Anonymous ID: d5c6a8 Feb. 11, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8104285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4350 >>4522 >>4758 >>4835 >>4904

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BREAKING: Seth Rich Issue Mentioned in Page-Strzok Emails!

10,739 views•Feb 11, 2020

Judicial Watch




Oh, and what else is interesting here, is the curious email about Seth Rich. Now Seth Rich was a DNC staffer, who was murdered here in Washington DC and the murder remains unsolved. Now there are those who question how and why he was murdered and what happened there and you can just imagine, there are people who allege he was involved in the Wikileaks leaks or the DNC hacking. I don't know if any of that's true, I do know that when a political person like Seth Rich is murdered, politics intervenes in the investigation in his death.


So we've tried to find some, do some FOIA work there, we haven't gotten anywhere, because the death investigation is still open. But the FBI, I think it told us it had no documents. Well, lo and behold out of this Peters Pa, uh uh Lisa Page, Peter Stzrok document, there's references to Seth Rich. Let's see what it says here, there is a uh, FB, there's a media inquiry about um, so an official who's name they redact, writes, various news outlets are reporting today that Julian Assange suggested during a recent overseas interview, that DNC staffer Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source and may have been killed because he leaked the DNC emails to his organization and that Wikileaks is offering $20,000 dollars for information regarding Seth Rich's death last month. Based on this news, we anticipate additional press coverage on this matter. I hear that you are in class today, however when you have a moment can you please give me a call to discuss what involvement the bureau has in the investigation. An, a Washington field office responds, I'm aware of this reporting from earlier this week, but not any specific involvement in any related case.


I don't know what any of that means, I, I'm reading it to mean we're not involved, but it reads oddly. Um, so if I'd received that email, I'd would've written back, what do you mean? Is it yes or no? An unidentified agent then writes to uh both um, Moffa who's an FBI guy and um uh, Stzrok, just FYSA (for your situational awareness) I squashed this with redacted. So there's a blank. Stzrok then forwards that email chain to Page. So that's curious. You know it looks like they squashed it maybe, uh with a uh media outlet, I don't know. But they're talking about Rich here, they suggest the FBI isn't doing much of anything on it, but they squashed uh, an inquiry, which is a substantial issue.


I mean Assange, you know, I don't know whether he was telling the truth there, but you know certainly that would be enough if, you know, it would've been enough for the FBI to investigate Donald Trump. But not enough for the FBI to launch an investigation into the Seth Rich murder. That's what that shows. Isn't it curious, what they decide to investigate and what basis they base that decision on. Trump they got garbage, rumors, they start spying on him, and other innocent Americans, targeting Manafort, targeting General Flynn, here you've got someone publicly suggesting that Rich was murdered for, somehow being involved in the DNC leaks, and the FBI, their response is how do we quash that. Meaning, we're not doing anything. And that's the most charitable reading of this, so that's interesting.

