Anonymous ID: be6dba Q Research Scotland #11: Fantasy Ferry Boats Edition Aug. 4, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.21350861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Welcome to Q Research Scotland


If you are Scottish, no doubt by now you will have noticed that neither the Scottish nor UK Parliament represent you THE PEOPLE.


New "rules" are being made up daily to undermine our Legal System, effectively turning us into Government Property. We no longer are in control of our government, they no longer even pretend to act on our behalf once elected. Pretty soon they will no longer need to play along with their fake elections designed to brainwash you into believing they work for you.


The intention of this board is to provide free space for the people of this Nation to circumvent the traitorous Media, Government and Business interests arrayed against us the people, to allow us to post a collection of open-sourced and verifiable information, supplied BY and FOR the People to demonstrate their corruption and lies and take back OUR power.




Let's take back our power collectively, no matter your racial, employment (yes, the police and military too) or religious background, we are all in this together, and will be subjected to the same tyranny if we allow the perverts and criminals in power to proceed with their plans.




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Anonymous ID: be6dba Aug. 4, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.21350864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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When attacks are bad, know your bunker

Anonymous ID: be6dba Aug. 4, 2024, 2:51 p.m. No.21350868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1660 >>6594 >>4298 >>5222 >>8209 >>9581 >>3341 >>3453 >>5563 >>5658 >>0180 >>0338 >>0418 >>0771 >>5013 >>5108 >>0121 >>0139 >>2330 >>2425 >>3291 >>3247 >>3266 >>3275 >>3338 >>5697 >>6005 >>7334 >>8793 >>8885 >>9198 >>3381

Notables are NOT Endorsements



>>20861678 Anas Sarwar defends general election candidate selections from outside Scotland

>>20862045 Newly released files suggest Scots Nazi fugitive was linked to UK intelligence services

>>20893861 American troops land in Scotland to help train Highlands-based battalion on new technology

>>20896216 Scottish schools deploy pupils to quiz kids as young as four on their sexuality

>>20896246 Scots nurseries adopt guidelines claiming kids can 'come out' as transgender at any age

>>20905033 Updated Humza Yousaf Bun

>>20905036 Updated Livermore Emails Bun

>>20905041 Initial SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

>>20933177 Glasgow slavery exhibition is 'partisan distortion' of history that exaggerates city's role, says Oxford academic

>>20935349 Paedo Scotland lifeboat volunteer hosts kid’s party in ‘serious safeguarding breach’

>>20967437 Statement on the future retirement of the Lord President

>>20998375, >>20998377 Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill [HL] (video)

>>20998441 Highlights from the Scottish Leader’s Debate 3rd June 2024 (video)

>>20998447, >>20998769, >>20998778, >>21002593 Douglas Ross quits as Scottish Tory leader after double jobbing Westminster row (video)

>>21036661 Neil Oliver: Many of the Powerful Are Really Enemies of Democracy (video)

>>21038116, >>21038128 LEADER CLASH Scottish party leaders accuse each other of lying to voters in fiery election TV debate

>>21056443 Updated Operation Branchform Bun

>>21056447 Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

>>21056462 Initial Michael Matheson Bun

>>21056464 Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One

>>21078819, >>21079920, >>2080015 Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control (video)

>>21078843 (General Research #25840) Scotland's oldest Royal Burgh begins plans to celebrate 900th anniversary

>>21154058 Tony Blair's Scottish secretary made minister again by Keir Starmer

>>21186585 Departing Nats to share a £1m 'golden goodbye' windfall thanks to new winding-up rules

>>21192753, >>21194125 Donald Trump 'shot' at U.S rally with former president rushed off stage by secret service agents (video)

>>21205878 Britains Real Monarch with Tony Robinson (video)

>>21219546 European Communities Act 1972 (repealed)

>>21227630, >>21227645 King's Speech (video)

>>21231256 Updated Operation Branchform Bun

>>21231279 Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun Part One

>>21231294 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two

>>21231299 John Swinney Bun Part One

>>21309966 Islamic hate preacher's audacious bid to turn Scottish island into 'Sharia' state raises £3m

>>21310063 Harry and Meghan cling on to ancient Scottish title despite ditching royal life

>>21350797 Historic Abuse Bun

>>21350800 Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun

>>21350803 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

>>21350805 Fergusen Ferry Scandal Bun

>>21350806 Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>21350808 Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun Part Two

>>21350812 Huw Edwards Bun

>>21350814 Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>21350822 Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three

>>21350823 Final John Swinney Bun Part Two

>>21350826 Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

Anonymous ID: be6dba Sept. 8, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.21553430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police Scotland confirms it allows rapists to self-identify as women

Simon Johnson September 8, 2024


Police Scotland allows rapists to self-identify as women, the force has told a Holyrood inquiry.


A Scottish Parliament committee asked the force for clarification of how it records the sex of people who are charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape.


Police Scotland replied that the sex or gender identification of anyone who comes “into contact” with the force would be based “on how they present or how they self-declare”.


No evidence or documentary proof of biological sex would normally be required “other than a person’s self-declaration”, the force said.


Police Scotland said the only exceptions would be if their biological sex was “pertinent to any investigation with which they are linked as a victim, witness or accused”, or there needed to be “further inquiry based on risk.”


The force said allowing people to self-identify their gender was “consistent with the values of the organisation” and “the values of respect, integrity, fairness and human rights whilst promoting a strong sense of belonging”.


But feminist organisations told the Herald on Sunday that the response was “offensive” and represented “a gross insult to all women.


The row follows the high-profile case of Isla Bryson, who was convicted of raping two women while living as a man, Adam Graham.


The predator was initially sent to a women’s prison, prompting a public uproar that saw the rapist move to the male prison estate.


Although Bryson had not legally changed gender, Scottish Prison Service (SPS) guidance at the time stated that trans criminals should be sent to a jail that matched the self-identified gender that they were living in before their conviction.


The Scottish Parliament’s citizen participation and public petitions committee received a petition three years ago from policy analysis group Murray Blackburn Mackenzie (MBM) calling for action on how people’s sex is recorded in the justice system.


It said that Holyrood should urge the SNP government “to require Police Scotland, the Crown Office and the Scottish Court Service to accurately record the sex of people charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape”.


As rape is defined in law as involving penetration by a penis without consent, the group warned that allowing men to identify as women would skew official crime figures.


It argued that recording sex accurately in these cases “matters for data accuracy and trust in official statistics, public policy, media reporting, research, and for trust in public bodies”.


MSPs have since taken evidence on the issue from Police Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and the Lord Advocate.


In January this year, the committee wrote to the force to “seek a clear explanation of how its policy on recording the sex of perpetrators of crimes aligns to the organisation’s values”. Police Scotland’s reply was sent in March but was only seen by the petitioners last week.

‘Simply inexplicable’


Lisa McKenzie, of MBM, told the Herald on Sunday: “Current policy means that men accused or charged with rape or any other sexual offences can be recorded as women.


“For Police Scotland to claim that this policy fosters a ‘strong sense of belonging’ is deeply offensive. It suggests an organisation that does not take the interests of women seriously.


“That Police Scotland hope to record people as neither male nor female is simply inexplicable for an organisation that deals with sex-based offending and victimisation on a daily basis.”


A spokeswoman for For Women Scotland, a feminist group that opposes self-ID, said: “This is a gross insult to all women who are being told, without irony, that some of the most violent men in society want to ‘belong’ to the sex class they target and that we have to accommodate them at any cost and affirm their delusions.”


A Police Scotland spokesman said: “The sex/gender identification of individuals who come into contact with the police will be based on how they present or how they self-declare, which is consistent with the values of the organisation.


“Police Scotland requires no evidence or certification as proof of biological sex or gender identity other than a person’s self-declaration unless it is pertinent to any investigation with which they are linked as a victim, witness or accused and it is evidentially critical that we legally require this proof, or there is reason for further enquiry based on risk. We would look for the most sensitive way to acquire this information.”

Anonymous ID: be6dba Sept. 16, 2024, 9:28 a.m. No.21602287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #63 >>21602010

THE BIRDS: Hitchcock Movie Comes to Life as Seagulls’ Attacks of People and Pets Spiral Out of Control in Scotland

by Paul Serran Sep. 15, 2024


Dwindling fish populations are driving seagulls inland in search for food, and have caused a surging problem, and the birds are menacing both the coastal communities and major cities.


The attacks have sparked hundreds of complaints to councils all over Scotland.


As they travel to new inland areas, nearly 700 complaints have already been lodged this year, vastly surpassing last year’s total of around 600.


Daily Mail reported:

“[The complaints] include horrifying accounts of children left bloodied by the birds swooping on people and household pets and, while coastal communities are severely affected, complaints also include scores of revolting tales of the gulls feasting on rats in Scotland’s biggest city.


The birds, which are coming further inland to feed than ever before due to reducing fish numbers, are protected under law in Scotland, although special applications can be made to remove them if they pose a serious risk.”


For those of us who are film aficionados, this is a well known plot: it’s ‘The Birds’, a 1963 horror-thriller film produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


Starring Rod Taylor and Tippi Hedren, the movie focuses on a series of sudden and unexplained violent bird attacks on the people of Bodega Bay, California, over the course of a few days.


But in real life, the heavily populated Glasgow area is now dealing with attacks that have no end in sight.


There have also been dozens of complaints made so far this year in Aberdeenshire, Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, and Fife.


“Meanwhile, in parts of the Scottish Borders, the situation is now so bad that one councilor has cited injuries to children which have been highlighted to him and has demanded greater action is taken to deal with the threat.


James Silvey, species and habitats officer at RSPB Scotland, said: ‘The presence of gulls in urban areas reflects that traditional habitats and food sources are in decline, making it harder for them to survive and raise young in their natural habitats. Urgent action is needed to help gulls and other globally important seabird colonies in Scotland recover’.”




Urgent Action, in other words another government boondoggle