Nobody has to "push" the 25th Amendment narrative. It is a legitimate concern. Trump has been obviously unfit and unwell. That amendment was put in there for a reason. All of the ways for removing a president were put in there for a reason. You may not see it now, but likely in the future when you are farther removed from this emotional attachment to him you will see. If the things he has done and said already are not grounds for impeachment at the very LEAST, then there are no grounds for impeachment. Basically a president can become a serial killer, record it, and air it weekly on the tele and not being impeachable because you have decided he is above the law which means he is completely outside the law. He technically could decide to round up the populations of entire States and have them executed. Which is pretty scary, I don't know why you would agree to something like that. Just imagine what would happen if you had an unstable POTUS who woke up one day in a delusional state and decided to launch all your nuclear warheads for no reason. Just imagine.