Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.3711000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1019 >>1133 >>1189 >>1256 >>1387 >>1611 >>1709

DIG ON MS-13 and ISIS in Central America 1-3-18


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.386

Nov 2 2018 19:37:38 (EST)

+MS13/ISIS reinforcements for 'wet work'.

Re_read drops re: MS13

See the 'gun' tucked in the pants of the 'money man'?






>>3707353 pb (lists all q posts on ms-13)



Ex-gang member’s assessment of MS-13 11-3-18



Judicial Watch Report s on MS-13 10-26-18, 10-19-28



Sara Carter article: ‘Some tattooed MS-13’: Sara Carter reports caravan of ‘majority’ men, second-wave highly organized 10-25-18

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.3711133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1189 >>1387 >>1709



PO here, summary of info below. Basically, it's clear that MS-13 is well-represented in the caravans, that the caravans are well-organized but MS-13 is not credited with being the organizers.


I seem to recall that there is more info (pretty obscure) out there about possible organizers (tied to Soros) but I don't have the details. ANYONE HAS MORE INFO?


Whatever Q is having us look for, I think it must be more than what is easily found. Even this material is not easily found; you have to know to search on JW or Sara Carter or else you just get MSM propaganda.


But it's a start.




Ex-gang member's acct:


"'People who deny there are criminals in the caravan are naive - MS-13 are everywhere.' Ex-member of vicious gang says Trump is RIGHT and he knows nearly a dozen gangsters hiding among the migrants on way to US border"


"The migrant caravan formed in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on October 12"


'I don't agree with anything Donald Trump stands for but on this occasion the President is right,' he warned.


Said that MS-13 bosses treat deserters as enemies and will have operatives mingling with the crowds to try to spot them.




Oct 19 JW Report:


Guatemala is a "paradise" for trafficking because it's so easy to get fake passports there. Also makes it easy for ISIS to get fake papers.


Under Obama, a secret program relocated immigrants around the US (last paragraph)



JW Report Oct 25:

Caravan is "elaborately planned" and thus a "serious threat to the sovereinty of the U.S."

There are MS-13 members and coyotes (traffickers). Also Bangladesh nationals; it's a recruiting ground for ISIS, Al-Qaeda.


2nd caravan: many men 17-40, rowdy/angry. Guatemalan officials are trying to send back Hondurus natives on buses; 2000 sent back so far. V. expensive.Pres. Morales said they are doing everything possible & ask for US cooperation.


Difficult because caravan is SO WELL ORGANIZED, STRATEGIC. [Notably missing is ANY discussion of who is organizing it!]


JW characterized their speeches as "well-rehearsed."


Honduran Pres. Hernandez, a conservative, says it's "leftist interest" that seek to destabilitze the country that are manipulation -migrants. [But he too has no real info–sounds like he's covering up, WAY TOO VAGUE.]




Sara Carter article:


[There is more than I included in the graphic, see link]


"According to Guatemalan intelligence this was an organized effort coming out of Honduras."


[she got the same line about "leftist interests" as JW from Honduran president, who said Venezuala was funding it–TRUE? I'm guessing not.]

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.3711196   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I understand–this is not that new, but what IS new is Q's request to delve into MS-13, and there is nothing in response to that post since the request was made.


My purpose here is to summarize everything we know to this point in one place, to provide a starting point for a dig. Or alternatively to remind us of what the facts are.


Usually, I can find out a lot more pretty quickly and report on fresh news.


But in this case if you don't know anything, all you'll find–as I mention in my response to myself (which analyzes the material), is pages and pages of msm propaganda.


I think there's a big coverup with this material. All the stuff we hear from Guatemala and Hondurus sounds like complete BS.


Judicial Watch knows they're being snowed, but they haven't found more either, yet. Everybody gets the same BS story.


The most interesting thing is the stuff about how "organized" the second march is–and yet nobody knows who's organizing it???


Can't be true. Why didn't JW or Sara delve more deeply? I'm guessing it's dangerous. It's dangerous just to go there, too much danger to ask further questions.


And yet Q asks us to discover more. Reviewing everything we have is a jumping off place, along with the Q posts mentioning MS-13.


That is where I'll go next.

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.3711256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1265 >>1278 >>1279 >>1387 >>1709




Something just occurred to me.


The tweet Q sent us today from Lisa Mei Crowley.


“What do they (Dems) REALLY want? They want them to VOTE!”


JW said Obama has a secret program for distributing illegal immigrants around the country.


COULD HE HAVE STRATEGICALLY DISTRIBUTED THEM, in places there their votes would really count???


That would make sense, wouldn't it?


But how could he have guaranteed that they would vote?


Perhaps by using MS-13 to coerce people to vote?

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.3711402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1709




>>3711189 SUMMARY OF DIG


>>3708441 (pb)

Here is the link (also see Notables) to the maps of where immigrants were "distributed" and DEM cities.


JW says Obama administration secretly redistributed illegal immigrants to places away from the border.


It looks very likely that these places were chosen with great care, in order to have illegals' vote make a strategic difference. The organizers of this secret program would also have to pick places where they could control the personnel at the voting stations (and in all likelihood, have people vote more than once).


Having MS-13 in charge of the illegals (like the guy distributing the money in Central America to the families) would ensure they would show up to vote. Probably MS-13 would be using a stick and carrot approach, giving people money to live on–and tips for getting more from govt sources–but also threatening them if they got out of line.

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.3711476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1485 >>1493 >>1498 >>1546 >>1709



I've been tracking Assange every day and the latest is that Ecuador is "furious" with his attitude and demands his "respect."


So it looks like he might be ousted, but they probably just want him to go crazy so he'll get desperate enough to leave on his own.


But this isn't the first time it's looked gram, so it's hard to tell what will happen.


All that's for certain is that


a) the current admin of Ecuador REALLY wants him gone (they want to establish better relations with the US)


b) there is probably still pressure from the 10 Dems who signed a letter July 27 to have him extradited


Probably lots of stuff going on behind the scenes.


c) the Brits watch the embassy like hawks and yet won't say whether they would or would not extradite if he leaves (and Ecuador will not intercede)


Stalemate for now.

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.3711498   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I just sent something to myself that was meant for you on Assange stuff–hate it when I do that. And I just did it twice….it's getting late.


See >>3711476 (You) if you're interested.

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.3711544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1550 >>1551 >>1709



Just when you think you're done….



Here's some official stats on MS-13–where they are, numbers, etc.


Matching the places where MS-13 are strong with those two maps of immigrants distribution and sanctuary cities would tell us whether MS-13 are playing any kind of major role in getting out the illegal vote.


As soon as I said that, guess what I found: a map of MS-13 arrests:


Now they just need to be compared.



Next shift???

>▶Anonymous  11/03/18 (Sat) 01:01:38 705435 (26)  No.371138

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.3711582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1587 >>1595



I am having difficulty locating the first two maps. They're together but I'm not sure where. I'll keep looking but i need search terms, can't remember what they're called.


If either of you know, it would help. I'll keep looking and check back.

Anonymous ID: 69be51 Nov. 3, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.3711649   🗄️.is 🔗kun




There is a clear correlation between MS-13 distribution and undocumented immigrants. No surprise, but you don't know for sure there's a relationship until you have the data.


Looks like this data matches the cities controlled by democrats data, although it's a little harder to tell.


Can be further pinned down, but not by me! Next shift or after.


Good night and Godspeed.