Or the infamous, I don't have to agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
Rare to hear it. Show's how far and wide the kikepropaganada flows.
Or the infamous, I don't have to agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
Rare to hear it. Show's how far and wide the kikepropaganada flows.
John Birch Society / Trudeau Sr / Communism in Canada / NA and North American Union info.
The impact on immigration – where is it going to lead Canada to?
Mass Immigration without Approval of The People of Canada
How is it that the image of a lifeless child on a European beach in 2015 – which translated into a Liberal political platform accepting 25.000 refugees, MUSHROOMED into the Cdn. Gov’t accepting 200,000 refugees between 2017 and 2020, with overall immigration totaling 1 million? How does this fit into your Canada?
Thursday November 2, 2017 Liberal Immigration Announcement:
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said that by 2036 100 per cent of Canada’s population growth will be as a result of immigration, it stands at about 75 per cent today. (CBC)
Did you vote for this?? Were you consulted?
Let us look at what is ACTUALLY behind this announcement: A deal between George Soros and PM Justin Trudeau!
A private conversation in Davos Switzerland in 2015…
Did we elect George Soros? Actually, who is the guy George Soros?
Hungarian born Jewish American, whose father during WW2, arranged for false papers to be created to state George Soros was Christian, and then who, at age 15 with complete indifference to his heritage, assisted the Nazi’s confiscate Jewish people’s wealth… He later schooled in the UK and immigrated to America and built a ruthless, no consciousness based, financial empire that continues to raise havoc across the globe.
Want Proof ?
In George Soros own words, on 60 Minutes :
And again here… the BIGGER PICTURE TRUTH of George Soros:
A relevant commentary on George Soros – the first part of the Colbert Report:
And by virtue of the JUSTIN TRUDEAU / GEORGE SOROS alliance noted above… YES, this can and IS happening NOW, here in our beloved land, known as Canada!
A private conversation…
Are you beginning to wonder about this guy? About the Real Impact of Immigration on our Canada?
What is even more concerning and SCARY is that Soros’s Open Society Foundation and other high profile foundations have been allegedly linked to the funding of real terrorists globally. What? Our PM allegedly working with terror linked groups? Uhm….
And we only need to look to the last line of the following link to have CONFIRMATION that Soros is funding this immigration movement in CANADA:
Immigration Minister John McCallum on Canada’s new refugee initiative with the UN and George Soros:
Want to know what Soros’s home country Hungary thinks?
Not good. The current Hungarian President is doing his best to BAN all George Soros related activity in Hungary. Here is what the The Prime Minister of Hungary, Orban, has stated:
“Soros’ organizations were still working on bringing hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe, contrary to the wishes of Hungarians and their government.”
Why should Canada be transacting with Soros when his home country is attempting to BAN all of his influence and, there is so much linking Soros meddling in other countries affairs? Something to think about, eh?
By the way… were you consulted? Did you even know this was occurring behind the scenes?
The US Congress is investigating Soros as well:
Here are some further questions we have for you:
Did you vote for 1 million refugees / immigrants to come into Canada over the next 3 years… especially considering huge question marks surrounding the vast Soros machine??
What are we really experiencing in Canada? Whose agenda is it?
How is it good for Canada? If it is good, where is the proof? If it is not good, do we have the power to change it? (Click Consequences Series: No Representation confirming, in FACT, we do not have the power to change it, at least at The System currently stands…)
Did you vote for Soros to influence Trudeau to bring such a vast number of immigrants WITHOUT consulting The People of Canada?
Did you vote for a 3rd party such as George Soros to INFLUENCE our Canadian way of LIFE ?
hy is Canada providing non-Canadians financial advantage when many vital services to the Canadians that built this country are being axed?
Have we been so politically corrected to roll over and say, yes, bring it on! But then… the current narrative Canada has been educated to say is… yes, we must help… this must be done… we must allow an overabundance of people into Canada to be “good” Canadians? Without really knowing and understanding the true way of life and values of these people?
Where is the truly independent study that demonstrates Canada needs 1 million new people over 3 years to foster our way of life?
These are some of the MANY questions we ask. Are you asking questions?
Remember, as The Canadian System now stands, The People of Canada have NO recourse, NO legal way to demand the altering of what is going on in Ottawa or our Provincial capitals, once the politicians are elected. All we can do, is boot out the party after 4 years!
Shocked by this statement? Then Click Consequences Series: No Representation for evidence of this Fact.
What do you truly feel and think about all this?
Yet the SOLUTION is now here!
“The Myth is Canada” has the SOLUTION to deliver the INFLUENCE and the DECISIONS that matter TO The People of Canada!
Want to know the real solution?
Help us make this vitally important and historic documentary film “The Myth is Canada”
We invite you to DONATE to make this film happen.
To bring what is known as CANADA back to The People of Canada!
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The Team
Nephalem Films Ltd
Producers of “The Myth is Canada”
Canada Must Ban George Soros Foundations Now (FREEPOM)
January 24, 2017Cultural, Economics, FREEPOM, Geopolitical28 Comments
And Should Canada Dump the Monarchy and Become a Republic?
Also read Introducing the Republican Party of Canada.
It’s of paramount importance that Canada and other nations cut off foreign funding to civil society groups and foundations which operate within their borders. These foundations and organizations represent outside forces which have ulterior motives and agendas which may not always, if ever, be aligned with the needs of the people.
One such foreign “philanthropic” organization is the George Soros funded Open Society Foundation. This foundations sole purpose is the promotion and expansion of the liberal-left international agenda meant to reduce national sovereignty, fund and support massive migration, such as is taking place in Europe, and the promote the mandate of open borders.
Soros and his foundations have provided the majority of funding for liberal-left social justice movements which have eroded national identity, encouraged abortion and divorce, and promote extremist environmentalism and taxation, such as the carbon tax scams which are being implemented in western nations.
Along with giving billions to left-wing socialist organizations Soros also attempts to influence elections, as in the recent American election and other nations. Even within nations his foundations fund and support groups such as the Dogwood Initiative based in British Columbia. This group’s stated goal is to influence Canadian elections in federal ridings.
The attempts to remove American sovereignty have been halted by the election of Donald Trump which is why Soros is now funding the protests against the Trump administration. The control which Soros has over the news media comes from his funding and support for the progressive media watchdog group called Media Matters. The term “media watchdog” should be interpreted as “ensuring the promotion of liberal-left propaganda”.
The MoveOn.org progressive advocacy group is also funded by the foundations of George Soros. Its purpose is to raise millions of dollars for liberal candidates and is behind such liberal propaganda as comparing political opposition to Hitler. We have seen these comparisons from Russian leader Vladimir Putin to most recently with Donald Trump.
Soros also funds the progressive think tank Center for American Progress. The CAP has provided talking points to the Obama Administration and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta even heads up the group. Obama’s staff consisted of a large percentage of CAP personalities.
The Open Society Foundation has even infiltrated the education systems of most nations by funding curriculum studies and implementing changes to the education courses. This has been happening for so long now that most western teachers are promoting the liberal-left agenda without even realizing they have been manipulated and conditioned to destroy their own culture from within.
Some of the foundations historical successes have been the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Arab Spring which further fragmented the Middle East and caused massive death and the ongoing migration problem which is affecting the whole world.
The amount George Soros gives to the liberal international agenda is billions, but still only a fraction of his reported $23 billion worth.
Most nations have some form of law or regulation which prevents foreign entitites from funding and influencing elections. The way the Open Society works around this is by establishing domestic foundations within nations with no direct ties to the larger parent. These groups are funded by the larger Soros foundation which serves as a third party. The domestic foundation can then work to influence the elections within the country because once the money is given to them it is no longer considered foreign money or influence. This needs to change.
So in most cases it is impossible to determine if foreign interests have influenced Canadian elections, or the elections of other nations, because none of the funding has to be registered or reported to the governments of those nations.
George Soros is evening funding a progressive war against Israel and has, for all intents and purposes, successfully infiltrated its extreme environmental agenda into the Catholic Church. There is no political ideology or religion which is off limits. The liberal-left international agenda has even taken control of the United Nations over the last few decades and is now attempting to force a loss of sovereignty on member nations through sustainable development planning, such as Agenda 2030.
In the post The Take Down of George has Begun, I explained how the world is beginning to turn against George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Russia, the favorite Soros punching back (mainly because Putin stopped his revolution in Ukraine) has already passed laws banning the Open Society and its broad funding to domestic groups. (This particular post has been copied and spread around the globe through re-posts and YouTube videos, reaching millions of people.)
Since that post the home nation of Soros Hungary has also enacted legislation to ban the Open Society Foundation and all subsidiary organizations and those who receive funding. Macedonia has also started a massive movement called “Stop Operation Soros” which is meant to remove all traces and influence of the foundation from its internal politics.
This war against George Soros is only just beginning.
President Trump will be taking action against Soros in the weeks and months to come, as will other nations. In part two of The Take Down of George Soros has Begun we explore how the next stages of this take down may look, everything from Iran becoming the dominant regional power in the Middle East to the collapse of Soros friendly Saudi Arabia.
It is time for Canada to take action now against George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Our liberal-left socialist government is aligned with both Soros and the mandates of the United Nations. The same agenda is attempting to take control and/or keep control of Canadian provinces through the same tactics as described above. Our media is in alliance with this agenda, just like the major news media in the United States are aligned against Trump.
Even our non-liberal political parties, such as the Progressive Conservatives, both federal and provincial, promote the mandates and propaganda of the Open Society Foundation. The Alberta PC Party is tripping over itself as it attempts to stop leadership candidate Jason Kenney from hijacking the party. Kenney’s campaign platform is positioned against the mandates of the liberal-left. The other leadership hopefuls, along with party insiders, are doing everything they can to delegitimize his campaign or find ways to remove him from the race. Even the liberal media is attacking him, as would be expected.
If our major political parties will not serve the people of Canada and protect our way of life from the liberal international agenda funded by George Soros then it is time for Canadians, like others around the world, to begin the process of taking back our political systems and removing this insidious disease from our countries and cultures. This may mean starting a new federal political party and completely redefining the structure of Canadian governance to reflect the ideals of a republic as opposed to maintaining a defunct, purposeless, and symbolic allegiance to a monarchy who sold us out long ago. - JC
Canadian Social Justice Centre (in Ontario)
Our History
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) was created in 1997 to carry on much of the work of the Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice. During its 19 years of operation, the Jesuit Centre had earned widespread respect for its work on Central American issues, for its support of refugees, and for its efforts to strengthen social movements here in Canada.
Jesuits came to Quebec in 1620, 8 of them. They only converted 8 natives in 80 years, and only 2 of them came to church.
I guess they are making up for sore losses.
Who funded the Trudeau Foundation? Was it funded by the Trudeau estate, Trudeau’s friends, or other foundations?
No. It was funded by us, via the Canadian gov. As you go through the Trudeau foundation, you must understand GREEN is UN globalist RED!
The Party Leaders running in the 2019 federal election cannot claim ignorance to this information.
Every level of ‘gov.’ is implementing the UN globalist agendas, one of which is end of nation states. We have a duty both to our forefathers and those who come after us. This is the richest nation in the world. All one has to do is look at the condition of our nation today to understand the ‘gov.’ does not represent the people. They represent the globalist agendas, moving us to a world gov.
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is an independent and non-partisan charity established in 2001 as a living memorial to the former prime minister. In 2002, with the support of the House of Commons, the Government of Canada endowed the Foundation with the Advanced Research in the Humanities and Human Sciences Fund- ($125 million CAD) The Foundation also benefits from private donations. By granting doctoral scholarships, awarding fellowships, appointing mentors, and holding public events, the Foundation encourages critical reflection and action in four areas important to Canadians: human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, and people and their natural environment.
A very interesting foundation in that Red, Blue, Orange and Green parties have done work for and been paid by the foundation.
Here is a few of the Mentors of the foundation.
Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party. She was also on the commission that created the Earth Charter, created by Maurice Strong and Gorbachev and other nefarious entities. She is also a member of the UNPA, pushing for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, being one of the steps toward World gov.
Ed Broadbent (P.C., C.C., Ph.D.) was Leader of the New Democratic Party from 1975 to 1989. Between 1979 and 1990, he was a Vice-President of the Socialist International.
MAUREEN MCTEER, Wife of Joe Clark, 16th Prime Minister of Canada. She taught at the University of California at Berkeley, where Joe Clark was on a panel discussing the North American Union. Joe Clark is also the Jury Chair for the Aga Khan Global Pluralism Award
Elizabeth Dowdeswell is the 29th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Chosen for the position by Stephen Harper.
As Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program, created by Maurice Strong, from 1993 to 1998, Ms. Dowdeswell led the agency’s transformation into a modern organization, tackling issues of trade and globalization, developing programs of environment assessment and reporting, and environmental law. Local UN Agenda 21 Planning Guide, with forewords by Maurice Strong and Elizabeth Dowdeswell
Among other things she mentions Global Governance. Make no mistake Green is Red!
Alexandre Trudeau, director of the Trudeau Foundation, son of the late Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is a documentary filmmaker and freelance journalist based in Montreal. After graduating with a philosophy degree from McGill University in 1997, he founded JuJu Films.
His films reflect his views on important social, economic and political issues in Canada and abroad, including Embedded in Baghdad (on the daily life of residents of Baghdad), Secure Freedom (on five terror suspects jailed without trial), Refuge, A Film About Darfur (on the humanitarian crisis), and, more recently, The New Great Game (on a new world order).
He was given the nickname “Sacha” (the French spelling of the Russian diminutive for Alexander) in recognition of his father’s love of Russian literature and culture. The name also is linked to former ambassador of the USSR to Canada and family friend Alexander Yakovlev.
Like his father and brothers, Alexandre Trudeau studied at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, a Jesuit school.
Take the time to go through the names on the lists. If it doesn’t open your eyes…..you are blind.
CANADA-UKRAINE FOUNDATION (doesn't look like Soros is involved, but it's cool they did this)
On March 31st 2019, the Holodomor National Awareness Tour (HNAT) began its coast to coast travels across Canada, with a visit to St. Nicholas Church in Victoria, British Columbia and the BC Legislature on April 1st. We were welcomed to the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. Bruce Ralston: “Today in the House are a number of Canadians of Ukrainian origin who are here to launch a Canada-wide initiative to raise the knowledge of and awareness of the Holodomor. It is the death by starvation, literally translated from Ukrainian, of six million to ten million Ukrainians — the numbers vary because it was so horrible an experience, and records were very remote — in the winter of 1932 and 1933, unknown and kept secret in Stalin’s Russia, actually, until more or less the Iron Curtain fell in 1989.
The group here includes the executive director of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation [Holodomor National Awareness Tour], Roma Dzerowicz; the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Victoria branch chair, Robert Herchak; and fellow board members Anna Visnevka, Motria Koropecki and Andrei Fabrikov. Would the House please make all of them welcome.”
The Holodomor Mobile Classroom (HMC) is a fully self contained, wheel chair accessible RV converted into a state-of-the-art interactive audio-visual classroom. It features a 24 foot video wall made up of twelve 4k television screens spanning the length of the interior with seating up to 31 people.
A major part of the Holodomor National Awareness Tour’s mandate is to spread awareness about the Holodomor through our interactive lessons which complement high-school curricula, while teaching students about diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and human rights, instilling upon them the need to raise their voices out of silence.
During our Cross-Canada tour we visited 44 schools and presented 156 interactive lessons. In BC we visited schools in Victoria, Vancouver, Chilliwack; in Alberta: Medicine Hat, Bow Island, Ponoka, Edmonton, Bashaw, Sherwood Park; in Saskatchewan: Saskatoon, Kenaston, Quill Lake, Canora, Yorkton, Strasbourg, Middle Lake, Imperial; in Manitoba: Winnipeg; in Ontario: Thunder Bay, Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury, Cambridge and Toronto; and finally Halifax and Dartmouth in Nova Scotia.
"The Soros foundations – managed by George Soros – network includes Soros foundations covering more than 50 countries; Open Society Institute (OSI) initiatives that address specific issue areas on a regional or network-wide basis and support the work of those foundations; and initiatives that deal specifically with the United States and are currently administered under U.S. Programs - as well as the OSI and its offices.
"The Soros foundations are autonomous institutions established in particular countries or regions to initiate and support open society activities. The priorities and specific activities of each Soros foundation are determined by a local board of directors and staff in consultation with George Soros and OSI boards and advisors. In addition to support from the Open Society Institute, many of the foundations receive funding from other sources.
"The Soros foundations consist of national foundations in 29 countries, foundations in Kosovo and Montenegro, and two regional foundations, the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa and the Open Society Initiative for West Africa. The two regional foundations, which are governed by their own boards of directors and staffs from the region, make grants in 27 African countries. All of the foundations share the common goal of transforming closed societies into open ones and protecting and expanding the values of existing open societies."
The conservative Capital Research Center (CRC) has criticised Soros in a number of articles. CRC, a champion of the conservatives defund the left campaign - is critical of foundations that support 'liberal groups'.
Even the commies want to ban Soros!! FFS
Communists want Soros Foundation branded ‘undesirable’ group
4 Jun, 2015 11:31 / Updated 4 years ago
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Communists want Soros Foundation branded ‘undesirable’ group
Georges Soros, Chairman of Soros Fund Management (Reuters/Charles Platiau) © Reuters
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Two senior lawmakers from the Communist Party caucus have asked Russian prosecutors to use the recently introduced law on “undesirable” foreign groups against George Soros’s Open Society organization.
“The anti-Russian activities of Soros’s foundation must be recognized as undesirable before they assume the destructive forms that we could observe in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries,” MPs Valery Rashkin and Sergey Obukhov said, appealing to the Prosecutor General.
The Communist leaders claimed that the Open Society NGO had conducted “persistent anti-Russian activities for decades and that it happened both in Russia and in other countries. They said that the group was allegedly promoting hatred against Russians in Ukraine and also launched some “proxy subversive operations” in the Russian Federation.
In particular, the two MPs blamed George Soros’s NGO for the destruction of the Russian education system, manifested in the much-criticized system of single state exams for schoolchildren as well as underfinancing of schools and institutes.
The Law on Undesirable Foreign Groups that came into force earlier this week charges the Prosecutor General’s Office together with the Foreign Ministry with the task of creating an official list of “undesirable foreign organizations” and outlaw their activities in the country. The main criterion for putting a foreign or international NGO on the list is “the threat to the Constitutional order and the defense capability or security of the Russian State.”
From left: First deputy chairman of the State Duma's Committee for Ethnic Affairs Valery Rashkin, left, and deputy chairman of the Duma's Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations, Sergei Obukhov, at the Duma's plenary session. (RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko)
Once the group is recognized as undesirable all its assets in Russia must be frozen, offices closed and distribution of any of its information materials must be banned. Violating the bill is punished with heavy fines both for the personnel of the banned organizations and Russian citizens who cooperate with them. A repeat offense can carry up to six years in prison.
From the moment it was drafted, the new law was sharply criticized by the Russian rights community, foreign NGOs and officials. The European Union and the United States have officially expressed their concern over it and warned that the move banning cooperation with various foreign groups could bring about the isolation of the Russian people from the outside world.
The two opposition MPs who originally drafted the bill have described it as a preventive measure and denied that it was targeting any specific foreign organizations.
The Open Society Institute, also known as the Soros Foundation after its main sponsor, US billionaire George Soros, has worked in Russia since 1995 and financed many projects in the humanitarian and educational spheres. In 2003, the organization stopped issuing direct grants and announced that it had stopped all Russian operations but to this day it maintains representative offices in Russia’s four largest cities – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.
READ MORE: ‘Self-appointed advocate of new Ukraine’: Soros emails leaked by anti-Kiev hackers
George Soros has openly admitted that his organizations played a key role in the so called “color revolutions” – forceful regime changes through violent political rallies – in many post-Soviet states, including Ukraine and Georgia.
Earlier this month a group of hackers from Ukraine released some leaked texts that show that Soros was still actively involved in the Ukrainian politics, advocating EU financial aid and military assistance to Ukraine to restore Kiev’s fighting capacity without violating the Minsk peace deal.
George Soros Fires Warning Shot At Trump: You Are ‘Digging Your Own Grave’
November 5, 2019 Baxter Dmitry News, US 31
Billionaire George Soros has warned President Trump he is "digging his own grave" as impeachment proceedings continue in US Congress.
Notorious globalist billionaire George Soros used fighting words to describe his political enemy President Donald Trump in an interview with the Guardian published Saturday, warning the President that he is “digging his own grave.”
Frustrated by his failed attempts to control US and global policy, Soros has issued a warning shot to President Trump amid Democrat impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives, apparently holding out hope that they stand a chance of success.
Still licking his wounds after his failure to install Hillary Clinton in the White House in 2016, despite multi-million dollar funding, the “wounded beast” all-but endorsed Elizabeth Warren for the presidency a few weeks ago, claiming she is the “most qualified candidate.”
Soros made it clear that President Trump remains his greatest nemesis while admitting he has a “big ego” and takes pleasure in becoming a public enemy in sovereign nations that place importance on the existence of traditional culture, customs, and borders. The billionaire has meddled in the national politics of Hungary, Poland, Russia, the United States, and Ukraine and is now funding a blatantly undemocratic effort to undo the United Kingdom’s 2016 referendum to leave the European Union, which the Guardian interview was centered upon.
The interview revealed that Soros’ political front group, the Open Society Foundation, has budgeted the staggering sum of $185 million, easily the most the oligarch has ever spent on his political influence operations. It’s certain Soros will also wage a cashed-up campaign to prevent President Trump’s re-election, although he appears hopeful that Trump will be impeached before then.
Soros funded lawyers caught helping caravan migrants gain entry into America
Frustrated by his failed attempts to control US and global policy, Soros has fired a warning shot to President Trump.
Soros has made himself an enemy of Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Italy’s Mateo Salvini, both of whom have garnered significant support from their nation’s citizens on a platform of forcefully opposing the globalist open borders vision oligarchs such as Soros intended to force upon their nations.
The financier reflected on his life’s work in the interview, admitting the “tide has turned” against his ideology of the open society, and the worldwide populist movement associated with the rise Donald Trump has gained the ascendancy. Soros’ longterm tactics – funding and controlling puppet politicians and puppet movements – have been exposed around the world, forcing the notorious billionaire to find new tricks to regain control and shape the world in his image.
Anonymous 12/23/19 (Mon) 20:00:55f560d9 (1) No.7605997>>7606014 >>7606042 >>7606060
A FOUNDING member of the left-wing ‘domestic terrorist organization’, Antifa has claimed that the Billionaire philanthropist and financier George Soros helped to turn them into terrorists“more dangerous than ISIS.”
An ex-member of the organisation, Shayne Hunter – who is reportedly a founder of Antifa Australia, claimed that he quit the radical far-left group because Soros wanted to start a civil war in every country in the world.
“Soros was using us to start a civil war in every country in the world,” said Hunter.
In a 2017 interview with News.com.au he told the outlet: “I got radicalised in Sydney. I was originally concerned about Western intervention in Syria. Radical left-wing people dominated rallies and I started to associate with them more.”
My so-called ‘normal’ friends drifted away.”
“We would hang out at an anarchist library in Sydney. Here a bunch of people on the dole gather enough money to rent out the space and run a bookshop. It’s like extremist networking.”
I came to believe that war was a symptom of bigger systems at play in society and they were the real enemy, like white supremacy and patriarchy. Antifa believe these systems need to be smashed through a process of ‘de-platforming’ to save the world. People who don’t necessarily agree on everything are united to attack their common enemy — anyone in the right wing of politics.
This micro-society became my life for four years.
They believe historically their roots were fighting Nazi oppression. They run a website which is updated every couple of weeks with a hit list of right wing names. They believe if these people are allowed to speak, society will suffer. So, they must be pushed back.
There is no mission statement, rather, it’s [a] dangerous rhetoric. There are a lot of very damaged people who are drawn to it.
Lots of activists came from Sydney University. They invited me along to some of their lectures. When I was organising the ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally and pushing Antifa into Brisbane, we delegated roles out across the gathering. Someone would print pamphlets that got our propaganda out there. Someone else would look after social media and online, we all gathered people to come.
I read that Antifa in the US is training people to shoot and punch. It’s the same here. Antifa in Sydney are doing martial arts to, as they would put it, ‘fight the Nazis’. It’s a paramilitary mindset.
It’s more dangerous than ISIS.
I was ideologically possessed for four years. I would speak louder on public transport so people could hear me speak, hoping they would hear my message.
The radical left of Antifa presents itself as being about compassion and empathy; it’s a Trojan horse. All conversations are about entitlement and rights, not responsibility. When these people talk about freedom, they really mean freedom from responsibility.
Often the people who are drawn to this cult don’t have a strong identity outside it. I’m not a psychologist but, like ISIS, it gives people a sense of belonging to something and having purpose.
“A ‘social justice warrior’ cringe video appeared on my social media feed. I didn’t watch it at first. A couple of weeks later it popped up again so I pressed play. It was like seeing the entire cult through an outside lens. It woke me up. I realised that everything I had started to believe was wrong.”
“You don’t know humiliation until you’ve left a cult; I wasted four years of my life.”
“I cut ties over time. I’m still in contact with some ex-cult members but I don’t see anyone who’s still active.”
“In my 20-something generation, social media plays the role of a 24/7 preacher — like a pocket preacher. Each day you’re being validated by the echo chamber on your phone.”
“Antifa would say there is nothing good about Australian society. Their minds project that belief, and everything is filtered through this ideology.”
“Without doubt it’s a huge and growing threat to Australian society. It’s a miserable mindset. When I got out of it and stopped feeling oppressed, I finally felt like I could take control of my life. That’s what I intend to do now.”
Member when the 99% OWS freaked out the leets and they decided to divide us in a million ways.
Shit is exhausting.
Racial Inequality
If you live in Toronto and you're not white, you stand a greater chance of living in poverty.
A recent report released by the City of Toronto revealed terrifying inequality in a city whose motto is "Diversity, Our Strength". York University Professor Michael Ornstein researched poverty levels among racialized minorities based on data from the 1996 census. The report, "Ethno-Racial Inequality in the City of Toronto: An Analysis of the 1996 Census", has received scant attention from media and politicians, prompting local community groups to begin a campaign to pressure the municipal government to address Toronto's increasingly polarized reality.
–The report found that "While 14% of European families live below the Low Income Cut Off, the percentage is much higher for non-Europeans: 32.1% for Aboriginals; 35% for South Asians; 45% for Africans, Blacks and Caribbeans; and 45% for Arabs and West Asians." In addition, of all children, 34% live in poverty; and, of all women, 41% live in poverty; and, of all female lone parents, 60% live in poverty.–
Toronto's average unemployment rate is 7%, but the rates for many racialized groups can be up to six times higher - for Ethiopians, the rate is 24%; for Ghanaians, 45%; and for Somalis, 25%.
Even when education levels are the same, racialized groups are under-represented in managerial, professional and high-income occupations and over-represented in low-end occupation and low-income jobs. And the higher the rates of poverty, the lower a person's civic participation and the higher their health risks.
This growing income and unemployment gap between racialized groups and white Canadians is the result of systemic racial discrimination ' discrimination that our governments just aren't taking seriously. Our governments are failing to take the racialization of poverty seriously.
Can we have a democracy premised on equality but actually live another reality - tolerating inequality increasingly based on racial lines? The rhetoric of multicultural harmony over the last 20 years in Canada is masking rising inequality in income and wealth between racialized communities and other Canadians.
We can't build a 21st Century society on such unstable ground.
Key Issues
» Democracy & Corporate Power
» Economic Inequality
» Racial Inequality
» Gender Inequality
» Health Inequality
» Aboriginal Issues
» Peace & Justice
Mission Statement
>A group of diverse but like-minded individuals, the members of ARC have come together in their common desire to fight hatred, bigotry, intolerance and violence because of the harm these antisocial behaviors cause to our society. In that effort, we will not use or sanction the use of illegal actions (such as violence or intimidation) in pursuit of our desired aims and if we learn of anyone who does use these unethical methods we will report those individuals to the authorities. Instead, we will use the guarantees found in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that ensure freedom of legal speech and expression.
Their blog is all doxxing anyone that opposes them.. Crazy times.
This is what happens when people are infantalized and can't carry on adult conversations.
In 1927, eugenicist T. Lothrop Stoddard criticized internationalists for wanting to transform the United States into “a mosaic of races, cultures, and contrasting attitudes”:
The ultimate consequences of ‘opening America to all mankind’ would almost certainly be political and social chaos, frightful civil or racial war, and the destruction not only of American national unity but of everything worth while in American life. No worse fate could possibly be imagined for our country than an ‘internationalized’ America [1].
His warning was to go unheeded. After WWII, the intellectual climate had become increasingly hostile to the idea of race and sex differences. Carleton Coon’s magnum opus The Origin of Races, published in 1962, would not sit well with either the white public or academia. By 1965, what Stoddard called “the rising tide of color” had been set in motion, aided and abetted by whites who had shed their white racial identities for a non-racial “global citizenship.” Since then, the West has ceaselessly imported non-whites as if it were “busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre”[2].
What was considered healthy and normal before the 1960s, was now condemned. Whence this new moral imperative of white race replacement?
The truth is that white men are primarily responsible for the destruction of the West. White men liberated women from their traditional role as housewife and mother. Nowadays, women are encouraged to spend their prime reproductive years getting an education and pursuing a career. The consequences of this unrestrained female hypergamy are a lower white fertility rate and the destruction of the traditional monogamous family unit. In 1919, the US Congress ratified the 19th Amendment, giving females the right to vote. Concerning this regressive legislation, academics write:
Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise [3].
Whites ensured passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, ending racial segregation in the southern states. If it wasn’t for the civil rights movement, blacks would have remained segregated and the black-on-white crime rate would be insignificant. The 1965 Immigration Act, which inaugurated America’s demographic transformation, only became law because of white power and influence. The US is now on a direct path to becoming a North American version of Brazil by the middle of the 21st century. If not for whites, there wouldn’t be a feminist or a civil rights movement that Jews could infiltrate and hijack to further their own ethnic interests, nor would the Israel lobby have the congressional influence it has today. This is not to deny the Jewish role in the downfall of the United States, but to point out that most white problems are caused by millions of gullible white voters and their white globalist elites.
Some believe the Western democracies are somehow preventing the white majority from organizing en masse to resist their own racial “displacement,” but this is a laughable excuse. First, white nationalists are a very small percentage of the population of North America and Western Europe. That few whites actively sympathize with white nationalist causes is empirically supported by numerous surveys and questionnaires. For example, in the US, the Institute of Government and Public Affairs has published data showing that white majority opposition to school integration and interracial marriage, once common during the 1940s and 1950s, has largely evaporated [4]. An ANES survey (2016) reports that 6 percent of white respondents expressed support for white identity politics [5]
Second, if whites were as pro-white as some people say they are, they would have long ago voted white activists into office to put an end to the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. We would have been treated to an unbroken succession of white nationalist governments. There would have been a President David Duke and a Prime Minister Nick Griffin. Instead, whites show their disdain for pro-white advocacy by voting for the same neoliberal globalist parties ad nauseam. Pierre Trudeau, the architect of the modern liberal police state in Canada, was voted into office four times, despite allowing non-whites to enter the country and become “new Canadians” during his first term as prime minister.
In October of 2019, former Canadian MP Maxime Bernier, of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), ran for office on a platform of modest immigration restriction. Despite wanting to cut Canada’s already massive non-white immigration numbers in half – from 300,000 annually to 150,000 – the PPC failed to gain a single seat in Parliament.
White nationalists believe that non-white immigration is “white genocide,” but is this an accurate perception of reality? What would we be seeing if demographic genocide was really occurring in Western countries? What do we see in Tibet and Xinjiang, where there is indisputable evidence of demographic genocide? We see a long record of wars, rebellions, terrorist attacks and widespread civil unrest in response to state-enforced migratory policies, which continue despite the overwhelming numerical and military superiority of the Chinese occupation.
When it comes to whites, we see no resistance of any kind. Whites neither wage wars, rebel or commit terrorist acts against their supposedly “oppressive” Western governments, even though they have both the numbers and technical ability to do so if they wanted to. Why the inertia? The answer is that whites want to be demographically replaced; they do not want to be saved, least of all by other, more level-headed whites. The demographic transformation of the West is occurring because of mass democracy, not because of the “soft” totalitarian policies of the globalist elite. These are a consequence, not a cause, of the demographic transformation of the West.
Notwithstanding Bob Whitaker’s online mantra, “white genocide” is a myth [6]. By calling white race replacement “genocide,” we trivialize the enormity of this crime for cheap rhetorical purposes. Not only is non-white immigration not “white genocide,” it isn’t “invasion” either, since non-whites have been invited by whites to settle in white countries. Neither are whites being ethnically cleansed or “dispossessed” of their own nations, since they are freely giving away everything they have received from their ancestors, often with smiles on their faces. In this case, non-white replacement migration is more accurately described as collective white racial suicide, which is not the same thing as genocide, invasion and ethnic cleansing.
The conclusion that follows is an unhappy one. There will be no collective white racial awakening. The diversity madness will not end until the West is utterly destroyed. As it now stands, a solution to this pitiable state of affairs remains an elusive one. Peaceful dissemination of race realist and white nationalist ideas seldom accomplishes anything. Whites, many of whom are already familiar with the biological reality of race and sex, will continue to uphold the neoliberal order, regardless of what the latest science says (just like Richard Nixon [7] and Ronald Reagan [8] did).
Since resistance to neoliberalism is futile, white nationalists must stop lying to themselves about what the majority of whites want or whether they really want it. For example, it is often alleged that whites are being systematically brainwashed into supporting their own racial suicide by the education system and the mass media, yet brainwashing remains scientifically unproven [9].
White ethnomasochism is a hard-to-swallow blackpill for pro-white activists, which is why so many cope with specious rhetoric about “white genocide,” “invasion,” “racial dispossession” and “ethnic cleansing,” anything to deflect white responsibility to some fictitious external agency, rather than acknowledge the white electorate is willfully cannibalizing itself while its civilization lies in smoldering ruins all around it.
If the prognosis is a bleak one, what hope is there for pro-white activists? The only viable option that remains is separation from the mainstream.
Canada WILL become Venenzuela
Canada is on the path that Venezuela took. Stop being in denial.
The only thing that can stop it is if someone like Bernier becomes leader, but we know the chance of that happening is 1%.
Financially, morally and socially, this country is a mess and will continue to get worse before it gets better, if ever.
"To those who have ears, let them hear."
How should a sane person prepare:
1a) Get out of debt and start being minimalist. fuk your new car, your new house, your $6 starbucks shit water and your new iphone. Minimize all vices like cigarette, alcohol, gambling, basically stop being a modern degenerate. Each stupid purchase you make is a nail in your future coffin. Who are you trying to impress?
1b)Create multi-generational households, like how it has been for all of human history.
Example) Punjabis - My punjabi friend lives in a house with, although excessive, 12-15 people. The parents, the 3 adult children, their spouses, their children. Imagine the household income and the social support system. They are eyeing up a 5000 sqft house now.
Oh you dont like this idea? Have fun wasting your rightful inheritance on senior homes for your boomer parents lol.
1c) Dont let your kids waste money on stupid, useless post secondary education. Refer to # 2.
1d) The only thing worth investing in as of now, since real estate and stock markets are at an all time high, are precious metals. Dont be a fool, dont FOMO into bubble assets, knowing that everyone is borrowing money to the max. You can enter these markets when prices correct/retrace. Visit greater fool . ca for investment advice for the average person written by a former MP.
2) Learn to fix things, build things, grow things or fix/heal the human body. These dont have to be your career, but they should definitely be a hobby.
3) Learn another language. Im pretty sure most people on metacanada only speak 1 language. It sharpens the mind and if nothing else makes you more interesting.
The real reason however is that learning 1 makes it easier to learn another, you know, in case you decide to move to a saner country lol. Check out pimsleur audiobooks to start.
4) Focus on developing a community especially within a small local CHURCH. "OH NO, RELIGION". shut up neckbeard. The small churches, uninfected by the modern rot are the true conservatives. In times of personal, family, financial issues, they will be your welfare net. Obviously you have to vet the church to see if they are hypocrites or true, faithful and kind people.
The family and the church (lowercase) were the social and welfare nets throughout history, something that is no longer the case because daddy government took its place.
5) If you are in ANY position of power, keep fighting the good fight. Do not be complacent with it, you have much responsibility.
6) Stay fit, stay healthy. Stop being a fatass. Learn to fast. It goes back to # 1, just stop CONSUMING aimlessly.
7) "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
>The retired politician said Hong Kong is being economically controlled by Beijing and yellow shopping is to terminate this situation. He said Canadians should also buy yellow because of what he called the "alarming" Chinese infiltration into their way of life, citing B.C. seniors' homes failed care standards after takeover by a Chinese government-controlled company.
"If the Trudeau government refuses to do anything to control that, sooner or later Canada will become a colony of Communist China," Chan said of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Grow a garden anons.
–CRA Plan for Cryptocurrency Spells Death by Taxation–
Commentary, Economy, Paz GómezDecember 23, 2019
Canada has a bipolar history with cryptocurrencies. In 2013, she saw both the world’s first bitcoin ATM and the federal government rushing to tax crypto-assets. Now, Canadian accountants (CPAs) have issued a warning that onerous tax rules will scare away entrepreneurs.
Over the past decade, Canadians have been quick to embrace crypto and blockchain initiatives, leaving authorities scrambling for ways to tax and regulate the rapidly evolving market. In 2017 to 2018 alone, there was a 25 per cent jump in adoption, and a recent survey found 76 per cent of Canadians are aware of cryptocurrencies.
Not one to miss a piece of the pie, the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) issued a tax guide on crypto-assets six years ago and has recently increased audits to close in on potential tax evaders.
Collateral Damage
Seeking to clarify the status of crypto-assets, Finance Canada has embarked on a mission to update applicable tax rules. Its latest proposal includes classifying select cryptocurrencies as financial instruments. However, the attempt to fix one problem is creating new ones with far-reaching consequences.
The tax treatment of cryptocurrencies in Canada is complex, to say the least. Rather than treating them as money, the CRA views them as investment commodities. When filing income taxes, Canucks are supposed to report gains and/or losses by estimating “fair market value.” Consider someone who purchased bitcoins eight months ago for $10,000. If bitcoin’s value has since doubled, that person owes income taxes on $5,000 (half of capital gains are deductible).
However, the status of cryptocurrencies for the goods-and-services tax and harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) is more problematic. Since cryptocurrencies are not money to the CRA, using them to purchase goods and services is a barter transaction. This could lead to instances of double taxation: GST/HST being charged every time a cryptocurrency changes hands.
Complicating things even more, GST/HST rates vary depending on the place of supply. A business must charge different rates to customers from participating and non-participating provinces.
To solve this conundrum, Finance Canada has sought to classify crypto-assets as financial instruments under a new category: virtual payment instrument (VPI). Transactions with VPI would be exempt from the GST/HST.
Adding Epicycles
There’s just one problem. Treating cryptocurrencies as financial instruments would require entities dealing them to be registered as financial institutions—a threshold far too burdensome for most businesses and individuals.
According to PwC Canada, a company that provides professional accounting services to businesses and individuals across Canada, “a financial institution for GST/HST purposes must follow the rules that apply to financial institutions, which may result in changes to input tax credit (ITC) eligibility, additional apportionment and annual reporting requirements, among other changes.”
Also, the VPI designation only applies to select cryptocurrencies, with an explicit list in the works. The draft legislation states a VPI is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange and exists at a unique address of a publicly distributed ledger.
This definition ignores digital currencies created for a particular goal—not just a medium of exchange—or those built on private ledgers. In other words, utility tokens sold through ICOs, centralized stablecoins, and closed-blockchain initiatives such as Facebook’s libra fall outside VPI scope.
The crypto space is constantly evolving. Compiling any predefined list of approved cryptocurrencies is a fool’s errand and risks tilting the balance in favour of incumbents.
Finally, the draft legislation does not address cryptocurrency mining, the process by which many new coins come into existence. Given the layers of complexity, both CPAs and PwC Canada recommend new legislation to deal with it.
Taxing Crypto Owners at All Costs
Canada is part of J5, a cross-border task force targeting international tax evasion that includes law-enforcement units from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Netherlands.
Tax evasion, the J5 contends, is becoming more sophisticated due to “a cyber or crypto component.” Even though financial crimes involving cryptocurrency are far fewer than those involving fiat currency, the CRA has been threatening individuals and businesses across the country with criminal prosecution if they do not declare their crypto assets. Since the launch of its specialized crypto unit in 2017, the CRA has conducted around 60 audits.
This year the CRA took monitoring too far. The tax agency sent a questionnaire with probing questions to citizens allegedly in possession of cryptocurrencies. The document demanded to know whether individuals use mixers—services that allow a pool of users to mix their coins to enhance privacy—and if so, which and why. The CRA also requested a full history of each person’s cryptocurrency trades or payments.
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain have demonstrated their capacity to disrupt borders and outdated legislation. Six years ago, Canadian authorities acknowledged their potential and welcomed them, but by overreaching now they risk missing out on all the opportunities at the forefront of fintech. The prospect of increasing red tape and less privacy is contrary to the very ethos of blockchain entrepreneurship and enough to make Canada a no-go zone akin to New York.
If Canada keeps enacting such burdens and confusion, she will show the power to tax really is the power to destroy. Crypto holders—around 1.9 million residents—and blockchain entrepreneurs—of at least 400 ventures—will either slide into the shadows of the black market or vote with their feet and take their money and jobs elsewhere.
The Coming Second Civil War in America: Part One
by Brian Wiggins
If Charlottesville was Harpers Ferry, America is Heading for another Fort Sumter and a second civil war. In fact, this war has already begun.
The election to Congress in New York’s 14th District of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivered an upset to establishment Democratic power player Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the district’s primary election, running on a platform that promises to abolish all immigration and border enforcement. Ocasio-Cortez is calling on left wing and open borders activists to “occupy” all United States airports, all borders in the U.S., and every office of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. Her “New Green Deal” would shut down all hydrocarbons and turn the country into a huge Hutterite colony.
Crowley’s status as the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House did not save him. Journalists noted that Crowley was just too white for his district, which is now 50 percent Latino and Puerto Rican and only 22 percent white. Ocasio-Cortez is increasingly shaping the Democrat party’s open borders platform along with a “Green New Deal” and 70% tax rates. It’s no party for old white men.
Ocasio-Cortez affirmed this racial claim by posting that women of colour “want to unseat these white male incumbents” on her Twitter account. Her mother is a Puerto Rican migrant, and she won by selling herself as a fellow Latino who would promote immigration and aid for Puerto Rico. There are echoes of this in Canada. Liberal candidate, Karen Wan in Burnaby South, a riding that is 40% Chinese, said in a Mandarin language newspaper, that she was the only candidate of Chinese descent and that her opponent was Indian. That’s what the left calls a “dog whistle.” This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can expect a lot more whistling in the coming few years as the totalitarians in Beijing and the NCCM continue to tighten their grip on their diaspora.
Whites people must begin to organize, explicitly, for their own legitimate interests.
Ocasio-Cortez’s platform reads like a Marxist wish list, similar to our own Jagmeet Singh’s NDP. Free Medicare, a carbon free electrical grid, Federal job guarantees, free tuition for all and student debt cancellation. That’s a big number by the way. Americans owe over $1.48 trillion in student loan debt, spread out among about 44 million hopeless borrowers. That’s $620 billion more than total U.S. credit card debt.[1] Their futures have been forfeited by pathological, income and job crushing, mass immigration policy. Ocasio-Cortez compares electing Democrats to ending slavery and believes that all illegal aliens deserve a “right of passage” to freely enter the United States. “They’re” in a fight, make no mistake about it.
The 28 year-old "Latinx." believes that the U.S. is committing “international human rights abuses” at the U.S.-Mexico border because of President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. She has declared her support for a “Marshall Plan,” to rebuild hurricane-wracked Puerto Rico, referring to the U.S. territory as an “invaded” colony. She thinks that “because we are standing on native land and Latino people are descendants of native people" that Hispanics should be exempt from immigration laws on racial grounds.[2] Her loyalty lies with anything and everything non-white.
Puerto Rico provides a useful test case of open-borders ideology, because about three-fifths of all Puerto Ricans on earth now live in the fifty states. The Puerto Rican example suggests that Third-Worlders would stop coming to America only after their standard of living descends to Third World levels.[3] Democratic strategists are hoping that an exodus from Puerto Rico, exacerbated by more hurricanes, will deliver Florida’s 29 electoral votes in 2020. America has now become, like Canada, a colony of the world.
DNC chairman Tom Perez says that Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez is “the future of our party.” Forget Make America Great Again. If Ocasio-Cortez is the future, and she is, she’ll make America Venezuela.
Demographics are Destiny and Destiny is in the Balance
This past election cycle in the U.S. there was a clear pattern of non-whites winning Democratic nominations. As the Washington Post noted in a story about Stacey Abrams, the nominee in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, “The rapidly changing complexion of the South, which has seen the percentages of African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans increase, creates the potential for a political makeover.”
Whites owe their nations to non-whites
(con't at link - long but good)
top 100
She would like to sand-blast Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson off of Stone Mountain. White women were quickly vilified for not voting for Abrams. Race, it seems, and thankfully so, trumps sisterhood. It’s going to worsen, however. Abrams headlined a conference in the spring of 2018 to promote reparations. If reparations are to be paid, should they be paid to whites? Black Lives matter, no question, but so do crime rates. Right here in Canada, “Google” the top 100 most wanted by Toronto Police. What are we thinking?
Rashida Tlabib, is the first Muslim woman and first Palestinian in Congress. This woman is incredibly unattractive, but her identity is certainly part of her appeal; her mother told the Associated Press that her victory is “for the Arabs and Muslims all over the world.” Miss Tlabib herself highlights her Muslim identity as a way of striking back “in the time of Trump.” Yet it was her DSA credentials that gave her real momentum.
She is joined by Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American to become a legislator in 2016, and winner in Minnesota’s 5th district. On her first day in Congress she screamed, at a rally with her son by her side, that “We’re gonna impeach the Motherf***r.” I can say with confidence that she is certainly NOT, uniquely American as the NYT would try to sell us. She is uniquely alien. Thank the self-loathing Scandinavians in Minnesota for sending her to Congress. “Everything about her is a fraud, including her name,” President Trump told a Minnesota rally last month.
It seems Omar was "recruited by and received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive information through intermediaries to Iran.” According to reports, the information on Omar came during testimony from Alan Bender, a Canadian businessman born in Kuwait, in the Florida trial of Sheik Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani, a Qatari emir. Bender testified that Qatari officials told him “the best thing money can buy is American officials, because they are the cheapest of the cheapest-costing officials in the world.” Without their money, the officials said, “Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends.”[4]
Remarkably, the Dems recently appointed her to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. PJ Media reports that the hijab wearing and Sharia compliant Omar has “faced allegations — backed by a remarkable amount of evidence — that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still, legally, his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017. The motivation for the marriage remains “unclear” but evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.”[5]
Worse still, Omar has explicitly stated the U.S. was founded on “genocide” and brags about the replacement of the white population.[6] In my view, if you take an oath of allegiance to a nation, and then work to destroy it, it’s treason. America is not the scene of a crime. She should be deported immediately.
Her hijab is a symbol of direct challenge to the historic American Nation brought by mass immigration and identity politics. She has been wearing it since 9/11 to oppose America as a “false promised land.” Rather than celebrate Islamic coverings for women, I prefer to view it as religious, institutionalized misogyny. Her district is the jurisdiction with the highest rate of terrorist recruitment in the United States. No wonder. There are 100,000 Somalis living there. The historic American Nation cannot survive the immivasion and the endless stream of “legal” but hostile immigrants of which AOC, Omar and Tlabib are exemplars.
Islam and the West are incompatible and Muslims coming into our homelands are creating parallel societies. They are quietly waging Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of jihad by migration. If you dare to mention this in MSM “comments” sections, across the West, particularly since the New Zealand Mosque shooting, your account will be suspended. By the way, judging by the reaction, forget Christophobia, Christchurch will be renamed Mohammedmosque in the not too distant future.
It took some time but we finally got push-back from Tucker Carlson of Fox News on July 22nd. Carlson pointed out that Omar expresses her hatred for the people of the United States by continually attacking them all as “racists.” “After everything America has done for Omar and for her family, she hates this country more than ever,” said Carlson.
“Omar isn’t disappointed in America, she is enraged by it. Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism,” the Fox News Channel host went on. “That should worry you and not just because Omar is now a sitting Member of Congress. Ilhan Omar is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country.”
“Maybe that’s our fault for asking too little of our immigrants. We aren’t self-confident enough to make them assimilate so they never feel fully American,” he added. “Or maybe the problem is deeper than that. Maybe we’re importing people from places whose values are simply antithetical to ours. Who knows what the problem is, but there is a problem.”
Carlson wrapped up his segment by calling on his audience to be “grateful” for Omar. “She’s a living fire alarm, a warning to the rest of us we better change our immigration system immediately,” he said.
How did she respond? She thinks that America isn’t a nation at all and that it belongs to the world so naturally she called him a “racist fool.” How would she feel if Somalia was invaded and conquered by Sudan and a handful of Sudanese took over the government and claimed to be the only true Somalians? There is no person in this country or America who can look at this woman and not feel some level of alienation except for other bulb-headed Somalians. Send her back, indeed.
Mr. Carlson is right. America is declining because the white population share is declining. It’s the same story in Rhodesia, South Africa, and Baltimore. Without whites, there’s no Western Civilization—or sometimes, not much civilization at all. Without whites to prop it up, the world’s sole superpower will fall.
On July 14th, President Trump, gave Nancy Pelosi the kiss of death by defending her against accusations of "racism." He is purposefully inflaming the brewing war between Nancy and the brown immigrant communists.
He tweeted:
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept in the world, now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came? I’m sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
President Trump effectively cut the brake lines on the entire "progressive" or rather, communist, agenda. “We hate America and want to destroy it” isn’t tenable as a platform for the Democrat Party to run and win on. Not in 2020, at least. The “squad” are now going to have a significant role in deciding who wins the Democrat presidential primary. Although there now appears to be emerging a movement for a moderate like Michael Bloomberg to enter the fray and even, wait for it, an Ali/Frazier rematch with Hillary Clinton throwing her hat in the ring. Higher taxes, more immigration and eating bugs is coming to a neighbourhood near you.
Trump’s strategy has pushed the Democrats into the black hole of open borders, ban meat, vigils for fish, new legislation on “ecocide,” eating maggots, legal Pedophilia, a $75 Trillion 10 year Green New Deal (GND), abolish prisons, abortion for whites, let anyone vote, free everything, anti-white, "f" America, we have to take over the entire economy to change the weather 0.3 degrees by 2062, deconstruct and then burn it all down so he wins in 2020. But President Trump speaks loudly and carries a little stick. His “base,” like the “Conservatives” in Canada, are further right than he is. There is a big difference from what Americans were promised and what they got. What does “Make America Great” mean today? A better slogan would be “Push Back Door-to-Door Gun Confiscation until 2024.” Nevertheless, grassroots support for him increased 2 points over that weekend. “Send her back” indeed, but build that wall, tax remittances; sign the executive order on “Anchor” babies; and ban immigration from the world’s most dangerous countries.
Finally, Black MSNBC pundit Joy Reid understands that demography is destiny. “If [NRA Chief Executive] Wayne LaPierre doesn’t understand that the next generation and the next will be unavailable to him and his vile philosophy, he needs a quick lesson in demographic math,” she wrote in February 2018. “One way or another, the NRA and its extremist ideology are on a path to extinction. And good riddance to them in advance.” She also claims rural voters are a “core threat to our democracy.” What’s worse, after the recent El Paso shooting, Democratic presidential candidates linked gun ownership to “white nationalism.”[7] Uh…oh…those are crosshairs on the 2ND Amendment.
War on White
Sarah Jeong, a technology writer recently hired by the New York Times for a prestigious post on its editorial board, spoke sarcastically about white people:
“Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” she wrote in one. “White people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she wrote in another.
“#CancelWhitePeople,” another said. Whites built the United States and made it an attractive destination for people like Jeong in the first place. If she doesn’t like white created societies she should go back to South Korea. Jeong is nothing more than a by-product of America’s cultural decline more than an agent consciously or insidiously changing it. [8]
Jessie Smollet, the black, gay “Empire” actor and activist recently set up a hate crime hoax. He could have created a race riot and would have been delighted to see two innocent white men take the rap and go to jail. The Democrats and BLM should make a public announcement: “Be on the lookout for stupid, pro-MAGA, redneck Nigerians. They lynched Jussie and now they’re coming for you!” Was he having sex with one of those guys?
There won’t be any reconciliation with the likes of these aliens when the founding European’s of America become a minority. They are righteous. They demand silence and obedience. And you don’t exterminate oppression you exterminate the oppressors. Make no mistake, our children and grandchildren are in harm’s way.
We are divided and we are creating a dystopian nightmare, not just in America, and Mr. Trudeau's Post-Nation State, but across the entire "West.” What we are witnessing is the execution of an anti-white agenda; a war on white. Specifically, a war on heterosexual white men with families. Those would be the people that coach little league baseball and volunteer in their communities. They are the ones that make America great. But many of our own are complicit in this ethnocide and are of the view that the world will be a better place without whites. We have become maladaptive and are selecting against ourselves, according to evolutionary anthropologists. We are entering another Dark Age.
Divided They Stand
White America, whether or not they deport all 30 million+ of their illegal aliens, will reach majority-minority status between 2042- 2045 and the Democratic Party is already approaching that point. The political consequences of these changes are profound and probably irreversible. The developments that are unfolding are not a fluke, but the beginning of a new political realignment in the United States that is increasingly focused on race.[9] The non-white grass roots in the Democratic Party will eventually begin to demand that their leaders look like them, not like Nancy Pelosi. The rise of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and its explicitly redistributionist program is part of it.[10]
Sure enough, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was recently purged of its white leadership. Allison Jaslow, DCCC Executive director has just resigned and in the following dozen hours or so, white heads rolled. For the life of me I don’t understand why on earth white Americans would support any Democrat. Committee Chair, Cheri Bustos, grovelled on her way out the door and agreed to take part in “diversity and inclusion training.” They have weaponized our altruism against us and we’re too timid to push back. Tribalism matters for the blacks and browns who seized control. Rather than inclusion and being fair, for them it’s simply about raw power.[11]
The loss of white and working-class/labour support, coupled with the continued demographic change of the country, has helped push the Democratic Party toward majority-minority status. Since 1992, the white share of the Democratic presidential vote has dropped an average of about one percent per year. At its current rate, it could tip to majority-minority status by 2020. It will occur no later than 2024.[12] The Democrats will surely, before long, without immigration intervention, sweep away the GOP and impose their will, forever, as has already happened in the sanctuary state of California.
This sudden surge in minority candidates is not an indicator of increased open-mindedness, but clearly of demographic change. While the national Democratic Party is only just approaching majority-minority status, in much of the nation it is already there. Peter Brimelow has factored in Jewish and LBGTQ voters, and argues it has already tipped.[13] He calculates that 52.4% of the Democrats are black, Asian, Muslim, Hispanic, LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP and Jewish. [Despite Trump's Israel Policies, American Jews Will Overwhelmingly Vote for Democrats, Poll Finds, by Amir Tibon, Haaretz, October 17, 2018].
Recently, on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said Republicans were trying to turn America into South Africa under Apartheid because they were “only interested in retaining white power in this country.” Jewish movie mogul, Rob Reiner, noted on social media that “GOP frightened to death of the browning of America. They will lose this last great battle of the civil war. Diversity is our strength.”[14] To both of them I say, “why would whites want to give their nations away?” Indeed, support for President Trump has also been shown to be highly correlated with white identity and opposition to immigration.
Patriotism Requires a White Majority
American patriotism is at a record-low, according to a new Gallup poll. Only 47 percent of respondents are “extremely proud” to be American, and most of the decline has taken place among Democrats. In 2013, just six years ago, 56 percent of Democrats said they were “extremely proud” of being American. Now it’s just 32 percent. In contrast, 74 percent of Republicans are “extremely proud” to be American, the highest figure in five years.[15]
The drop in patriotism has been even sharper for young people. Among 18 to 29 year -old’s, 55 percent were “extremely” proud to be American in 2013, while only 33 percent were in 2018. Other polls of “Generation Z” show they are more left-wing than older Americans, with non-whites even more so. As each cohort becomes more non-white, it will be more leftist and less patriotic. Not surprisingly, college graduates marinated in rhetoric about “white privilege,” cultural relativism, implicit bias and “guilt” are also more likely to think America (and Canada) are inherently racist. [16]
Twitter is now filled with anti-patriotic declarations by journalists and activists. Some prominent examples:
Hari Kondabolu- “The Star-Spangled Banner" is one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon, and you would be wise to cut it from your #FourthOfJuly playlist.
Jesse Jackson- Happy Independence Day or as the Native Americans call it…THE DAY THE WHITE PEOPLE WHO STOLE OUR LAND CHANGED THEIR FLAG #4thofJuly
ChristopherM@mammothfactory - “America is a racist shithole started by genocidal maniacs and also it's got a dumb ugly flag, happy birthday shithole, with fireworks, hooray.”
Colin Kapernick takes a knee during the National Anthem. Nike stands behind him, however. Nike’s market is urban and like Canada, America’s largest cities are majority minority. And Hollywood’s Jason Blum has completed “The Hunt” a film which encourages progressives to kill “deplorables.”
Even worse, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has inspired violence against police, including the murder of five Dallas police officers and recently a man wounded 6 Philadelphia police officers during a standoff where he fired over 100 rounds. Anti-white sentiment inspires violence against white people in general. The black murderer of a white woman named Brittney Watts cited colonialism’s legacy as the reason for killing her. In 2016, the FBI identified anti-white hate crime as the fastest growing racial hate crime in America.[17] Despite all the shouting about the danger white supremacy poses to “black bodies,” blacks are 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.[18]
Both America and Canada give non-whites a better life, certainly significantly better than their home countries could. That is why they keep coming to “racist” North America and the West. However, real patriotism will always be difficult for anyone who is not white, no matter their standard of living. They have trouble or find it impossible to identify with a past that seems foreign or, in fact, hostile to them. And if you think “Civic Nationalism” will save America, think again.
The descendants of people brought to America as slaves deserve sympathy. However, non-white immigrants who come and then lecture us on the meaning of our identity, like our own Charmaine Nelson (there are many others), professor of Art History & Communication Studies at McGill, deserve our contempt. Blacks, Indians, Sikhs, Chinese or Muslim’s have no right to take away our identity. This is who we are. The people most willing to identify with and champion America are white. If America (and Canada) cease to be majority white nations, they won’t be nations at all.
It’s about Race Stupid
Persistent race-based IQ and psychopathic personality differences will keep most, but not all, minorities and particularly mestizos (who are the bulk of Latino immigrants in the United States) trapped at the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder. Arguments that the Mestizo’s will assimilate like their European predecessors fail to explain why racial hierarchies and social dysfunction have persisted in their home nations for generations. They are not the sons and daughters of the Conquistadors. These significant inequalities explain, at least in large part, the high levels of Hispanic support for government hand-outs, paid for by Euro-Americans; the deplorables, that are likely to keep most of them tied to the Democratic Party forever. Why would Americans allow these people to come into their country and collect welfare? They wouldn’t but corrupt politicians, the competitively altruistic and the Chamber of Commerce might. Free healthcare for illegals? Are you kidding?
White polarization is the inverse of non-white polarization and its causes are similar. Many scholars have cited genetics as a basis for reciprocal altruism among closely-related kin and hostility toward outsiders among humans and in the animal kingdom in general. This ethnocentrism is an instinct, present among new-born babies, and whites are not immune from it. Most of us are socialized to suppress our ethnocentric instincts, but they remain only a short distance beneath the surface.[19]
Academics across the West and in Canada continue to argue that direct contact is a strategy for overcoming prejudice and racial/ethnic differences but an overwhelming amount of research now confirms that the negative effects are far more powerful. Crime statistics, white flight and segregation in neighbourhoods, schools and personal relationships, right here in Canada, too, provide evidence that this radical experiment isn’t working and never will.
These trends are expected to become stronger over time. Experimental research has also shown that growing white awareness of demographic change makes them more conservative, less favorably disposed to minorities, and feel greater attachment to other whites. The effects are heightened the more whites think they are threatened. That is certainly true in my own case. I am appalled by the ethnocentrism and ethno-nepotism among some of these racial and ethnic groups that I witness on a daily basis.
Further evidence of racial polarization can be found by looking around the world. Ethnic conflict has been a constant in human relations – everywhere and throughout history. More recently, 64 percent of all civil wars since 1946 have divided along ethnic lines. Such conflicts are highly correlated with genetic diversity and ethnic polarization. Some of the worst examples, such as Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Sudan, have included horrific ethnic cleansing and genocide.[20] Is anyone in Canada paying attention?
The burden of proof is on the advocates of multiculturalism, which has never improved any society anywhere, to prove that their vision will lead to anything but hell on earth for us?[21] How exactly does diversity make us stronger?
Anne Coulter recently noted that “it might be of some concern to the rapidly diminishing white population that our cultural overlords are so tormented by whiteness:”
"The Unbearable Whiteness of Congress"—The Daily Beast
"Whiteness is terrorism"—Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams on Twitter
"The Problem of Whiteness"—course at University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Abolish the White Race"—Harvard Magazine ("The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.").
“This stunning demographic replacement matters because American culture is the envy of the world. Not only was this wonderful culture created by white Western Europeans, but merely asking immigrants to assimilate to it is now generally considered a hate crime.”[22]
The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, unless you think it’s a good thing.
Miss Dianis is looking forward to whites being a minority because that will mean power for her and her people. Her reference to South Africa is outrageous. The black government discriminates openly against the white minority. South Africa was once a First World nation but after whites surrendered political power, it has become a Third World catastrophe. For Dianis this is a model. To her, democracy is a racial headcount. It’s crude, but correct. Demographic change ensures eventual permanent Democrat victory.
Stacey Abrams believes this. Joy Reid does too.[23]
Race-based identity politics are just a lower form of ethnic conflict. Like ethnic conflict more generally, the strength of such politics depends on the level of ethnic diversity and corresponding racial polarization. In homogenous societies, for example, politics tends to divide along class and cultural lines. As a society becomes more diverse, however, ethnicity begins to play a growing role.[24]
Politics and parties that are explicitly ethnically-based usually do not appear until much later, when a nation has become more diverse and has begun to suffer extreme racial polarization. Such politics have been shown to produce substantial ethnic favoritism and is often a prelude to civil war or partition.[25] Brazil is a case in point.
In Part 2 and 3, I will explore what this war might look like; the sides; if it will be violent; the role of the police and armed forces; where the guns reside; the rural/urban divide and the range of likely outcomes.
[1] Studentloanhero.com. May 1st, 2018. An average monthly payment of $351
[2] Hood, Gregory. “AOC: Conquistador-American.” American Renaissance, Feb 11, 2019.
[3] Sailor, Steve. “The Mess Before Maria.” Takimag.com. October 4th, 2017.
[4] Billingsley, Lloyd. Frontpage Magazine, November 27, 2019. Quoted here in “Spies Like Omar.” Amren.com. Nov. 27th, 2019
[5] Spencer, Robert. Jihad Watch. January 20th, 2019.
[6] Kirkpatrick, James. Generic American Party vs. Great Replacement Party V-Dare.com. JULY 18, 2019
[7] Moore, Bradley. “A Non-White Majority will end Gun Rights.” Amren.com. Aug 21, 2019.
[8] Aisling, Collin. “The Scum from the New York Times.” Counter Currents. Aug. 6th 2018
[9] McDermott, Patrick. The Racial Realignment of American Politics. Vdare.com. June 29th,2018
[10] Ibid.
[11] Quinn, Spencer. “They Will Devour You.” Counter-Currents.com. August 6th, 2019.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Joyce, Andrew. Review: A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of its Members and Leaders.” Amren.com. Aug 5th, 208.
[15] Hood, Gregory. Patriotism Requires a white Majority. American Rennaissance. July 8, 2018.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Hood, Gregory. “Who is radicalizing America.” American Renaissance, Sept. 25th, 2018
[18] Ibid.
[19] Ibid.
[20] McDermott, Patrick. The Racial Realignment of American Politics. Vdare.com. Jun 29th,2018
[21] Johnson, Greg. “Whitopia.” Counter-Currents.com. January 26th, 2018
[22] Coulter, Anne. U.S. Isn’t Becoming Europe. We’re Becoming Rome.”
[23] Hood, Gregory. “Another Leftist Brags About the Great Replacement.” Amren.com. Dec.11th, 2019.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Ibid.h
Using that private email to get ahold of a private 1 on 1 meeting with HRC.
So corrupt. fml.
Is Vyacheslav Ivanov on the Clinton Kill list?
Does not appear to be: https://theclintonbody.blogspot.com/
The Coming Second Civil War Part II
by Brian Wiggins - Jan 2, 2020
Multicultural Brazil has failed…America not Far Behind
The United States and Canada have obviously not reached this stage yet, but our futures can be seen in other nations that are further evolved in multiculturalism. One example, on this hemisphere, is Brazil. While the United States will not become majority-minority until 2042-45, and Canada around the same time, Brazil reached that milestone in 2010. For much of the 20th Century, Brazil presented itself as a harmonious racial democracy and a model for the rest of the world. Fat chance.
Brazil’s changing demographics demonstrated their power with the election of Lula da Silva in 2002 and his hand-picked successor, Dilma Rousseff, in 2010. Support for these two presidents – both members of the leftist Workers Party – was concentrated in the largely black northern half of the country, while opposition was concentrated in the mostly white south. Their victories depended on the nation’s changing demographics. Once elected, they rewarded their black supporters with substantial expansions of affirmative action and a new cash transfer system, called Bolsa Família, which disproportionately benefited Afro-Brazilians.[1] Not surprising.
Since then Brazil’s fortunes took a turn for the worse. Rousseff was impeached after a massive corruption scandal in 2016. Crime has exploded. Black activists now deride the notion of “racial democracy” and have become more militant on racial issues. An explicitly black political party has also appeared. Uh…oh…
(long article, continues at link)
Agenda 21 bad
Money is the most addictive and destructive drug.
Guest Post: CdnSpotlight Researching Corruption Within Canada’s Ranks
Another researcher getting into the muck and filth that is the Canadian Government and administration. Here is some of the work unearthed and exposed. Worth a good long read, for anyone who is truly concerned about the future of the nation. Here are just a few of the postings. Go check out more.
CLICK HERE, for the Gab account where this research can be found.
Dominic Barton
What began with a negative news article about Dominic Barton becoming our new ambassador to China in Sept. got me curious so I started digging.
And what I’ve been finding is alarming.
It is much, much larger than just lowly ol’ Barton as the pic shows.
The tentacles are far-reaching and the Canadian players involved are so intertwined that it’ll cause some ‘splodey heads like mine.
So please bear with me as I try to explain this in my series/threads.
So let me start with the article that started it all:
Terence Corcoran: Dominic Barton could be the right man for China … if he remembers what makes Canada work:
Barton’s admiration and support of China’s statist economic ideas, and his frequently stated disdain for market capitalism, certainly give one reason to pause – Sept. 2019
CLICK HERE for an article on the subject.
Read every word of that article, it briefly describes Barton’s “philosophy” & ideology
“China as the world’s leading practitioner of state corporatism. Barton thinks the Communist Party of China has developed some fantastic economic models that might even be exportable to the rest of the world, including Canada.
Barton and McKinsey, for example, have been enthusiastic backers of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive global infrastructure scheme
the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) infrastructure initiative, the project was described by Barton in 2015 as “inspiring” and a model for “long-term thinking” with infrastructure spending as the foundation for economic growth.
China’s Belt/Road model, suggests Barton, is the way of the future. “The Chinese saying ‘build a road first if you want to get rich’ is spot on — data suggests that for every $1 billion in infrastructure investment, 30,000 to 80,000 jobs are created, generating $2.5 billion in new GDP.”
In my humble opinion, this is where Canada’s headed…
CPPIB, Blackrock, Mark Wiseman
Now that ambassador Dominic Barton has been identified as the architect, let’s look at some of his buddies and their connections with BlackRock and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB)
Born in Niagara Falls Ontario, Mark Wiseman became a Senior Managing Director at BlackRock NYC in 2016 as Global Head of Active Equities for BlackRock and Chairman of BlackRock Alternative Investors. He also serves as Chairman of the firm’s Global Investment Committee and on its Global Executive Committee.
He was President and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) 2012-2016 after starting there in 2005 as Senior Vice-President, Private Investments.
Prior to joining CPPIB, Mark was responsible for the private equity fund and co-investment program at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. He has worked at Harrowston Inc., a publicly traded Canadian merchant bank, and as a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell, where he practiced in New York and Paris.
He also served as a law clerk to Madam Justice Beverley McLachlin at the Supreme Court of Canada – ring a bell? During the Justice Committee hearings with Jody Wilson-Raybould about the SNC-Lavalin Scandal, Buttsputin & Clerk of the Privy Council had insisted Jody talk with her for “advice”.
But the BlackRock ties don’t stop there.
BlackRock Canada CEO is Marcia Moffat since 2015– who just happens to be Mark Wiseman’s wife – based in Toronto. Mark returns home to Toronto on weekends from New York. She was formerly with RBC under Janice Fukakusa (see pic)
Wiseman is also the Chairman of FCLTGlobal (formerly Focusing Capital on the Long Term), an organization that encourages longer-term approaches in business and investing, which was set up by BlackRock, CPPIB, Dow, McKinsey & Company and Tata in 2016.
Mark is also a member of the Advisory Council on Economic Growth, which advises Finance Minister MORNEAU on economic policies to achieve long-term, sustainable growth. Mark serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations, including Sinai Health Services in Toronto, the Capital Markets Institute and the Dean’s Advisory Board at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
At CPPIB, Wiseman made a name for himself by opening offices and pursuing investments abroad, particularly in South America and South Asia.
CPP investment chief Mark Wiseman to make surprise exit after nearly four years at helm.
While the one source characterized his departure as amicable, another source familiar with CPPIB’s inner workings said there was friction on leadership issues.
“…some questioned whether it was only the CPP’s interests that were being promoted” His years as CEO at CPPIB have been marked by a stream of deals, ranging from a lucrative early investment in Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba.
In 2015 – Why the head of Canada’s biggest pension fund is bullish on energy.
Mark Wiseman says CPPIB is looking at a range of investments from buying equity and partnering on acquisitions to outright takeovers
Mark Wiseman, who runs Canada’s biggest pension fund, offered the Davos crowd last week a two-pronged argument on why he’s bullish on energy assets after the recent plunge in oil prices.
Wiseman said that simple supply and demand perspective all but guarantees oil prices will be higher 10 years down the road, offering investment opportunities now for the $234 billion fund. “I’ll take that bet” on oil’s rebound, he said in an interview Tuesday at Bloomberg’s Toronto office.
“We see a lot of value in the Western Canadian basin,” he said, noting that oil sands projects are on his radar.
He encouraged the Canadian federal and provincial governments to look to jurisdictions like Australia, where state governments are given incentives to invest in infrastructure and court outside funding.
In the meantime, Canada Pension is looking to places like China, India and Brazil.
Willy Porneau’s Advisory Council
Let’s take a look at how quickly the Liberals put Deep State into play.
Willy Porno (Morneau) and his new Dream Team – the Advisory Council on Economic Growth.
Less than 2 months after the 2015 federal election, Willy Porno announces the new Advisory Council in his speech to the Toronto Region Board of Trade.
This was obviously planned long before the election.
CPAC December 14, 2015 – Bill Morneau – Keynote Speech
Finance Minister Bill Morneau addresses the Toronto Region Board of Trade, discussing the government’s strategy for supporting the middle class and long-term economic growth in Canada, including a plan to create an advisory council for economic growth. Following his speech, Morneau responds to questions from the board.
You should see this, and also see this.
A month later, the Crime Minister is at the World Economic Forum in Davos, with Dominic Barton:
“I would bet that almost all of you have Canadians in leadership positions in your companies—you may not know it because we don’t often shout it from the rooftops, some clichés about Canadians are true. In fact, at least half of you have hired Dominic Barton at one point or another.”
While in Davos, PMJT met with many high rollers – Microsoft CEO Natya Nadella, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg,
and billionaire George Soros, whose interests include combating climate change.
Then on Feb.22, 2016 Willy Porno announced Barton as Chair of the Council:
This article references the earlier ties Barton had to Wiseman by creating Focusing Capital on the Long Term (FCLT) Global in 2013 – board of directors include Larry Fink CEO BlackRock NYC – Wiseman’s future boss in 3 short years.
McKinsey executive to head new federal economic council.
Canada Infrastructure Bank
Canada’s Deep State Part 4 – Canada Infrastructure Bank
The Canada infrastructure Bank (CIB) has been steeped in controversy since it was first proposed.
The Liberal’s 2015 election promise was to provide low-cost financing to municipalities for infrastructure projects, as a vehicle for Ottawa to use its strong credit rating and lending authority to help municipalities reduce their cost of borrowing.
The Liberal plans evolved considerably since the party first promised an infrastructure bank during that election campaign – there was no mention of attracting private capital. The role of the proposed Canadian Infrastructure Development Bank was to attract financing from institutional investors to fund projects over the next 10 years as a Crown corporation.
Dominic Barton and Michael Sabia sketched out the infrastructure bank idea at the Public Policy Forum summit in Oct. 2016, a more ambitious plan in which the bank would gather and prioritize large projects that could earn revenue, such as electrical networks, and that attract billions in added international investment.
Sounds an awful lot like McKinsey’s “for-profit public-sector work” and advising governments.
The proposal to entice global pension funds into major Canadian investments goes far beyond anything promised to date by the federal Liberals, but Finance Minister Bill Morneau – who worked directly with the panel over the past several months – signalled a strong openness to the recommendations announced Thursday.
However, the panel’s 14 members include leaders of some of those institutional investors, including Mark Wiseman, senior managing director of BlackRock Inc., and Michael Sabia, CEO of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec pension fund.
Examples of potential projects listed… include toll highways and bridges, high-speed rail, port and airport expansions, city infrastructure, national broadband infrastructure, power transmission and natural resource infrastructure.
PM hopes to attract billions in private capital for infrastructure
Trudeau takes his foreign-investment agenda to investors, two weeks after announcing an infrastructure bank.
He will be accompanied by nine members of cabinet, including Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi, Transport Minister Marc Garneau, and Health Minister Jane Philpott. Trudeau and four of the ministers also are set to make their pitch to about a dozen Canadian investors — insurance companies and big pension funds like the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board — in the morning before meeting with the international investors in the afternoon.
Attracting billions in private-sector capital for “transformative” infrastructure projects is key to the Liberal government’s lonhg-term strategy to boost Canada’s sluggish economic growth.
Century Initiative
Canada’s Deep State – Part 5 Century Initiative
When I first started digging about Canada’s new ambassador to China Dominic Barton, he popped up in a group called Century Initiative – a “non-profit” Canadian “registered charity”
Century Initiative’s 6 Founding Members – Dom, his buddy Mark & some new players
Dominic Barton, new Ambassador to China, prev. Global Managing Partner McKinsey & Co
Mark D. Wiseman, BlackRock NYC, former CEO Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Goldy Hyder, Business Council of Canada president and CEO
– Future post to come on Hyder
Willa Black, Vice-President, Corporate Affairs – Cisco Canada
Tom Milroy, Managing Director, Generation Capital Limited
Andrew Pickersgill, also McKinsey & Co
Registered in Jan.2016, a few short months after the 2015 election, a month after Willy Porno announces the Canada Infrastructure Bank at the Toronto Region Board of Trade and while Dom & PMJT are schmoozing at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Now what would 6 capitalists be doing with a charity? Is this Barton’s belief that “corporations should be vehicles for social responsibility, not profits, and they should act for the welfare of all stakeholders, not just shareholders”?
This charitable status is a huge concern – if I’m not mistaken, there is no reporting or accountability of charities – no records of donors. A perfect vehicle for money-laundering & off-shore investments, likely thru the CIB, and tax write-offs for donors – the prefect storm for the elite 1%. I also believe the recent changes to charities in Bill C-86 was an “indirect” benefit to them.
Seems odd that Dom would set up a charity because in the past decade, McKinsey made a major push into FOR-PROFIT PUBLIC-SECTOR WORK, advising governments around the world.
Possible links to 21st Century Initiative by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) & Obama??? Anons???
From Jan. to Sept. 2016, there doesn’t appear to be much about Century Initiative in the news. Of course Dom & Wiseman are busy with the Canada Investment Bank. But their buddies at Century Initiative were busy busy setting up, writing reports & hiring Shari Austin as CEO, previously VP of Corporate Citizenship and Executive Director of the RBC Foundation – not sure of her connection with Gordon Nixon, Janice Fukakusa or Wiseman’s wife Marcia Moffat at RBC but you can bet there is one.
In Oct. 2016, press releases & new articles start exploding on the scene
Hidden behind the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s “mandate” is Century Initiative, a “registered charity”
Finance Minister’s key advisers want 100M Canadians by 2100
Barton sees a dovetail between some of the ideas behind the Century Initiative and the growth council (Advisory Council), but he says they are separate.
In fact, behind the closed doors of the growth council meetings, Barton said the Century Initiative’s 100-million goal didn’t come up.
He did acknowledge that he and Wiseman were among the biggest proponents behind the immigration-boosting idea that the group presented to Morneau.
“Probably because Mark and I have been in (Century Initiative) we’re obviously more naturally bullish towards it,” said Barton, who also noted that there was a lot of debate on the scope of the immigration proposal.
Go Follow CdnSpotlight
The above is only a small sample of what has been posted on the Gab account by CdnSpotlight. Lots of dirt, and much of it very unpleasant. However, Canadians concerned about their country should take a look into this.
The rot and corruption runs deep throughout the Canadian political systems. Unfortunately, most people just don’t want to know about it.
Guest Post #2: More Great Work From CdnSpotlight Reposted
Another researcher getting into the muck and filth that is the Canadian Government and administration. Here is some of the work unearthed and exposed. Worth a good long read, for anyone who is truly concerned about the future of the nation. Here are just a few of the postings. Go check out more.
In this previous post, CdnSpotlight’s work from Gab is shared on this site. Here is continuation of that fine research.
Goldy Hyer
Canada’s Deep State Part 6 – Goldy Hyder
Another one of Dom’s buddies at Century Initiative is Goldy Hyder, currently Pres & CEO of the Business Council of Canada since 2018, previously:
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada (Ottawa) 2001-2018, working his way up to Pres & CEO in 2013
Hyder, a native Albertan, was PM Joe Clark’s chief of staff (when?) prior to joining Hill+Knowlton in 2001 but there’s no mention of dates exactly when that took place
Recently named Vice Chair of ABLAC 2020 (Asia Business Leaders Advisory Council), a high-level group of Asian and Canadian business leaders convened annually by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APFC) to identify and articulate opportunities for improved Canada-Asia business engagement.
And guess who some of the APFC members are from Canada – recognize some names from my previous posts?
Barton, Wiseman, Hyder, Fukakusa (CIB) & Sabia (Porno’s Advisory Council) – ain’t that cozy?
For some lobbying in Harper’s Government.
Duffy adviser offered to share secrets with Nigel Wright, defence alleges in cross-examination.
Defence lawyer Donald Bayne suggested adviser Goldy Hyder was actually working closer with Wright and the PMO than he was with Duffy
In April 2013, Sen. Mike Duffy engaged longtime Conservative insider and communications expert Goldy Hyder to advise him on how to handle his ongoing discussions with the Prime Minister’s Office over his expense claims.
Hyder, a consultant, then contacted Nigel Wright, at the time the prime minister’s chief of staff, to say he had been engaged as a Duffy adviser. And, according to Duffy’s defence lawyer, Hyder offered to secretly share information with Wright.
“Sen. Duffy thinks that Goldy Hyder is working on his behalf,” defence lawyer Donald Bayne told Wright in court, “but really Mr. Hyder is working for you to get to where you want to go.”
“I never viewed it that way,” replied Wright. “He introduced himself as working for Sen. Duffy.”
Duffy advisor offered to share secrets with Nigel Wright.
Then there’s this moronic piece:
Jaspal Atwal, Sikh Extremist Convicted In Assassination Attempt, Invited To Trudeau Receptions In India.
The news comes as Trudeau tries to reassure Indian leaders that his government doesn’t support Sikh extremism.
Goldy Hyder, President of Hill and Knowlton Strategies and a long-time Conservative insider who was in India for part of the Canadian trip, said the Atwal furor is taking away from the positives of the Trudeau tour.
“I do think it’s unfortunate because it’s taking away from some of the things that are happening on this that, as a Canadian of a different (political) stripe, quite frankly, I’m pleased to see.”
Hyder said he didn’t think the episode would harm Trudeau’s efforts to improve trade and cultural relations with India, largely because the mistake was fixed as soon as it was discovered.
Jim Leech, ON Teachers’ Pension, CIB
CANADA’S DEEP STATE Part 7 – Jim Leech – Ontario Teachers Pension Plan & Architect of the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
Currently the Chancellor of Queen’s University after retiring in 2014 as Pres/CEO of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) 2001-2014, one of the world’s largest and most innovative pension funds. During his tenure as CEO, Teachers’ eliminated its funding deficit and was RANKED FIRST IN THE WORLD amongst peer plans for absolute returns and value-added returns over 5 & 10 years.
Feb.10, 2017 – he was named Special Advisor “to the Prime Minister of Canada” on the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB), working in collaboration with the Privy Council Office, the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and the Minister of Finance to expedite the swift and successful creation of the CIB
Mr. Leech is also a SENIOR ADVISOR to MCKINSEY & CO. (location & date unknown) & long-term acquaintance of Dominic Barton & Mark Wiseman.
Prior to his appointment as CEO, Mr. Leech headed Teachers’ Private Capital as Senior VP, the pension plan’s private investing arm where he oversaw the growth in private equity, venture capital, and infrastructure investments from $2B in 2001 to over $20B by 2007
–This is when he and the fund gained world-wide attention
After retiring from OTPP in 2014, Mr. Leech was also appointed Special Advisor to the Ontario Minister of Finance to review the sustainability of the province’s electricity sector pension. His report was accepted by the government and is currently being implemented.
from a Globe & Mail interview Jan.2015:
Is there a particular metric you lean on?
“It’s funny, the whole time I was at Teachers, if you asked me on any given day what the stock market had done, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. But in terms of meaty economic analysis, I put some weight in the World Economic Forum in Davos. That’s probably where I got the information.”
Also an Honorary Colonel in the Canadian Armed Forces
Check out this speech, from Jim Leech.
Michael Sabia & The Caisse
CANADA’S DEEP STATE Part 8 – Michael Sabia and the Caisse
While researching everything & everyone in this series, many questions arose while trying to understand how pension fund managers, global “investment/asset managers” and global “management consultants” became the Crime Minister’s gurus with so much power and say in this government – SO MUCH that an infrastructure bank Crown Corporation was created AND FAST.
How did the core mandate of public pensions morph into that?
Why does there seem to be an ulterior motive?
How does this fit in with China, the other key players like Barton & Wiseman, Pension Plans, immigration, the “middle class” & retiring boomers? Future posts to come.
These all came together with the deep digs on Michael Sabia and Quebec’s public pension the Caisse.
Michael Sabia is Pres & CEO of Quebec’s Pension Plan : Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec (CDPQ or The Caisse) since 2009. The first anglophone to head the Caisse which ruffled a lot of feathers in Quebec
1976 BA political economy, University of Toronto
– met his wife, Hilary Pearson in 1st year, granddaughter of former PM Lester B.Pearson
1977-83 MA, MPhil, political economy, Yale University
1986-90 Canadian department of finance, tax policy
1990-93 PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE deputy secretary to the cabinet
—–Why do I get bad vibes every time with the PCO or Clerk of the Privy Council?
1993-95 Canadian National Railway (CN), VP Corp Development
1995-99 CN CFO
1999-00 Bell Canada International, chief executive
2000-02 Bell Canada Enterprise (BCE), Exec.VP & COO
2002-08 BCE CEO & Pres
2009-present Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, CEO & Pres
Sabia held a number of senior positions in Canada’s federal public service incl. Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet of the Privy Council Office1986-93. As a federal govt bureaucrat, he worked on the tax overhaul that would lead to the creation of GST.
Sabia’s supervisor, Clerk of the Privy Council Paul Tellier, left the public service in 1992 to become Pres. of CN Rail, a Crown corp., Sabia followed him in 1993 to help in privatizing the company. Sabia held a number of executive positions at Canadian National Railway including the position of chief financial officer.
Tellier remained CEO at CN until Jan.2003 when he left “unexpectedly” to become Bombardier Corp’s CEO.
On November 17, 1995, after 78 years as a Crown corporation, CN was part of the largest privatization in Canadian history through an initial public offering (IPO) that raised CAD 2.26 billion for the Canadian government.
This was led by a new management team of ex-federal government bureaucrats, including Paul Tellier and Michael Sabia who began preparing CN for privatization by improving productivity and enhancing profitability.
These objectives were achieved by massive cuts to the company’s management structure, massive layoffs (CN went from 32,000 employees to about 23,000) and the sale of its branch lines. In Tellier’s final year as CEO, the publicly traded company earned $800 million.
Quebec’s pension – The Caisse (CPDQ)
CANADA’S DEEP STATE Part 9 – Quebec’s pension – The Caisse (CPDQ)
Quebec has its own public pension plan and they do not contribute to CPP. It is the 2nd largest pension fund in Canada, after the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
As at December 31, 2018, CDPQ managed assets of $309.5B invested in Canada and internationally
Established in 1965, the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ) initially focused on bonds before entering the Canadian stock market in 1967. Caisse manages the funds of other public pension and insurance plans, government and public employee pensions, employees of the QUEBEC CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY and more.
— Remember the Charbonneau Commission?
It created its private equity portfolio investing in Québec companies then adopted new investment guidelines, placing greater emphasis on equity and entering the real estate market in the 80’s. In 1996, the Caisse’s Real Estate group was the leading real estate owner in Québec and the second largest in Canada.
As of 2017, CDPQ has 41 depositors, active on Canadian and international markets, holds a diversified portfolio including fixed-income securities, publicly listed shares, real estate investments, and private equity. A shareholder in more than 4,000 companies in Québec, elsewhere in Canada, and around the world, the Caisse is internationally recognized as a leading institutional investor
Based on Caisse’s success, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan lobbied the federal gov’t in the 90’s, and won, to allow the same diversification as Caisse.
Caisse has 3 subsidiaries: Ivanhoe Cambridge, Otera Capital, & CDPQ Infra
Ivanhoé Cambridge is the real estate subsidiary of the Caisse investing in real estate assets ranging from office space & shopping centers to multi-residential buildings. In 2011 all of CDPQ’s real estate subsidiaries were merged into Ivanhoe Cambridge.
Otera Capital is a balance sheet lender in commercial real estate debt in Canada. Unknown if acquired or created by CDPQ in the 80’s
CDPQ Infra is the first Infrastructure Bank in Canada created June 2015 for its first & biggest project – the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) in the Montreal area
From 2010, this brilliant analysis foretells Caisse’s infrastructure bank – the MODEL for the new Canada Infrastructure Bank
Quebec: The most corrupt province. See here.
Why does Quebec claim so many of the nation’s political scandals?
“…the frankly disastrous state of Charest’s government. In the past two years, the government has lurched from one scandal to the next, from political financing to favouritism in the provincial daycare system to the matter of Charest’s own (long undisclosed) $75,000 stipend, paid to him by his own party, to corruption in the construction industry. Charest has stymied repeated opposition calls for an investigation into the latter, prompting many to wonder whether the Liberals, who have long-standing ties to Quebec’s construction companies, have something to hide. (Regardless, this much is true: it costs Quebec taxpayers roughly 30 per cent more to build a stretch of road than anywhere else in the country,
(much more on that topic…..)
Rise Of The Pensions
CANADA’S DEEP STATE – The Rise of the Pensions
Canada’s economy is, at best, stagnant
With no economic growth, there’s no new jobs, no additional income or disposable income to spend or INVEST
Canadians have also reached the limits of being taxed – trapping many in the “middle class” as the working poor near the poverty line
But the middle class drives the tax revenues of the entire country as well as the contributions to pension plans (CPP)
So when the middle class declines, when income declines, so do tax revenues, pension plan contributions, disposable income and investment/savings $
That’s why the Crime Minister & Liberals keep referring to the middle class:
Announced in the Fall Economic Statement, the Canada Infrastructure Bank – a key component of the government’s Investing in Canada plan – will provide innovative financing for infrastructure projects, and help more projects get built in Canada. It will lead to better projects that create the GOOD, WELL-PAYING JOBS NEEDED to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS now, and strengthen Canada’s economy over the long term.
***Source: Prime Minister announces Special Advisor on the Canada Infrastructure Bank Feb.10, 2017
All of this is really about lower incomes = lower income tax revenue
from Jim Leech’s book The Third Rail: Confronting Our Pension Failures:
“Over the next 20 years (as of 2013) more than 7 million Canadian workers will retire. Baby boomers, the 45- to 65-year-olds who account for 42% of the country’s workforce, will join the largest job exodus in Canadian history, moving to the promised land of retirement.”
*** Since millennials now outnumber boomers, the “exodus” can be easily replaced, so what’s the big deal?
“UNLESS OUR CRUMBLING PENSION SYSTEM IS REFORMED, many of these retirees will find this dreamland a bewildering and disappointing mirage.”
*** Reforming the pension “system” is really what’s going on
“In the early 1980s, consumers were setting aside 20% of their DISPLOSABLE incomes to their retirement plans;
“Retirement savings plans meant to build Canadians’ personal war chests for their final years have failed to live up to their cheery promises of early retirement “freedom” – MARKET RETURNS ARE LOW, and FINANCIAL FEES ARE CLIMBING.
Moreover, retirement plans are now being compromised by high pension obligations and a shrinking workforce.”
*** No shrinking workforce with millennials replacing these workers, but their lower entry-level salaries don’t match the higher boomer salaries because of their decades of work experience
When public pensions got the green light from gov’ts to invest in real estate & riskier investments, those plans exploded in wealth:
CPP from $44.5 B in 2000 to $409.5 B in 2019 – an increase of $365 B in 20 yr
CDPQ from $50 B in 1994 to $325 B in 2019 – staggering – Quebec only!
OTPP from $69 B in 2001 to $191 B in 2018
There’s also OMERS, HOOPP, etc
However, CPP became concerned with decreasing contributions as the workforce declined or retired. CPP had projected a deficiency in contributions vs. pensions being paid in 2021. That means the investment portion of the CPP portfolio has to be used to top up this deficiency.
But isn’t that what it’s for? See this report.
Source: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada
Follow The Money….
CANADA’S DEEP STATE Part 11 – Follow the Money
How governments & capitalists are STEALING Public Pension Funds
Previous posts in this series showed that middle class Canadians and all levels of government are broke, with governments heavily in debt with no real means to create additional tax revenues
But there’s TRILLIONS of $ in Canada’s Public Pension Plans
And TRILLIONS of $ of infrastructure needed WORLDWIDE
Since legislation forbids government access to these funds, this Liberal gov’t has changed the GAME by creating the Canada Infrastructure Bank
Now that gov’t has created the CIB, gov’t will now work at arm’s length, meaning no formal direct bidding process with the gov’t
That means SNC-Lavalin gets their “get out of jail free” card – they can bid on anything
And will likely get them all
In Dec.2017, Minister of Infrastructure Amarjeet Sohi (and Morneau) wrote the true mandate of the CIB in their Statement of Priorities and Accountabilities – Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB)
“The Bank will be an innovative financing tool designed to work collaboratively with public and private sector partners to transform the way infrastructure is planned, funded and delivered in Canada”
Public & private sector partners – otherwise known as PPPs or the 3Ps or P3 – see next post in this thread
Public sector partners include Institutional Investors – otherwise known as pensions, insurance, etc
“As other countries face the same challenges of closing the infrastructure gap with private and INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL and finding new ways to fund infrastructure, our GLOBAL PARTNERS (WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?!?) WILL BE WATCHING AND LEARNING FROM THE BANK”
Looks like Canada is the guinea pig for the “Global Partners” – see next post in this thread
Read this archived post.
https:/ /www.eurocanadian.ca/2020/01/amazon-canada-deletes-70-customer-reviews-canada-in-decay.html
Amazon is a company that engages in mass deception, tramples upon the freedom of speech of customer reviewers, and suppresses books that are not in agreement with the ethnocide of Europeans. In late December 2019, Amazon Canada deleted 70 customer reviews from my best selling book, Canada in Decay. Here is the archived link which captured the 103 reviews:
Luckily, in late February 2019, when I learned that Amazon was banning many books from the Dissident Right, I saved the reviews available at the time. Deleted reviews (the ones I managed to save in February) are posted below.
They did not delete any of the five negative reviews with one or two stars calling the book "racist". They did not delete a review by Crawford Kilian, which is a verbatim copy of a review he wrote in the magazine The Tyee, which violates Amazon's policy that "reviews from professional reviewers are not allowed in Customer Reviews".
When the publisher of Canada in Decay inquired about the reasons for the deletion of 70 reviews, she received a standard template reply that "reviews are typically removed from the Amazon. com website for one of four reasons"
The review conflicted with our guidelines amazon. com/review-guidelines). This includes reviews that were posted as promotional content.
The review was removed by the customer who submitted the review.
We discovered that multiple items were linked together on our website incorrectly. Reviews that were posted on those pages were removed when the items were separated on the site.
We detected unusual review behavior.
Together with the publisher I wrote the following response:
Dear KDP Support
Re: ASIN: 1912759985 - Canada in Decay - Amazon Canada
We would like an immediate investigation into why 70 customer reviews were deleted from the book, Canada in Decay at Amazon Canada. This happened on December 26, 2019. We have examined Amazon guidelines as to why reviews may be deleted, and not one of the reasons listed apply to our case. I repeat that 70 reviews were deleted in one shot on Dec 26.
We happen to have dozens of copies of the reviews that were deleted because the author, Dr Ricardo Duchesne, copied them last February 2019. After examining the 70 or so reviews that were deleted we do not find that any review was posted "as promotional content". We also believe that it is impossible that 70 reviewers decided on the same day to remove their reviews. Thirdly, it is extremely unlikely, impossible, that 70 reviews, many of which had been at Amazon for 1 to 2+ years, were linked on your "website incorrectly".
As to Amazon's fourth reason, "we detected unusual review behaviour", we also find it extremely odd that after more than 2 years suddenly Amazon would detect unusual review behaviour with respect to 70 reviews.
For Amazon to permit the arbitrary mass deletion of legitimate customer reviews in such a manner, shows that Amazon not only has no confidence in their own customers, but also has contempt for their customers opinions about this book!
Amazon flatly replied that they will not discuss the issue further. In other words, Amazon will violate freedom of expression and delete in the most deceitful ways "Verified Purchase" reviews by customers! It should be noted that almost all the positive reviews Canada in Decay has received were from "Verified" purchasers.
Canada in Decay is a polemical academic book with hundreds of bibliographic references, packed with statistics and footnotes. Amazon, however, prefers books devoid of research that promote the sexualization of innocent children and the ethnocide of Europeans.
Below I will pasted the reviews I managed to save back in February. I will not paste reviews that were not deleted by Amazon. Many long and great reviews were deleted.
To those who reviewed my book: click on your name, which is alive with a link to the review, although it no longer identifies the book you reviewed but says "Product no longer available". The review is still there under the name you used to review my book. You can see I did not alter a single word in any of the reviews.
Customer Reviews Deceitfully Deleted by Amazon
Showing 1-10 of 75 reviews(Positive). See all 80 reviews
Michael J. Oldfield
5.0 out of 5 starsThe Truth At LastAugust 2, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Finally, someone has had the courage to expose Canada's disastrous immigration system and the failure of multiculturalism. Author Ricardo Duchesne is a tenured professor at a New Brunswick university and therefore cannot be written off by the left-wing media as a redneck or a hate-monger for his views on immigration. He goes to great pains to point out that Canada was founded by immigrants from France and then from Britain and their large rates of childbirth gave us our base population. Canada was never "a nation of immigrants". We grew by ourselves. Unfortunately, the author gets off track in the middle of the book to talk about Man's progress as seen through the eyes of European philosophers such as Kant, Heidegger and Hegel which has little to do with Canada's problems. As Duchesne reminds us, time is running out for Canada's white European population. In 30 years or less, we will be the minority in this country. If steps are not taken to stop the influx of Third World immigrants, the Canada we knew will be gone forever.
This bread started in the summer - once it's done the BO will add it to qresear.ch so it's searchable.
So - time to fill it up and start canada bread 4 is the best plan.
The Canadian multicultural experiment is a post war dream of a globalist/ marxist utopia. However, multicultural states everywhere in the world and throughout history have had a virtually impossible task to manage their differences.
Since we are only human, totalitarianism and war is often the demise of these states.
Canadians have overcome their trials with the English/ French “solitudes”. Together we have developed a high of quality of life and freedom for all. Huge numbers of peoples from vastly different cultures will change the nature of our differences in ways they and their leaders will decide. Canadians are naively giving up their inheritance.
Canada in Decay explains the profound change that is transforming our country. Unfortunately, with current policy we are not building on success but importing the seeds of failure. Dr. Duchesne’s book is a much needed wake-up call considering the exponential nature of the current displacement.
Moar diggers are always welcome.
Having it in qresear.ch so it's searchable for other anons and researchers is best.
See if we can fill it up in the next couple of weeks. Most Canuck anons are in Q general unfortunately, and we really need to drain the northern swamp!
As a founding member of the National Citizens Alliance, I welcome Professor Duchesne's book, and praise him for speaking the facts and truth about the most imminent external and internal threat to Canada. As a party, our policies reflect Professor Duchesne's research, whether on requiring integration of new arrivals, ending mass immigration, screening for ideological beliefs counter to our freedoms and civil rights, and banning the practice of radical extremist ideologies.
By reading this book, you will be informed fully on the dire threat to the Canadian people and our way of life, from the establishment's post national globalist agenda. This globalist agenda has been going on since 1947, and it is pushed by the three globalist establishment parties….
-Stephen Garvey
repost- notables bread 1
Canada Breads
Bread 1, Q Research Canada #1: Lets make The True North Strong and Free Again
>>5464564 Giustra Linked to Clintons
>>4683471 Politicians & Business Leaders…All-in-one neat little graphic
>>4683819 Islamic Party of Ontario
>>4688337 Castro & Trudeau
>>4688746 Anon's Fort McMurray Account
>>4690101 Queen's Privy Council
>>4691817 >>4775659 >>5087323 NEED DIG-JT & Aga Khan, What's the link?
>>4693343 >>4700683 >>4901243 >>4901247 >>5238079 JT ancestry
>>4695081 More evidence of Cabal Interference, Crown Exposes Police Informant in Money Laundering Probe
>>4695538 >>4695545 Valerie Jarrett's Daughter's Scandal
>>4697153 >>4700793 Clare Bronfman paying legal fees for accused in NXIVM sex cult
>>4697283 Intro to Trudeau Foundation
>>4698656 >>5260111 Proof of Creeping Police State
>>4698804 Bloodline History of Margaret Trudeau
>>4699950 Paul Victor Godfrey Stepping Down
>>4700047 Cronyism going back to P.E.T.
>>4701030 UNRWA Calls on Canadian Gov't
>>4709995 PedoGate Links to CDN Privy Council
>>4710028 Video Connecting Clintons to Canada (U1)
>>4710126 CDN Sex Offender Registry an Embarassment
>>4711505 >>4711540 >>4711546 >>4711552 >>4711557 >>4711574 >>4916841 >>4937383 Alleged Terrorist Crimes, Needs Sauce
>>4712876 >>4726594 >>4733144 >>4736194 >>4787859 >>5007292 >>5439155 JT Gov't & Soros Involvement
>>4720130 Video-JT's Pedophile Connections
>>4723267 Pole Shift
>>4727394 Top CDN Courts Allow WW internet censorship
>>4733173 >>4733800 >>4864615 >>5452660 >>5452677 >>5453180 Sherman Murder
Canada Bread 1 and 2 - Archive links
Q Research Canada #1: Lets make The True North Strong and Free Again
Q Research Canada #2: Lets make The True North Strong and Free Again
Working readable archive links:
Canada Bread 1
Canada Bread 2
Canada Bread 3
Bun - Moar Conspiracy Territory Tie Ins - Good Digging Leads
>>7720256 - 5 eyes Trudeau International man of Ethics Violations
notables at 500
>>7737936 - Bun - Redistributed. Uranium - 1 Structure, documents
>>6876451 >>7254333 >>7157497 - Cameco is another part of the Canadian U1 puzzle
>>6877418 - Twelve Tribes -Digs on Religions Cult in MB
>>7737900 - Bun - Uniqueness of Western Civ - R.Duchesne
>>6992839 - Dalglish - Order of Canada 2016 - Convicted UN Child Rapist
>>7008572 - Q Drops - 1197 - 1358 - 2521 - Watch CA
>>7737900 - BUN - Redistributed. Uranium - 1 Structure, documents
>>7196481 - Satanic Temple in Canada (news report)
>>7737936 - Bun - Uniqueness of Western Civ - R.Duchesne
>>7137194 >>7309274 >>7350917 - Pattison and Rogers Call for Diggs
>>7357941 - 9,000 missing Children a year in Canada and other stats / info
>>7361659 >>7366719 >>7365059 - Federal Election Rigging Links and Diggs
>>7406277 >>7424972 >>7410210 >>7433599 - Anon's calling out Trudeau's latest
>>7475574 >>7476020 >>7475714 - Maxime Bernier hires former ombudsman to prepare legal action against Warren Kinsella over racism claims
>>7503467 - Canada announces support for new carbon-pricing initiative at COP25 - Dec 14, 2019
>>7511767 >>7511736 >>7512476 >>7513468 - Notable resignations in Canada: Desmarais brothers to step down as CEOs from PowerCorp
>>7513797 - Canada’s attorney general blocks disclosure -case of Chinese man accused of spying
>>7523772 - Millions in SNC-Lavalin bribes bought Gaddafi's playboy son luxury yachts
>>7738260 - Bun - SNC Lavalin
>>7738387 - Bun - Barry and Honey Sherman Executions
>>7613698 >>7651453 - Soros Diggs
>>7651461 >>7651828 - Q Drop 2217 - Sept 19, 2018. Trudeau, Shermans, Clinton Safe House, Uranium One X
>>7714662 >>7713790 - Diggs on Trudeau's sister in law
>>7720256 - 5 eyes Trudeau International man of Ethics Violations
>>7738442 - Bun - Abel Danger - kelly-22-bilderberg-trudeaus-pig-farm-demons-clintons-bridge-to-serco-hack-norsats-boeing-patent-crash
>>7722922 - Russia / US Uranium Reserves article
>>7726028 >>7726057 >>7726082 >>7726116 - Twitter user on Q drop on Shermans/Trudy
>>7738463 - Bun - Moar Conspiracy Territory Tie Ins - Good Digging Leads
>>7738471 - Bun - Glencore, Mark Rich, Clintons Guistra
>>7738479 - Bun - Glencore, Mark Rich, Clintons Guistra
>>7738505 - Bun - Iran's aim is to use American's northern neighbour, Canada, as a "forward operating base" for influence operations against the American government.
>>7738532 - Bun - Canada's Deep State (Canuck Law)
The biggest crisis of the Western Hemisphere has
not been caused by war or natural disaster. It has
been caused by a regime which, over 20 years ago,
invoked democratic values – free and fair elections,
freedom of the press, checks and balances – to
stay in power and become a dictatorship. Now, we
are witness to a failed state, managing one of the
richest nations in the world, which is becoming a
threat to the whole region. Welcome to Venezuela.
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CAE is headquartered in Canada, where almost 4,000 of our employees are based. We develop, deliver and support world-class training and simulation systems and services, including instructional design, courseware development, simulation equipment, classroom and simulator instruction, and in-service support for air, land, sea, and public safety customers. We are an expert training systems integrator and since October, 2015 CAE has been has been the prime contractor responsible for the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program that produces qualified military pilots for defence customers. This acquisition significantly enhances CAE’s core capabilities as a training systems integrator (TSI), and expands our offering into support for live flying training of future military pilots, including next-generation fighter pilots, for the Royal Canadian Air Force and its allies.
CAE is focused on being the global training partner of choice to help our customers enhance safety, efficiency and readiness. www.cae.com
Follow us on Twitter @CAE_Inc and @CAE_Defence.
Pansophico works exclusively with democracies. We are dedicated to enhancing national and international security through strengthening democracies, building commercial relations, bolstering military readiness, and connecting key leaders and groups that protect and strengthen democratic processes. Pansophico supports the military and security readiness of democracies by sourcing and providing access to military and security hardware, technology, concepts, and training. Building on 30 years of substantive experience in international diplomacy, military affairs, and intelligence, we are experienced in identifying and finding the right solution for every national security need.
Our ethos IS democracy. Pansophico invests profits from its commercial ventures back into democracy-building entities. We financially support key global institutions that build, guide, and support global democracies. Our success in turn contributes to building global democracy.
Pansophico works hand-in-hand with global democratic governments, identifying, sourcing, and providing military and security materiel and hardware through DCS transactions. With global reach, international connectivity, and breadth of experience, our team will help resolve the most sophisticated challenges facing your team.
Looks like Calgary is a enjoying the strength of diversity. Screw unity, we can all be individual satan worshing individualists.l
Calgary police Chief Mark Neufeld says police may be delayed responding to lower priority calls, as officers work to investigate five suspicious deaths that happened this past week.
"This has just been a generally demanding environment the last couple of years," Neufeld said Monday at a news conference.
"We've been stretched fairly thin with this number of serious major crimes in very short order."
In 2019, there were more than 80 shootings, and just six days in to 2020, there have already been two more, the chief said.
"This is unacceptable and it has to stop … unfortunately, there is no single or simple solution to address the complex issue of urban violence," Neufeld said.
Antifa - Defenders of the International Corporate Pedo Rings.
Antifa Duped: Guardians of the Satanic Pedo Slavers
Antifa - We get paid to protest.
VIOLENT LEFTANTIFA Leader Exposed as Catholic School Teacher After Being Inadvertently Doxxed in CBC Documentary
This violent radical has been molding young Canadian minds.
Published 13 hours ago on Jan 7, 2020By
An independent journalist from Canada has exposed a Catholic school teacher as an ANTIFA leader after he was doxxed in court papers and through an error in a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) documentary.
Journalist Keean Bexte reported that Kurt Phillips leads the Anti-Racist Collective of Canada, a leading ANTIFA blog that helps foment left-wing terror and unleash digital lynch mobs on patriotic activists. He works as a Social Studies teacher for junior high school students at a Catholic School in Drumheller, Alberta.
Phillips’ identity was revealed after he was exposed in a court affidavit during a court case in Ontario. The testimony of a friend effectively exposed that he was behind the @ARCCollective Twitter account.
Latest: HANNITY: Trump Will Put 'No Boots on the Ground', Only 'Washington Swamp Creatures…Like to Send Our Kids to War'
“For many years, Kurt had run a blog site known as Anti-Racist Canada (ARC), and a Twitter account known as @ARCCollective, and he is widely considered an expert in Canadian far-right extremism because of his work in documenting the activities and historical roots of Canadian neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” the testimony from the affidavit reads.
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“His blog has been cited in numerous articles, and his work was hailed by Bernie Farber and the Anti-Hate Network as the most reliable source of information about the far-right,” it continued.
Bexte also noted that a Fifth Estate documentary by Canadian state broadcasting improperly blurred Phillips’ face while profiling him. The fake news accidentally exposed one of their own left-wing operatives with this blunder.
Keean Bexte 🇨🇦🇭🇰
· Jan 6, 2020
ANTIFA EXPOSED: Leading figure in Canada's Antifa movement, alt-left extremist, and owner of a blog site (@ARCCollective), has been exposed as Kurt Phillips, a Jr. High Social Studies teacher, teaching at a Catholic School in Drumheller, Alberta.
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Keean Bexte 🇨🇦🇭🇰
Kurt Phillips was inadvertently exposed in two ways, first by this affidavit filed in the Ontario Courts, and secondly in a CBC Fifth Estate Doc where his face was improperly blurred. Never trust the CBC to do their job if you have dirty secrets to hide!
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11:44 AM - Jan 6, 2020
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195 people are talking about this
The exposure of Phillips’ identity comes shortly after another infamous ANTIFA terrorist agitator, who has used the alias “AntiFash Gordon (AFG),” was exposed publicly as well.
Big League Politics reported on AFG getting his just deserts earlier this week:
The infamous ANTIFA terror leader, who hid anonymously behind the handle AntiFash Gordon (AFG) as he conspired to destroy people’s lives, has finally had his identity revealed after years of doxxing patriotic activists.
According to The Post Millennial, AFG’s real identity is 38-year-old Christian Michael Exoo, a Canton, NY resident who works at at St. Lawrence University as a library supervisor. He has doxxed countless conservative individuals, giving the identities of patriots to a left-wing mob empowered to destroy their lives with targeted hate campaigns.
Exoo is reportedly a product of the university system that harbors the radical Left. His father, mother and brother are employed as professors at St. Lawrence University. He has taught students how to doxx individuals on social media at the university as well.
Exoo uses his information science background to teach about “open-source intelligence research.” In 2017, he led a seminar at a conference on the campus hosted by Weave News. One slide from his presentation read: “In this exercise, we are going to find the Facebook profile of our subject, and find all of the posts he’s ‘liked.’”
ANTIFA is quickly learning that, despite their extensive establishment support, they are not safe from the tactics they regularly deploy on their political enemies.
EUGENICS: Record Number of Organs Harvested From Euthanasia Victims Used in Transplants
Euthanasia, or medically assisted deaths (MAiD) as they are called throughout Canada, is booming since the legalization of the controversial practice, and organs from these victims are regularly being used in the bustling transplant industry.
In the province of Ontario, MAiD patients accounted for 18 organ and 95 tissue donors for the first 11 months of 2019 (Data from December is still unavailable). This constituted a 14 percent increase from 2018, and an astronomical 109 percent increase from 2017.
“The decision to pursue MAiD is totally separate from the decision to donate organs,” said Ronnie Gavsie, the chief executive officer for the Trillium Gift of Life Network, “but we do want patients to have their last will carried out.”
Trending: ANTIFA Leader Exposed as Catholic School Teacher After Being Inadvertently Doxxed in CBC Documentary
Trillium reports that the 113 MAiD-related donations in 2019 make up five percent of all organ donations made in Ontario, a figure that has been steadily rising.
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Canada essentially legalized euthanasia in 2016, and the result is more organs being donated from euthanasia victims to those in need. As the market grows for these organs, there are real concerns developing that this could rapidly turn into a modern-day eugenics program.
Trillium has helped to blur the lines in Ontario, and they have been reaching out to convince individuals seeking euthanasia about participating in the organ donation program.
“And, as part of high-quality end-of life care, we make sure that all patients and families are provided with the information they need and the opportunity to make a decision on whether they wish to make a donation,” Gavsie said.
“That just follows the logical protocol under the law and the humane approach for those who are undergoing medical assistance in dying. And it’s the right thing to do for those on the wait list,” she added.
Trillium notes that their state-funded propaganda campaign to convince euthanasia victims to surrender their organs to the government bureaucracy is succeeding.
“The striking thing about patients who have medical assistance in dying is that they have a very clear vision about what they want, and they have the capacity to make their own decisions,” said Dr. Andrew Healey, Trillium’s chief medical officer of donations.
“We want people to hear about the opportunities they have and then make the right choice for them. There are several patients we’ve spoken to who had initially planned to die at home, but that wasn’t as important to them as helping other people,” he added.
The Trillium Gift of Life Network is a government agency founded in 2002 to facilitate organ donations in the province of Ontario. However, because of the prevalence of euthanasia in liberal-dominated Canada, they may be opening the door for eugenics as organs are harvested at an alarming rate from those killed by the state.
us patent 6506148 is a patent for Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
They’ve been linked to road rage, pathological gambling, and complicated acts of fraud. Some make us less neurotic, and others may even shape our social relationships. It turns out many ordinary medications don’t just affect our bodies – they affect our brains. Why? And should there be warnings on packets?
Author image
By Zaria Gorvett
8th January 2020
“Patient Five” was in his late 50s when a trip to the doctors changed his life.
He had diabetes, and he had signed up for a study to see if taking a “statin” – a kind of cholesterol-lowering drug – might help. So far, so normal.
But soon after he began the treatment, his wife began to notice a sinister transformation. A previously reasonable man, he became explosively angry and – out of nowhere – developed a tendency for road rage. During one memorable episode, he warned his family to keep away, lest he put them in hospital.
Out of fear of what might happen, Patient Five stopped driving. Even as a passenger, his outbursts often forced his wife to abandon their journeys and turn back. Afterwards, she’d leave him alone to watch TV and calm down. She became increasingly fearful for her own safety.
Then one day, Patient Five had an epiphany. “He was like, ‘Wow, it really seems that these problems started when I enrolled in this study’,” says Beatrice Golomb, who leads a research group at the University of California, San Diego.
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Alarmed, the couple turned to the study’s organisers. “They were very hostile. They said that the two couldn’t possibly be related, that he needed to keep taking the medication, and that he should stay in the study,” says Golomb.
Ironically, by this point the patient was so cantankerous that he flatly ignored the doctors’ advice. “He swore roundly, stormed out of the office and stopped taking the drug immediately,” she says. Two weeks later, he had his personality back.
Others have not been so lucky. Over the years, Golomb has collected reports from patients across the United States – tales of broken marriages, destroyed careers, and a surprising number of men who have come unnervingly close to murdering their wives. In almost every case, the symptoms began when they started taking statins, then promptly returned to normal when they stopped; one man repeated this cycle five times before he realised what was going on.
Antidepressants may not just lighten moods, they may also reduce expressions of neuroticism, research suggests (Credit: Getty Images)
According to Golomb, this is typical – in her experience, most patients struggle to recognise their own behavioural changes, let alone connect them to their medication. In some instances, the realisation comes too late: the researcher was contacted by the families of a number of people, including an internationally renowned scientist and a former editor of a legal publication, who took their own lives.
We’re all familiar with the mind-bending properties of psychedelic drugs – but it turns out ordinary medications can be just as potent. From paracetamol (known as acetaminophen in the US) to antihistamines, statins, asthma medications and antidepressants, there’s emerging evidence that they can make us impulsive, angry, or restless, diminish our empathy for strangers, and even manipulate fundamental aspects of our personalities, such as how neurotic we are.
In most people, these changes are extremely subtle. But in some they can also be dramatic.
November 23, 2019 Deception Durablé Canada, Opinion 2 comments
Under the Trudeau regime Canadian news media have become a non-stop Operation Mockingbird exercise in dogmatic Identity Politic ideological conditioning and unabashed glorification of our demonstrably corrupt foreign backed junta in Ottawa.
We as Canadians have a clear and present duty to absolutely destroy these propaganda outlets. Here’s how we can do it and have some fun.
So modern Journalism has been a money losing proposition for some time now for the MSM. Most major newspapers don’t even publish hard-copies. The 600 million dolloar bailout shows just how dire the MSM’s financial position is, finishing them off will be fun and easy.
So in the cut throat, fast paced world of modern digital journalism advertisers and investors watch the performance of these brands , like CBC, Global and Globe and Mail in real time using much more sophisticated software like Similar web. Using this software allows them to see traffic in real-time, where its coming from ect. Advertisers and investors spend their money, or don’t, based on these metrics. All we need to do is cause a massive crash in these numbers and they will either go bankrupt or have to openly become Junta media supported with our stolen tax dollars. So here’s the plan.
So just like it says don’t click on their links and don’t share them ever. Its not like you will be missing real news they haven’t been in that business for some time. Vice recently had to be bailed out directly by George Soros. The Toronto Star is teetering. Especially in the case of CBC 40% of their traffic seems to come from outrage sharing. Their advertisers don’t care whether you love them or hate the message just that you click on the messenger and see their adds. Investors care that advertisers continue to support their investment. Interrupt that chain and they fall.
If you encounter an outrageous headline SCREEN SHOT IT and share the screen shot thus giving them no record-able metrics. We can organize in different Facebook groups to detail one or two people to monitor the MSM and either cut and paste or screenshot info they think important
There are a plethora of independent and international sources for basic information. Support and subscribe they need money to grow and really challenge the mainstream. Plus once we destroy Global, The Star, CBC, CTV ect we will want to have at least the start of a complete rebuild. Support your local media. You should check them as many are owned by mainstream media giants,. My point would be at least your dealing with local people you can call out and call on. But I leave that to your individual judgement.
Complain loud and often to the Canadian Broadcast Standard’s Commission the form is here. Every time you see children sexualized, every-time they broadcast racist attacks on “white Canadians”, or persons defending women’s sex based rights hit them with everything you can.
If it is an issue with digital print media fill out the compliant here
Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 12.52.41 PM.png
Call or email the editors, owners of these outlets when they print garbage and record the calls.
With the CBC because it is a partly a crown corporation we may also have redress through the Federal court system. Anyone can file a case for 2 dollars. Call your local Federal Court for instructions.
Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 12.55.34 PM
For any reading this in the Canadian Indy media we need t up our game substantially. Start networking and collaborating.
The Yanks are catching on
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And remember while its very important to destroy these news outlets and ensure that the sacks of human excrement they call journalists end up eating cat food alone in the dark, its also important to have fun!
Cheers all
William Ray
Clinton Pay to Play
Q Anon FTW
Worldwide Protests against 5G on January 25, 2020
Protests will take place in many countries on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This is the first Global Day of Protest against 5G. It is only the first of more to come until our voices are heard and the irradiation of the Earth is stopped. In the days leading up to January 25, the 5G Space Appeal, with over 3,300 pages of signatures, will be delivered in person to many governments.
This threat to life on Earth is more immediate than climate change. If we want our children to have enough of a future even to fight climate change, our society must stop pretending that radio waves are harmless and that wireless technology is safe. It is not. It must end. If you want to be able to live a full and vibrant life again, without the aid of sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, or antidepressants; to eat whatever you want without the risk of diabetes or heart disease; to see the great nations of birds and bees recover their populations, you must throw away your cell phones.
You cannot hold a cell phone near your body, even for a few minutes, without damaging your nervous system and your cells. You cannot expect to use a cell phone in an emergency without the entire wireless infrastructure of the world being there, including all the towers and satellites. The demand for wireless communication and the revenue from wireless devices is tremendous; it is what is fueling, and paying for, 5G. If we want to stop 5G, but we won’t give up our cell phones, it is not going to happen, and we will shortly not have a planet to live on.
Public protests are planned for January 25, 2020 in Durban, South Africa; Canberra and Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Torino, Bologna, Ravenna and other locations in Italy; London, Edinburgh, Isle of Man and other locations in the United Kingdom; Washington, DC, New York City, Hawaii and other locations in the United States; Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and other locations in Canada; and in Belgium, Bermuda, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and other countries. The list is growing daily. Information about events in your country, including Facebook pages and email contacts, is available on the Stop 5G International website, here: https://stop5ginternational.org/5g-protest-day. You can also contact team@stop5ginternational.org for updates.
Ukrainian Plane crash Flight PS752 OSINT
Great blog post about known details here
>An Ukraine International Boeing 737-800 crashed minutes after take-off from Tehran International airport killing all 167 passengers and 9 crew (Iran – 82, Canada – 63, Ukraine – 2 + 9 (crew), Sweden – 10m Afghanistan – 4m Germany – 3, United Kingdom – 3)
>Flight data showed the aircraft registered UR-PSR took off wednesday morning, then stopped sending data , according to website FlightRadar24. Two minutes and 24 seconds elapsed between the first airborne transmission (at about 350′ AAL) and the last received at FL80.
>The aircraft crashed at an open field near Parand 35.560357, 51.104671 , a surbub of Tehran. About 10nm east of the last transponder position . The last transponder position was N35.52 E50.91.
>After the aircraft did not send the transponder signal it made a right turn before crashing. It is not sure if the pilot wanted to return to the airport or that that aircraft could not be controled anymore.
<The plane had been last serviced two days before the accident, according to the airline.
<A video made of the aircraft shows the aircraft is in their air but on fire. Some parts of the aircraft which are on fire seem to separate from the aircraft.
<The man in this video says the right handside of the aircraft until the tail was on fire.
[Eye Witness Testimony in mentioned video]
Starts @ 0.56/2.40
"Right side of the airplane and the end of it were completely on fire. I think the pilot strived a lot not to hit the residential houses. Exactly approximately twenty or thirty meters after the houses, the plane crashed in Laleh Park and destroyed those fences of the soccer pitch and it took off again. A man who had been waiting to become a martyr and he could finally achieve his dream and then exploded in that vast area and burnt ultimately. This whole 500 to 600 meter path is all the dead bodies that were completely destroyed."
Dropped some pins to military installations nearby. Missile hit would probably have been on right side..
I Gathered some nearby military bases to map. Flight delayed, Air defence in high alert few hours after Iran missile strikes I don't believe in coincidence.
"Very interesting, but unconfirmed find. Potential SA-15 SAM fragment found in vicinity of Ukrainian airliner crash site in Iran. All still uncertain and non-conclusive though. But keep an eye on this space."
OSINT re: pictures and (very possible) damage from SAM [Continuing verification]
Video of it exploding just before it hits the ground
>It is now known that the Flight PS752 of #Ukraine International Airlines exploded mid-air before impacting ground in #Shahriar, near #Tehran, #Iran. Cause of the explosion of this Boeing 737-8KV with UR-PSR register is unknown. This video shows it moments before crash
Current Conclusion:
An Iranian SAM shot down the civilian airplane.
Eye witness account suggests via "A man who had been waiting to become a martyr and he could finally achieve his dream" that a he knew it was an act of war (Very possible he heard, confirmed with several other witness accounts, the missile being launched).
Their state media claims 'engine failure'.
They're lying to cover their war crime.
Here Comes The Flood: Justin Trudeau's Plan To Diversify Rural Canada With Foreign Immigrants
In 2019, the Canadian government announced that it is going to import over 1 million racially diverse immigrants between the years 2020 and 2022. They also announced a new immigration initiative called the 'Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program', or RNIP. The RNIP is intended to be the solution to something that Canadian government has considered to be a major obstacle to their plans to diversifying the Canadian population: The vast majority of immigrants that come to the country settle in just a few major cities, leaving small cities, towns, and rural areas largely unaffected by mass immigration.
The goal of the Canadian government is to establish populations of non-Whites in select rural areas and small towns by carefully vetting thousands of immigrants to select the ones who are most likely to remain in those communities after gaining permanent residency. It appears that their hope is that these seeds of diversity will attract other immigrants to these areas and other rural parts of Canada over time. Vernon, British Columbia, has admitted that their goal is to attract over 90,000 immigrants to their region by 2028.
Politicians have tried to sell this initiative as being crucial to the economy, but ultimately resorted to making appeals to the importance of instantiating diversity, reminding Canadians that reducing the proportion of European Canadians in the population, AKA "diversity", is somehow Canada's greatest strength. It's also obviously a lie that they are trying to import skilled labor, since the RNIP requires only a high school equivalent education and an incredibly low score on the English language proficiency test.
Over the past several months, a strange phenomenon became apparent on YouTube: Dozens and dozens of videos began appearing, created by newly arrived immigrants, educating foreigners about how to apply for the Rural Immigration Program, produced in a variety of languages. One video series even featured a non-White immigrant showing off his White wife and their mixed-race child, complete with a tutorial on how to search for White women online after moving to a rural area. It's probably a safe bet to assume these people are being paid to produce these videos, but it's not entirely clear who is paying them or who it's being organized by.
One video even featured a White Canadian man complaining about his ethnically homogeneous Dutch farming community, saying that Canada needs diverse immigration in order to give it "character". The video was filmed by his immigrant girlfriend, who runs a YouTube channel teaching aliens how to immigrate to Canada.
The 'Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program' is also not the only strategy being pursued to pave the way for the racial diversification of rural Canada. A variety of psychological operations have been deployed by non-profit organizations in Canada who are for some reason dedicating resources to not only trying to convince immigrants to settle in rural areas, but to convincing rural Whites to accept and embrace the influx of aliens into their communities.
One particularly notable project of that nature is "One World Choir", which was run by 'World Folk Music Ottawa'. It consisted of assembling a choir of diverse immigrants, then touring around rural Canada doing performances and inviting members of the communities they visited to interact with the immigrants at luncheon events, with the stated intent being of "changing hearts and minds".
Canadians need to be made aware of the fact that our government is actively working to ensure that there exist no homogeneous European communities in Canada via targeted immigration initiatives that are promoted using blatant lies and complex psychological warfare programs. It has nothing to do with strengthening the economy, and everything to do with instantiating racial diversity, which our government representatives are quick to remind us is "Canada's strength".
The 2020s are going to see record immigration numbers, and the most aggressive push for acceptance and integration of the aliens among us that we've ever seen. They want you to have nowhere to run to. They are now openly targeting the Whitest areas of Canada for diversification, and telling us that unless we accept this aggressive ethnic cleansing process, Canada will not survive.
Prepare for the flood.
List of most of the videos I saved while making the article/video.
One world choir:
White guy who complains about Dutch farming community
African Black guy
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Rural and northern immigration pilot program RNIP started ..apply now
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CANADA New PR Program Start | Rural and Northern immigration pilot Program |SMART ADVICE
The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program_EXPLAINED
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program
Hurry Up New Immigration Program for Canada 🇨🇦/Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
Application started for Rural and Northern Immigration Program, Canada
চালু হল কানাডার নতুন প্রোগ্রাম Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program 2020
Canada New Immigration Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program Canada PR Easy Method
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Canada 2019 - by Jake and Demi
Canada Rural Northern Immigration Pilot opens in Altona /Rhineland Manitoba
Canada Immigration- Road to Canada 21- Steps of Immigration
CBC introduces program
This is a crime under the UN Charter on Genocide. It just exemplifies that diversity means chasing DOWN every White person, anywhere.
These politicians and elites and all complicit must face prison and accountability for this, no matter when they were involved. Its a crime, not a policy option.
White Genocide Defined:
“There can be no all-White countries anywhere, and there can be no all-White areas within the confines of those formerly all-White countries. There can be no all White communities, no all White cities, no all White organizations.
This evil proposition is Genocide.
Genocide is not destroying humans or a set of words. Genocide is destroying a PARTICULAR KIND of human. By destroying a nation.
post an addy, lets dig on it first
Diggs on this from qresear.ch from OP of van pedo symbol
Marine traffic sites color code vessels. The one shown does tankers in red, passenger ships in dark blue, container ships and bulk carriers in green. light blue can get mixed up in anything, including survey ships. Special purpose are supposed to be gray (think dredgers) but I have seen USN plotted in green.
Position indicators are positions received by either AIS receivers onshore or satellite positions but both braodcast by the vessels themselves.
Hanseatic Unity Chartering is an outfit with several partners and a lot of ships, some spoopy ports of call and at least two busted for drugs. Long Beach goes with a Q drop but the huge complex covers Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles. CEMEX is the cement company that needs a good dig and the port of Vancouver may help with trafficking people in containers. The other ports are where the ships may be loading illegal aliens
Reposting from previous thread since it was near the end of it.
I'm the anon that was going to deliver a picture of something "see something, say something". I initially checked on Google maps and it shows the building as a Muay Thai place. I checked another computer and it showed it as it is now. Eerie symbology I noticed after seeing the Epstein island pictures. The building looks abandoned from the front, is not registered as any business on Google maps. It is right next to an art gallery. If you check street view in the alley behind the place it is gated with barbed wire and a parked Mercedes. Vancouver is full of gangs, Triades (Chinese), First Nations, Hell's Angels… It is basically San Francisco, tons of drug addicts here, Vancouver is considered a sanctuary city, and it is the place where Huawei CEO daughter was arrested. A LOT of wealthy business men live here or send their kids to grow up here.
CEMEX relationship to Hanseatic Unity Chartering to Los Angeles/Long Beach Port Complex to Port of Vancouver to Corinto Nicaragua, Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico, and every fugging port in Guatemala. You may begin in 3,2,1…now
Very weird man, the sign doesn't show up on my main computer on Google maps but when I check it on another computer it shows the building with the symbol. It looks like an abandoned building, you can check the street view from the back it is gated with barbed wire and a mercedes parked.
is it/was a kickboxing dojo
Pickton farm - map
East side van (where the kickboxing building is) and the 'farm'.
For reference.
Heather Mac Donald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity
Anon attended a literary event which featured and after party on the 2'nd floor where the "image bank" was housed in dozens filing cabinets. They may have digitized but they will not have destroyed archives.
>For many years, Vancouver has been home to several prominent figures in esoteric history, and centre for many esoteric and occult groups. For example, the North Shore was home to Charles Stansfeld Jones, better known as Frater Achad, who was considered the magical child of Aleister Crowley: the most notorious magician of the 20th century. Jones and Malcolm Lowry were friends, and Lowry’s personal library held many fascinating esoteric works, many by Jones or Crowley.
>On display at Rare Books and Special Collections will be works that are fundamental to esoteric thought, and esoteric works that have an interesting connection to major figures or organizations in British Columbia. Many might know that Malcolm Lowry had a long standing interest in the occult, and that Robin Skelton was a practicing witch. But did you also know that Alexander Maitland Stephens, the prominent Marxist and poet, was the head of a Theosophical lodge in downtown Vancouver? That there was a Rosicrucian temple in Vancouver? Or that there have been thriving Freemasonic lodges in British Columbia since 1860?
The MI6 agent who brought 'LSD to the US was Humphry Osmond. He was in the Uranium mining business, and promoted his deals on what was then the Vancouver mining exchange", ran booze to the US during prohibition and trafficked in other contraband. Osmond was a member of the Royal Vancouver Yacht club - records might still be accessible. Found a bit on him in the city archive 10 years ago - but search was not exhaustive.
from qr
How come Google maps doesn't show the same street view for everyone? For some it shows an older scan of the building, the most recent one only difference is the addition of the symbol on the front.
-Vancouver is considered a Sanctuary city, has the poorest postal code in Canada closeby even though the city is extremely wealthy
-Population of city is 40% Chinese, decent support of CPC around
-Major gangs here: Triads (Chinese), First Nations, Hell's Angels
-A lot of young, attractive, abused/traumatized people from all over come here to do heroine/meth and you see them a few times then never again
very useful
For example looks like previous owner may have ran a Muay Thai gym out of that location. Phone numbers to dig.
Occasionally you find gems like Hussein HQ turning into the White Rabbit cafe
Need digs on Muslim slavery timeline with players…it’s centuries of their ‘culture’. Too big to fail
“While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Muslim slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims.
While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Transsahara and East African slave trade was between 80 and 90%!
While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems, and for military service.”
“… While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survive.
While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth.
It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States).
A comparison of the Muslim slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some interesting contrasts. While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Muslim slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims.
While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Transsahara and East African slave trade was between 80 and 90%!
While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems, and for military service.
While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survive.
While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth. It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States).
While Christian Reformers spearheaded the antislavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America, and Great Britain mobilized her Navy, throughout most of the 19th Century, to intercept slave ships and set the captives free, there was no comparable opposition to slavery within the Muslim world….”
Cameco Investments AG
Cameco: The profits are made in Switzerland, where taxes are low
Saskatoon-based Cameco is one of the world’s largest uranium producers. Its motherlode consists of extraordinarily high-grade uranium deposits in Saskatchewan: the McArthur River and Cigar Lake deposits account for roughly 80% of its proven and probable reserves. But whatever its debt to Canadian geology, the company pays little tax here. That’s partly because under an arrangement struck years ago, it sells that uranium at low prices to a subsidiary in Switzerland, where profits are taxed at lower rates.
In 1999 Cameco incorporated a subsidiary called Cameco Europe it has described as a “trading and marketing company.” (It was originally located in Luxembourg, but was replaced a few years later with a similarly named subsidiary located in Zug, Switzerland.) This subsidiary employed just one person (a German resident) in 2003, and rented space in a law office, according to the Canada Revenue Agency. But don’t be fooled by its diminutive size: Cameco Europe occupied a crucial role in Cameco’s corporate structure. By virtue of a contract struck in 1999, Cameco agreed to provide its subsidiary with uranium for many years to come. The subsidiary was then free to sell that uranium to customers on whatever terms it could negotiate—including back to Cameco itself. (Canadian Business has not seen the contract, which has not been publicly disclosed; our understanding comes from corporate disclosures and court documents. Citing advice from its lawyers, Cameco declined to answer questions about the arrangement, which is the subject of court proceedings.)
Although we don’t know at what prices Cameco agreed to sell its uranium to its subsidiary, Cameco has revealed that “these arrangements reflect the uranium markets at the time they were signed.” Uranium markets were depressed in 1999; the metallic element traded on the spot market at around US$10 a pound. In fact, Cameco executives were confident prices would recover—and said so in regulatory filings. They were right. Low prices discouraged producers from bringing new projects onstream and inventories declined. These forces began pushing up spot prices—they increased more than 40% in 2003 alone. They peaked at US$140 a pound, and in 2012 they still averaged US$47 a pound.
Thanks in part to the low-cost uranium coming from Canada, rising prices made the Swiss subsidiary tremendously profitable—it earned $4.3 billion during the six-year period ending in 2012. Conversely, the Canadian operations were locked into selling its uranium at prices set during the 1999 trough, and costs for extracting uranium from the ground rose as miners’ wages, trucks and other mining equipment became increasingly expensive. Combined, these two forces resulted in serious losses in Canada—Cameco’s Canadian operations racked up a cumulative $1.3-billion loss during the same six-year period.
Where Cameco racks up its profits and losses matters. Its combined federal and provincial tax rate was just under 27% in 2012, and was higher in previous years. We don’t know Cameco’s tax rate in Switzerland, but it’s undoubtably lower than that. In Switzerland corporate taxes vary from canton to canton; Zug prides itself on having one of the lowest tax rates. “Basically, a company pays 15.4% of its net profits in total taxes,” claims a brochure that encourages businesses to incorporate there. “However, certain companies qualify for tax privileges.” Zug’s low tax rates likely help explain why, by our calculations, Cameco’s cash taxes over the past decade amounted to just 17% of its pre-tax income. That’s low for a mature mining company.
An additional benefit of Cameco’s offshore arrangement is that as the company racks up losses in Canada, it also accumulates tax loss carry-forwards. These can be applied against future profits to reduce taxes owing in Canada. Cameco actually recovered $42 million in income taxes in 2012. So the company’s offshore arrangement worked out very well indeed for Cameco—and very badly for the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan.
The Canada Revenue Agency’s tax-planning division began investigating Cameco as early as 2006. It arrived at the opinion that the arrangement with the office in Europe existed not for any bona fide business purpose, but rather was “a sham” intended to reduce its tax bill. In 2008 it reassessed Cameco’s taxes owing for each year between 2003 and 2007—a period during which CRA thinks the company’s real taxable profits were $1.3 billion higher than reported.
Cameco appealed those reassessments to the Tax Court of Canada. By definition, multinational companies have subsidiaries in different countries that must transact with each other. Negotiating terms of those transactions involves what’s known as “transfer pricing.” In theory, so long as those arrangements square up with what independent parties would agree to, it’s all perfectly legal.
Cameco argues its offshore arrangement complies with all requirements. During a conference call last year, chief financial officer Grant Isaac justified the European office by claiming the majority of its customers reside outside Canada. “At the time the arrangements were put in place, the prices between Cameco and our subsidiary reflected market conditions,” he continued. “In other words, they are prices that an independent third party would reasonably agree to.” Cameco indicated in court filings that its external auditor, KPMG, conducted a “transfer pricing study” that validated its approach.
Cameco predicts it will win, and that the dispute will therefore have no material financial impact. It might be right: the CRA got thrashed in the Supreme Court in 2012 on one of its biggest transfer pricing cases, a long-running dispute with GlaxoSmithKline. Observers are divided on how dangerous the situation is to Cameco and its shareholders. “We view potential remittances to the CRA as manageable,” wrote Raymond James analyst David Sadowski in May. But Pawel Rajszel, an analyst with Veritas Investment Research, thinks otherwise. From his perspective, independent parties wouldn’t agree to the arrangement’s terms. “At least in our opinion, the reasonable thing to do would not be to enter into a 17-year fixed-price contract with such subsidiaries if you think uranium prices are going up and you have to do all the work,” Rajszel explains. Cameco knows it cannot guarantee a win against the tax agency and has so far made a provision of $63 million for a possible defeat. However, it also acknowledges the bill could be as high as $850 million in cash taxes—not including interest and penalties—if it loses.
Zug Switzerland = Elite HQ - Octagon, Pharisies, Templars
Why Does A Canadian Company Pay Its Taxes to Switzerland?
Dennis HowlettExecutive Director, Canadians for Tax Fairness
Cameco is a multi-billion Canadian company that mines Canadian uranium, uses Canadian-developed technology, and relies on Canadian transportation system. Cameco employees use the Canadian education system, the Canadian health system, and they rely on the stability and legal protection that a Canadian democracy provides. Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McLellan sits on the board of directors.
Funny thing, though; like many transnational companies, Cameco has decided that it is good business practice to park its profits offshore – to the notorious tax haven of Zug, a city in Switzerland. Cameco pays the good people of Zug a ten per cent corporate tax rate for their trouble – instead of a Canadian corporate rate of 27 per cent. Mind you, Cameco doesn't really have any operations to speak in that city. So it is easy money for Zug.
Cameco shareholders have been told that there is a "compelling" business reason to have a subsidiary in Switzerland "to be closer to the European market." But the more compelling reason would seem to be that they have been able to "avoid" or possibly "evade" an estimated $1.4-billion in taxes over the past 10 years, according to a story in the Globe and Mail.
They did this by a tried and true business practice of "transfer pricing." In 1999, Cameco signed a 17 year deal with its subsidiary in Switzerland to supply it with Canadian uranium at the fixed price of about $10 US per pound. The price of uranium has increased considerably since then, but the parent company continued to sell Canadian uranium at the 1999 price. The Swiss subsidiary, in turn, sold it to the ultimate customers at much higher prices.
Comeco also has set up another subsidiary in the tax haven of Barbados, but it is not clear yet what purpose it serves.
Whether Comeco has been legally "avoiding" or illegally "evading" paying their fair share of taxes will be determined by the Tax Court. The Canada Revenue Agency has been auditing and investigating Cameco for years claiming that it has failed to pay $850-million in taxes. And the matter may not be settled for a few more years. Trouble is, tracking down this kind of paper trail costs Canadian taxpayers a lot in staffing and legal fees. And when corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes, it is regular Canadian taxpayers who make up the difference.
Setting up subsidiaries in tax havens to facilitate transfer pricing and profit shifting is a widespread global problem. It has become more difficult to enforce current international tax rules that require "arm's length" pricing in financial transactions between related parties. That's because multinational companies exchange not just commodities, as in the case with Comeco, but intellectual property such as patents and trademarks between related companies. While the CRA can challenge the sweetheart deal price Comeco gave its Swiss subsidiary by comparing it with the world market price for uranium, it is much more difficult to establish a fair market price for a particular patent or trademark.
That is why G20 leaders at the recent Summit in Russia have asked the OECD to implement an action plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting to revise global corporate taxation rules so that corporations pay their fair share of taxes to governments where their profits were generated.
It may take several years for this work to be completed. But the party may soon be over for multinational corporations such as Apple, Google and Starbucks, who have played the existing rules in such a way that they have avoided paying almost any taxes to anybody.
The global tax justice movement has succeeded in getting world leaders to take action on the issues of tax havens and tax justice. But you can expect plenty of corporate pushback. That's why public pressure has never been more important to make sure world governments carry through on their corporate tax action plan.
Cameco is one of the world’s largest providers of the uranium needed to generate clean, reliable baseload electricity around the globe. Our tier-one operations in Canada and Kazakhstan have the licensed capacity to produce more than 53 million pounds (100% basis) each year. We hold about 467 million pounds of proven and probable reserves and extensive resources on three continents. Our exploration program spans about 1.7 million acres of land, most of it near our existing operations. We are also a leading provider of nuclear fuel processing services, supplying much of the world's reactor fleet with the fuel to generate one of the cleanest sources of electricity available today.
Wyoming/Nebraska Uranium mine Blind River revinery in Ontario, Canada. > Sent to Europe for distribution arranged by Cameco in Zug Switzerland.
Do we have any shipping manifests anons?
yellowcake from willow creek in Wyoming
Three Cameco workers in Ontario were exposed to airborne uranium dust in an incident at the Saskatchewan company's Blind River refinery last month, federal regulators say.
The exposure happened June 23 when a worker loosened a ring clamp on a 208-litre drum of uranium oxide yellowcake. The lid blew off and about 26 kilograms of the material were ejected into the air.
The worker closest to the drum and two others in the area, who were not wearing respirators, were exposed to the dust.
The drum of yellowcake came from Uranium One's Willow Creek facility in Wyoming.
According to the U.S. government, several other Uranium One drums that had been shipped to Blind River were found to be bulging from internal pressure.
It says Cameco has stopped opening containers of yellowcake from the Willow Creek facility until they can develop a plan to safely do so.
Uranium One is investigating how the drums became pressurized.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission said it wants Cameco's confirmation that appropriate interim corrective measures are taken, including mandatory use of respirators by workers. It also said it wants permanent measures taken to prevent a recurrence.
Cameco says it has has run tests, including urinalysis, on all three workers and the results suggest none of them breathed in a significant amount of uranium. Decontamination procedures were taken immediately after the accident, the company said.
"Obviously, we open thousands of drums like this from around the world at Blind River, and we've never had an incident like this before," Cameco spokesman Gord Struthers said.
According to the U.S. federal regulator, any adverse health effects to the workers would likely be caused by chemical rather than radiological effects.
Uranium Enrichment and Fuel Fabrication - Current Issues (Canada)
Air transport of plutonium in MOX fuel from Russia to Canada
Air transport of MOX approved
On Sep 21, 2000, Transport Canada approved the air transport of MOX fuel samples from Russia to Canada.
> view Transport Canada website external link
Emergency response assistance plan (ERAP) open for public comment
Transport Canada has received, from the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) external link, an application for approval of an emergency response assistance plan (ERAP) covering the importation into Canada by air from Russia of approximately 15 kg of MOX fuel containing 528 grams of weapons-derived plutonium dioxide.
AECL is planning to transport the Russian fuel to Canada by chartered aircraft from Russia, transiting via a military airport in either Trenton Ontario or Bagotville Quebec en-route to the Chalk River Laboratories site in Chalk River, Ontario. The MOX fuel is planned to be transported from the military airport directly to Chalk River by helicopter.
Transport Canada will accept comments on the proposed emergency response assistance plan until August 25, 2000.
The ERAP is available for download at the Transport Canada website external link
Cameco Blind River uranium refinery (Ontario)
Aerial View: Google Maps external link
Cameco has applied to amend its operating licence to include provisions for the incinerator's upgraded operation. The upgrades will increase the capacity of the incinerator to handle contaminated combustible by-products from Cameco’s operations in both Port Hope and Blind River. The upgrades also include pollution control equipment and on-line monitoring equipment to enable the incinerator to handle the increased loading of material and meet future emission limits.
On Feb. 26, 2007, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a two-day public hearing (October 5, 2006, and December 13, 2006) on the application by Cameco Corporation, issued the renewal of the operating licence for the Blind River Uranium Refining Facility, located in Blind River, Ontario.
The Refinery processes natural uranium concentrates into natural uranium trioxide (UO3), and is currently licensed to operate for a maximum production of 18,000 tonnes of uranium as UO3 annually. Cameco has proposed to increase the Refinery's annual production capacity to 24,000 tonnes uranium as UO3. Cameco's proposal includes construction activities to modify the Refinery to achieve the increased production rate and the operation of the Refinery under the proposed production rate.
Cameco is going to invest CDN$ 6 million to increase the production capacity of its Blind River uranium refinery. The refined UO3 will be sent to the BNFL Springfields plant in the United Kingdom for conversion to uranium hexafluoride. (Cameco Mar. 16, 2005)
That renewed adversarial relationship has raised concerns about European dependency on Russian energy resources, including nuclear fuel. The unease reaches beyond diplomatic circles. In Wyoming, where Uranium One equipment is scattered across his 35,000-acre ranch, John Christensen is frustrated that repeated changes in corporate ownership over the years led to French, South African, Canadian and, finally, Russian control over mining rights on his property.
“I hate to see a foreign government own mining rights here in the United States,” he said. “I don’t think that should happen.”
Mr. Christensen, 65, noted that despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.
Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license. Instead, the transport company doing the shipping, RSB Logistic Services, has the license. A commission spokesman said that “to the best of our knowledge” most of the uranium sent to Canada for processing was returned for use in the United States. A Uranium One spokeswoman, Donna Wichers, said 25 percent had gone to Western Europe and Japan. At the moment, with the uranium market in a downturn, nothing is being shipped from the Wyoming mines.
So….anyone have any question about the validity of the claim that Uranium One isn't shipping nuclear material outside of the US anymore?
This is a BOMBSHELL! The fact it's been around and not exposed is really strange to me….straight from the US gov….it is leaving the US.
From Comments:
posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 09:18 AMlink
One of my favorite things in one of the links I posted was this little tidbit…
Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Mr. Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.
The $500,000 fee — among Mr. Clinton’s highest — was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that has invited world leaders, including Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, to speak at its investor conferences.
Renaissance Capital analysts talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a “buy” rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was “the best play” in the uranium markets. In addition, Renaissance Capital turned up that same year as a major donor, along with Mr. Giustra and several companies linked to Uranium One or UrAsia, to a small medical charity in Colorado run by a friend of Mr. Giustra’s. In a newsletter to supporters, the friend credited Mr. Giustra with helping get donations from “businesses around the world.”
Renaissance Capital would not comment on the genesis of Mr. Clinton’s speech to an audience that included leading Russian officials, or on whether it was connected to the Rosatom deal. According to a Russian government news service, Mr. Putin personally thanked Mr. Clinton for speaking.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Renaissance Capital…seems I have heard that come up somewhere else before.
With Obama’s Approval, Russia Selling 130 Tons of Uranium to Iran
The Obama administration and the rest of the signatories to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have approved a shipment of 130 tons of natural uranium from Russia to Iran, rewarding the Islamic Republic for shipping 44 tons of heavy water it sent to Russia after exceeding the limit it could legally produce under the deal. Experts have told US media outlets the amount of uranium to be shipped is enough to produce 10 nuclear bombs.
Re, RSB Logistic:
Compass Logistics International is an internationally oriented corporate group with head offices in Bremen and Dubai. Compass Logistics International implements logistics solutions for customers looking to tap into new markets and growth opportunities in various regions such as Europe, Middle East, Far East, Indian sub-continent, Africa and North America.
Today we are present with 2,000 employees at 56 locations in 22 countries around the world. Among others for multinational enterprises in the oil and gas industry, the textiles and furniture sectors, plant engineering and for customers in the FMCG sector, for example from the beverages industry.
Though the US now has a desire to sanction Russia even further, one has to question the authority with which the Uranium One deal ever grew legs. Rosatom and ARMZ may as well have been bedfellows as there is in reality no true distinction as far as we should be concerned. With that in mind, why are we demonizing a decorated officer for having dealings with corporate interests that we ourselves (our Government) allows in the first place?
As shown in this mornings article
Not long after Flynn met with Saudi nuclear officials, the Russian nuclear-power giant Rosatom announced a $100 billion deal to build 46 nuclear reactors in Saudi Arabia. It is not known whether Flynn or the American companies he represented had any involvement in the Rosatom effort. Rosatom did not respond to emailed questions.
But a senior National Security Council official under former President Barack Obama confirmed it was U.S. policy in 2015 to discourage developing nations from dealing with Rosatom after the Russian takeover of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.
…but the above makes no sense as, it seems, the US Uranium mining to Foreign dependence on Uranium supply ratio is around 20%, or in other words the US only supplies about 20% of its own uranium to fuel nuclear power plants, the rest (ostensibly) from Russian interests. In that respect, if you want to see things from another viewpoint, by engaging Rosatom is engaging US interests until we disallow foreign mining interests on our own lands.
Seeing the $100 Billion Saudi deal ma
From back in 2008 on this very forum:
"originally posted by: toepick
WHAT?? just in case you missed that: "The private sector is more efficient than the government, and global growth will slow down if the share of government in the economy increases," Sharipova said.
I can't find much on this Yelena Sharipova person, except shes a senior economist at Renaissance Capital.. "
And again, more recently, here:
"originally posted by: marg6043
the Clintons and their closest aides have maintained with Russian government officials for years, including while they were in public office. Unlike the revelations so far concerning Russian ties in the Trump camp, the Clinton deals involved hundreds of millions of dollars and enormous favors that benefitted Russian interests.
Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Bill Clinton was paid a cool $500,000 (well above his normal fee) for a speech in Moscow in 2010. Who footed the bill? An investment firm in Moscow called Renaissance Capital, which boasts deep ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation itself took money from Russian officials and Putin-connected oligarchs. They also took donations from:
•Viktor Vekselberg, a Putin confidant who gave through his company, Renova Group
• Andrey Vavilov, a former Russian government official who was Chairman of SuperOx, a research company that was part of the “nuclear Cluster” at the Russian government’s Skolkovo research facility
• Elena Baturina, the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, who apparently gave them money through JSC Inteco, an entity that she controls
Well, I went looking around a bit more based on this and found Yelena quoted at the leaky place:
Because "Plan Putin" boils down to catchwords on Russian strength and increased authority abroad, Renaissance Capital Investment VP Yelena Sharipova argued to us that Medvedev's writ remains large and largely uncircumscribed by Putin doctrine.
So does any of this tie any loose ends or does it leave us with more tangles?
Endeavour Financial Ltd.
Company Number
Inactive Amalgamated
Incorporation Date
9 September 1997 (about 19 years ago)
Dissolution Date
10 November 2010
Company Type
Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders
Business Number
Registered Address
V6C 2X8
Governing Legislation
Canada Business Corporations Act - 1992-02-28
Previous Names
2800594 CANADA INC.
Inactive Directors / Officers
Registry Page
Fiore Management & Advisory Corp.
Company Number
Incorporation Date
17 November 2010 (almost 6 years ago)
Company Type
Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders
Business Number
Registered Address
V6C 2X8
Governing Legislation
Canada Business Corporations Act - 2010-11-10
Previous Names
Endeavour Capital & Advisory (Canada) Ltd.
Endeavour Financial Ltd.
Endeavour Management Services (Canada) Ltd.
Directors / Officers
Gordon Keep, director
The 57-year-old Giustra, who bears the haircut of Caesar, the stature of Napoleon, and was described to The Daily Caller as a “puppet-master,” has interests in a wide variety of industries — including the film industry and the olive oil business. But his main interest is in mining, and he has made millions investing in shell companies in the industry and turning them for massive profit. Technically, Giustra is the CEO of Fiore Financial, but he is heavily involved and invested in numerous companies, including Endeavour Financial, and its offshoot, the Cayman Islands-based Endeavour Mining.
/podesta-emails/emailid/529 - @ the leaky place.
Frank's entrepreneurial successes also include the founding of Lionsgate Entertainment, now one of the world's largest independent film companies.
This is a visual representation of how nested shell companies are structured.
With Kazatomprom establishing a marketing arm in Europe in order to position itself as a swing uranium seller, we would expect to see less pressure on the spot price going forward. In addition, the reduction in the number of tons of uranium to be sold per year by the US DOE should also have a positive effect on the uranium spot price.
Kazatomprom, the state-owned uranium producer and exporter, and Air Astana, the largest Central Asian carrier, are both working with banks to prepare flotations, four people involved in the processes told the Financial Times, as part of a long-term plan to sell off stakes in state assets worth about $70bn.
Both companies are preparing for listings in 2018, said Berik Beisengaliyev, managing director for asset optimisation at Kazakhstan’s sovereign wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna. He added that the sale processes could still be shelved if the market response was not satisfactory.
Air Astana, which is 49 per cent owned by BAE Systems and 51 per cent owned by Samruk-Kazyna, is widely viewed as the state’s most investor-friendly asset. It is scheduled to be listed on both the Astana and London stock exchanges in the third quarter of next year, with Kazatomprom to follow.
JSC National Atomic Company ‘Kazatomprom’ and JSC ‘Uranium One Group’ (part of the State Atomic Corporation Rosatom’s international mining division Uranium One) signed a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the automation of industrial processes at joint Kazakh-Russian uranium mining enterprises at the International Specialized Exposition Astana EXPO-2017.
Kazatomprom and Uranium One expressed their mutual interest in the development and implementation of a unified approach to the automation of industrial, financial and management processes, and the implementation of the latest digital technologies in geological surveys and mining development operations.
Moar from comments: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1175879/pg3
Oh….it gets even better…so remember how the whole Uranium One distributing yellowcake outside of the US was unmasked…a Canadian firm having a 55 gallon drum of yellowcake exploding in their face?
Prior to Kazatomprom’s establishment, other arrangements pertained for uranium development. One of these was with Canada-based World-Wide Minerals Ltd (WWM), under a 1989 bilateral investment treaty between Canada and the USSR.*
So it appears Russia IS getting US uranium via the Uranium One deal….
Anyone care to challenge?
HR446 amendment directly referencing Uranium One.
diggs needed
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission stated that 25% went to Europe? Or spokesperson Donna Wichers made that statement?
Subsequently, the U.S. Department of Energy granted approval for some re-transfers of U.S. uranium from the Canadian conversion facility to European enrichment plants.
Info from Blind River 2007 production limit set at 24,000 tonnes UO3 per annum.
The Refinery processes natural uranium concentrates into natural uranium trioxide (UO3), and is currently licensed to operate for a maximum production of 18,000 tonnes of uranium as UO3 annually. Cameco has proposed to increase the Refinery's annual production capacity to 24,000 tonnes uranium as UO3. Cameco's proposal includes construction activities to modify the Refinery to achieve the increased production rate and the operation of the Refinery under the proposed production rate.
Cameco is going to invest CDN$ 6 million to increase the production capacity of its Blind River uranium refinery.
The refined UO3 will be sent to the BNFL Springfields plant in the United Kingdom for conversion to uranium hexafluoride. (Cameco Mar. 16, 2005)
Up to 6,000 tones of UOE sent to Europe. At least some went to BNFL Springfield as of 2007.
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) is to be finally abolished, said the UK government as it carried out a major cull of public bodies.
The former industrial giant began life in 1971 and developed to manage the UK's nuclear fuel cycle centres and all 26 Magnox nuclear power reactors. It established a US-based decommissioning division in 1990, bought the reactor vendor Westinghouse in 1999 and in 2000 bought the nuclear business of ABB and integrated it into Westinghouse. In its own words, BNFL was "a highly influential and respected nuclear company with operations across the UK and overseas."
However, from 2002 the UK government began to restructure its nuclear industry towards decommissioning and it was decided to reduce the scope of national assets would be controlled by the state. What followed was the transfer of national facilities - and their clean-up liabilities - from BNFL to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and the spin-off of BNFL's subsidiaries.
This divestment process was officially completed in May 2009 leaving BNFL as simply a holding entity prepared to meet pension liabilities and any obligations that could arise during the decommissioning program.
The decision to dissolve BNFL came with a money-saving purge of so-called quangos (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations), a plethora of expert bodies set up to independently advise the UK government. As a public corporation BNFL was considered among these.
On 14 October, prime minister David Cameron's government announced the reform of 481 quangos. The decision was to "abolish" BNFL, "subject to transferring remaining assets and liabilities."
Cameco and Tenex agree to explore
13 March 2007
[Cameco, 12 March; Bloomberg, 13 March] Cameco Corp of Canada and JSC Techsnabexport (Tenex) of Russia have signed a binding agreement to form a joint venture within three months to explore for uranium in Canada and Russia. The two companies will cooperate on joint uranium exploration projects and, if warranted, engage in development and production of uranium deposits that are found. Financing for projects would be split equally between Cameco and Tenex. The two companies have also identified priority projects for possible future joint exploration activities in Russia and Canada that would be disclosed when agreements are finalized. According to Yekaterina Shugaeva, a spokeswoman for Tenex, "Actual exploration will start this year as there's no point in delaying." She added that the joint venture would begin exploring in southern Russia in "several new regions deemed to have good prospects for high-grade uranium," including the Nesoglasiye region. Cameco will provide the technology, while Tenex will keep the mined ore. In Canada, the two companies will split the mined uranium equally.
BNFL to divest AWEML stake
17 July 2007
[BNFL, 16 July] British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL) continued the sale of its businesses by announcing that it had begun the process of selling its one-third share in AWE Management Ltd (AWEML). AWEML is a joint venture involving BNFL, Lockheed Martin UK and Serco Group to operate and manage the Aldermaston and Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) sites on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD). It began operating the sites on 1 April 2000. Mike Parker, BNFL's Group CEO, said: "BNFL's priority here is to maximise the proceeds from the sale of our share in AWEML. We will also ensure through the process that, following the sale, the AWEML consortium will continue to have all the necessary skills to manage the performance of AWEML's subsidiary, AWE plc, in continuing to meet the requirements of its customer, the Ministry of Defence." BNFL has already completed the sales of its US subsidiaries Westinghouse and BNG America, and recently announced the sale of its UK subsidiary Reactor Sites Management Company (RSMC).
Energy Solutions to manage UK nuclear sites
07 June 2007
British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) has reached agreement to sell the entire share capital of its Reactor Sites Management Company (RSMC) business to Energy Solutions of the USA.
The sale includes Magnox Electric, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RSMC, which holds the contracts and licences to operate and decommission ten nuclear sites with 22 reactors in the UK on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). The sites include Dungeness A, Sizewell A, Bradwell, Berkeley, Hinkley Point A, Oldbury, Trawsfynydd, Wylfa, Chapelcross and Hunterston A. No financial details of the deal were made public.
BNFL announced in December 2006 that it would sell RSMC, which currently has 70 employees but, through Magnox Electric, has responsibility for a further 3500 employees across the UK sites.
BNFL Group chief executive Mike Parker said, "We believe that this business and its people will have a strong future as part of an ambitious organisation capable of injecting complementary skills to further increase value for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. Crucially a sale to Energy Solutions will also provide a good home and much broader career opportunities for our people and first rate value for our shareholder."
Steve Creamer, Energy Solutions' CEO, said: "This opportunity reaffirms our commitment to being a worldwide provider of nuclear services and technology." He added, "This announcement today means that Energy Solutions will significantly expand its nuclear operations in the United Kingdom."
Energy Solutions, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, specializes in nuclear services, including high-level radioactive waste management and treatment; used nuclear fuel handling & transportation; decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear reactors and highly radioactive facilities; fuel sludge treatment; and major decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
https://adams.nrc.gov/wba/ ←search for USNRC (nuclear regulatory commission)
Screenshot of this one.
TENEX, Joint-Stock Company
28/3 Ozerkovskaya nab., Moscow, 115184, Russia
E-mail: tenex@tenex.ru
Fax: +7 (495) 543-3385
Document Support Unit
tel.: +7 (495) 545-0045 ext. 21-04
TENEX, Joint-Stock Company
28/3 Ozerkovskaya nab., Moscow, 115184, Russia
E-mail: tenex@tenex.ru
Fax: +7 (495) 543-3385
Document Support Unit
tel.: +7 (495) 545-0045 ext. 21-04
Subsidiaries’ ContactsTENEX, Joint-Stock Company
28/3 Ozerkovskaya nab., Moscow, 115184, Russia
E-mail: tenex@tenex.ru
Fax: +7 (495) 543-3385
Document Support Unit
tel.: +7 (495) 545-0045 ext. 21-04
Subsidiaries’ Contacts
Subsidiaries’ Contacts
ConverDyn Corp. provides conversion-related services to nuclear utilities in the United States, Europe, and the Far East. The company coordinates and manages various aspects of the conversion process for customers, including uranium deliveries, uranium sampling, materials storage, and product delivery; and sells uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for nuclear power plants. Its services include conversion and UF6 marketing, contract administration, nuclear fuel market analysis, uranium supplier administration, monitoring customer uranium inventories, customer uranium account reporting, administering and coordinating global shipments, facilitating the U.S.-Russian HEU agreement, and monitoring U.S. government actions regarding the nuclear fuel industry. The company was founded in 1992 and is based in Englewood, Colorado. ConverDyn Corp. is a joint venture of General Atomics, Inc. and Honeywell International Inc.
“The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian officials.
<Lol they made a 144 million dollar contribution to the foundation and then paid Bill 500,000 to speak.
a reply to: theantediluvian
On mobile but several points.
The fbi knew from an informant an intercepted documents in 2009 that mikerin was doing illegal activities, yet Obama and hillary signed off on the deal.
There is NO WAY Obama was unaware of this. But if that's the argument, the fact that Mueller was in charge and 2009 and apparently said nothing as Obama sold uranium knowing they had eveidence of illegality shows he is incompetent, or criminal, and should not be trusted with an investigation into russia.
The article cites that groups close to the Clintons were getting millions in bribes. I am not sure the timeframe, but this is far more damning than any trump russia collusion because apparently there is actual proof of money being transferred, and hillary doing something to greatly benefit russia. Yet crickets from the dems and their msm cohorts.
Yes people made a huge deal out of russia Facebook posts and Pokemon. The narrative has slowly shifted from them working with trump to hack hillary, to they used media to influence the election. Given the incredible amount of money spent by hillary, the fact that almost every msm outlet was totally for her including in other countries like the U.K., and that some msm groups even went so far as to actively work for her campaign as seen in the wikileak emails, it is laughable to even suggest Pokemon or Russian Facebook posts are somehow serious, especially seeing as how Obama and hillary were selling them uranium while knowing kickbacks and bribes were occuring.
Given the supposed seriousness of the current russia investigation, should there be an even more intensive look at hillary and Obama in this situation that actually provided nuclear material to russia where kickbacks occurs?
FBI.gov - Russian National and Three Others Charged in Kickback Scheme to Obtain Contracts to Transport Russian Nuclear Fuel to the U.S.
FBI.gov - Russian National and Three Others Charged in Kickback Scheme to Obtain Contracts to Transport Russian Nuclear Fuel to the U.S.
GREENBELT, MD—A criminal complaint was unsealed late yesterday charging Vadim Mikerin, age 55, a Russian national residing in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with conspiring to commit extortion in connection with a scheme to obtain contracts from a Russian company without having to compete for the contracts. A separate criminal complaint charges Daren Condrey and his wife Carol Condrey, both age 49, of Glenwood, Maryland, and Boris Rubizhevsky, age 63, of Closter, New Jersey, with conspiring to commit wire fraud in connection with the scheme.
The criminal complaints were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; John R. Hartman, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Energy; and Assistant Director in Charge Andrew G. McCabe of the Federal Bureau of Investigation—Washington Field Office.
“Kickbacks deprive honest competitors of the opportunity to compete for business, and they cheat a company of its right to faithful decisions by its employee,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein.
In1992, the U.S. and Russia executed an agreement to dispose of Russian highly enriched uranium from disassembled nuclear warheads and for the sale of the material, once down-blended, to U.S. nuclear utility providers. JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), based in Moscow, Russia, was responsible for the sale and transportation of this material to the United States.
Vadim Mikerin is the general director of TENAM USA, based in Bethesda, Maryland. TENAM is a subsidiary of TENEX. TENEX is a subsidiary of ROSATOM, the Russian State-owned Nuclear Corporation, which is the Russian counterpart organization of the U.S. Department of Energy.
Daren Condrey and Carol Condrey are principals of Transport Logistics International (TLI), based in Fulton, Maryland. Since 1996, TLI has contracted with TENEX to transport uranium from Russia to the U.S. Boris Rubizhevsky is the president of NEXGEN Security (NEXGEN), a New Jersey corporation. From 2011 through 2012, Rubizhevsky served as a consultant to TENAM and to Mikerin.
Beginning in 2006, Mikerin allegedly conspired with the Condreys, Rubizhevsky and others to defraud TENEX by causing contracts for the shipment of uranium from Russia to the U.S. to be awarded to the U.S. defendants and their companies without having to compete for the contracts.
According to the complaints and supporting affidavits, the Condreys and TLI bribed Mikerin to receive lucrative, non-compete contracts from TENEX. TLI has also pursued other business ventures with TENEX for transportation under separate contracts. From at least 1996 to about 2013, the Condreys and others allegedly caused TLI to pay at least $1,692,995 in kickback payments to Mikerin in exchange for receiving over $33 million in noncompetitive contracts from TENEX.
According to the affidavits, in November 2011, Mikerin required a middle man to accept kickback payments. Mikerin used Rubizhevsky and his company, NEXGEN Security, to serve as this middleman.
his is what 1 gram of uranium looks like:
Clinton Foundation stood to make an additional 1%-2% from its involvements with UrAsia/Uranium One?
Re: TENEM/TENEX - Clinton connection:
In July 2006 Russia and Kazakhstan (Kazatomprom) signed three 50:50 nuclear joint venture agreements totalling US$ 10 billion for new nuclear reactors, uranium production and enrichment.
The second JV with Tenex, confirmed in 2008, is for extending a small uranium enrichment plant at Angarsk in southern Siberia (this will also be the site of the first international enrichment centre, in which Kazatomprom has a 10% interest). It will eventually be capable of enriching the whole 6000 tonnes of uranium production from Russian mining JVs in Kazakhstan. See Fuel Cycle section below.
Uranium and Nuclear Power in Kazakhstan
Kazatmprom, one year earlier:
Late on Sept. 6, 2005, a private plane carrying the Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra touched down in Almaty, a ruggedly picturesque city in southeast Kazakhstan. Several hundred miles to the west a fortune awaited: highly coveted deposits of uranium that could fuel nuclear reactors around the world. And Mr. Giustra was in hot pursuit of an exclusive deal to tap them.
Unlike more established competitors, Mr. Giustra was a newcomer to uranium mining in Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic. But what his fledgling company lacked in experience, it made up for in connections. Accompanying Mr. Giustra on his luxuriously appointed MD-87 jet that day was a former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.
Within two days, corporate records show that Mr. Giustra also came up a winner when his company signed preliminary agreements giving it the right to buy into three uranium projects controlled by Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium agency, Kazatomprom.
The monster deal stunned the mining industry, turning an unknown shell company into one of the world’s largest uranium producers in a transaction ultimately worth tens of millions of dollars to Mr. Giustra, analysts said.
Just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it last month. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s more recent and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, an exclusive club of wealthy entrepreneurs in which friendship with the former president has its privileges.
Someone might be interested in looking a little closer at the first linked article as it also included deals between Kazatomprom, Japan, and china as well. Some of those corporations may be as icky as is TENEM/TENEX.
Mikerin just happened to be the President of TENAM
The evidence was first gathered in 2009 and 2010 but Department of Justice officials waited until 2014 to bring any charges. In between that time, President Obama's multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) gave approval to Russia's Rosatom to buy a Canadian mining company called Uranium One that controlled 20 percent of America's uranium deposits.
The committee's members at the time included former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose husband collected large speech fees and millions in charitable donations from Russia and other entities interested in the outcome of the decision.
Grassley dispatched letters late week to all the federal agencies whose executives served on the CFIUS when the decision was made, demanding to know whether they were aware of the FBI case before they voted.
He also questioned whether the documented corruption that was uncovered posed a national security threat that should have voided approval of the uranium deal.
"It has recently come to the Committee’s attention that employees of Rosatom were involved in a criminal enterprise involving a conspiracy to commit extortion and money laundering during the time of the CFIUS transaction," Grassley wrote in one such letter addressed to Sessions.
"The fact that Rosatom subsidiaries in the United States were under criminal investigation as a result of a U.S. intelligence operation apparently around the time CFIUS approved the Uranium One/Rosatom transaction raises questions about whether that information factored into CFIUS’ decision to approve the transaction," the chairman added.
Grassley has been one of the few congressional leaders to have consistently raised questions about the uranium deal, and in 2015 agencies told his committee they had no national security reasons to reject the Moscow approval.
All of the faux-servatives love Zero Hedge, right?
In 2013, ARMZ paid roughly $2.8 billion for the remaining 48 percent and full control of Uranium One. Finally, in that same year, Rosatom assumed direct ownership of the company, reorganizing it under Uranium One Holding (U1H) and delisting it from the Toronto stock exchange.
Just so we all know what we're talking about …
Among U1H’s assets are a handful of US projects and exploration tracts. The most advanced among them are Jab and Antelope, Moore Ranch, and Willow Creek – all of which are in Wyoming, developed under the auspices of Uranium One USA and Uranium One Americas. The Willow Creek project is their only currently active operation.
So, to further answer the lead question: Russia, via Rosatom and U1H, owns roughly 20 percent of US uranium production capacity. The share of US reserves is much less clear as economic constraints significantly muddy the picture. Looking at actual production, U1H, via Willow Creek, produced an estimated 210 tons of uranium, or 11 percent of the 1887.5 tons extracted in the US in 2014.
Still, it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases, or to suggest that any amount of the uranium will end up in Iran. The current licenses – held by the US-based subsidiaries and approved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission – do not allow exports from any U1H US facility.
Zero Hedge May 7 2015
(This article is important because it is contemporaneous with another article from the New York Times in which a single unconfirmed statement from a U1H spokesperson said that material was indeed being shipped out of the US.)
So, summarizing again what this brouhaha is all about … The Canadian company Uranium One WHICH ALREADY OWNED THE US URANIUM MINES under discussion, was brought under Russian company Rosatom control via a merger approved by CFIUS, a ten-member committee, as well as by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The State Department sits on this committee along with nine other Department level executives. Hillary Clinton did not vote on the matter of the Uranium One acquisition. (Washington Post).
Above, one can see that Zero Hedge focuses on the fact that what the Russians got was American PRODUCTION CAPACITY.
Why is that important?
Again, from Zero Hedge:
The truth is, the US uranium industry as its currently built isn’t all that American. In fact, it’s mostly Canadian. Qualms over perceived threats to national security are misplaced, though not entirely dismissible. The deal further illustrates an already pronounced trend of the decline of US nuclear capabilities and influence at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle.
Post-Fukushima – and post-shale gas revolution – US nuclear employment has fallen more than 34 percent and exploration and development drilling is down over 80 percent. Relatively low-grade uranium and low global prices stunt the value of US mines in the short- to medium-term. Further out, stricter regulation and a heavier reliance on the private sector, limit the industry’s potential abroad relative to its competitors.
Perhaps more importantly, the deal speaks to Rosatom’s aggressive new growth. Already the world’s most comprehensive nuclear services vendor, Rosatom is now one of the top three producers of uranium by volume worldwide. For the most part, the prize was Kazakhstan and not the United States, which is a symbolic victory at best.
1 of 2
SO … The US didn't own the uranium production mines in question to start with… Canada did.
Now, someone will probably rightly point out that this article is from 2015, as I pointed out the other day that another "AH HA!" article from the Times was from the same year.
What's going on with these mines in 2017? Well, let's ask the World Nuclear Association:
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a licence to Uranium One Americas for Moore Ranch in October 2010, to start production in 2012, but development is suspended. Uranium One’s additional projects in the Powder River Basin, including Ludeman, Allemand-Ross, Barge (1770 tU), Pine Tree and Ross Flats could also be developed as satellite operations with final processing through the Irigaray central plant.
Uranium One has some 4000 tU as measured resources (2235 t at Moore Ranch) and 23,000 tU as indicated resources in the state. Ludeman is quoted with 4200 tU total resources (NI 43-101). It also had plans for production from Antelope and JAB in the Great Divide Basin, but these were deferred due to endangered species concerns. Uranium One deposits in the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming are Antelope, JAB, Twin Buttes, Crooks Creek, Bull Springs, Stewart Creek, Cyclone Rim and West JAB.
In 2016 Uranium One sold 24 Wyoming properties in the Black Hills, Powder River Basin, Great Divide Basin, Laramie Basin, Shirley Basin and Wind River Basin areas to Anfield Resources for $6.55 million.
Wow! So, the Russians aren't mining much uranium at all these days, eh? In fact they're SELLING OFF THEIR US ASSETS for multiple reasons.
But, you know, all that's well and good … but should we ask the question where do we get our uranium from now?
The U.S. relies on foreign uranium, enrichment services to fuel its nuclear power plants
Perhaps a picture can save us a few thousand words …
2 of 2
It looks like some have wandered away from the topic?
So we have these guys doing this stuff at this time:
According to court documents, between 2004 and October 2014, Mikerin conspired with Condrey, Rubizhevsky and others to transmit funds from Maryland and elsewhere in the United States to offshore shell company bank accounts located in Cyprus, Latvia and Switzerland. Mikerin admitted the funds were transmitted with the intent to promote a corrupt payment scheme that violated the FCPA. Specifically, he admitted that the corrupt payments were made by conspirators to influence Mikerin and to secure improper business advantages for U.S. companies that did business with TENEX. Mikerin further admitted that he and others used consulting agreements and code words such as “lucky figure,” “LF,” “cake” and “remuneration” to disguise the corrupt payments.
According to court documents, over the course of the scheme, Mikerin conspired with Condrey, Rubizhevsky and others to transfer approximately $2,126,622 from the United States to offshore shell company bank accounts. As part of his plea agreement, Mikerin has agreed to the entry of a forfeiture money judgment in that amount.
So while he was taking this dirty money to steer his business in particular directions, his company and a company a Clinton Foundation board member had entered into a business arrangement.
The International Uranium Enrichment Center in Angarsk was founded on September 5, 2007
in pursuance of President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s initiative on building up a global infrastructure, which would provide for equal access to atomic energy of all interested parties, as voiced at the EurAsES Summit held on January 25, 2006,
and in pursuance of the Intergovernmental Agreement between Russia and Kazakhstan of May 10, 2007
for the purpose of guaranteed uranium enrichment services provision.
It would seem as though Kazakhstan (Kazatomprom) plays a key role in the Russian nuclear energy industry.
Here we have a direct connection between the company at which these illegal activities took place and a Clinton Foundation board member.
From the OP article:
“Mikerin apparently then shared the proceeds with other co-conspirators associated with TENEX in Russia and elsewhere,” the agent added.
Giustra is a key node in the Clinton Foundation money laundering/influence pedaling machinations.
The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Foundation came from Frank Giustra who was NEVER a part of any of them nor was he ever part of Uranium One.
He ran UrAsia Energy. He left the company and sold his stock when it merged with the South African company, Uranium One. This was a couple years before Rosatom came into the picture and bought 17% of the company in 2009.
The mineral rights to about 20% of the proven uranium reserves in the US had already been obtained by Uranium One. What CFIUS was voting on was a deal by which Rosatom would assume a controlling interest (51%) in the Vancouver based company, Uranium One.
Moar from comments with interesting tidbits:
Mikerin was essentially skimming. He was taking a kickback for no bid contracts with padded rates. It's also worth noting again, that the dealings with the trucking company were distinct from what the FBI was initially investigating, which was a similar scheme involving a public relations contract with the informant, "CS-1" and it wasn't until 2011 that they got the warrants to search Mikerin's offices which is how they uncovered that.
Mikerin was general director for TENAM, the US subsidiary of TENEX, the export arm of Rosatom.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Giustra. Giustra is a super wealthy guy who became friends with Bill Clinton in 2005. He had a company called UrAsia Energy. Bill Clinton accompanied him on a trip to Kazakhstan in which Giustra was buying something like half a billion in mineral rights to mine uranium from fields in Kazakhstan.
Not long after that was when Giustra donated almost $40 million form his own charitable foundation to the CF. In total, IIRC, Giustra was responsible for a total of $100 million in donations to the CF plus he organized fundraisers which brought in tens of millions more.
In 2007, Giustra sold his interests in UrAsia right after the merger with the South African company, Uranium One. The new company, Uranium One, was chaired by Giustra's old friend Ian Telfer. BTW, when Giustra sold his holdings, he netted like $45 million.
After the merger, Uranium One starting to purchase uranium mines in the US, starting I believe with one in Utah. Their eventual holdings totaled 20% of the proven reserves in the US.
I don't remember how much Ian Telfer donated to the CF but I want to say it was something like $2.3-2.5 million as part of some project involving Giustra.
Then there was the problems in Kazakhstan when the minister who had sold the mineral rights to UrAsia (now Uranium One) was arrested. The prevailing theory was that this was part of a Kremlin scheme to invalidate claims to Kazakhstan uranium so that they could get their hands on it. This is where the CableGate cable comes into play. Apparently Telfer contacted the State Department because of the precarious situation in Kazakhstan and because it was tanking their stock value.
Now this is highly irregular because Uranium One at that point was a Canadian company. At any rate, an envoy was dispatched from the US embassy to find out what was up. If anything stinks of quid pro quo cronyism, it's that.
At any rate, in 2009, Rosatom purchased a 17% stake in Uranium One. Then in the summer of 2010, they determined to purchase a controlling interest (51%) and because Uranium One had claims to 20% of the proven reserves of US uranium, this required the CFIUS vote in October of 2010.
I don't have the details in front of me, but IIRC, there was a $250,000 donation to the CF in this period from Telfer (from say June to October, 2010 — somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
Somehow this is being twisted into Clintons trying to facilitate Russia but in reality, the foundation had already taken in 99% of the $140+ million before Russia was even in the picture. It's unlikely that a drop in the bucket like $250k had much influence on anything and of course Hillary Clinton was only one CFIUS vote anyway.
So the Uranium One/Rosatom "conspiracy" is pretty limp to begin with. Trying to tie this Mikerin business in with it to make a mega conspiracy involving the above + Mueller + Obama + whoever else is self-deluded wishful thinking spurred on by a hatred of Clinton and a partisan desire to tie the Clintons to Russia because of the Russia/Trump s#.
It's a fail from the jump.
US Uranium Production, Tonnes U
Moar comments:
Sberbank, Russia’s largest banking institution, paid Tony Podesta – brother of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair – 170,000 dollars from March to September 2016 to lobby against Obama-imposed sanctions against Russia. From what the Panama Papers reveal, this wasn't a one time deal. Interesting to hear about that car bomb eh? Almost as if tying up loose ends.
Seems worse than Don Jr. meeting with a lawyer he didn't know to talk about lifting sanctions for 20 minutes.
If President Trump or anyone even remotely close to his presidency, including his best friend from 2nd grade that he hadn't seen in 40 years, sought to meet with key Russian nuclear officials, in Moscow, just months before the federal government approved a very controversial deal handing Vladimir Putin 20% of U.S. uranium reserves, despite an ongoing investigation into Russian fraud, bribery, extortion and money laundering, it would be the only story played on a 24 x 7 loop on CNN and MSNBC.
Ironically, that is exactly what new emails dug up by The Hill show that Bill Clinton did in June 2010, just months before the Uranium One deal was approved by a committee on which his wife, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, sat. Oh, and did we mention that Bill's Clinton Foundation just happened to collect millions of dollars in bribes donations from Russian sources and Uranium One shareholders shortly after his Moscow meetings?
As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show.
While we apparently still don't know whether Bill Clinton was ultimately approved to hold those meetings, his team did confirm that he met with Vladimir Putin at his private residence.
The issue is not only with the globalist foundations, but with the global international business community, offshore shell companies and all the ways the owners can hide their money and pay the lowest taxes.
The foundations are just one way of laundering and funding their subversives in all countries.
The banks.
The spy agencies.
The big money families.
The blackmail rings.
They all must think they are so superior, when in reality they are morally lost and criminally insanely addicted to money and power and the other things.
Sick sick world at present. We must hold ourselves collectively to higher standards anons. Lead by example.
It is the Pepe way.
There is way more to the story, that's for sure.
Have you heard about the book that was written, then banned in Canada? It's not available anywhere as far as I can tell. Woulud be interesting to see why they wanted it banned.
Any sauce on the Bush connection? I heard that elites were involved at some level, but all hearsay.
In seriousness, back when JT was looking vulnerable, there was a lot of floating who the next Liberal leader would be (that is a pretty common news story when the Canuck news media senses any weakness in the current Liberal leader). And there always seems to be A Chosen One within the media. (Martin… Ignatieff… JT himself.)
Two major names seem to be coming up:
>Mark Carney (former Bank of Canada governer, now Bank of England governor)
>Chrystia Freeland – former editor at major news publications, Ukrainian roots (interdasting!)
LINK IS PB in 131\
These are, for the most part, children and grandchildren of the original Iranians who fled the ayatollahs 40 years ago. They are the offspring of the previous Iranian establishment under the Shah. The original refugees were not boat people. They were pro West, pro modern, wealthy, educated and skilled. They came to Canada and settled into middle and upper middle class, mostly suburban neighborhoods. They are peaceful and do not commit crimes. They are prosperous, and are not isolationist. They are not religious fanatics.
The ayatollahs hate these people - for they represent everything the ayatollahs oppose. It would not surprise me for a moment if they shot that plane down on purpose, just to kill these people, because their very existence points out the failure of the Shiite revolution. Why did they let that plane take off in the middle of a war zone in the first place? Civilian air traffic had been ordered out of the area hours earlier.
This is not the first time Canadian Iranians have been murdered by the regime. Detention, torture, and murder of these people specifically has been an ongoing issue with Iran, and one of the reasons Canada no longer has an embassy there.
Here is the travel advisory for Iran:
Those 'Canadians' on that plane
Mojtaba Abbasnezhad, 26, was an engineering PhD student at the University of Toronto.
Iman Aghabali, 28, was an electrical engineer and PhD student at McMaster University in Hamilton.
Fareed Arasteh, 32, was a biology PhD student at Carleton University in Ottawa. He was in Iran to get married, but his fiancée, Maral Gorginpour, wasn’t on the plane: she was waiting in Iran for a visa to join her husband.
Arshia Arbabbahrami was a Grade 12 student at Western Canada High School in Calgary.
A family from Ajax, Ont. was on the plane: Wife Evin Arsalani, 30, husband Hiva Molani, 38, and one-year-old daughter Kurdia Molani.
Siblings Mohammad Asadi Lari, 23, and Zeynab Asadi Lari, 21, were visiting their parents and younger sister in Iran, a family friend said. Both were students at the University of Toronto, in medicine and science, respectively.
Roja Azadian was supposed to travel to Canada with her husband, a student at Ottawa’s Algonquin College, but a ticket mix-up meant he couldn’t board the plane with her.
Ghanimat Azhdari, a University of Guelph PhD student, was from a tribal territory in Iran and worked with advocacy groups for Indigenous rights and biodiversity.
Edmonton OB-GYN Shekoufeh Choupannejad, 56, was in Iran visiting family with daughters Saba Saadat, 21, a University of Alberta science student, and Sara Saadat, 23, a U of A science graduate.
Delaram Dadashnejad, 26, was a student in Vancouver coming back from a visit to Tehran, according to her friend Dina Sarpoushan of North Vancouver.
Asgar Dhirani, 74, was a semi-retired accountant from the Toronto area who came to Iran for a tour of religious sites. His wife, Razia, was touring with him but travelled home on another flight.
Behnaz Ebrahimi, 45, was a property valuation analyst in Toronto.
Mansour Esnaashary Esfahani, 29, was an engineering PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo. A friend at the school told The Globe he had gone to Iran to get married, but his wife, Hanieh, was not on the plane.
Dr. Parisa Eghbalian, 42, a dentist from Aurora, Ont., was with daughter Reera Esmaeilion, 9.
Mehdi Eshaghian was an engineering PhD student at McMaster.
harieh Faghihi, 58, was a Halifax dentist.
Faezeh (Fran) Falsafi, 46, was a sales representative at HomeLife/Bayview Realty Inc. in Richmond Hill, Ont. She was in Iran visiting family, according to a colleague.
Shakiba Feghahati, 39, and son Rosstin Moghaddam, 10, were returning from a visit to her parents.
Marzieh (Mari) Foroutan, 37, was a geography PhD student at the University of Waterloo, a school spokesman confirmed.
Mortgage agent Iman Ghaderpanah, 34, was travelling with his wife Parinaz Ghaderpanah, 33.
Newlyweds Siavash Ghafouri-Azar, 35, and Sara Mamani, 36, were on their way back to Quebec after their wedding.
Amirhossien Ghasemi was a graduate student at the University of Manitoba’s biomedical engineering program, a friend at the school told The Globe.
Milad Ghasemi Ariani was a University of Guelph PhD student in marketing and consumer studies, the university confirmed.
Mahdieh Ghassemi, 38, was an architect on a family trip with son Arsan Niazi, 11, and daughter Arnica Niazi, 8.
Suzan Golbabapour, 49, was a realtor in Richmond Hill, Ont. Her Instagram account also showed she worked as a personal fitness trainer.
Sahar Haghjoo, 37, worked at the Toronto YWCA to help immigrant and refugee women settle in Canada. She was on the plane with Elsa Jadidi, 8, her only child.
Civil engineers Bahareh Hajesfandiari, 41, and Mirmohammad Sadeghi, 43, of Winnipeg were travelling with daughter Anisa Sadeghi, 10.
Vancouver-area engineer Ardalan Ebnoddin Hamidi, 48, and teacher Niloufar Razzaghi, 45, were a couple travelling with daughter Kamyar Ebnoddin Hamidi, 15.
Saeed Kashani, 30, was a PhD candidate in chemistry at the University of Ottawa. A friend of his told The Globe he was in Iran to visit his parents and siblings.
Dr. Forough Khadem, 38, was an immunology researcher at the University of Manitoba.
Fatemeh Mahmoodi, 31, was a finance student at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, the school said in a statement.
Maryam Malek, 41, was also a Saint Mary’s student in the same program as Ms. Malek.
Mohammad Moeini, 35, was a mechanical designer at Bombardier Recreational Products in Valcourt, Que., the company said in a statement.
Engineer Arvin Morattab, 37, of Saint-Bruno-Que., was travelling with wife Aida Farzaneh, according to the Windsor Star.
A married couple of University of Alberta engineering professors, Pedram Mousavi, 47, and Mojgan Daneshmand, 43, were travelling with daughters Daria Mousavi, 14, and Dorina Mousavi, 9.
Winnipegger Farzaneh Naderi, 38, was travelling with her son Nozhan Sadr, 11.
Zahra Naghibi, 44, was a civil engineer and PhD candidate at the University of Windsor returning from a holiday trip with her husband.
Milad Nahavandi, 34, was a PhD student in the Industrial Bioproduct Lab at Western University.
Alma Oladi was a mathematics PhD student at the University of Ottawa.
Alireza (Ali) Pey, 47, was an electrical-engineering graduate who founded a startup in the Ottawa area.
Mansour Pourjam, 53, was a lab technician at the Ottawa Denture & Implant Centre.
Dr. Naser Pourshabanoshibi, 53 and Dr. Firouzeh Madani, 54, were a married couple, both physicians, who were returning home to North Vancouver after visiting their parents in Iran.
University of Alberta students Arash Pourzarabi, 26, and Pouneh Gorji, 25, were in Iran to get married.
Ontario Tech University sessional lecturer Razgar Rahimi, 38, died on board with wife Farideh Gholami and son Jiwan Rahimi, 3.
Nasim Rahmanifar was a graduate student in mechanical engineering at the University of Alberta.
Niloufar Sadr, 61, was a political activist and former art-gallery manager in Montreal. She had three children.
Mechanical engineer Mohsen Salahi, 31, and civil engineer Mahsa Amirliravi, 30, were a couple who taught at Toronto’s Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology.
North Vancouver engineer Mohammad (Daniel) Saket, 33, was on the plane with wife Fatemah (Faye) Kazerani, 32, his company said in a statement.
Mohammad Salehe, 32, was a University of Toronto PhD student.
University of Windsor PhD student Hamidreza Setareh, 31, and researcher Samira Bashiri, 29, were a married couple who had been in Canada for about a year.
Sheyda Shadkhoo, 41, worked as a control substances co-ordinator at the the Markham office of the inspection and certification SGS, according to her LinkedIn profile.
Afifa Tarbhai, 55, was an accounts administrator at a Toronto property-management firm travelling with daughter Alina Tarbhai, 31, an administrative clerk at the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation.
Maya Zibaie, 15, was a Grade 10 student at Toronto’s Northern Secondary School.
SJW and Antifa protect the satanic pedo elites and they don't even know it
from 2016
Control all the sides.
leaked Antifa shill tactics
>>7769723 /pb
Inside the Shadowy World of Israeli Arms Dealers
Shuki Sadeh
Jan 10, 2020 5:45 AM
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Security officials stand around illegal ammunition at Nigeria's main seaport in Lagos October 27, 2010.
Security officials stand around illegal ammunition at Nigeria's main seaport in Lagos, October 27, 2010. REUTERS
In November, a Peruvian paper reported that the country’s chief prosecutor was seeking to impound $8 million from a Swiss bank account belonging to an Israeli named Moshe Rothschild. Rothschild, a former fighter pilot from Kibbutz Gvaram, was termed “Israel’s biggest arms dealer” by the Israeli media back in the 1990s.
After serving as a pilot during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Rothschild backpacked through South America in the late 1970s. A charming adventurer, he made friends everywhere he went. In Lima, the Peruvian capital, he wormed his way into the city’s business elite; one of his friends was Israeli-Peruvian businessman Baruch Ivcher, in whose mattress factory he later worked.
When Alberto Fujimori became president of Peru in 1990, Rothschild drew close to him and started being involved in arms deals. He also forged ties with the local intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos.
In the early 2000s, the Peruvian government went public with accusations against Rothschild that revealed the scope of his globe-spanning arms deals. He is suspected of involvement in the sale to the Peruvian government of 36 MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-25 jets that he bought in Belarus after the fall of the Communist government there. He also sold helicopters and cargo planes from Belarus to the Peruvian air force and police. In addition, he brokered deals to supply spare parts for aircraft and wiretapping equipment from Israel. Meanwhile, he was allegedly bribing his good friend Montesinos.
Rothschild returned to Israel and, at one point, was on Interpol’s wanted list, but Peru never submitted an extradition request for him.
Today, Rothschild reportedly lives in a large house he bought in Ganei Yehuda. According to the Israeli Corporations Authority, he owns eight high-tech and communications companies, all based in Yehud.
Rothschild also sold arms after leaving Peru, according to a report by Yossi Melman in Haaretz. In 2003, he sold two French helicopters that had been upgraded by the Israeli firm Elbit Systems to the Ivory Coast. Rothschild told Melman that the allegations against him in Peru were false, and stemmed from the new government’s political persecution of its predecessor.
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"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall"
The great distortion of sacred symbols that speak to our subconscious mind
The controllers, the tyrants, the cabal, what ever you want to call them, have taken careful and thought out measures since their beginnings to use symbols that speak to our subconscious mind and tell us about our true nature, our true source and the nature of reality. But what do they represent originally? I hereby relay MY current understanding of some of them to simply paint a picture maybe or maybe not beneficial for anybody who endeavours to use it in their model of understanding the situation on this planet today.
[They] Understand the power of our thoughts, that is why they do this. They know that reality is moulded by collective common thought so that is what they have to control. By creating associations in the collective common thought between these symbols and things and concepts that are for their purpose and speaking to our emotional weaknesses they are putting a veil over the masses that serve their purpose of making sure as few as possible do wake up and realize what they really are. Breaking free and be a "free thinker" is one step. Realizing that one is much more than a physical body is further along the path of understanding self and reality.
The Triad, triangle
Represents the primary God in the top, and the mirror image of itself, the holy spirits journey down through lower and lower frequency of energy all the way down into coagulated energy called "matter" where it need to experience it's creation through a vessel made of that matter, called a body. Wider at the base because as frequency lowers, things become bigger, time becomes slower. The triad also represents the "round trip" of the spirit down on one side, through the experience through all levels of frequency, into and through dense matter and then back up on the other side back to God. Relay this frequency difference with the electromagnetic spectrum, and also note that there is nothing below this lowest frequency of energy in which we all experience physical reality (hint hint). The lower the frequency, the further away from the Primary God and greater the tendency to identify with the vehicle (the body). WE ALL ARE this whole triad. We are primary God, we are also the Spirit, the "traveller in space and time".
The triad is today, in collective common thought, associated with being watched and controlled, servitude (slavery), surveillance
The pentagram
The pentagram represents the fully realized entity being aware of the wholeness of creation working through a human body. A Christ, Enlightened, realized Master. Here one has the power over material reality through being fully realized about what one is. Then there is no separation. This is where we are all headed, some faster than others.
The pentagram is today, in collective common thought, associated with satanism, evil, occult worship etc. Especially when turned upside down which was intentional
The Six-pointed star
The six-pointed star contains of two triads, two triangles. One pointing down and one pointing up. The one pointing down represents the identification with the earthly, the body, living as a body and thinking according to our biological and emotional needs etc. The triad pointing up represents the awakened spirit within a human. One that awakens to the realization of his/her true nature and is working to put to rest all the limiting programming in the genetics of the current body to move towards enlightenment. This "Initiate Star" in its wholeness represents the change of direction into moving towards self-realization.
The six-pointed star is today, in collective common thought, associated with Judaeism, prosecution, genocide
The cross
Consists of two lines that cross each other and represents a balance between the un-seen spiritual (vertical) and the seen physical (horizontal). A realized Christ lives in this balance and can therefore have full dominion over physical materiality.
The cross is today, in collective common thought, associated with death, guilt & shame (dying for our sins), worship of the unattainable as well as devil worship/satanism when turned upside down
The programming goes deep and is carried over through generations through our DNA and they know that. We have to wake up on a massive scale to counter it.
Sauce? Well, most of you will throw the baby out with the bathwater, but hey, that's just the swine gobblin' up the pearls like it is part of the dirt they dwell in. Source is Ramtha the Enlightened One, the teacher of humanity as of these times. Eyes to see, ears to hear, right?. Right.
Greenspan himself tried to explain it…
The founders were very specific on this point: They clearly understood that “money” had to be based on something of intrinsic value to avoid fraud in the monetary system.
They selected gold and silver coin and named it as such in our Constitution:
“No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;“
We are currently living beyond our means as a society.
We are allowing desperate, destitute people to flood into our country.
We are exporting our jobs and manufacturing base to nations historically hostile to us and we have debased our currency and allowed criminal fraud to run rampant in our banking and financial systems.
At some point a certain inevitably will present itself clearly.
How long until this harbinger arrives and who will suffer the consequences?
Alan Greenspan explains it in this short six page summary
Gold and economic freedom
“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.”
“This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.”
An inquiry into the evils of a fluctuating medium of exchange…
A Caveat Against Injustice
Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS ever made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
Bun - Uranium One - Cameco - Russian US ties
>>7737900 - Bun - Redistributed. Uranium - 1 Structure, documents
>>6876451 >>7254333 >>7157497 - Cameco is another part of the Canadian U1 puzzle
>>6877418 - Twelve Tribes -Digs on Religions Cult in MB
>>7737900 - Bun - Uniqueness of Western Civ - R.Duchesne
>>6992839 - Dalglish - Order of Canada 2016 - Convicted UN Child Rapist
>>7008572 - Q Drops - 1197 - 1358 - 2521 - Watch CA
>>7737900 - BUN - Redistributed. Uranium - 1 Structure, documents
>>7196481 - Satanic Temple in Canada (news report)
>>7737936 - Bun - Uniqueness of Western Civ - R.Duchesne
>>7137194 >>7309274 >>7350917 - Pattison and Rogers Call for Diggs
>>7357941 - 9,000 missing Children a year in Canada and other stats / info
>>7361659 >>7366719 >>7365059 - Federal Election Rigging Links and Diggs
>>7406277 >>7424972 >>7410210 >>7433599 - Anon's calling out Trudeau's latest
>>7475574 >>7476020 >>7475714 - Maxime Bernier hires former ombudsman to prepare legal action against Warren Kinsella over racism claims
>>7503467 - Canada announces support for new carbon-pricing initiative at COP25 - Dec 14, 2019
>>7511767 >>7511736 >>7512476 >>7513468 - Notable resignations in Canada: Desmarais brothers to step down as CEOs from PowerCorp
>>7513797 - Canada’s attorney general blocks disclosure -case of Chinese man accused of spying
>>7523772 - Millions in SNC-Lavalin bribes bought Gaddafi's playboy son luxury yachts
>>7738260 - Bun - SNC Lavalin
>>7738387 - Bun - Barry and Honey Sherman Executions
>>7613698 >>7651453 - Soros Diggs
>>7651461 >>7651828 - Q Drop 2217 - Sept 19, 2018. Trudeau, Shermans, Clinton Safe House, Uranium One X
>>7697759 >>7697761 - CGEP Canadian Charity - Guistra - Clinton Foundation
>>7714662 >>7713790 - Diggs on Trudeau's sister in law
>>7720256 - 5 eyes Trudeau International man of Ethics Violations
>>7738442 - Bun - Abel Danger - kelly-22-bilderberg-trudeaus-pig-farm-demons-clintons-bridge-to-serco-hack-norsats-boeing-patent-crash
>>7722922 - Russia / US Uranium Reserves article
>>7726028 >>7726057 >>7726082 >>7726116 - Twitter user on Q drop on Shermans/Trudy
>>7738463 - Bun - Moar Conspiracy Territory Tie Ins - Good Digging Leads
>>7738471 - Bun - Glencore, Mark Rich, Clintons Guistra
>>7738479 - Bun - Clintons Guistra
>>7738505 - Bun - Iran's aim is to use American's northern neighbour, Canada, as a "forward operating base" for influence operations against the American government.
>>7738532 - Bun - Canada's Deep State (Canuck Law)
>>7722117 - ‘’’Iran Forward Operating Bases against the U.S.’’’ (from 2017)
>>7746557 - Subversion Process
>>7738951 >>7746752 >>7750123 - Antifa - 5th Estate - Drumheller ANTIFA leader after he was doxxed
>>7744613 >>7750116 - Euthenasia - Hospice to start killing sick patients in Feb.
>>7753111 - Trips: Under the Trudeau regime Canadian news media have become a non-stop Operation Mockingbird
>>7755256 >>7762533 >>7769265 >>7769334 - Iranian Airline Crash info
>>7767857 >>7767777 /pb - Canuck anon hits Quad 7's / 6-7's.
>>7770158 - Cameco - Uranium one - Russian Uranium - UrAsia - Docs and Diggs
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says intelligence now indicates the Ukrainian passenger aircraft that crashed outside of Tehran on Wednesday, killing everyone on board — including 138 people destined for Canada — was shot down by an Iranian missile.
"We have intelligence from multiple sources, including our allies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile," he said during a news conference in Ottawa, adding that it might have been an unintentional act.
"The news will undoubtedly come as a further shock to the families who are already grieving in the face of this unspeakable tragedy."
Of the 176 victims killed, 63 were Canadian citizens and included entire families, academics, students and newlyweds.
Trudeau said intelligence and evidence started coming in overnight suggesting the aircraft likely was brought down by a surface-to-air strike, but wouldn't offer further details.
The prime minister's comments came after reports out of the U.S. said it's "highly likely" that an Iranian anti-aircraft missile inadvertently brought down Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752.
Iranian officials have denied the allegation.
What we know about the Iran plane crash victims who were headed to Canada
Iran denies that missile brought down Ukrainian airliner despite Canadian, U.S. assertions
Repatriating Canadian air crash victims will be hampered by a lack of diplomatic ties with Iran, experts say
"Scientifically, it is impossible that a missile hit the Ukrainian plane, and such rumours are illogical," Ali Abedzadeh, the head of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization, was quoted as saying by the semi-official ISNA News Agency on Thursday.
The crash happened just hours after Iran launched a ballistic missile attack on Iraqi bases housing U.S. soldiers, in response to U.S. President Trump's decision to order the targeted killing of Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani.
When asked if the U.S. airstrike was in part to blame for the crash, Trudeau said only that Canada needs a thorough investigation.
"The evidence suggests that this is the likely cause but we need to have a full and complete and credible investigation to establish exactly what happened. That's what we are calling for and that's what we're expecting will happen," he said.
Questions about investigation
Yesterday, Trudeau told reporters it was "too early to speculate" on whether the Boeing 737-800 passenger plane had been shot down. This morning, news began to break from U.S. sources citing satellite data and saying the aircraft most likely was shot down inadvertently.
Canada's signal intelligence agency said it's playing a role in the investigation.
"Although the Communications Security Establishment does not comment on intelligence operations, we can confirm that we are engaged with our national security and intelligence partners and other Government of Canada departments on this matter," said a spokesperson in an email to CBC.
According to sources, senior officials from the Privy Council Office, Transport Canada, the Department of National Defence and Public Safety met this morning to discuss the crash.
Watch | 'Canadian officials must immediately be granted access to Iran':
Trudeau vowed Canadian investigators would get access to the crash site.
Following international protocol, Iran's civil aviation authority officials will lead the investigation into the crash, while Canada's Transportation Safety Board has appointed a Canadian expert to receive and review information from the probe.
"Canadian expertise when it comes to air tragedies, expertise when it comes to crash investigations, is world class. We have much to contribute and we have lost much in the loss of so many Canadian lives, so many families across this country grieving," said the prime minister.
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So the United States is to blame for Iran not programming their targeting systems to tell the difference between a civilian and military aircraft? Iran is to blame and for firing them near a major civilian airport.
Payman Parseyan says he's filled with anger at the news his home country's government is believed to be responsible for the deadly plane crash that killed several of his friends.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters Thursday that Canada has intelligence from multiple sources that indicates an Iranian surface-to-air missile shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed after takeoff in Tehran on Wednesday. He said it may have been unintentional.
Iranian officials have denied the allegation. Ali Abedzadeh, the head of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization, called it "illogical" and "impossible," the semi-official ISNA News Agency reported.
All 176 people on the flight died. Of those, 138 were bound for Canada, 63 were Canadian citizens, and at least 31 were Albertans.
Parseyan, a member of Edmonton's Iranian-Canadian community, spoke to As It Happens host Carol Off. Here is part of their conversation.
How are you taking the news today that this plane was likely shot down by an Iranian missile?
Part of me says this wasn't as much of a surprise as it might seem. Part of me is very angry that this would happen. And most of me is just, like, we're not going to get our friends back. The "why" doesn't matter. It's the "what."