratches the surface.

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:22 a.m. No.20194789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830


The Shockley diode (named after physicist William Shockley) is a four-layer semiconductor diode, which was one of the first semiconductor devices invented. It is a PNPN diode with alternating layers of P-type and N-type material. It is equivalent to a thyristor with a disconnected gate. Shockley diodes were manufactured and marketed by Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in the late 1950s. The Shockley diode has a negative resistance characteristic.[1] It was largely superseded by the diac.


The Shockley diode remains in an OFF state, with a very high resistance, until a voltage greater than the trigger voltage is applied across its terminals. When the voltage exceeds the trigger value, the resistance drops to an extremely low value and the device switches ON. The constituent transistors help in maintaining the ON and OFF states. Since the construction resembles a pair of interconnected bipolar transistors, one PNP and other NPN, neither transistor can turn ON until the other is turned ON due to the absence of any current through the base-emitter junction.


Common applications:


Trigger switch for silicon controlled rectifier

Relaxation oscillator / sawtooth oscillator

Niche applications:


Audio amplifier


Small-signal Shockley diodes are no longer manufactured, but the unidirectional thyristor breakover diode, also known as the dynistor, is a functionally equivalent power device. An early publication about dynistors was published in 1958.[5] In 1988 the first dynistor using silicon carbide was made.[6] Dynistors can be used as switches in micro- and nanosecond power pulse generators.

Anonymous ID: b876e5 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:22 a.m. No.20194792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795 >>4812

notes on


** Illuminati/insiders


*** BB stealthmode? doubt.


>>20177313 pb

2024 = year 6000, year of the Antichrist

> Exodus queuing

Ambiguously ominous.


>>20177374 pb

> the idiots abound

Not BB? Someone new, or just a new style?


>>20177401 pb

Isolates enemy to Zionists & Satan.

Says Ashkenazis are fake Jews.


Jan 6 delta again.


Pro Bible, uses "biblefagging" sarcastically.


> wait until the frequency kicks in and they start controlling your body like the mindless marionette you are

BS… although psi compulsions are real.


>>20177584 pb

Anti-Israel? Unlike BB?


I'm questioning my "stealthmode BB" hypothesis, but it's intrinsically tentative anyway.

No other BB candidates spotted this thread.

Should go back and see whether they overlapped last thread.

Hopefully further observation clarifies.


*** Illuminati essayist


>>20177281 pb

Brutal demoralization tactic. This is the kind of stuff that flips Feds.


>>20177247 pb

>>20177540 pb


** Sticky Nikki (s)hits the streets


Saw a Nikki Haley ad on YouTube,

in sync with all the shilling for her on Qresearch.

Clearly her Internet budget targets my demographic.

Anonymous ID: 4f92e6 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:26 a.m. No.20194808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“I think it’s probably too distasteful for a lot of people. But for those who would be up for it, to do something tactically—I don’t know if it would stop Trump, but, you know, it could help extend the primary.” … “I think, when you look out in the rest of the states, Trump’s clearly a dominant favorite, but in a two-person race, there’s a healthy number of Republicans who are open to an alternative if she’s the only one. So, I think for liberals, or Democrats, or independents who might not ever support Nikki Haley to be the president to cast a strategic or tactical vote, to me, makes a lot of sense.” ~ David Plouffe


Guess the thinking is

They don't think she'll lose either?

Anonymous ID: 3c64c2 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.20194812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Antichrist



All the prayers to the Sun God were ultimately answered by invention of the Solar Panel, which now Powers the Vatican, coincidentally.


The God of War (fire) had to concede.

Anonymous ID: 9bd3e9 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:30 a.m. No.20194821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4824

Partial For Incoming Baker




#24780 >>20194051

>>20194062, >>20194114 Kiss The March Rate Cut Goodbye! December Jobs Soar By 216k (But Full-time Jobs Plunge By 1.5 Million)

>>20194066 Truth-Loose and Policy-Free: Biden’s Valley Forge Speech and His Campaign Plan.

>>20194085 Nice save, Jill! First lady rushed to embrace zoned-out Biden, 81, after he finished speech

>>20194097, >>20194190 Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s agenda

>>20194110 USMC and the 31stMeu conduct fast roping exercise @ Camp Hansen

>>20194115 USMC - Command of the Cyber National Mission Force relinquished to Maj. Gen. Lorna Mahlock

>>20194126 @ShadowofEzra: Archbishop Vigano exposes Pizzagate - names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Slade Sohmer(recently arrested for CP)

>>20194135 Speaker Johnson Invites President Biden to Deliver State of the Union Address on March 7

>>20194123 @Dept.of Defense: USCG cutter Alex Haley towing disabled fishing vessel through treacherous Bering Sea

>>20194194 Op/Ed: A Case of Manifest Injustice in United States v. Ronald 'Colt' McAbee, J6 Defendant

>>20194200 Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid

>>20194206 Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor - Reid Hoffman

>>20194246 Iranian National illegal Discusses USA Biden v. Trump and Islam

>>20194515 How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings - American Thinker

Anonymous ID: 2a1152 Jan. 6, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.20194838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4845

Judicial Watch has some of Nancy's emails from J6


Tom Fitton


You probably didn't know this because of corrupt media but


extracted January 6 info that Pelosi (and McCarthy, had been hiding…


Thanks to


, federal court ordered US Capitol Police to describe emails they continue to withhold from the public. These emails include “situational security update” emails that show warnings of possible January 6 protests that could lead to serious disruptions at the U.S. Capitol:


a. A January 3, 2021 email, with attachment, from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress providing a detailed “special event assessment” of anticipated protest activity in advance of the January 6, 2021 Joint Session of Congress. The attached document is marked on each page “For Official Use Only/Law Enforcement Sensitive.”


b. A January 5, 2021 email, with map attachment, from the USCP Chief to two Board members detailing a proposed “bike rack” security perimeter for January 6, 2021, and proposing further discussion.


c. A January 5, 2021 email, with map attachment, from the USCP Chief to two Board members detailing a proposed security perimeter for January 6, 2021.


d. A January 5, 2021 email, with social media post and map attachments, from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress reporting “a significant uptick in new visitors” to a “historical website” containing information on Capitol system tunnels. The Deputy Chief describes proposed attempts by unauthorized individuals to block members of Congress from entering the Capitol building, through tunnels or otherwise.


e. A January 5, 2021 email from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress alerting them to an online website soliciting information on high-level government officials and their expected whereabouts on January 6, 2021, and linking to the website’s article entitled Why the Second American Revolution Starts Jan 6.


f. A January 6, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to Board members and others at USCP and in Congress relaying that the President had completed a speech at the Ellipse and that a large group was preparing to approach the Capitol.


g. A January 6, 2021 email thread between the USCP Chief, two Board members, and congressional staffers responding to questions on the status of evacuations and relocations of certain buildings on the Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021, and relaying information on crowds gathering near the Washington Monument and on Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021.


h. A series of four January 6, 2021 emails from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at the USCP and in Congress providing four updates throughout the course of January 6, 2021. These updates contain intelligence assessments, information on arrests, coordination with other law enforcement agencies, crowd estimates, scheduling of high-level government officials, threat and incident reports, medical responses, and officer deployment status.


i. A January 7, 2021 email, with photo attachment, from the USCP Deputy Chief to Board member and others in Congress providing an update on the arrest and subsequent charging of an armed individual found in a “suspicious vehicle” on January 6, 2021.


