Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.21369446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #61 >>21356370

13,000 Aliens Enter New York illegally from Canada


Thirteen thousand unvetted aliens have entered the US illegally through Canada. They wound up in New York City. Canada is a faster way to get to the number one sanctuary city of new York.


They can fly to Canada without a visa, and the trek to New York is very doable. There is little protection on the northern border, not that there is any on the southern border.


Coming through Canada is becoming more popular. That was inevitable. Canada recently loosened its visa rules, allowing this to happen. Cartels and smugglers are exploiting the opportunity, recruiting from countries like India.


Video (16:32)

Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.21369531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9670 >>9883 >>9971

Now they think of it


Senators Introduce Bill to Counter Chinese Maritime Threat

Reuters August 7, 2024


Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Rick Scott (R-FL) have introduced the bipartisan Strategic Port Reporting Act, aimed at countering the growing maritime threat posed by China. The legislation mandates the U.S. Department of Defense to devise a strategy to address the increasing influence of Chinese companies in key global ports, which poses risks to U.S. national security, trade routes, and global supply chains.


China has been expanding its maritime network globally, with Chinese firms acquiring stakes in significant ports in the U.S. and other countries. This expansion is seen as a threat to U.S. economic and national security interests.


“America has always been a seafaring nation, relying on trade to fuel our economy,” said Senator Kelly. “This bill is critical to securing our ports overseas from Chinese influence that threatens our economy and our national security.”


“Florida is home to many of our nation’s key ports. Our nation can’t allow Communist China to invest in geographically and economically strategic ports. We must prevent, at all costs, the chance for our adversaries to use our resources against us,” added Senator Rubio.


Senator Scott underscored the importance of protecting U.S. ports and infrastructure: “As our nation faces threats from adversaries around the world and Communist China continues its quest for global dominance, we must eliminate any ownership, influence, or access the Communist Chinese regime may have over our allies’ infrastructure and data that can be used against us.”


Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA-1) echoed these sentiments, highlighting the need for a strategic response to China’s global maritime activities. “As China continues its military aggression in the Indo-Pacific and expands its economic influence across the globe, it is more important than ever that the United States has a plan to counter China’s investments in strategic foreign ports.”


In May, Senators Kelly and Rubio, along with Representatives Mike Waltz (R-FL-6) and John Garamendi (D-CA-8), released a bipartisan report titled “Congressional Guidance for a National Maritime Strategy,” outlining steps to revitalize the U.S. maritime sector to better compete with China.


Earlier this year, Kelly and Waltz also led a bipartisan effort urging President Biden to enhance U.S. maritime power by establishing an interagency maritime policy director, designating maritime infrastructure as critical, invoking the Defense Production Act for shipbuilding, and developing a strategy to reduce dependency on Chinese maritime infrastructure.


Port of Chancay Creates New Competition in Latin America

Published Jul 1, 2024 7:31 PM by Mauro Nogarin

According to Peru's Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), the construction of the new Port of Chancay is 80 percent complete and will be inaugurated in November, likely in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The launch of the Port of Chancay will strengthen Peru's maritime infrastructure on the Pacific coast, allowing transshipment of cargo to Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama.


The main advantage of this new infrastructure will be the reduction of time and costs of the current maritime trade on the Pacific Coast, where, for the first time, Ultra Large Container ships with a capacity of 18,000 TEU will be able to dock. The transfer time of containers between Peru and China will be reduced from 35 to 23 days, which means a reduction in transportation costs of 30 percent. This cost reduction will be used by other countries such as Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia to import and export their products. The Port of Chancay will allow companies to send cargo in these ships directly to China, instead of using smaller ships, which today must first go to Mexico or California, as is currently the case. The Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL) projects that in the first phase, the Port of Chancay will handle between 30 and 40 percent of the national cargo destined for China and Southeast Asia.


Alongside the seaport, Peru’s Ministry of Economy and Finance has long been working on the creation of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with the aim of attracting large manufacturers. The goods from this zone will be distributed from Chancay to other Latin American countries. With the port of Chancay, Peru will have a strong impact at regional level, starting with Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and even Brazil, if it manages to integrate with the industrial zone in the inland city of Manaus.


The economic impact will be greatest for Chile, because Peru will be able to receive Post Panamaxes and Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCVs), which do not have practical operational possibilities in other ports in the region. Chilean ports are too small for these larger, more efficient vessels, and as a consequence will become less competitive in trade with Asian markets.


As the inauguration date approaches, questions have arisen as to whether the construction of the Port of Chancay, where 60% of the shares belong to Cosco Shipping, is a project that brings only benefits to Latin America. Last week, the Peruvian ambassador Alfredo Ferrero presented American investors with an option to build the mega-port of Corio, a proposed site located in the coastal region of Arequipa, which requires an investment of $7 billion. The intention in soliciting American investment is to balance Chinese interests in the region – though the United States could also invest in a mega-port in Chile rather than in Peru.

Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.21369791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9817


To debate, the shills would have to have their own thoughts

They have their scripts, and if there's no script available, they give the idiot insult response because earliest tactic is provoke an emotional response. Only thing they've ever tried that's worked is start arguments with anons, or among themselves, to waste bread and bury goodies

Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 4:39 p.m. No.21369889   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do so enjoy bringing General Research goodies over to the International breads.

General may be gone to the memory-hole of Previously Collected in hours, but the International breads stick around far longer

Shill bosses hate that, goodies just won't go away

Canada #62 just started. #61 started on July 15th.

Scroll down the Catalog and behold, Canada #60 has not been shoved off yet. Gotta love that "hang-time"

Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 4:48 p.m. No.21369944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9971

India’s Crude Oil Imports from Russia Surge 1000%

Mike Schuler August 7, 2024


India now sources 40% of its crude oil imports from Russia, with year-to-date volumes averaging 1.6 million barrels per day (mbpd), according to BIMCO. This marks a staggering 1000% increase compared to 2021, prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Indian buyers began ramping up their Russian oil imports in 2022 following sanctions by the EU and the US, which previously purchased about 65% of Russia’s seaborne crude oil exports, according to BIMCO. However, sanctions have forced Russia to turn to new buyers, with India emerging as a key market for its discounted Urals crude oil. These cargoes are supposed to adhere to the G7 coalition’s price cap of $60 per barrel or less.


As a result, Russian crude oil’s share in India’s seaborne imports have increased, making India the largest buyer in mid-2023, consistently accounting for 35-40% of Russia’s seaborne crude oil exports, according to BIMCO. At the same time, India’s seaborne crude oil imports from Persian Gulf countries have decreased from nearly 70% to 45% as the region redirects its exports to North Europe and the Mediterranean.


BIMCO notes that the increase in Russian oil imports to India has led to a 10% rise in the average sailing distance for crude oil tankers and an 8% increase in total tonne miles, despite a 2% drop in volumes. The average sailing distance has increased by 25% compared to 2021.


India’s shift in crude oil buying patterns has led to increased use of Aframax and Suezmax tankers, now accounting for 55% of imports, while the use of VLCCs has decreased. The change has also resulted in an older age profile of ships discharging in India, with the average age increasing by four years and the share of ships older than 20 years rising from 2% to 13%.


BIMCO points out that Russia-India trade will likely continue at current levels under existing sanctions, but the International Energy Agency predicts that India’s rising oil demand may outpace Russia’s production, leading India to seek alternative suppliers.

Anonymous ID: 7ae836 Aug. 7, 2024, 4:57 p.m. No.21370011   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm quite disappointed Nancy's West Coast Machine didn't do more to get her little Gavin in the race and just let them elevate Cameltoe without any voting

Perhaps not being Speaker has taken a big toll on her influence?

Hillary's being mighty quiet, maybe she really wants Chelsea in as Ambassador to UK?

Maybe Chelsea will move into the same office building in London where Hunter had his office?