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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Thursday 06.18.202075
>>9665903 ————————————–——– Thin_Blue_Line_Flag_United_States_.png
>>9663491 ————————————–——– Difficult truths. This is not another 4-year election. (cap: >>9663555)
>>9662999 ————————————–——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. (Cap: >>9663017, >>9663112)
Wednesday 06.17.2020
>>9650835 ————————————–——– POTUS: "They know they can't beat me in 2020!" (Cap: >>9651065)
>>9650786 ————————————–——– Exclusive: POTUS on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET
>>9650707 ————————————–——– Tweet from @AskQanon (Cap: >>9650737)
>>9647518 ————————————–——– It's not what you know but what you can prove. (Cap: >>9647532, >>9647537)
>>9646819 ————————————–——– Old playbook[s] still used today? Understanding the past helps to understand the present. (Cap: >>9647464, >>9646884, >>9647208)
>>9645671 ————————————–——– Silent Majority Pic 2016 vs 2020
Saturday 06.13.2020
>>9606278 ————————————–——– Another free pass? (Cap: >>9606297, >>9606392)
>>9605777 ————————————–——– MSDNC provides a free pass (Cap: >>9606651)
>>9605447 ————————————–——– More police prevent crimes? What changed? (Cap: >>9605512)
>>9605346 ————————————–——– Welcome to the REAL [D] PARTY (Cap: >>9605368, >>9605364)
>>9603352 ————————————–——– One must only look to find the truth. (Cap: >>9603381)
>>9602984 ————————————–——– Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. (Cap: >>9603037)
>>9601591 ————————————–——– The Daily "Beast." (Cap: >>9601630, >>9601672)
>>9601117 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall. You awake is their greatest fear.
>>9600835 ————————————–——– When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people...... (Cap: >>9600886)
>>9600569 ————————————–——– Biblical Times.
>>9600507 ————————————–——– The 'how' will be hard to understand for most. The 'when' is now.
>>9600426 ————————————–——– YOUR VOICE MATTERS. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. (Cap: >>9600605)
>>9599951 ————————————–——– Division is man-made. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.
>>9599384 ————————————–——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. GOD WINS.
>>9599109 ————————————–——– They can no longer hide in the dark. It's happening. Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9600043)
Thu 06.11.2020 >>9607406
Wed 06.10.2020 >>9580536
Tue 06.09.2020 >>9580534
Sat 06.06.2020 >>9580532
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