*BRAND NEW REPLACEMENT FOR QCODEFAG: http:// www.thestoryofq.com/ *
Q has cleaned up the thread at /greatawakening/
There are currently no threads or posts on /greatawakening/. Relax. We have what we need. Build the map and TRUST THE PLAN. News will unlock further connections.
Q's Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo
Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ at
Latest update from QCodefaganon: 'Use qanonmap.github.io' >>420040, 'Need advise on bandwidth utilzation' >>438769
If it ever goes down, the backup is:
Recent map updates
>>426814 Qmap_2018-02-15_2018-02-18 FOR GOD & COUNTRY
>>426823 Qmap_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE
So What Happened?
A Timeline
Q appeared and posted a series of posts and comms on /greatawakening/
Q also posted once in the General: >>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…
It all started around General #521 >>423624
Anons then noticed that one post had disappeared from /greatawakening/ ('For I have plans for you')
Anons then noticed that the thread was 404ing
The thread had been deleted
Another thread was made on /greatawakening/ immediately after
This new thread was unlocked and anons started to post 8ch.net/greatawakening/res/110.html
The thread reached 337 posts and anons stopped being able to post
The thread then disappeared from the board
The board at /greatawakening/ was and remains threadless until now (Sunday 01.00hrs)
Q did not post on /qresearch/ after the thread happenings
Update from BO: The thread is still there but locked and hidden
Q has cleaned up the thread at /greatawakening/
There are currently no threads or posts on /greatawakening/. Relax. We have what we need. Build the map and TRUST THE PLAN. News will unlock further connections.
Q's Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo
Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ at
Latest update from QCodefaganon: 'Use qanonmap.github.io' >>420040, 'Need advise on bandwidth utilzation' >>438769
If it ever goes down, the backup is:
Recent map updates
>>426814 Qmap_2018-02-15_2018-02-18 FOR GOD & COUNTRY
>>426823 Qmap_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE
So What Happened?
A Timeline
Q appeared and posted a series of posts and comms on /greatawakening/
Q also posted once in the General: >>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…
It all started around General #521 >>423624
Anons then noticed that one post had disappeared from /greatawakening/ ('For I have plans for you')
Anons then noticed that the thread was 404ing
The thread had been deleted
Another thread was made on /greatawakening/ immediately after
This new thread was unlocked and anons started to post 8ch.net/greatawakening/res/110.html
The thread reached 337 posts and anons stopped being able to post
The thread then disappeared from the board
The board at /greatawakening/ was and remains threadless until now (Sunday 01.00hrs)
Q did not post on /qresearch/ after the thread happenings
Update from BO: The thread is still there but locked and hidden
Q's Latest Posts on /qresearch/
Sunday, 2.18.18
>>423894 , >>423957, >>423948, >>423953, >>436255 (You)
>>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…
Friday, 2.16.18
>>402538 Pyramid will collapse
>>402380 rt >>402088 BIG!
Thursday, 2.15.18
>>388958 rt >>388822 Sen Warren
>>388822 rt >>388588 Why is everything 'really' made in China?
>>388588 rt >>388528 Why is Big Pharma essential?
>>388363 rt >>388315 Science fiction?
>>388273 rt >>388211 What [3] scientists were killed?
>>388168 rt >>388119 Hive-mind
>>388119 rt >>388082 Specific reason
>>382435 rt >>382197 Strong Patriot
>>382225 rt >>382122 APACHE!!!
>>382161 Watch the water
>>381944 Missing the Connections
>>381743 rt >>381653 Hussein's got mail
>>381653 rt >>381597 ALWAYS watching
>>381597 rt >>381564 Point proven
Wednesday, 2.14.18
>>378936 They will pay
Tuesday, 2.13.18
>>360913 SEC_TEST
>>360885 Think image drop
>>360746 Hanoi is educational
>>360296 Operation Merlin
Older Q Posts
2.12.18 Mon >>392539 -2.11.18 Sun >>392480
2.10.18 Sat >>370870 -2.9.18 Fri >>348295 -> 2.8.18 Thu >>339832 -> 2.7.18 Wed >>339729 -> 2.6.18 Tue >>326376
2.5.18 Mon >>314473 -2.1.18 Thu >>314040 -> 1.31.18 Wed >>314035
Current Q Tasks & Task Updates
Build the Map
Anons have started to be create maps >>396430 (You), >>396394, >>393620
New Map Thread Mindmapfags Share Central >>396133
Mapnerds help expand the filter ability on qanonmap.github.io >>9200, >>386535
Previous Tasks
Are those below complete or have we lost the window? If so, where can we archive?
Q Task, Find Image & Video
Find raw source for image of Black Caucus center phone, unedited, high-res, enhanced & archived offline.Disseminate. It will go viral.
Updates: >>336170 , Most recent update from $100 anon >>372983 , >>385440 , >>400278 & Number for the House: >>382980 & Cellphone pic at SOTU >>410340
Q Task, Carl Ghattas
Findings: >>289566 , >>293165 , >>293197 , >>293203 , >>293215 , >>298462 , >>293215
Clinton Email investigation time line >>291986 , >>291104
Recent/Notable Posts
TUESDAY 2018.20.02
>>443034 Gannett Resignation
>>437165 Trafficking at Saudi diplomatic compound in McLean
>>436758 Alefantis and Associates
>>437199 Is CNN "Clairvoyant"? (4am gannet drop?)
>>437293 Getty photo discrepancies?
>>437400 TIP = Trauma Inpatient Program
>>437425 Murdoch has a seat on the Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Oil and Gas … with Lord Rothschild
>>437465 just to see what they have to say….
>>437452 We have found ourselves a Tunnel in McLean !
>>437595 vacant since April 2016
>>437531 More about tunnels…
>>437546 MI intel is investigating Parkland
>>437574 This is one of the top headlines on Drudge.
>>437614 Whoops (((someone))) had a fat finger..
>>437648 why does Alefantis has so many properties in MCLean?
>>437795 Gannett is co-housed with USA Today.
>>437817 SecureDrops For Major MSM News Outlets On The DarkNet
>>438152 Weiner laptop contacts leaked, ourguys?
>>438115 Stoneman Douglas High Upgrades
>>438177 Deep Sea CIA Ops
>>438017 Shell baking company?
>>439132 Make the map
>>439209 Florida shooter on news in California months prior
MONDAY 2018.19.02
>>436487 Seems like David Hogg and Co. are a big smoking gun
>>436432 Apache Mirrors are active here
>>436674 Clinton helping NK with Nukes
>>436635 info on the deaths of the children from the Parkland, FL school shooting
>>436612 McLean Va. digs
>>436836 First, you pay them lot..
>>430834 Deep Dream
>>430787, >>430790 Le Cercle - Brzezinski
>>430006 A place to start if you want to understand…
>>434957, >>435374, >>434998, >>435174, >>435197, >>435250 CFR INFO
>>433401 General Flynn
>>412873 Frozen Assets
>>427886, >>427921, >>428074 Update from BO
>>427847 Some caps of the last posts
>>427806, >>427814 Some interesting caps from the open /greatawakening/ thread
>>427014 Ideas for posting Q's Posts
>>427144 BO's posts on what happened
>>427055 Questions and Answers
>>429881 Is this how NEWS unlocks the MAP?
>>429010 From DoE Supercomputers thread - Wikileaks Keys?
>>429280 Aborted Fetal Tissue for flavor enhancers
>>428413, >>428428 Securedrop stuff
>>428419, >>428761, >>428894 Foundation digs
>>428658 Mr. Band served as President Clinton’s chief advisor from 2002 until 2012
>>428667 Kim Jong Il and freinds
>>428785 As we speak, an AF Spec Ops acft has flown from Cyprus into Leb/Syria
>>428748 implications for 'criminal Arkansas politician'?
>>428589, >>428596 leaked emails
>>428610, >>428615, >>428623, >>428626 more leaked emails
>>427801 SkyKing Fireworks
>>428901, >>428905 Ursula Burns - 3rd generation CABAL
>>429023 Snowy's sins declassified?
>>429046 More digs
>>429076 Nancy Lanza believed the authorities came from either the FBI or CIA
Previous Notable Posts
>>437764, >>437197, >>426373, >>426213, >>413767, >>409293, >>412953, >>398383, >>393421,
>>392383, >>386393, >>385454, >>342431, >>341035, >>336125, >>321147, >>247024, >>9019
Board Rules
FAQ: >>>/qtip/1
Quick Access Tools
GITHUB - A NEW UPDATE: Qcodefaganon says 'Keep Using qanonmap.github.io
>>426009 UPDATED: Latest Q Map Set (5of5)
>>387724 Latest Q Map Set (4of5)
>>387719 Latest Q Map Set (3of5)
>>387707 Latest Q Map Set (2of5)
>>387700 Latest Q Map Set (1of5)
Recent map updates
>>426814 Qmap_2018-02-15_2018-02-18 FOR GOD & COUNTRY
>>426823 Qmap_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE
Selected Focused Map Subsets
>>330858 - ComfyQ
>>330855 - +++_Soros_P Keystone
>>330839 - RED_Red Cross
>>333538 - Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)
>>337044 - Symbolism: Identify and list
Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
QMap zip : enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations : qanonmap.github.io
Q archives : qarchives.ml | alternate: masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
POTUS-tweet archive : trumptwitterarchive.com
QMap PDF (updated 02.15.18) : https:// anonfile.com/Tf39Bad6bd/Q_s_posts_-CBTS-_6.8.0.pdf | alternate: https:// fr.scribd.com/document/371832007/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-8-0?secret_password=yD8cxAQ5j6PhcrnKYUaB*
fr.scribd.com/document/371697350/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-7-0?secret_password=2unJH3MXkr1kAsLyfj0m | alternate: mega.nz/#!RuJxlJLa!m1qCCBKw2oVV61eUoL5Ata6yjokLkk-
Spreadsheet : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing
Raw Q Text Dump : pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
Expanded Q Text Drops : pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Calendar of notable events : teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880
Memo & OIG Report Links : >>427188
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General Archives
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free Research Resources
>>4362 Planefag Tools
>>4369 Research Threads
>>3152 Redpill Scripts
>>16785 Prayer
>>257792 Letters of Gratitude
>>247769 Memes12
>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread
>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics
>>333130 Legend of Chan Terms
>>328278 , >>377614 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread
>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive
>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas
>>426413 Check Unsealed indictments and/or convictions
>>398808 How to Catch Up
The Meme Repository
MEGA IMAGE LIBRARY 1. Over 11,800 images from 11/25/17 /cbts thru /thestorm, thru qresearch Memes#1-#10
There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.
MEGA IMAGE LIBRARY 2. The same 11,800 categorized images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512
Memes13 >>366408 Self-service
Memes12 >>247769
New Bakers Please Read This
We just got nuked in that thread.
>There’s multiple active breads; BV said he unbanned everyone last week. 545 404’d for me 500 posts in. Could this be the cause of all the Fuckery? But also with the /greatawakening/ getting scrubbed and all our shit getting taken down, the Russian bot narrative being activated again…there’s some heavy shit happening just out of site.
That is a shill baked bread. Dough is fucked up.
hahaha. mmmkay. Shills have been accusing regular anons of being shills all day. No coincidence we are back to being called bots by the MSM on the same day.
Keep diggin here!
Its not hijacking when I have been baking for 10 hours. Faggot retard shill. We have it all. Q or no Q we carry on. YOU LOSE!
This needs to be spread wide!
Its a test for sure. We will hold up.
Much appreciated.