Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:16 a.m. No.22730726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0735 >>0740 >>0784




>Again, there is NO SUCH THING as TRANs.






>Only Male/Female, BIOLOGICAL is presumed.


>It's a language mindfuck.


>Make insane asylums great again.







UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

The lawsuit alleges Kaya Clementine Breen, 20, wasmisdiagnosed with gender dysphoria and rushed into “irreversibly damaging” transition-related treatment and surgery.

Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is among the defendants in a lawsuit filed this month by a UCLA student who said she was rushed into a gender transition.Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images file


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Dec. 12, 2024, 3:20 PM EST / Updated Dec. 19, 2024, 11:45 AM EST

By Kaitlyn Schwanemann


A UCLA student is suing multiple California health care providers and hospitals for medical negligence, alleging she was wrongly diagnosed with gender dysphoria and then “fast-tracked onto the conveyor belt of irreversibly damaging” puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery, according to her lawsuit.


Kaya Clementine Breen, 20, said she experienced sexual abuse as a young child, and by the time she was 11, she “began struggling with the thought of developing into a woman and began to believe that life would be easier if she were a boy,” according to her suit filed last week in Los Angeles County Superior Court. When she expressed this to her then-school counselor, the counselor told her “that she was transgender and called her parents to tell them the same.”

Kaya Clementine Breen.

Kaya Clementine Breen.Kaya Clementine Breen


Breen, who was also suffering from anxiety, depression and undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the lawsuit, was then taken by her parents to the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where she said she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria — the distress one can experience when their gender identity and birth sex are in conflict — and began to receive transition-related care at 12 years old


“This case is about a team of purported health care providers who collectively decided that a vulnerable girl struggling with complex mental health struggles and suffering from multiple instances of sexual abuse should be prescribed a series of life-altering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, ultimately, receive a double mastectomy at the age of 14,” Breen’s lawsuit states.


Breen began receiving puberty-suppressing medication at 12, was prescribed cross-sex hormones from 13 to 19 and underwent a double mastectomy at 14, according to court documents, which stated that her “her mental health progressively declined” following these treatments.


In an interview with NBC News on Thursday, Breen said, “In retrospect, I wish that somebody had suggested real, genuine therapy first, instead of gender-specific therapy, because really the only therapy that I received until much later was specifically focused on gender dysphoria, and didn’t connect my gender dysphoria to anything else.”


Breen said she began to question her decision to transition after she started dialectical behavior therapy, a type of talk therapy that seeks to help those struggling with intense emotions, earlier this year.


“I sort of started questioning my own gender identity and if I was doing this for the right reasons,” she said.


The defendants in Breen’s lawsuit include Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy,an adolescent medicine physician specializing in gender-affirming care; Children’s Hospital Los Angeles;Dr. Scott Mosser, a plastic surgeon specializing in gender-affirming surgery; the Gender Confirmation Center of San Francisco; UCSF Health Community Hospitals; and psychotherapist Susan P. Landon.


When asked to comment on the lawsuit, a spokesperson said theCenter for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where Olson-Kennedy works,has “provided high quality, age-appropriate, medically necessary care for more than 30 years.”


“Treatment is patient- and family-centered, following guidelines from professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and Endocrine Society. We do not comment on pending litigation; and out of respect for patient privacy and in compliance with state and federal laws, we do not comment on specific patients and/or their treatment,” the spokesperson said in an email, adding that“Dr. Olson-Kennedy is unavailable for comment.”

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:17 a.m. No.22730735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0740 >>0784


>misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria and rushed into “irreversibly damaging” transition-related treatment and surgery.

In response to a request for comment, a spokesperson for the Gender Confirmation Center in San Francisco, where Mosser works, said there’s “no such thing as a rubber stamp patient interaction” at their health facility.


“As healthcare providers, and in compliance with HIPAA considerations, we are unable to comment on specific protected health information or pending litigation,” the spokesperson added in their email, which also included a link to a statement from Mosser.


Mosser’s statement, which appears to have been posted to the Gender Confirmation Center’s website last week, applauded the center as being “at the forefront of gender-affirming surgery, with the wellbeing of our patients as our highest priority.”


“Our robust processes and protocols are designed to ensure that patients navigating our services fully understand the implications of the gender-affirming procedures they may choose to undergo as part of their transition,” Mosser stated. “We regularly hear from former patients sharing updates about the overwhelmingly positive impact these surgeries have had on their lives — messages that continue to arrive many years after their procedures.”


UCSF Health Community Hospitals, which is named in the lawsuit, told NBC News that Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, where Breen was a patient in 2019, was not acquired by UCSF until August of this year. It had no further comment.


Landon did not respond to a request for comment.


Breen said she doesn’t believe the individual health providers named in her lawsuit “intentionally acted in poor faith,” but she alleged they were dismissive of her pre-existing mental health issues.


When asked what she hopes to get from this lawsuit, Breen said she wants “some semblance of justice or change.” While she is seeking “financial reimbursement for the amount that this has cost me and my family,” she said, she most of all wants to “help dismantle the rumor that no one is ever fast-tracked into gender treatments.”


A long list of major U.S. medical associations — including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association — support transgender minors having access to transition-related care, like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and have denounced state laws restricting such care.


“There is strong consensus among the most prominent medical organizations worldwide that evidence-based, gender-affirming care for transgender children and adolescents is medically necessary and appropriate. It can even be lifesaving,” Dr. Moira Szilagyi wrote on the American Academy of Pediatrics website in August 2022, when she was the organization’s president. “The decision of whether and when to start gender-affirming treatment, which does not necessarily lead to hormone therapy or surgery, is personal and involves careful consideration by each patient and their family.”


Gender-affirming care for minors can look different depending on the child’s age and circumstances. For young children, care may involve a new name or pronoun as opposed to physical changes. At the onset of puberty, children may begin puberty blockers to inhibit them from developing secondary sex characteristics like breasts or facial hair. Hormone therapy may come next, which would allow the teenager to physically develop into the gender matching their identity. Surgical gender-affirming care is rarely performed on minors, and these procedures are illegal in dozens of states, though California is not among them.


Over the past few years, there have been several lawsuits filed in the U.S. and the U.K. by “detransitioners,” or those who transitioned genders and then transitioned back to their birth sex. A 21-year-old New York woman who had detransitioned sued Planned Parenthood and several individual health care providers in April claiming medical malpractice and a lack of informed consent, alleging the defendants rushed her into undergoing gender-affirming care when she was 18.


Research suggests that regretting treatment for gender dysphoria is “extremely rare,” according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH. A survey conducted in 2015 by the National Center for Transgender Equality found that 8% of respondents detransitioned at some point in their life, with 62% of that group only detransitioning temporarily.

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:18 a.m. No.22730740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0784



Transition-related care for minors has been a divisive political issue, with Republicans in 26 states passing measures to ban or restrict gender-affirming care for minors in recent years, according to the Movement Advancement Project, an LGBTQ think tank. The Supreme Court is currently weighing a case challenging Tennessee’s ban on such care.


The politics surrounding gender-affirming care for minors were also reportedly behind a decision by Olson-Kennedy, one of the defendants in Breen’s lawsuit, to delay publication of a study she conducted on the effects of puberty blockers.Olson-Kennedy told The New York Times in an article published in October thatshe didn’t publish the results, which found the medication did not improve the mental health of minors with gender dysphoria, because she feared the findings might fuel the types of political attacks that led to state bans on gender-affirming care.


CORRECTION (Dec. 19, 2024, 11:45 a.m. ET): An earlier version of this article misstated at what age the plaintiff in a Planned Parenthood lawsuit was when she started gender-affirming care. She was 18, not a mino

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:26 a.m. No.22730784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0793 >>0795






trust muh science


Johanna Olson-Kennedy and the US Gender Affirmative Approach


Transgender Trend-

April 17, 2019-

Health Professionals and Organisations-

1 Comment



“We gender really early”

We have heard recent revelations in the press of ex-Tavistock clinicians’ concerns about the treatment of children with gender dysphoria and the pressure exerted on them by transgender lobby groups such as Mermaids and GIRES.

To understand what kind of pressure the Tavistock is under we need to know what it is that these groups believe in and promote. What they want, quite openly, is for the UK to adopt the same system of care as in the United States. Over the past two weeks we have had the chance to see exactly what that looks like through the visit of one ofthe most influential people in the area of gender care in the US, Dr Johanna Olson-Kennedy of the Centre for Transgender Health and Development Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles.

Olson-Kennedy is currently in receipt of a $5.7million NIH grant to study the effects of early medical interventions for adolescents with gender dysphoria. Mid-way through the study, the minimum age for cross-sex hormone treatment was decreased from 13 to 8. (This means that an 8 year-old girl with precocious puberty may be given testosterone.) The lack of a control group and a short-term follow-up virtually ensures that Olson-Kennedy will get the results she is after and testosterone use will be declared ‘best practice’ for girls in early puberty. Olson-Kennedy is an enthusiastic advocate for testosterone for 12 and 13 year-old girls (see below).

The University of Bristol Law School has invited Olson-Kennedy to the UK as a Benjamin Meaker visiting professor. The main purpose of the Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship is “to bring distinguished researchers from abroad” according to their website. In late March and early April Olson-Kennedy was a keynote speaker at the Re-Thinking Trans Healthcare conference, organised by Peter Dunne and Mermaids, and gave a public lecture, both events at the University of Bristol. She also took part in a live Facebook event with Dr Helen Webberley and was a speaker at the recent European Professional Association forTransgender Health (EPATH) conference in Rome.


Johanna Olson-Kennedy speaks


The Centre for Transgender Health in Los Angeles had its beginnings in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine HIV clinic, when according to Olson-Kennedy, transwomen (a high-risk group) began to say “can you do my hormones too?” Following an expansion of services in 2000, Olson-Kennedy joined the team in 2006. In 2012 the gender clinic became a recognised centre separate from the HIV clinic. As Olson-Kennedy says:


“If you build it they will come”


Younger and younger children began to come. The team of Health Educators, all trans adults, go out into the community, to schools and places of worship “where the youth are.” Five new young people attend the clinic every week, and there is a similar trajectory as with the Tavistock in London, in terms of the male/female ratio: a huge rise in teenage girls and a rise in non-binary identities. Services include provision of blockers and hormones, mental health and psychiatric care, financial advice and support to change documents and various support groups for young people and family members, including a play-group for “little kids who are gender diverse.” 1,400 3 – 25 year-olds are currently using the service.

Listening to Olson-Kennedy speak about her practice gives us a clear picture of what NHS gender identity services would look like if based on the beliefs and demands of support groups such as Mermaids, GIRES and Gendered Intelligence. Olson-Kennedy is perhaps the most influential ‘gender doctor’ out of many who are already putting into practice a gender-affirmative and informed consent model across the United States. The dominant themes that emerge about her work originate from her seemingly evangelical belief in the presence of an ‘innate gender’ inside of all of us; a gender stereotyped soul (see image above: guns or glitter? Wheels or heels?) which demands expression not just through clothes and pronouns but physically through the body with blockers and hormones.

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:27 a.m. No.22730793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0795


> “If you build it they will come”



At the Bristol conference Olson-Kennedy described her clinic as providing “young person-centred care” but it is clearly not: it would be more accurate to say that what the clinic offers is “gender-centred care.” Listening to Olson-Kennedy’s impassioned speeches, it is obvious that a mystical notion of gender is elevated so high and looms so large it obliterates everything else until the clinician cannot see beyond it to the real, individual child in front of them. In a child’s behaviour and words, the gender-centred clinician can only see validation of their own dearly-held faith; everything a child does and says is interpreted through its lens. Gender is everywhere, within us and without, although those within the faith must try to exist in a “cisgender-normative world” of non-believers.

Olson-Kennedy talks of children having their “trans epiphany,” an apt term and a revealing one for someone who appears to hold a quasi-religious veneration of “gender.” It is into this gender temple that little children come, ready to put together their “gender puzzle” from the age of three. This is achieved through conversation, by finding out what children need and “doing everything we can to meet those needs.” To enable the child to disclose information the child is asked in the presence of the family, “tell me about your gender noise,” a clarification of the lens through which the child is expected to view themselves and form their understanding.

This may be contrasted with the example offered by consultant clinical psychologist at the Tavistock, Bernadette Wren, of a question she might ask: “How curious are you about yourself?” This is a neutral question with no adult agenda behind it, no underlying expectation of how the child might frame their understanding of themselves. Because children strive to give adults the “correct” answer to their questions – to please the adult by giving them what they want – it is crucial to rid ourselves of our own inherent biases and pre-conceived ideas and beliefs when we question and listen to children. Through Olson-Kennedy’s leading question, the child immediately perceives that their answer must have to do with “gender,” the adult has decided that for them and in the child’s eyes the adult knows best. Any therapist – and most parents – would be able to see here that the child is being actively influenced into the adult’s pre-determined agenda.

Olson-Kennedy seems to think experimentation with a child’s mind is fine. She is quite open in her view that a neutral approach of ‘watchful waiting’ amounts to neglect.


Parents use the watchful waiting model in the context of their own home – that model should be renamed “do nothing and wait” right, as opposed to, like, okay, let’s figure out how to support these people across all these stages…let’s do some stuff and see how that looks!”


A child is not a test subject for our pet theories. As adults we may bend reality into any theoretical shape we please but children’s lives and bodies are not there to participate as subjects in our academic theorising. Any work with children starts with the child, from a basis of understanding of child psychology, child development and the child’s level of understanding which is shaped by the significant adults in the child’s life. A child is not an abstract component in a theoretical equation for adults to play around with.

It is interesting to note that Polly Carmichael, Director of the Tavistock GIDS, also expressed a need to move away from the idea of ‘watchful waiting’ – but for the opposite reason:


“In the past we used to talk about watchful waiting and I think watchful waiting is now less something we do because there are significant difficulties with some of these young people.”


If ‘watchful waiting’ has begun to be seen as a form of negligence, for Olson-Kennedy it is because the child needs to be ‘supported’ with overt influence towards a self-perception as transgender, whereas at the UK clinic even the more cautious and neutral approach has led to concerns that some young people are being pushed towards medical intervention without enough therapeutic support to explore underlying issues.

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 9:28 a.m. No.22730795   🗄️.is 🔗kun




During the panel debate at Bristol Polly Carmichael stated: “There is a lack of an evidence base. We’re a little bit more cautious. Rightly or wrongly, that’s where we are.” But there was a clear consensus between Olson-Kennedy and two other panel members, Susie Green of Mermaids and Jay Stewart of Gendered Intelligence, that ‘watchful waiting,’ ‘caution’ and an assessment-based approach all translate as “doing nothing.”

Susie Green stated that children don’t feel heard and that “the assessment model doesn’t work for them, they have the right to autonomy over what happens to their body” and Jay Stewart concurred: “Who gets to say who we are? We get to say who we are.”

Things have clearly moved so far ahead in the US that Olson-Kennedy interpreted the term ‘cautious approach’ to mean the physical intervention of puberty blockers. Because blockers create a medically-induced menopause for adolescent girls, leading to hot flashes, memory problems, insomnia and “all the lovely things about menopause which turns out to suck when you’re in your forties but it’s really bad when you’re 15” Olson-Kennedy’s solution is to use blockers plus testosterone.

“I don’t know that that’s cautious, to put a 14 year-old into menopause” she says, “maybe that feels more cautious,” and “it looks like caution because we’re not giving them testosterone.” Olson-Kennedy gives testosterone to 13 and 14 year-old girls “frequently” and to 12 year-olds “sometimes.” She has absolutely no concern if a girl later regrets the permanent change of voice and male-pattern body and facial hair, along with potentially compromised fertility and sexual function.

Anonymous ID: 7be3de March 9, 2025, 10:16 a.m. No.22730991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1015


>>22730140, >>22730158 Ukraine (aka NATO) Hits Leningrad Region, KINEF Oil Refinery, in Russia with Drone Attack




Finland officially became a NATO member on April 4, 2023, marking a significant shift from its long-standing policy of military neutrality, largely prompted by security concerns following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This membership enhances NATO's collective defense capabilities and strengthens security in the Nordic region.