Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:14 a.m. No.20283854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862 >>3867 >>3920 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182


Brennan Scrubs Obama's Passport Files


Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, headed a firm that was cited in March for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released this past July.


The security breach, first reported by the Washington Times and later confirmed by State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, involved a contract employee of Brennan’s firm, The Analysis Corp., which has earned millions of dollars providing intelligence-related consulting services to federal agencies and private companies.


During a State Department briefing on March 21, 2008, McCormack confirmed that the contractor had accessed the passport files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain, and that the inspector general had launched an investigation.


Sources who tracked the investigation say that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to "cauterize" the records of potentially embarrassing information. "They looked at the McCain and Clinton files as well to create confusion," one knowledgeable source said. "But this was basically an attempt to cauterize the Obama file."


At the time of the breach, Brennan was working as an unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign.


The passport files include "personally identifiable information such as the applicant’s name, gender, social security number, date and place of birth, and passport number," according to the inspector general report.


The files may contain additional information including "original copies of the associated documents," the report added. Such documents include birth certificates, naturalization certificates, or oaths of allegiance for U.S.-born persons who adopted the citizenship of a foreign country as minors.


The State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a 104-page report on the breach last July. Although it is stamped "Sensitive but Unclassified," the report was heavily redacted in the version released to the public, with page after page blacked out entirely."


This guy should be in prison, not in the Executive Office Building.

"Lt." Quarles Harris

During the investigation into the passport breach, a key witness was alleged to have been fatally shot in front of a Washington, DC, church. Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with federal investigators, was found late slumped dead inside a car. The reports said that Lt. Harris' death remains unsolved, and mysteriously, unreported until one year later, when the blogosphere discovered the murder.


"Lt." Quarles Harris was a petty street punk con-artist. His name was "Leiutenant" (note spelling), he was not a lieutenant in anything. He was arrested in the possession of many phony credit cards that he had acquired via an identity theft scheme which involved stealing personal information from passport applications.

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20283862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3867 >>3920 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182


>Brennan Scrubs Obama's Passport Files


Counter Terrorism In Obama's Washington

Daniel Pipes, writing in FrontPage magazine, directs our attention towards Obama's assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, John O. Brennan, who conveniently outlined the administration's present and future policy mistakes in a speech on August 6, "A New Approach for Safeguarding Americans."


To start with, his address to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, has an unusual tenor. "Sycophantic" is the word that springs to mind, as Brennan ninety times in five thousand words invokes either "President Obama," "he," "his," or "the president." Disturbingly, Brennan ascribes virtually every thought or policy in his speech to the wisdom of the One. This cringe-inducing lecture reminds one of a North Korean functionary paying homage to the Dear Leader.


Specifics are no better. Most fundamentally, Brennan calls for appeasing terrorists: "Even as we condemn and oppose the illegitimate tactics used by terrorists, we need to acknowledge and address the legitimate needs and grievances of ordinary people those terrorists claim to represent." Which legitimate needs and grievances, one wonders, does he think Al-Qaeda represents?


Brennan carefully delineates a two-fold threat, one being "Al-Qaida and its allies" and the other "violent extremism." But the former, self-evidently, is a subset of the latter. This elementary mistake undermines his entire analysis.


He also rejects any connection between "violent extremism" and Islam: "Using the legitimate term jihad, which means to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal, risks giving these murderers the religious legitimacy they desperately seek but in no way deserve. Worse, it risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself."


This passage regurgitates a theory of radical Islam that, according to Lt. Colonel Joseph C. Myers of the U.S. Air Command and Staff College, "is part of a strategic disinformation and denial and deception campaign" developed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Discredited in 2007 by Robert Spencer, the theory distinguishes between good jihad and bad jihad and denies any connection between Islam and terrorism.


It's a deeply deceptive interpretation intended to confuse non-Muslims and win time for Islamists. The George W. Bush administration, for all its mistakes, did not succumb to this ruse. But Brennan informs us that his boss now bases U.S. policy on it.


Well, Obama did say this about Muslims: "I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Once again, he's just doing what he said he'd do.


The speech contains disquieting signs of ineptitude. We learn that Obama considers nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists to be "the most immediate and extreme threat to global security." Fine. But how does he respond? With three feeble and nearly irrelevant steps: "leading the effort for a stronger global nonproliferation regime, launching an international effort to secure the world's vulnerable nuclear material …, and hosting a global nuclear summit."


Nor can Brennan think straight. One example, requiring a lengthy quote.


"Poverty does not cause violence and terrorism. Lack of education does not cause terrorism. But just as there is no excuse for the wanton slaughter of innocents, there is no denying that when children have no hope for an education, when young people have no hope for a job and feel disconnected from the modern world, when governments fail to provide for the basic needs of their people, then people become more susceptible to ideologies of violence and death."


Even though most of the terrorists that have made the big time come from financially fixed families, and are well-educated, even holding professional degrees.


Summary: Poverty and a lack of education do not cause terrorism, but a lack of education and a job make people more susceptible to the ideas leading to terrorism. What is the distinction? Woe on us when the White House accepts illogic as analysis.


Further, let's focus on the statement, "when governments fail to provide for the basic needs of their people, then people become more susceptible to ideologies of violence and death," for it contains two stunning errors. First, it assumes the socialist fiction that governments provide basic needs. No. Other than in a few commodity-rich states, governments protect and offer legal structures, while the market provides.

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20283867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3871 >>3920 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182




Second, every study on the subject finds no connection between personal stress (poverty, lack of education, unemployment) and attraction to radical Islam. If anything, massive transfers of wealth to the Middle East since 1970 contributed to the rise of radical Islam. The administration is basing its policy on a falsehood.


Where, as they say, is the adult supervision? Implementation of the inept policies outlined by Brennan spells danger for Americans, American interests, and American allies. The bitter consequences of these mistakes soon enough will become apparent.


Brennan is just another gangster serving in the Obama administration. He's the guy that breached Obama passport file during the campaign in order to "cauterize" Obama's travel records of potentially embarrassing information. "They looked at the McCain and Clinton files as well to create confusion," one knowledgeable source said. "But this was basically an attempt to cauterize the Obama file."


At the time of the breach, Brennan was working as an unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign.


This guy should be in prison for breaking into the the State Department and breaching it's passport files, not in the Executive Office Building.

More Nonsense From Obama's Terrorism Expert

The Obama administration official who declared there was "no smoking gun" that could have alerted authorities about an al-Qaida plot to bring down a U.S. airliner over Detroit had received a personal, high-level briefing in October warning of a new al-Qaida tactic of hiding a bomb in an attacker's underwear.


On Fox News Sunday, John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security, told host Chris Wallace, "There was no smoking gun. There was no piece of intelligence that said, 'This guy's a terrorist. He's going to get on a plane.' No, not whatsoever."


Brennan's comment evoked derision from international expert Arnaud de Borchgrave Monday during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV's Kathleen Walter.


"I would call that twaddle in all its unrational splendor," said de Borchgrave, author, syndicated columnist, and director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It's ridiculous to maintain such a thing. But [Brennan] is trying to put the best face possible on a very difficult situation. I've known him a long time, he's a highly competent man."


Despite Brennan's contention that no smoking gun preceded the attack, Newsweek reported that Brennan received a personal briefing in October from Muhammad bin Nayef, the Saudi Prince who narrowly survived an al-Qaida assassination attempt in August. Nayef was wounded in the explosion, which used the same technique, and the same PETN explosive material, that authorities say Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab employed to try to bring down a Northwest airliner on Christmas Day.


Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for both attacks.


An intelligence source told Newsweek bin Nayef personally briefed Brennan because "he didn't think [U.S. officials] were paying enough attention" to the growing al-Qaida threat in Yemen.


U.S. intelligence sources say they believe the same bomb maker built both devices.


Brennan told CNN that, although he personally toured the site of the bombing in Saudi Arabia and met with bin Nayef, "There was no indication, though, that al-Qaida was trying to use that type of attack and that modus operandi against aircraft."


Continue reading here . . .


I guess Brennan never heard of the "Shoe Bomber." Other than that, Brennan is a worse liar than Obama.

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:17 a.m. No.20283871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874 >>3920 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182


Obama's Spook Lies

Last Sunday, Obama's spook, John Brennan, who got his job because he scrubbed Obama's passport files, was interviewed by Fox News' Chris Wallace about the circumstances surrounding the events of Christmas and the Crotch Bomber (transcript).


Yesterday, Pete Hoekstra said Brennan lied about the facts in his interview with Wallace.


Rep. Hoekstra (R-MI) disputes Brennan's claims about Christmas briefing (05:01)


At 3:29 in the video, during a previous interview (03:29) with Perky, Katie Couric asks Obama if he has ruled out conducting the KSM trial in the Big Apple. Obama responds, "I have not ruled it out."


He didn't say the attorney general has not ruled it out. I contend that confirms my opinion from the previous item.

Obama's Complacent Terror Czar

Associated Content is reporting that Obama's Terror Czar John Brennan says that 20% of the released terrorists going back to the battlefield to kill Americans and others "isn't that bad." In another "What the hell did you just say?!"-moment that's becoming, sadly, increasingly common with Obama's rogue terror czar, John Brennan was speaking at of all places! the Islamic Center of New York University just this past Saturday. Since it was the Islamic Center and all, what better venue for John Brennan to spout another completely shocking and widely condemnable opinion that just confirms all the prior criticism that's rightfully been swirling around him for months! You know, just the same old, same old criticism that he's not up to the job, is inept, or simply is too liberal to be effective at his post as terror czar.


Brennan's stunning attitude of complacency toward the very real statistic that one-fifth of all released terrorists will immediately return to kill Americans referred to a now-notorious figure that made an appearance in a letter to Nancy Pelosi earlier this month. This 20%-figure was first found in a Pentagon study on recidivism rates of the terrorists who were held at Guantanamo Bay.


The context in which Brennan used that 20%-figure during his speech at the ironically appropriate Islamic Center at New York University was his comparison of terrorists and recidivism to mere, common criminals in the American penal system and recidivism there. In fact, as you will witness yourself in the following video, Brennan's exact words on the subject were:


"People sometimes use that figure, 20%, say, 'Oh, my goodness, one out of five detainees returned to some type of extremist activity.' You know, the American penal system, the recidivism is up to something about 50% or so, as far as return to crime. 20% isn't that bad."


Watch the video and continue reading here . . .

John Brennan And The Politics Of Capitulation

Michelle Malkin says it’s bad enough that John Brennan, Obama’s national security deputy, thinks Gitmo jihadi recidivism is "not that bad." But in his talk last week with Islamic law students at New York University, Brennan made even more reckless comments about our counterterrorism programs while pandering to one of the worst Muslim grievance-mongers and sharia peddlers in America.


During the question-and-answer session, Brennan welcomed a question from Omar Shahin. He identified himself as the head of the "North American Imams Federation." What he didn’t mention was his role as the chief ringleader of the infamous flying imams. You remember them: They were the six Muslim clerics whose suspicious behavior provocatively shouting "Allahu Akbar!" before boarding the plane, fanning out in the cabin before take-off, refusing to sit in their assigned seats, requesting seat-belt extenders, which they placed on the floor led to their removal by a U.S. Airways crew in 2006.


In coordination with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Shahin and his radical delegation attempted to shake down the airline with a discrimination lawsuit and bully the citizen "John Does" who flagged the imams’ security-undermining behavior. CAIR mouthpiece Ibrahim Hooper blasted "anti-Muslim hysteria" by those who saw something and said something about the imams’ in-flight shenanigans. Shahin ranted in a teleconference strategy session in 2007 that, indeed, he and his cohorts were spoiling for the incident and planning to engineer "many, many cases" to sabotage airline security efforts.

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:17 a.m. No.20283874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3920 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182



As head of the Islamic Center of Tucson in Arizona described as the first cell of al-Qaida in the United States and home to past jihadi dry-run plotters Shahin preached that his followers must put Islamic sharia law above Western laws. He told the Arizona Republic that he doubted Muslims were behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, concluding: "All of these, they make it up." Brennan didn’t appear to know who Shahin was. Somebody around him should have briefed him. Shahin’s involvement in Hamas-linked charities and radical Wahhabi "youth groups" has earned the Jordanian-born naturalized citizen increased FBI scrutiny over the years.


Instead, Brennan treated him as just another innocent Muslim with "reasonable" concerns about the government.


Shahin began with faux, flag-waving emotion,


"We came to this country to enjoy freedom."


"We feel that since September 11, we aren’t enjoying these values anymore. … Also, we feel that there’s a big lack of trust between Muslims’ community and our government. … My question: Is there anything being done by our government to rebuild this trust?"


Instead of countering the narrative, exposing Shahin’s true intentions and vigorously defending America’s homeland security apparatus, Brennan dutifully genuflected to the gods of political correctness. Obama, he told the militant 9/11 inside-job theorist and jihad white-washer, is "determined to put America on a strong course."


No, not a "strong course" that includes national security profiling of Islamic radicals pretending they care about our country’s best interests. By "strong course," Brennan assured Shahin, he meant a course toward assuaging the civil rights groups who have objected to every security program at airports, borders, train stations and visa offices for the past nine years.


Brennan told Shahin that the post-9/11 response of the Bush administration was a "reaction some people might say was over the top in some areas" (insert indignant grievance-monger nodding and mmm-hmming here), and that "in an overabundance of caution, (we) implemented a number of security measures and activities that upon reflection now we look back, after the heat of the battle has died down a bit, we say they were excessive, OK."


It gets worse: Brennan then went on to decry the "ignorant feelings" of Americans outraged at the jihadi attacks on American soil. And then he told Shahin and the audience of Muslim students that he "was very concerned after the attack in Fort Hood as well as the December 25 attack that all of sudden there were people who went back into this fearful position that lashed out not thinking through what was reasonable and appropriate."


The Fort Hood jihadist slaughtered 14 innocent soldiers and an unborn baby after an Army career of openly threatening the lives of our soldiers, and Brennan is wringing his hands about the rest of us "lashing out" over government incompetence. He believes our true sin is not in the systemic under-reaction from the military, homeland security, intel and White House officials in charge, but in the "overreacting" of the American public.


With clueless capitulationists like Brennan in charge of our safety, who needs enemies?

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.20283920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3936 >>3943 >>4000 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182







senior State Department official insists


there was no political motivation to


these incidents he says they were


lowlevel contract employees doing


administrative work and they access the


Obama records out of curiosity this


official does not believe any of this


information was sent anywhere the


records were accessed on three different


occasions by three separate individuals


the first two were fired and the last


incident is pending Howard fan we have


dates for these now January 9th was the


first of three occasions then February


21st and the most recent was March 14th


that's last Friday when this occurred so

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.20283936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3943 >>4000 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182



Hillary and Me


. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution





Posted by mica on Feb 27, 2009 in 2008 Election, Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, LEGAL ISSUES, RANDOM, Uncategorized, business, political party, politics |



Keith Olbermann . . . bad actor and cartoon character is at it again! He called Senator Richard Shelby a traitor last week. Yes, a traitor, because Shelby had the temerity to answer a constituent’s question about Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of POTUS . Hat tip to a recent post on The Betrayal Blog which brought my attention to this. I stopped watching Olbermann & MSNBC months ago and would have missed this. Olbermann’s harangues and constant ravings having become so predictable, silly, and (worse still) boring! Why watch?


Which brings me to March ‘08, when Olbermann & MSNBC devoted an entire hour of coverage to Obama’s passport breaches by contract workers at the State Department. Here’s a reminder of “Great Passport Firestorm” of 2008 for those who may have missed it.


YouTube Preview Image


At the time I thought the story was an odd one to devote so much time and attention to. If a plane slams into a building that’s “breaking news”, but this? Passport peeking? I thought the coverage at MSNBC verged on the bizarre. Someone looked at Obama’s passport information . . . really what was the big deal? Strange, indeed, to devote so much time to something, that on the surface appeared to be rather minor and of little note.


Remember, at time, the issues concerning Obama’s eligibility had not been raised. Those stories were on the horizon, months away from the initial passport story . In fact, my first post questioning Obama’s eligibility was related to Obama’s dual citizenship. This was later in the summer of ‘08 when an article in the Rocky Mountain News first appeared. It mentioned BHO’s dual citizenship referenced back to 1963.


Now let’s fast forward to Olbermann and his assault on Senator Shelby.



Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:28 a.m. No.20283943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3979 >>4000 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182




How are these incidents ties together?


Well for starters, the answer to the question of “what’s the big deal” about looking at Obama’s passport has turned out to be a very big deal. Passport information includes date and place of birth . . . Hawaii or Kenya, for example. Passports information also details countries traveled to, travel dates and citizenship . . . US? Kenyan? Indonesian?


Suddenly the passport peeking is a very big deal if a person is perpetrating a hoax and knowingly running as an ineligible candidate for the office of President. Wanna bet Olbermann’s over the top, knee jerk reaction to the passport peeking was because Olbermann (and I would venture to say a host of others) always knew Obama was ineligible to run for POTUS.


The traitors among us do not include Senator Shelby . . . quite the contrary. Mr. Olbermann, you and everyone who has aided and assisted in bringing the faux President, the fraud Obama to the White House, you are the traitors and should be treated accordingly. Senator Clair Mc Caskill that includes you. The tip off? Olbermann’s over reaction and continued obfuscation of the truth as it relates to Obama’s citizenship. Olbermann has become a brazen liar and MSNBC is nothing less than Obama’s Pravda.


As an aside, I wonder who those two contract workers were who looked at Obama’s passport records? I sure as hell would love to talk to them and find out what was really in Obama’s records . . . the ones he continues to hide from the American people. Think there’s a way to find these two?




… other posts by mica


Tags: 2008 campaign, Barack Obama, Donofrio v. Wells, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, NATURAL BORN CITIZENS, OBAMA'S PHONY BIRTH CERTIFICATE. BERG V OBAMA, political hypocrites, US Constitution


Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20283979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3984 >>4000 >>4009 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182



Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser


Story Highlights

Source: John Brennan advises Barack Obama on foreign policy, intelligence issues

The passport files of three presidential contenders were improperly accessed

A contractor for the Analysis Corp. has been disciplined

Two contractors who worked for Stanley Inc. have been fired

Next Article in Politics »






From Kate Bolduan



WASHINGTON (CNN) – The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday.


Analysis Corp. President John Brennan, shown here in 2004, advises Barack Obama, a source tells CNN.


John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said.


Brennan briefed the media on behalf of the campaign this month.


The executive is a former senior CIA official and former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center.


He contributed $2,300 to the Obama campaign in January.


When asked about the contribution, a State Department official told CNN's Zain Verjee, "We ethically awarded contracts. Political affiliation is not one of the factors that we check."


On Friday, the department revealed that Obama's passport file was improperly accessed three times this year, and the security of passport files of the two other major presidential candidates Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain had also been breached. Watch the secretary of state apologize for the breach »


Three contract employees are accused in the wrongdoing, including the one who works for Analysis Corp. and who was disciplined. That contract employee accessed McCain's file in addition to Obama's. None of the contract employees was identified. Learn more about the companies involved »


The other two contract employees worked for Stanley Inc. They were fired.


The Washington Times, which broke the story Thursday night that Obama's records had been improperly accessed, reported Saturday that the State Department inquiry is focusing on the Analysis Corp.employee. Also, the investigation by the department's inspector general will include polygraph tests for supervisors in the passport section to find out whether there was any political motive.

Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:33 a.m. No.20283984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4000 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182


>Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser


The department spokesman said Saturday that he would not comment on whether the department was administering polygraphs to employees in connection with the investigation.


"While this is a rare occurrence, we regret the unauthorized access of any individual's private information," the company said Friday in a statement.


Stanley has had contracts with the department since 1992 and was recently awarded a $570 million contract to continue providing support for passport processing. Its CEO, Philip Nolan, contributed $1,000 to the Clinton campaign. Watch how contractor execs are linked to campaigns »


The department official said the three contract employees worked in three offices in the Washington area. One office does consular work and visas on evenings, holidays, weekends and overnights; another office issues passports; the third office scans and files materials.


The source said there has been no problem in the past with the Analysis Corp. employee, who has "extensive" experience. The worker has been with the company for years and has always worked under a State Department contract.


Explaining that the department had "complimented" this person for work in the past, the source said the individual is considered a "terrific" employee, except for this one instance, characterized as an "aberration."


The department asked the Analysis Corp. not to take any administrative action against the employee while the investigation is under way.


On Friday, the company released a statement saying it would fully cooperate with the federal investigation. The source said the Analysis Corp. has told the employee to do the same.


Echoing the State Department spokesman Friday, this source said there is no indication the motivation was anything but curiosity.


The source said Analysis Corp. learned of its employee's actions from the State Department on Friday morning. In its statement, Analysis Corp. confirmed that one of the accused was an employee and called the incident "isolated." E-mail to a friend


CNN's Zain Verjee contributed to this report.



Anonymous ID: 58af70 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.20284000   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Pb below

Tore Says Tore Maras dig

>>20277450, >>20277524, >>20277476, >>20277524 Her lawyer has some interdasting neighbors. Chinatown, Israel consulate and Chabad Boston

>>20277470 Lawyer's office proximity to Boston Marathon bombing loc

>>20277558 Lawyer has a thing for Freedom Trail


>>20277613, >>20278142, >>20278133 TORE IS A FUCKIN' CLOWN. So many Aliases

>>20278126 Tore Says Trademark

>>20278217, >>20278268 Barry Mervyn Lindeman possible name match

to Tore's spouse or ex spouse is a pedo. Busted in North Dakota

>>20278254 Charges filed in child sexual assault investigation in Ward County. Confessed while living in Surrey, also when living in Harvey.

>>20278241 Status of pedo's appeal

>>20278262 Weird coincidence both Terps and Barry Lindeman now listed in Lexington KY. Linkedin search hit with no middle name or initial. Book thrown at him in ND, turns up in Kentucky not long after?

>>20278602 Shadowgate - A Documentary by Millie Weaver