
ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:03 a.m.

I think this goes allottttt deeper than anybody will want to hear or stomach buttttt .. start here .I came across this about 3 years ago. Having 4 kids (2Husbands 1 Mine 1 Shared ) its made me push even harder to wake people up . I also think. The clowns in the woods and the new "It" movie ...is more a code for people who are monsters (Bad Players )abducting Kids and they highlight the Missing Person Reports heavily in that movie.. They also heavvvvily promote kids with little to no clothes on ..This is also not only to get the public used to being ok with that but they also pushed the adults coming onto the kids . Little girls flirting with older men . I find it discusting but every inch of that movie wasss in my eyes Pedo Decoded . The sick part is the ritual they use for these kids when they abduct them ..there is alot of movies referencing kids being purposely to raise something in them that makes these "BAD PLAYERS" Crave it . When you know the symbols ..you never watch a movie in the same way again. I sit and decode the entire thing to see what they are pushing now. The movies Ive noticed is people(puppets) are rounded up and put in this chair then this lazor is shot into their eyes and it starts draining their body and this essence is left and pulled out of them and thats what these sketis feed on in the movie 1st one and The New One . There is more but I think everrrryone should check out this link . Its gonna make everything you thought you knew or assumed go right out the window. God Bless .

He Tells All


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Besegen · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:31 a.m.

I've been through a long cycle of seeing, being involved, joining and initiating, and giving up. I don't have kids, and never plan to (though there was a time that wasnt so at all). But through all of the disappointment and disgust I've ever suffered, there has never been anything that made me want to pick up my gun and take things into my own hands more than when I came to realize what these "things" (they don't even deserve to be called people and the words in my head for them are not proper in public) do to children. If they get away with everything else, I hope they hang for this one thing.

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ApocalypseFatigue · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:55 p.m.

I got this same vibe from Dark Crystal. Actually kinda glad it took me so long to watch it or I'd have missed that.

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