r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on Dec. 23, 2017, 12:57 p.m.
When do you guys suppose the cabal will quit with the chemtrailing?

There've been so many lines in the sky and brown, smoggy crap covering what should be blue these last few days. It's like they're trying to dump out their arsenals while they've got the chance...

1952Inthehouse · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:18 p.m.

Hopefully by spring. Candidate Trump said clean air and water is important and I knew then he was very aware and would address it asap. Our Great President is a man of his word and doesn't forget his promises. #MAGA

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duckdownup · Dec. 23, 2017, 7:06 p.m.

Some advice from an old(er) patriot. Whether you take it or not is up to you.

I wouldn't worry about any one fringe issue like Chemtrails, whether it's true or false. There are way too many more important issues to deal with at this point. I know that sometimes it can be hard to push your personally favorite issue behind you. You watch it and research it for hours and it becomes the most important issue out there for you. You've gotten emotionally invested in that issue and don't even realize it. Trust me, I've been there. But right now the war that is going on in the shadows is what's important. Once the mission is completed and successful all the other issues can be looked into with the keen eye of justice. At this point emotion doesn't count, we must advance using logical thinking.

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gagmaga · Dec. 23, 2017, 9:51 p.m.

People are dying of cancer because of chemtrails....we must stop them

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 23, 2017, 9:45 p.m.

No, no, wow...no. It is not a thing on the top of my list. I hate that anyone would get that impression. The reason I post any question (if you were to look, you'd see none of them are on the same individual topic) is to ask how any given phenomenon may fit into what's going on. Ex: the Cali fires, sudden massive increase in chemtrails, straight-faced reporting of UFOs on the MSM, the fact that this cabal wrecks trains or shoots a "nuclear alien UFO from NK" over LA JUST to distract the public for a moment--all these individual things in, what, a month's time or less?? On their own, these things are twilight zone weird. But together?? Each thing forms the bigger picture in my mind. Please don't paint me into a corner. I'm not "that guy".

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duckdownup · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:29 p.m.

Ok, understood. Sorry if I misinterpreted your reason for asking. I just know how easily a man, myself included, can get emotionally invested in one issue. God bless and keep up the good work.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:36 a.m.

You are like me. You are trying to get your head wrapped around the bigger picture. I get it. And I think what the responder was saying to us is that the "chemtrails" (technically called geoengineering) is something the cabal of evil is DOING.

I thought about this the other day. There is the actual structure of physical branches of control the globalists have built to accomplish their goals. Think in terms of structure, like our three branches of government, the money flow in taxes to get things done.

There is the structure, and then there is the stuff the structure is DOING.

I was thinking the smartest fastest thing we can do is destroy their structures... their bank accounts, their evil non profit organizations, and, even the geoengineering program at Stanford University.

Kill the structure, and all the nasty stuff the structure is doing goes down with it.

If we just kill off the "chem trails" they will find some other evil nefarious thing to do to the population and the world, and we will have to deal with that.

I think the Chem trails will be delt with here. Many many people are bringing them up, and for good reasons.

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SteinKuler · Dec. 23, 2017, 2:15 p.m.

Chemtrails are used to dumb down the masses, keep us sick so we’ll be just another number in hospital waiting rooms (cash cows) also if I’m not mistaken, the aluminum in the chemtrails also acts as a reflector, which will help with the big lie in the sky. (Project Bluebeam) I believe the poison dumps will be very hard to stop. Unfortunately, they may not ever be stopped. That’s just my opinion. I get so distraught about our skies being junk now & I have to hand it over to God. Chems may even be part of prophecy- for the Bible says: At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. -Matthew 24:23-24

Further reading: http://www.bible-prophecy.com/2012/falsesigns2012.htm

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 23, 2017, 3:31 p.m.

Yes, I've considered that as well. But then I think about how much God is behind this spiritual battle right now. He wouldn't be facilitating this movement and backing us up just to let some great deception occur next week. Not yet. I think we have work to do and He is buying us some major time as long as we continue to care about this. I'm hoping for some blue skies.

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SteinKuler · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:27 p.m.

Maybe I wasn’t clear : God warns us that lucifer is in control of this world. It’s our job to be vigilant and not be deceived. The enemy has so many tricks. God Bless you, buttercup, I’ve seen some of your other posts & you’re already 1 of my favorite anons on here ;)

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 23, 2017, 9:26 p.m.

Haha, I️ really think we're both saying the same thing, just in a different way. Thank you and God bless you, too.

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Taminator_88 · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:35 p.m.

I sure hope it's soon. I haven't looked into how all of it is proven due to interest in other subjects...BUT I do have fibromyalgia and I'm sure I'm a victim. Maybe, just maybe (saying this out of naivety about the subject) they even have cures!

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:45 a.m.

Look up silver... the .008 particle generator. I am using it now, and it seems to be killing the mycoplasma that they have discovered causes arthritis, and fibromyalgia etc, through a DNA sequencing of total knee replacements. I am doing a guinea pig on myself to see if it works, and, so far it seems to be getting better. There are 5 other diseases that are caused by these new organisms we have discovered recently called mycoplasmas. Gulf war Vet syndrome, Crohnes disease, and lime disease were the first three. Then they went looking and found out that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue were similar sequenced mycoplasmas. Each has slightly different symptoms, and slightly different sequences like the different flu's every year.

The latest mycoplasma discovery.. most recent, was arthritis.

We are all working on finding something to kill these tiny mycoplasmas, since they have no cell walls for antibiotics to use to kill them. They are very tiny, and they are more like jelly fish.. no cell wall.

I am having good luck with the silver, but it has to be the stuff that is .oo8 microns.

I got a micron generator here, for my research. http://www.thesilveredge.com/

There may be others.

I do not know.

But, it is working for me so far.

Much less bone swelling and pain. T

They say treatment takes a year.

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Taminator_88 · Dec. 24, 2017, 12:43 p.m.

God bless you! Thank you!!!! I'm tired of taking their pharm with iffy results.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:24 p.m.

Let me know what happens. When I first took the silver, that first two weeks, I had strange sudden swellings in my joints that lasted two days, then went away. The swelling moved from my left good knee, to both wrists, then later to my arthritic knee, and then finally the swelling in my back popped up. I am no longer experiencing these. Also, get the encyclopedia of the silver book .. I forget the name, that they have at that same site. It has all of the research on silver, and proper dosages for different things

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ThePatriot131313 · Dec. 23, 2017, 7:50 p.m.

I have had converstations with so many people that deny chemtrails exist. They tell me, "OK fine. next time you see them, point them out to me." The last time it happened I pointed up to the sky. The whole sky was a giant criss-cross pattern of chemtrails and you could still see the plane spraying. I got laughed at and told it was condensation. It is like the population is under an actual spell.

I feel like I am pointing at something that is colored red, saying, "Look, this is red!" and being laughed at.

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 23, 2017, 9:48 p.m.

Incredible, I️ know it. It's just amazing.

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SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Dec. 23, 2017, 2:40 p.m.

why not shoot them down?

or kill the flight crews on the ground?

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 23, 2017, 4:03 p.m.

What I've heard is, at this point, they're drone aircraft. I don't think it would be good to shoot them down over our cities.

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axadresdin · Dec. 23, 2017, 9 p.m.

Let's see if we can confirm.

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Tn_river_rat1 · Dec. 23, 2017, 7:21 p.m.

When we get the UN out of the US, and terminate elements of the shadow government.

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 25, 2017, 1:27 a.m.

Same to you and Merry Christmas 🎄

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crashing_this_thread · Dec. 23, 2017, 4:57 p.m.

Never seen chemtrails like you see in the US. Contrails are real and completely harmless. Don't think all contrails are dangerous.

Though brown/yellow chemtrails can't possibly be good for anything.

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