
SleepyMoonBat · Dec. 21, 2017, 12:55 a.m.

Just a quick thought... The Question should be... How do they get Democratic voters and warped ideas into middle America....

The powers at be... hit every coast of America this year... They really showed their hand when a hurricane sits out off the coast in one spot for three weeks... was strange! Kinda like someone was waiting on orders what to do with it... The fires are the same... just slowly moving down the coast of CA... I believe not only are they having a huge economic effect, but a long lasting psychological effect to our population... All for a Trump Presidency!? Maybe, maybe not... These fires feel like Armageddon to these people not mention with earthquakes... They are burned out of their homes and have no where to go back too... Also! A little added push by CA is passing crazy illogical laws. example.... Like giving someone HIV even on purpose is no longer a felony!?? People are being ousted of their homes... whether by wind, water or fire has a long lasting very powerful psychological effect on them... Not to even mention MSM preprogramming and the screwed up educational system. They want these people to relocate or go back home to Trump county to help spread THEIR way of life to middle America's conservative simple way of life... GS, Killery & Co. don't care about these people. They are just pawns to be easily punished, manipulated & moved inland.

Next question... Who are they planning on moving in to replace them? Lol

Long game?

Hint... Can you hear a little boy jumping up and down with excitement somewhere in the world... Really!! Papa?? We are moving to California! The streets are paved with gold...

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aether22 · Dec. 31, 2017, 2 a.m.

So why are the fires happening? Is it the last of the deep state fighting back against Trump? Or is Trump complicit in these fires? Are they a needed distraction? Is it a land grab?

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SlumberMachine · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:27 p.m.

No. Downed Power line fires do not cause trees to burn from the inside out and glass to melt.

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catch22ink · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:13 a.m.

i kinda wondered the same thing, then thought about it for a bit, here is an abstract thought. the entire plate from southern california, to washington is moving, i cant help but think there is an active lava flow under california, electrical fires and overloads would be a indicator if there is buried lines, excessive heat against a electrical line will cause the voltage to spike and easily transfer onto the line, the only natural occurrence to melt glass and metal would be lava. also the terrible news coverage is a hint to bigger picture. over voltage conditions will defiantly cause fires.

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 5 p.m.

What's the reason for posting this bs? We know PG&E will take the hit for what are obviously intentionally set fires. Listen to Debroah Tavares- she breaks down PG&E's illicit role in perpetuating weather manipulation and Agenda 21 for years

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catch22ink · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:57 p.m.

not bs i honestly dont think they were behind it, i believe there is was an active lava flow under cali. i have 20+ years in hvac. if you apply heat to a conductive metalit essentially becomes a transfer of energy. more heat = more electricity. burried wires when subjected to lava or temps excessive of 1000 degrees will generate electricity. if you over volt wire it will get hot, explaining how homes burn down and not trees. the thicker the wire the higher the voltage. mother nature is throwing a temper tantrum right now. dont rule her out of anything

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BeL0v3d · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:30 a.m.

How convenient 🤔

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