Anonymous ID: 2f4c35 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.7941579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1606

>>7886559 lb

>>7894891 lb

>>7897071 lb

>>7900639 lb

>>7907339 lb

>>7912307 lb

>>7926240 lb

>>7927991 lb

>>7930548 lb

>>7935760 lb

>>7938038 lb


The dashboard I've been posting on the Coronawatch Update has not been updated by Johns Hopkins University since 8:30 p.m EST on 27 Jan 2020 although they had been doing so two and three times per day till now (I suspect the data is either swamping the researchers or they're too afraid to show the pix). My screencap program just now crapped out on me, so I have no pix for you. You'll have to go to this site to find the dashboard or look at >>7938038 lb for the last dashboard they posted:


I did find a link to a 23-page pdf of the guidance developed by Johns Hopkins University on dealing with the coronavirus. Here's the link to the document on the clear internet, so you can download it yourself.


Johns Hopkins Institutions 2019 Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan


Version 2.0 Last Updated: January 22, 2020


Confidential Information – Warning: This document is intended for internal Johns Hopkins use only. Sharing or disclosure of this document or the information contained herein is prohibited.



Table of Contents

Topic Page

Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 2

Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4

Background....................................................................................................................... 5

2019 Novel Coronavirus Wuhan Summary....................................................................... 6

CDC Clinical Guidelines............................................................................................... 6

Communications Protocol for People Under Investigation................................................ 8

2019-nCoV Control Measures In Health Care Settings................................................... 10

PPE for Patient Care.................................................................................................. 10

PPE for Obtaining Lab Specimens............................................................................. 11

Emergency Medicine and Ambulatory Areas............................................................. 12

Admitted Patients......................................................................................................... 13

Environmental Cleaning............................................................................................... 14

Waste and Linens........................................................................................................ 14

Exposed Staff............................................................................................................... 14

Laboratory Specimens.............................................................................................. 15

Confirmatory/Diagnostic Test...................................................................................... 15

Guidance for the Safe Handling of Human Remains........................................................ 17

Travel and Return from Designated 2019-nCoV Endemic Areas..................................... 18

Appendix A, 2019-nCoV Screening Tool............................................................................ 20

Appendix B, Johns Hopkins HEIC Contact Information …................................................ 21

Appendix C, CDC PUI Screening Form …………………………….................................. 23

Anonymous ID: 2f4c35 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.7941606   🗄️.is 🔗kun



By the way, and its clones were unable to archive this site, so please save it offline:

Johns Hopkins Institutions 2019 Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan