Anonymous ID: 234fc8 Feb. 19, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.8183175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3215 >>3223


Good question.


Well, I have found some techniques that could hide better… (though I guess a meme could you a circular shield design which could imbed principles).


One is if you do this to words…

I made this logo for a site.

Or, this demo with the word Love


Or, this "Love Q anon" image I just made.


it's subtle, but it works.

I could design a shield if someone would use it.

Anonymous ID: 234fc8 Feb. 19, 2020, 5:57 a.m. No.8183215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3320




BTW, this works by black text (numbers etc) sucking energy in, and white spitting it out (radiating it).


The other thing you can do is have the text typed in the meme twice, once black and once white.


There is one other way, you can "bake" energy into an image by making the meme with a high energy environment.


This cooks the energy into it!


To do this, you would make the image inside of another image, then once the image is made crop out the other part.

Every unique structure/form records the energy present at the time and location is way first created.


So if I type a random string of characters, and later you type the same string of letters, if i typed it in a high energy environment it will also re-manifest that energy when you type those numbers, but only if I was first.


Having said that, it's not super powerful, but it does work.

Anonymous ID: 234fc8 Feb. 19, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.8183282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3378


How do you know I even know them, and if I didn't know them I couldn't mention them, though likely I do…

But, I did presume you meant radionics and not Free Energy or antigravity?!


Because my inspiration was the latter.


None of those who I was inspired by seemed to really explicitly go into and aetheric mechanism.


While radionics I would say does equal aetheric energy and it is recognized as working with such energy explicitly.


>I'll say it again. For two breads, you have been telling anons to "feel the energy" from your diagrams. This very premise - that a diagram can work just as well as the machine it expresses - is completely born from patented Radionic research. It is now quite unnecessary for me to point out that you didn't discover any of this.


See, I didn't believe that symbolic radionics machines worked when I made this work with images.

Indeed I was a bit fuzzy on radionics entirely, while some of the feats that have been achieved such as radionic photography (which I have perhaps always been a tad doubtful about) are very impressive, radionics seemed like a weak form of energy manipulation (true of not that was my perception) and so my development had nothing to do with radionics and only slight doubtful awareness of the claims.


Again, if I was inspired to try images Dan A. Davidson's work detailed in Shape Power book was more to the point, however even that wasn't really what lead me to it.


it was making too many physical coils, and having issues making overly complex forms, images solved a number of issues, also I was curious,


So, while yes, psychotronics (a branch of radionics) and, well Magick and Dan A. Davidson beat me to the discovery that images can manifest effects, that isn't the breakthrough I am trying to present here!


That is just the MEANS of presenting it, it's not the content!


It's like saying "other people have written words before" as though it has some mitigation of presentation by using words and sentences, again it's not the method of delivery, it's the content that mattes.


These images are just the first step, the goal is to have these made physically, and electrified.


As for you comments on UFO's, well we see things a little differently, and explain things a little differently. But I don't really disagree with your model of how a UFO works, rather I would interpret such manipulation of the aether to involve what I am talking about if that makes sense (if you energize and vortex the aether into a torus vortex then you carry your aether with you for instance).

UFO's most assuredly have an aetheric vortex field, or some do.