Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:36 a.m. No.20450949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953 >>0958 >>0967 >>1140

>>20449206 lb

>>20448929 pb

how did Laura "give herself away"?

She was obviously pushing the line of the "woman don't like revenge" BS



Seem like the mainstream has been pushing massive fear regarding alleged "Trump Revenge"




what is "Banging" In my vocabulary it means to fuck, to plant a seed.

If it was employee in current hysterical atmosphere, it'd be "Rape"

Am I wrong?

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:42 a.m. No.20450962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"drug abuse"

It's when they are poisoned.

Happen to 9/11 researcher and son of Firefighter Dan Wallace.

Standard proceeding.

Check the child / young man out?

Does he look like a drug addict?

I call foul.

They lie about EVERYTHING

The young man looks totally straight.

"appears to have died"

Drug addict. Doubt.

Unless he was shot up against his will.

Message sent.

YouTube is up for murder.

repression of Medical Info

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:58 a.m. No.20450992   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Now who could've predicted that?!

No Kidding

Didn't Trump years ago meow, in the debate before the stolen election ask about a payment related to the Mayor of Moscow and Biden Family?

Whereas the corrupt Talking Head cut-off Trump and wouldn't let DJT speak about it, nor ask the question of PedoJoe?

That should be on tape?

views by millions?

Think of this.

Mike Wallace son Chris;

Are they liable (now that a new standard of lawfare has been set?) for espionage, RICO charges of criminal conspiracy?

Collusion with an enemy of the State?

Collusion with rogue Intel Agencies?

Isn't Chris Wallace up for election interference? Now that we have new lower standards of what constitutes a crime?

Success? Snake story is about those who infiltrated (were invited in) our beautiful Country and who stabbed us in the back.

Won't "success" be exposing the crooks and giving some consequences.

The people who are against it fail to realize the extent of the crimes and betrayals.

Chris Wallace is guilty of election interference, which is a felony.

They should all start to show some contrition MEOW.

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:09 a.m. No.20451016   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AI is a scam.

no machine / software combo has passed actual Turing Test (rules were changed and fudged for sake of con and of stock prices)

And never will

Impossible in principle.

"Emperor's New Clothes" affect.

Money can't buy stand-alone truth.

It's as if they'd like to ordain the Sun not to come up in the Morning.

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:14 a.m. No.20451031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1048



Unfortunately the rules abroad are no better.

In fact, who put Biden in the White House?

Who's Media sends the 4AM talking points?

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:31 a.m. No.20451082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1139



What do they mean when they write "bang"?

That always meant fuck? didn't it?



>>20449206 lb

>>20448929 pb

how did Laura "give herself away"?

She was obviously pushing the line of the "woman don't like revenge" BS




Seem like the mainstream has been pushing massive fear regarding alleged "Trump Revenge"






wow, as if woman don't themselves do revenge! Ur right.

But woman often have different strategies from a man? emotional blackmail, poison?

turn the child against (but men do that too; espeically in the age of alleged equality between men and woman!

Men are more likely to use a gun. Woman use a car?; i.e. Laura Bush.


need to see the details on the EnGore Ghoul


seems very simple. for people who can read.

Truth is short. Lies go on a long time (form of distraction - dig to the premises and cut the crap - that's why they control the speech and voting machines and filabuster.

Anonymous ID: 842871 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:49 a.m. No.20451139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Truth is short. Lies go on a long time (form of distraction - dig to the premises and cut the crap - that's why the controlers censor the speech and rig the voting machines and use the filabuster to avoid facing the music)


Turn the child against (but men do that too; espeically in the age of alleged equality between men and woman!)

Probably both genders do that; for a long time.

In the 19th c. and early 20th it would be men mostly, since men controlled woman back them. It was a custom.

So more likely man would take the child, if he could and wanted to; and turn it against mother.

This happened in the case of Klaus Schwab. His Dad was a NAZI and took Klaus, Klaus' mother sent into exile and never mentioned (she was Jewish , so NAZI had to hide her)


>>20449206 lb


>>20448929 pb


how did Laura "give herself away"?


She was obviously pushing the line of the "woman don't like revenge" BS


Women might be more conflict averse; plot secretly, appear innocent, and are afraid of Trump's image, as presented by the Mass Media.

Used to be woman liked to appear innocent; Now they are supposed to look badASS?


"Who you are" is by large extent; created.

So the communist attempt to create a generations where there is no gender.

alleged equality, but no specializtion.

It's a commie totalitarian "One World Order" goal

A. W. Watts explains how the image of self is often largely self-created rather then intrinsic?

(in the 60's naturally)

lecture linked

Self-identity is somewhat fungible;

woman who had bad experiences with their fathers, would be most affected by the straw man projected by the Trump-haters.

Past trauma could be triggered?