Global Announcements
>>7798369, >>7798373 Jim Watkins: 88 of his domains were deplatformed by Network Solutions, DIGG UPDATED 1/13/20 12:30 am ET
>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>7806752 planefag updates
>>7807191, >>7807221, >>7807225, >>7807230, >>7807245, >>7807257, >>7807259, >>7807275 anons discuss JQ, why Q came to the board
>>7807211 1998 Project Hunter (blog)
>>7807087 Judge Scorches DA in Lawsuit Alleging Racial Bias in Case of Democratic Donor Ed Buck
>>7807036 2018 meet the founders of High Voltage Engineering Corporation.
>>7807027, >>7807059 @NCSCgov This month in 1943, President Roosevelt issued a Presidential Directive providing that the @FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation should take charge of investigative work in matters relating to espionage, sabotage, subversive activities and related issues.
>>7807013 Moscow talks offer chance for peace in Libya’s post NATO-intervention bloody civil war
>>7806938 There aren't 51 votes to dismiss Trump articles of impeachment
>>7806876, >>7806984 CC TV cap of Potus and Flotus with a Q
>>7806857 “Significant Mistakes of Judgment” at MIT taking Epstein money
>>7806761 A Kansas man has requested that an Iowa court grant his motion for a “trial by combat” to settle a custody dispute with his ex-wife and her attorney on the battlefield
>>7806748, >>7806770 CIA is proud to employ one of the “Top 25 Execs to Watch in 2020,” per @washingtonexec. Congratulations to CIO Juliane Gallina!
>>7807356 #9992
>>7806355, >>7806334, >>7806116, >>7806303 planefaggin
>>7805893 Scavino posts PO/FLO vid at the game
>>7805901, >>7805866 lb Al-Shabab claims kenya attack
>>7805918 Judge refuses to second-guess family separations at border
>>7805983, >>7806017 Judge finds Wisconsin elections commissioners in contempt of court, orders them to quickly remove people from the rolls
>>7805923 Joe DiGenova says David Kris should immediately be disqualified from doing anything with the FISA court because he was there the whole time this fraud went on.
>>7806100, >>7806243 Ex-Treasury Department Official Pleads Guilty To Leaking Trump Associates’ Financial Documents To BuzzFeed
>>7806258 Energy Department agrees to begin releasing Ukraine-related records
>>7806343 DJT Jr -My family does not care what the swamp thinks. The swamp can boo us all they want. This is real America. We listen to them. Real America is what matters.
>>7806427 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - Rally Day
>>7806567 #9991
>>7805419 Top Iranian reporter allegedly apologizes 'for lying' and quits government TV after plane crash (washington examiner)
>>7805438 O’Keefe Releases Teaser of First 2020 Bombshell
>>7805400, >>7805477 Burisma hacking report is out, additional sauce welcomed
>>7805467 Gardasil (HPV vaccine) fuckery
>>7805631, >>7805669, >>7805508 POTUS FLOTUS vids at the game
>>7805592, >>7805499, >>7805566, >>7805692 UK & UKES play w/ nukes and some Trudeau/Ukraine digs
>>7805593 Pro-Amnesty Southern Baptist Convention Is in Damage Control After Pushing Open Borders and Its Ties To Soros Are Exposed
>>7805835 #9990
>>7804368, >>7804460, >>7804889, >>7804904 planefag report
>>7804578, >>7804600 President Trump tweets
>>7804385 recent deaths-anon list of ded
>>7804347, >>7804378, >>7804416, >>7804697, >>7803303, >>7803319, >>7803346, >>7804739, >>7804830 Mike 2020
>>7804574, >>7804961 Busy day for CP justice
>>7804596 NYT : Russians hacked Burisma
>>7804535, >>7804611 Oleg Deripaska One of Putin's closest confidants
>>7804732 Attorney General William P. Barr Announces the Findings of the Criminal Investigation into the December 2019 Shooting at Pensacola Naval Air Station
>>7804731 Harvard Professor Sues New York Times Over Epstein Article
>>7804756 Apple gives no help to DOJ in shooting probe
>>7804832 McCabe and Weissman reforming the FISA process
>>7804856 Trump Energy Dept will begin releasing Ukraine-related records
>>7804653 Crowdstrike Holdings Inc. Pres/CEO sold:$8.08m Jan 9&13
>>7805074 #9989
Previously Collected Notables
>>7804232 #9988
>>7801192 #9984, >>7801970 #9985, >>7802749 #9986, >>7803524 #9987
>>7798044 #9980, >>7798809 #9981, >>7799591 #9982, >>7800384 #9983
>>7794944 #9976, >>7795749 #9977, >>7796505 #9978, >>7797245 #9979
>>7791849 #9972, >>7792600 #9973, >>7793443 #9974, >>7794147 #9975
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator:
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384),