Ambassador Hoagland discusses overflights with Le Kazakhstanis.
What's going on in [Kazakhstan]?
Re: #4750 [ >>3739524 >>3739533 ]
Re: #4751 [ >>3740310 >>3740447 ]
Re: #4752 [ >>3741131 ]
Re: #4753 [ >>3741863 ]
Re: #4754 [ >>3742600 ]
Re: #4755 [ >>3743402 ]
"On December 22, the Ambassador and Deputy Foreign Minister Kairat Umarov met to discuss outstanding U.S. requests to amend the 2001 overflight and 2009 Northern Distribution Network (NDN) agreements (refs A, B). Umarov told the Ambassador that 10 Kazakhstani government agencies are reviewing the U.S. request to add a north-south route to the 2001 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on overflights in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He said he hoped to provide an initial response by December 31. Umarov noted that "times have changed since 2001," and Kazakhstani concerns that terrorists will seek to disrupt supply routes to Afghanistan have increased. Umarov said some Kazakhstanis worry that the overflight and NDN will encourage terrorists to target Kazakhstan, which seeks U.S. military advice on fortifying its southern border. He told the Ambassador Kazakhstan's leaders owe it to their people to consider thoroughly these agreements. Umarov, an experienced and frank diplomat, suggested Kazakhstan might want to use the July U.S.-Russia agreement on overflights as a model for any new agreement."