Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Q Research General #25014: TRUMP FORCE ONE Edition Feb. 10, 2024, 12:50 a.m. No.20388946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:51 a.m. No.20388948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:51 a.m. No.20388949   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#25013 >>20388074

>>20388092, >>20388100 Fani Willis failed to take service of a House Judiciary Committee subpoena over email, requiring the U.S. Marshals Service to hand deliver it to her personally

>>20388145 Trump legal team to file motion to dismiss Mar-a-Lago charges arguing "selective prosecution" based on DOJ declining to prosecute Biden

>>20388174, >>20388428 Trump running unopposed?

>>20388188 This is a great Q drop to review

>>20388219 'The People Of Georgia Are Very Troubled' By Allegations Against Fani Willis: GOP State Senator 4:56

>>20388234, >>20388250, >>20388257, >>20388259, >>20388344, >>20388397, >>20388446 6 year delta Today's 2-9-24 Q Proof Patriot Don Jr. reacts with 9 Ha's with 1 missing "a" at Joe Biden being stupid and Q posts "You are stupid" with 9 Ha's. Coincidence? 2 hour and 9 minute timestamp difference on 2-9-24…

>>20388260 James Rickards Explains The Three Russia’s Of The Last 50 Years. You’ve got to understand Russia before jumping to conclusions.

>>20388263 Abdullah from Jordan will be coming to the U.S. next week for his yearly begging trip

>>20388278 Is Vaccination Scientific circa 1802

>>20388302 Bloodbath: SCOTUS Grills CO Lawyer at Trump Ballot Hearing

>>20388320 Fani Willis allegedly gave access to Michael Isikoff (yes, that Michael Isikoff, the Russiagate hoaxer) of all things to do with her Trump investigation

>>20388379 Tucker Carlson's interview with President Vladimir Putin at 156.1 million views

>>20388471, >>20388534 Donald J. Trump: The thing I like best about the DOJ Report on Biden is that, in 25 years, when I’ve “lost my marbles,” I can use Mental Incompetence and Bad Memory as an excuse to get out of trouble!

>>20388480, >>20388483, >>20388753, >>20388763, >>20388516 Harvard Renews COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Joining 69 Other Schools

>>20388555, >>20388632 Media reporting on Watch-gate

>>20388717, >>20388768, >>20388747, >>20388733, >>20388729, >>20388733, >>20388738, >>20388757, >>20388764, >>20388789 Dan Scavino: The end of Nessun Dorma. 14 seconds… kek

>>20388741 Biden administration admits surveilling Americans' private financial transactions for words like


>>20388790 By propping up Biden, Dems are committing elder abuse — and abusing the nation

>>20388793, >>20388797, >>20388805 Democratic PA State House Rep Kevin Boyle is seen on video in DRUNK TIRADE at a bar and threatens to use his political power to SHUT DOWN THE LOCAL BUSINESS

>>20388944 #25013

Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:51 a.m. No.20388950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#25012 >>20387207

>>20387236 Trump Wraps Up PA Remarks

>>20387320 McCarthy is still running things in the House. He left all his lieutenants to run the most important committees

>>20387355 Black Water USA founder Erik Prince on ruling Africa

>>20387365, >>20387389 Lindell On The Election: "They Don't Want It Secured But We're Gonna Get It No Matter What". Ronna needs to go

>>20387455 Missouri GOP Candidate Valentina Gomez Uses FLAMETHROWER to Burn LGBTQ Books

>>20387529 Canuck: Bell cuts 4,800 jobs, sells dozens of radio stations amid media shakeup

>>20387552, >>20387571 House Oversight Committee Demands Access to Joe Biden’s ‘Stashed Classified Documents’

>>20387561 Over HALF of Fani Willis Campaign Donation Dollars Were Apparently ILLEGAL Money Laundered Funds

>>20387584 RFK Jr.: I’m Creating A New Political Party

>>20387600 Texas Lieutenant Governor Says 'Deep State Run by Barack Obama' Has Pulled the Rug Out from Under Biden

>>20387607, >>20387611, >>20387619 “Putin confirms: ‘The United States is not run by its elected officials.'”

>>20387632 Mining company finds 2.34 BILLION tons of rare earth minerals in Wyoming!

>>20387648, >>20387667 Letitia James, Karine Jean-Pierre and Kimberly Jean-Pierre

>>20387724 @thejimwatkins It's not the bread of life but the live NRA rally bread with DJT!

>>20387771 CT RINO sounds off

>>20387855 Conservatives call on Haley to drop out and back Trump: ‘Please withdraw from the race now’

>>20387947 "The whole electric thing is CRAZY!! We're gonna DRILL, BABY, DRILL!" - President @realDonaldTrump

>>20387960, >>20387943 House Of Cards

>>20388021 Brandon Lashes Out After Special Counsel Labels Him “Well-Meaning, Elderly Man with a Poor Memory”

>>20388031 One Moar Time: Carlson/Putin interview

>>20388061 #25012

Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:52 a.m. No.20388953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#25011-B >>20386453

>>20387029, >>20387046 Trump live in PA NRA

>>20386759 President Trump: For four incredible years, it was my honor to be the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House, by far. Now I stand before you with a very simple promise, your Second Amendment will always be safe with me as your president. When I'm back in the Oval Office, no one will lay a finger on your firearms. It's not gonna happen.

>>20386790 President Trump: Four years ago I told you what would happen if Joe Biden got into office, I said he would throw open our borders, destroy our middle-class, crush American energy…he was going to empower America's enemies, unleash misery throughout your state and throughout our country, bedlam and chaos at home and abroad. The only thing I didn't know, is I didn't know how bad it would be. It's even worse.

>>20386799 President Trump: Today I issue another warning- if Crooked Joe gets four more years, his second term will make his first term look like paradise. We're not going to have a country left anymore. We're not going to let it happen. We can never, ever, let that happen. The stampede of illegal aliens across our borders will surge into the tens of millions.

>>20386819 President Trump: An entire generation of young people could very well be decimated by something that could very well happen, World War III, and it will never happen with me, I can tell you that. It will never happen with me.

>>20386847 President Trump: Perhaps worse of all, even as they turn America into a crime-ridden, gang-infested, terror-filled dumping ground, Joe Biden and his thugs will do everything in their power to confiscate your guns and annihilate your God-given right to self defense. You have a right to self defense, you've always had that right. Four more years of Joe Biden means four more years of anti-gun communists running the AFT. They're gonna run it. They're running it now, just in case you have any questions. It means hundreds of more radical-left judges waging a crusade against law abiding gun owners. And four more years of Joe Biden means a non-stop war on gun makers, dealers and sellers, designed to put the entire industry right out of business. They want to put it out of business.

>>20386861 President Trump: The only thing standing between you and the obliteration of your under siege Second Amendment is me. I'm the only thing. Anybody else, you wouldn't have your guns right now. They started with the ammunition, you know that, they couldn't do the guns with me, so then they started getting rid of the ammunition. People said. 'I have a gun, but I can't get ammunition'. We took care of that very quickly. If Joe Biden is reelected, your gun rights will be gone. They'll be totally gone.

>>20386891 President Trump: I stood up for our hunters, fishers, and sportsmen like no one has ever done before, opening up millions and millions of acres of federal land, and rolling back Obama's assault on hunting, fishing, trapping, and ammunition. Obama was brutal. Obama was brutal. Biden happened to be along for the ride. I think maybe that's still happening, isn't it, huh? You know, whenever I say, 'your president, Barack Hussein Obama', they say, 'oh he doesn't know who the president is'. No, no. It's bad to be sarcastic with this group.

>>20386900 President Trump: When the radical-left democrats tried to use COVID to shut down gun sales during the China Virus pandemic, I proudly designated gun and ammunition dealers as critical infrastructure.

>>20386916 President Trump: Biden has implemented a vicious zero-tolerance policy that revokes the license of independent firearms dealers if they make a single minor error…and now Biden is trying to ban all private gun transfers in the United States with the stroke of a pen. Under a Trump administration, all of those Biden disasters get ripped up and torn up.

>>20386937 President Trump: I'm thinking about putting a desk somewhere on those stairs up [Inauguration steps], you'll have a desk, and I'm going to have a lot of papers on that desk, and a lot of them are going to have to do with you and what you love and what you respect, and we're going to knock out everything even before I get to the Oval Office.

>>20386954 President Trump: We will completely overhaul the corrupt Department of Injustice, to clear out all the communists who have weaponized government activities, and gone against conservatives and gun owners, and we will replace them with relentless crime fighters on a mission to put dangerous criminals behind bars.

>>20386993 President Trump: In the Biden administration, every facet of government has been perverted, corrupted, and turned upside down and inside out.

>>20387031 Trump: We're gonna redevelop our Cities in this Country!

Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:52 a.m. No.20388954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20387032 President Trump: The medians are falling down, you know, that metal median that they use so much? Real garbage. I mean, you put it up, and I think the sun makes it warp. You ever see this stuff? You put it up, two weeks later, the thing looks like it's been up there for thirty years. What crap. Somebody made a lot of money doing that.

>>20387055 President Trump: We did a hell of a job, I'll tell you, and we'll do it again. We're going to do it again, bigger, better, stronger than ever before. It's all going to happen. It's all going to happen. We have no choice.

>>20387069 President Trump: Thousands and thousands of people are coming in, and you notice; they're all men, and they're all between eighteen and twenty-five, or twenty-six years old, practically all, meaning like military. Think of it.

>>20387087 President Trump: I'll use all necessary military and law enforcement resources to defend the United States of America. We're going to be very strong. And within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no choice, We have no choice. We have no choice. And we're going to start with the very bad ones…your local police know exactly who they are. They know them by name.

>>20387099 President Trump: Despite the worst border crisis in US history, Crooked Joe Biden just tried to ram through a massive, open borders bill, that would allow nearly two million illegals per year…dispense unlimited numbers of work permits for illegal aliens to steal American jobs.

>>20387107 President Trump: We have veterans that are living like dogs in the street, and we have illegal immigrants who are living in luxury hotels, with cellphones and credit cards. And that's going to all change very fast.

>>20387128 President Trump: The biggest fear I have, the biggest problem I have; ten months is a long time. The damage that could be done to our country in ten months, including World War III, including World War III. The way we're going, we're going to end up in World War III…we're in a very dangerous position.

>>20387130 President Trump: If the senate wants to pass a real border bill, they should establish criminal penalties for senior Biden officials who refuse to enforce the existing law.

>>20387141 Quick Trial, Death Penalty pedos and drug dealers

>>20387143 President Trump: I'm going to ask congress to pass a strong sentencing enhancement bill, that any illegal alien assaulting a police officer, they immediately go to jail, or even better, they get thrown out of the country, and brought back to the country they came from. Because putting them in jail is very expensive for us. Very expensive

>>20387181 President Trump: When I'm back in the White House, we will mount an all-out campaign to stop the scourge of violent crime in America. We're going to stop it. Upon my inauguration, I will direct a completely overhauled DOJ to investigate every radical, out of control, prosecutor in America for their illegal, racist in reverse, enforcement of the law. Then we will smash the gangs, the street crews, and the criminal networks that are tearing up our country. They're tearing up our country They have criminal networks that are like businesses, They are run better than most businesses, and they're run viciously and violently. Instead of trying to eviscerate the rights of law abiding gun owners, I will have federal law enforcement prosecute the countless gun crimes committed by gang members, drug dealers, and convicted felons.

>>20387362 #25011-B

Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 12:52 a.m. No.20388956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9834

#25011-A >>20386453

>>20386487, >>20386513 4.5-magnitude earthquake hits the Los Angeles area - USGS

>>20386538, >>20386549 @realDonaldTrump Nikki Haley is a flunky for Mitt “Pierre Delecto” Romney who is kryptonite for the Republican Party

>>20386607 @DJT Just arrived in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania! Join me live at 6:15 PM EASTERN at the National Rifle Association Great American Outdoor Show!

>>20386640 Ontario: Belleville declares state of emergency after city saw 14 overdoses in an hour earlier this week

>>20386691 Unanimous vote makes AI-generated voice calls ILLEGAL in US - and FCC says ruling 'takes effect immediately'

>>20386716 “Metro Vancouver Transit Police Say They “Don’t Know” Whether Sexual Assault Suspect Is Male Or Female Despite Having Semen Evidence”

>>20386727 We have a nice 'ourguy' AI in training.

>>20386771, >>20386782, >>20386814 🇪🇸 Spanish farmers are finally joining the Europe-wide protests

>>20386803, >>20386807, >>20386809 Meet The Republican Senators Who Lied About Prioritizing Border Security Over Ukraine Funding

>>20386804 WANTED: 16-year-old boys from Wyoming allegedly planning to carry out a shooting.

>>20386825 Putin, Carlson on AI/Musk

>>20386949 2 people dead after small plane attempts emergency landing on southwest Florida interstate/Nipples

#25011-A >>20387359


Previously Collected

>>20385658 #25009, >>20386435 #25010,

>>20383003 #25006, >>20384333 #25007, >>20384841 #25008

>>20380551 #25003, >>20381313 #25004, >>20382105 #25005

>>20378017 #25000, >>20379015 #25001, >>20379781 #25002


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Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 1:34 a.m. No.20389018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9030



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/04/2017 23:01:17 ID: eda158

8chan/cbts: 34407

Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

Future topic.

Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).

Think AIDS.

Future topic.




Anonymous ID: ffc9ed Feb. 10, 2024, 1:53 a.m. No.20389030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9032 >>9102



Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).



[They] are trying to make you sick.


Was thinking about the WHO's predetermined levels of blood work. Such as blood sugar levels and HDL / LDL


How are these correct for every human in the world? Comes across like daily astrology blurbs.


As soon as you are above or below a certain bracket, doctors prescribe you meds, even if you are NOT sick.


Its like covid, you had to be tested to know it you had it? With PRC or rat test that dont work, seemed like a covid delivery system, straight into the blood stream up the nose.


And doctors are too indoctrinated to allow questioning of the medication.


I asked about how, one of the 'prescribed' meds worked and was rebuffed with it didnt matter. Well fuck you quack. That was a reasonable question.


Im not taking the satins or the diabetic shit.


Just going to exercise more and have smaller portioned meals.