Anonymous ID: 432aa0 April 2, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.6026813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818





(wait for the kicker at the very end…)


(I'm trying to pack in a ton of ideas here, so no sauce at the moment. Most of this is stuff I've read about over the years and maybe now it is making sense…)



Clintons and their EVIL comrades are behind Rwanda and DRC SLAUGHTER and SAVAGERY!


OK, Anons, I'm following up the Beverley Eckert drop from one year back and found these posts. I think they are Q, and I think a few of the connected posts are also Q, and some are hilarious, but these seem to be the ones with the crucial info.


The posts are dropping multiple clues, and given MANY hints for digs that go in many directions. (BAD has new meaning…) It seems multiple people were killed on one flight together, Colgan Air Flight 3407.


Beverly Eckert, of course, was a 9/11 widow who refused to accept payment for keeping her mouth shut and was seeking to know the truth.


Another who died on the flight was Rwanda researcher Alison Des Forges. The official story of the Rwandan genocide is that it was mainly conducted by Hutus and the victims were Tutsis. But before her death she had begun focusing more attention on atrocities committed by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, the group led by Paul Kagame that won the war and became the government. Kagame is still the effective ruler of Rwanda.


The spark that set of the genocide was a plane crash on… APRIL 6, 1994. (So many plane crashes…) The plane was carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, who were returning from a peace conference that was supposed to make final arrangements on a power-sharing agreement that would put a stop to ethnic conflict. But the missile downed the plane on its descent to Kigali, and all died. Shortly thereafter, the most radical "Hutu Power" elements in the existing Hutu-controlled government seized power and started the slaughter. The "obvious" conclusion is that the Hutu fanatics downed the plane so they could avoid peace and get their genocide on.




Nobody has ever really established who shot down the plane, and it seems the Rwandan Patriotic Front forces kicked into action immediately afterwards, including a unit already in Kigali in preparation for the peace treaty. I am just an amateur who reads books on this, but I have long suspected the RPF shot the plane down, and others have suspected the same.


Paul Kagame is an interesting guy who happens to have received military training at Ft. Leavenworth. He was an extremely effective military leader, and the genocide ended with him seizing control of the country and ruling since then. And he seems to have remade the country in his own image. Crime is way down. On the other hand you are not allowed to have an ethnic group anymore or question official accounts…


(If some diabolical person has ever wondered if genocide could be EFFECTIVE, setting the stage for a complete refashioning of society… hmmm, maybe the answer is yes. Trial run?)



Anonymous ID: 432aa0 April 2, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.6026818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6825




Step back to the kickoff of the genocide. Tensions had been building, and UN "peacekeepers" were already in place. The UN commander was Canadian general Romeo Dallaire. Shortly before all hell broke loose, he got a tip from an informant about where the Hutu Power plotters were stashing their weapons. He made plans for a quick raid, informed his UN controllers and was told… to stand down. As the genocide kicked off, he desperately sought guidance from his UN superior, who simply refused to answer the phone. And that was… future UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. (Was the Nobel Peace Prize payment for silence?) Ultimately, Dallaire's well-armed troops did basically nothing against machete-wielding thugs, except some Belgian paratroopers got brutally slaughtered.


Who else did nothing to help? That's right: President William Jefferson Clinton! The State Dept spokeperson was notoriously asked: "How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?" Her reply: "…that's just not a question I'm in a position to answer." Clinton wiffled and waffled, but Kagame was very effective militarily, and his forces made a quick run through Rwanda, even if many of his innocent co-ethnics were being hacked to death at the same time.


Historically, the French government was seen as a prime backer of the Hutu-dominated Rwandan regimes. Eventually French forces arrived and set up a "safe corner" of Rwanda (in Operation Turquoise). Some idealists criticized them for providing safety for… the perpetrators! By the time the French really got set up, the RPF was winning, and many Hutus were fleeing, along with many of the Hutu génocidaires. They fled into the French zone, and then they fled into… the Congo! (But we'll get to that…)


Eventually the US did step in and start providing "assistance" with a focus on supporting the RPF-controlled government. On the surface it seems like the US and France might have been "supporting" (even if Slick Willy wasn't giving MUCH support) "opposite" sites in a genocidal conflict. But a "conspiracy theorist" might ask whether the REAL powers weren't on the "same" side all along, supporting the whole playout of events….


And yet the REAL slaughter had scarcely begun!





Anonymous ID: 432aa0 April 2, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.6026825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7128 >>7181




Huge numbers of refugees accumulated near Lake Kivu in Congo, and among them were many (Hutu) génocidaires. The RPF, now reincarnated as the Rwandan Army, began to pursue them deeper into Congo. (Actually, Congo was called Zaire then, but we'll get to that…)


Many innocent Hutus died along the way, along with some of the guilty.


If you do not have a clear picture of African political geography in your mind, now is a good time to look at the image above. Rwanda is the rather SMALL country that I circled so you could see it. Congo is the BIG country to the left. Yet somewhow this small country (with a much smaller population too) ended up controlling the destiny of the much bigger country, and sparking a war that drew in many other African nations.


Technically, I guess, there are supposed to be two Congo Wars. In reality, it is pretty much one long war that is more or less still going (like Afghanistan). Most people in the US know something about the Rwanda genocide. It fits the narrative… it is "about" the danger of "racism" and "stereotyping" and all that. Never again! (Except when convenient…) Almost nobody knows ANYTHING about the Congo Wars, although typically those who make an effort to write on it call it the worst conflict since WW2. It has killed FAR more people than the Rwandan genocide (even counting the victims of the RPF).


It is perhaps worth reemphasizing, as some Anons know, that Congo has a wealth of "natural resources".


I know far more about the Congo Wars than the average person, but my knowledge is still rudimentary. Congo, then called Zaire, was ruled by Mobuto Sese Seko, an eccentric and extremely corrupt autocrat who ruled for decades and had sided with the US in the Cold War. He was closer to the end of life than the beginning and perhaps no longer useful. Laurent Kabila, an obscure revolutionary, who had been fighting since the 60's when he had received assistance from Che Guevara, and had been thought dead, suddenly reappeared and began a march across Congo, assisted by forces loyal to… Paul Kagame (and his former patron Uganda).


Somehow, these forces were able to swiftly overthrow Mobutu, who had ruled for decades. Kabila became president, but in less than four years he was assassinated, only to be succeeded by his son, who ruled until 2019. Relations with the Rwandans soured, and they were thrown out. But the WARS continued… and that is what matters perhaps. WAR and DESTRUCTION can create many opportunities for those with few scruples and much greed.


A few books have been written about the Congo Wars, but the stories never really hit the mainstream media.


One newsman did put together a multi-part story about them, trying to remedy the nearly complete lack of attention they had recevied for years at that point. It was a five-part story by Nightline's Ted Koppel. (He hardly EVER did a multi-part story like that, so he must have though this was BIG.) The first part broadcast on Sept 7, 2001. Parts 2-5 were scheduled for Sept 11-14, 2001. As it happens, they were preempted by coverage of current events.


Très intéressant, mes amis!




I'm Ted Koppel and this is Nightline:

Anonymous ID: 432aa0 April 2, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6027181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It sure was a COINCIDENCE that some Anon had done a dig on Dem Rep Congo just TODAY and it got into NOTABLES.

>>6014924 (pb)

It was a lucky thing that after I reviewed the notables and was thinking on my own I had the DRC in my mind….

… or maybe that was NOT a coincidence?

Maybe SOMEONE knew that the one year delta Beverly Eckert drop actually involved the CONGO?