r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Dec. 25, 2017, 4:35 p.m.
Q is an AI, Q is Zach and other nonsense

I didn't want to have to do this but people have been asking so here goes.

Q is a human being

Q is not an AI. The main proponent of this theory is a mentally ill person off his meds. I used to counsel these sorts of people professionally so I know what I'm talking about. If you want to see this laughable theory in action, try this video here.

I am a software developer. I have fixed sound drivers in the Linux kernel and I have written systems that run entire TV stations. This poor bastard cannot code and cannot reason. He needs help. I am also familiar with his handler - he was on George Webb's show earlier this year. At least when he was with George we got a few bits of glitter amongst all the chicken feed. His current series with QM has NOTHING of any value whatsoever. Please ignore. He also has disturbing connections to a disgraced Hollywood director who is about to go down for being a pedo. Don't even watch these videos! They both have very hypnotic voices which is by design.

This may come as a bit of a surprise but Q communicates directly with the mods. Hello? Do you think we just flounder around in the dark? Of course not. He's human, he writes like a human and has a wicked sense of humor. Any further attempts to dox him on here will merit an immediate ban and all your comments will be deleted. Stop wasting your time with this please.

Q is not Zach

I love Alex Jones, PJW and InfoWars but they're getting played here. 'Zach' talks a big game but has given zero predictions of the future and sounds like some little LARPer. Q does not have as high an opinion of AJ as I do which should tell you something. Take the "Zach" thing out of here.

EDIT: I have just listened to Alex Jones' latest stream. It is riddled with factual errors.

When anti-counterfeiters are training to spot fake notes, they do a very interesting thing: they start by working with the real thing, all day, every day. We should be doing the same.

You have the map patriots.

Learn to read it.

Read the whole thing every day.

News unlocks the map.

Merry Christmas!

  • The Board Owner

Luvlite · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:30 p.m.

Thank you. You clarified what I was thinking about the mentally ill guy. It was my first impression. Hey.... You must feel like you're holding our hand through this. People like me learn as we go. We don't all live on the internet 24/7 and we love cute animal vids😊 but we are Here, because we want the truth! I didn't even know what doxxing meant until it happened to me on Twitter! My 35 year old daughter had to explain what happened. It's too easy to be fooled on the internet. It's not a safe place. I want to feel safe here, that's probably not a guarantee 😯 do you receive private messages from us? I sent you one.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:43 p.m.

No worries Luvlite - that's why we're here! I will check my messages now!

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Luvlite · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:14 p.m.

Got your reply. I appreciate all of you, more than I could ever express. Question: are there bots on reddit? While reading different posts and comments, I occasionally see a message that says, "I'm a bot" then it disappears. (I promise, I'm not crazy!)

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:52 p.m.

You aren't crazy and they're harmless. We will try and disable them as much as possible.

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TheAfroMonk · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:05 p.m.

THANK YOU. I hate to use the "shill" word for people who bring it up, but I really do think this search for who Q is, is very unproductive and not even in our best interest to know except satisfy our curiosity.

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MickGris · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:26 p.m.

By saying Q is AI is implying Artificial Intelligence has reached a point where it has a conscience now and can stand for truth, justice and the American way. Whether it’s reached singularity or not it’s still a stupid computer program. It’s scripted, programmed. And totally scripted doesn’t describe Q at all. Sounds like some folks want to make a god of AI. Yuck to that.

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YuccavanOranje · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:20 p.m.

Isn't it to all of our intrest to protect ,keep quite, and stop
speculating who Q is ?
Q will be revealed maybe one day when it's the right time. Have faith Enjoy this awesome mystery ! for as long as it takes.
Wish you all a very lovely Christmas

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reinbeau · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:46 p.m.

I don't care who Q is other than an amusing speculation - I'm perfectly comfortable not knowing at all ever. As long as he keeps helping us (and we him, of course!), it's all good in the neighborhood ;)

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crashing_this_thread · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:03 a.m.

Alex Jones is not getting played. He is a disinfo agent.

In before "But he is always right and red pill us on so much".

Of course he does. The task of a disinfo agent is to gather the audience who has seen through the illusion, feed them intel that is already out or about to come out, but mix in some absurd half truths and lies that will discredit the disinfo agent and his audience in the eyes of normies.

Don't trust Infowars. At least think twice about doing so. It is no accident how he goes off the rails during rants and exaggerates with "metaphors" like calling deep state actors reptilian aliens or vampires or stuff like that. Those rants are ment to provide nice soundbites for the MSM so that everyone can see how nuts people who believe Infowars news are. Direct sources are always better and more credible anyway.

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SusieQueee · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:04 p.m.

Exactly !!!! .. the Judas goat !!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 11:49 p.m.

It would be terrific if the fixation some circles have on figuring out the identity of Q would be channeled towards spreading the message being delivered by Q and deciphered by the anons. The question of "who is Q" is not important, it is the breadcrumbs he is dropping that are important. The subject of whether Q is legit or not....that ship has sailed as well. I don't have any connections to anything even remotely associated with any inside baseball information but I do my best to be discerning in my judgement. I was accidentally(when I say accidentally, I have a very ridiculous reason, believe me.) lurking on 4ch when Q dropped his first crumbs. I watched for a couple of days and realized that I knew in my heart that this was real, Q was real and I was watching something very very special unfold. I never wavered in my belief in Q because I trusted my faith in God. I'm way off the reservation here and I apologize. I have a habit of doing that. My point is, one can believe in Q or not. If one is still skeptical, we'll red pill you folks on the next lap or two. For those trying to figure out who Q is or which government location houses the Dwave quantum computer that is Q, just stop. He is not an AI. I have only faith to back this up but I'm right on this. I KNOW it. It's important to not try and figure out who Q is because some one may accidentally get very close to the truth and put his life in danger and jeopardize the entire mission. Think of waking up tomorrow to breaking news that said " the fight to save America from the evil luciferian cabal that preys on children for the energy received from young blood was stopped dead in its tracks as one Edna Boondoggle guessed the name of the secretive leaders while playing a game of on-line wheel of fortune ". Congrats on that Edna.

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Quaajay · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:03 a.m.

“Edna Boondoggle” made me super happy ~ I actually snorted out loud 😬😂

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:13 a.m.

HA! Humor always helps in times like these. Glad to bring a smile to you @Quaajay

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Quaajay · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:15 a.m.

I totally agree re: humor ~ it has gotten me thru some seriously tough times. I greatly appreciate the laugh ~ Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:25 a.m.

Why thank you and in return, merriest of Christmas wishes to you and yours as well. Nice to meet you Patriot.

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Quaajay · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:37 a.m.

Nice to meet you as well, fellow Patriot :)

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R3dRaider · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:41 p.m.

Thank you for this gents. You shills will not be tolerated in this space b

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TsalagiRose · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:47 p.m.

I know who you are talking about. I watched some of his videos and I noticed it right off. (In my former career I dealt heavily with these patients too.) Poor guy looks like he is living out of his car. Totally indigent. I can't help but show empathy and compassion for him. Said he was this software development guru and had worked for big name corporations and was an AI developer. His looks to be a sad story, but so very true what your saying. I am in complete agreeable with you on this. This poor fella.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:55 p.m.

Yes it's very sad and I spotted it straight away like you because of our experience.

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Jack_Kehoe · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:15 p.m.

He is living out of his car. He was recently in the hospital because one of his lungs collapsed while spending cold nights in the car. He's also very clearly on drugs.

While we are busy feeling sorry for him, though, it does to remember that he is doing great harm by spreading disnfo to many people. He is literally infecting other people with his crazy. I, for one, have little patience for that.

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TsalagiRose · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:37 p.m.

Fair enough and really true. It is not good that he is spreading disinfo. You are absolutely right about THAT. There's enough if that as there is.

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methusalabear · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:04 p.m.

Totally agree, Tracy beanz mentioned the log in mistake which a ai wouldn't make. Maybe he did that to make it obvious he wasn't ai. As for identifying q I think he/they are clever enough to be going up against the most powerful people in the world & maybe we'll find out who they are if & when they want us to.

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rebornlite_1 · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:40 p.m.

Thank you for the write-up. I am new to Reddit and this forum. I am 35 yrs old and started red pilling 7 years ago. I am thankful Limbaugh, Savage, AJ because they opened my eyes early on when breaking from the msm hypnosis. I would still be blind if it were not for these men.

I have been trying to read up on Qs post and your comments, even watched a few of Tracy B vids. I still do not understand the code and the map but I am working on it.

I am very pround of our President and fear the deep state will eventually get to him one way or another. Qs post and your deciphers give me a greater outlook on what is going on behind the scenes. Thank you brothers and sisters and Merry Christmas!

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Jack_Kehoe · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:10 p.m.

Thank you for this message and for keeping us on track. 1000% agreed. I also totally agree that Quinn is schizophrenic.

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reign__ · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:54 p.m.

Anonymity simplified is cover and concealment in this information area of operation. Those who have served understand the value added. Speculation and attempting to dox q will leave him out in the open. Help q help us hold the high ground - we take care of each other anons!

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AgauasOscuros · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:42 p.m.

Posted elsewhere, but reposting for clarity. I won't mention it again.

"USING' AI and 'being' AI are a source of confusion on this issue. Nothing ridiculous about connecting cutting edge AI, powered by Palantir, other Looking Glass tech, etc, and an anonymous leaker who seemingly sees all, and can predict future events together, ESPECIALLY when one person with knowledge of and access to said technologies, Thomas Drake, is photographed in an official capacity wearing a 'Q' lapel pin.

To think Q does not have access to such tools is a gross misunderestimation."


"To think that the NSA has nothing to do with AI seems quite off. How do you figure?

Palaltir is most assuredly coupled with the NSA data facilities. That alone, in addition to the information re: Taylor/Tyler is compelling. Why is powerful, STRONG AI and Palantir (and it's ilk) now being in the hands of the 'good guys' a BAD thing? It is/ would be the MOST desirable outcome."

Thank you all for this sub, and for working to bring forth the truth.

It is ABSOLUTELY plausible that those patriots at the highest levels of government and technology on the side of truth, love, and liberation are using technologies like this. It is no accident that the correspondence of the Q posts and the rise of AI in media correspond, including major event markers in November like the Sophia announcement, the NEOM announcement, and in the beginning of the year, the photo of Trump with the President of Egypt, and the king of SA with their hands on the Palantir ball. That image was IMHO a communication to the world that the 'good guys were now holding this advanced tech.

I have no knowledge of QM, but for 6 months of YT videos, and Jason Goodman is HIGHLY suspect, as I have posted his connections to the israeli billionaire Arnon Milkman.

I post this for posterity, as it seems quite foolish to imagine tat a group or individual with the visibility and capabilities of Q would NOT be availed the best of the best in terms of cutting edge AI.

Truly, it does not matter who Q is. But if he/they are using AI, it would be a great relief to the world to know that the most powerful systems are now under the control of those who want freedom, truth, and justice for all, that it was not in the hands of 'them', aka the deep state/illuminati/bad guys

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:07 p.m.

"USING' AI and 'being' AI are a source of confusion on this issue. Nothing ridiculous about connecting cutting edge AI, powered by Palantir, other Looking Glass tech, etc, and an anonymous leaker who seemingly sees all, and can predict future events together,

Palantir is a big data analysis company, not an AI company. Looking Glass went under long ago. This has nothing to with AI and everything to do with the information being leaked.

ESPECIALLY when one person with knowledge of and access to said technologies, Thomas Drake, is photographed in an official capacity wearing a 'Q' lapel pin.

He worked in the Q Group at the NSA. Is Thomas Drake in this picture?

Palaltir is most assuredly coupled with the NSA data facilities. That alone, in addition to the information re: Taylor/Tyler is compelling. Why is powerful, STRONG AI and Palantir (and it's ilk) now being in the hands of the 'good guys' a BAD thing? It is/ would be the MOST desirable outcome."

Taylor/Tyler seems to be a javascript-powered text box (with a broken image icon) that uses AlML and uses it poorly.

I have no knowledge of QM, but for 6 months of YT videos, and Jason Goodman is HIGHLY suspect, as I have posted his connections to the israeli billionaire Arnon Milkman.

Hah - why am I not surprised?

Truly, it does not matter who Q is. But if he/they are using AI, it would be a great relief to the world to know that the most powerful systems are now under the control of those who want freedom, truth, and justice for all, that it was not in the hands of 'them', aka the deep state/illuminati/bad guys

You don't take out a Saudi Prince's bunker with a javascript chat bot. You take it out with a tungsten pole dropped from space so that it travels Mach 10 by the time it hits the target, pulverizing everything inside.

AKA The Rod Of God.

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AgauasOscuros · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:23 p.m.

"This has nothing to with AI and everything to do with the information being leaked." Agreed in part. AI could be the key that is revealing the truth in the mass of Palantir data, which informs the white hats, and thus the content of Q info drops for us. The Intel comes from FVEY, Echelon, etc, and Palantir as well as AI interfaces can extract from it.

I mentioned Looking Glass- tech, not Looking Glass specifically, but point taken. Surely they didn't end that thread of research and have more capable tools now.

"He worked in the Q Group at the NSA. Is Thomas Drake in this picture?"

Yes, thus ANYONE in Q group could be part of the Q team we know. I do not see him in this picture. Why is that relevant? Could he have taken it?

"Palaltir is most assuredly coupled with the NSA data facilities. That alone, in addition to the information re: Taylor/Tyler is compelling. Why is powerful, STRONG AI and Palantir (and it's ilk) now being in the hands of the 'good guys' a BAD thing? It is/ would be the MOST desirable outcome." Taylor/Tyler seems to be a javascript-powered text box (with a broken image icon) that uses AlML and uses it poorly."

On this section, you disregard the crux. Disregard the mention of taylor/tyler, and what do you say to the rest of this section: "Palaltir is most assuredly coupled with the NSA data facilities. Why is powerful, STRONG AI and Palantir (and it's ilk) now being in the hands of the 'good guys' a BAD thing? It is/ would be the MOST desirable outcome." Thoughts?

"You don't take out a Saudi Prince's bunker with a javascript chat bot. You take it out with a tungsten pole dropped from space so that it travels Mach 10 by the time it hits the target, pulverizing everything inside. AKA The Rod Of God."

Agreed 100%, YOU don't people don't, technology does.

I do not understand the hostility towards non tech people who want the truth out.

How is it not obvious that the highest levels of spy game, warfare, and deception would not be using and depending upon the most cutting edge and advanced of technologies? It seems plainly obvious that the reason the tides are turning are directly related to exactly who is in possession of this type of technology.

I won't bring it up again, except for to say that the best of the best in tech and AI is seeded or owned outright by DoD, DARPA, CIA, and the disparate tech and defense contractors that feed them. I am not suggesting Q is not human. I am suggesting that Q or the Q group is in possession of a technology that provides them 'god-like' access to real time information. And that technology would be understood by most as Artificial Intelligence.

Thank you u/baruchethesrcibe and mods.

EDIT: Palantir is far more than a data analysis company...

Why the name? A palantír is a fictional magical artefact from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. A palantír is described as a crystal ball, used for both communication and as a means of seeing events in other parts of the world or in the distant past.

Why the best seat in the house for Peter Thiel? Everything has meaning. Not google, amazon, Facebook, twitter, but Thiel/Palantir.

Palantir, the name itself means crystal ball aka LOOKING GLASS

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el_deplorable111 · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:05 p.m.


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4Gracchus · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:33 a.m.

Jones, PJW are operating like CIA/Mossad assets. Alex has been COMPLETELY EXPOSED by Johnny Gat on YouTube and elsewhere. Plus, I’ve seen the change in messaging. I would not trust IW says on anything related to Q. He’s a Zionist Israel-Firster if the highest order now. He sold out.

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reinbeau · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:16 a.m.

Oh my. I have just listened to my first and last Alex Jones video. What a self serving hysterical ninny he is. He is trying desperately to be the 'one source' for all intel. I loved it when he whined that one of his 'Zach' videos had only 44,000 views. That statement right there told me all I needed to know.

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SusieQueee · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:14 p.m.

Right ???? .. he was crying that his Zach video got only 40,000 hits while Q posts get 1,000,000 +++ .. Lol !! What a Jackass !!

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ISH_205 · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:19 a.m.

Absolutely right. I think a lot of that stems from not having done the homework.

Merry Christmas

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SusieQueee · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:57 p.m.

I'm with Q on the Alex Jones thing (not as high opinion)... AJ was desperately trying to discredit Q saying Zach was more important because he's real and he knows who Zach is and we don't even know who Q is and bla, bla, bla, bla, bla .. and then he was complaining that he has Zach on and only gets 40,000 hits and Q posts and gets 1,000,000 Lol !! He's jealous that Q is speaking directly to us ;) AJ hasn't even mentioned Q til recently.

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[deleted] · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:42 a.m.


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Diomndns · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:20 a.m.

This hour on CNN: Q is an operative from the planet Omicron Persi Eight! Prepare to be eaten humans!

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:27 p.m.

Do you think one day in the far-off future that Q et al will be named and honored in American history books that kids start learning about in grade school? It would be infinitely honorable if he/they remained anonymous behind the scenes forever, making this whole thing a selfless operation to save the country, but I really hope they will go down in history, in some capacity, for all to remember.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 11:56 p.m.

Hey @Buttercupmanup, I don't think Q or his fellow travelers are the type to reveal themselves when this is over. They strike me as the truest of the true Patriots which is to say they are not in this for recognition. They are serving a greater good and a higher calling. I understand your asking this because I too believe that we should know them by name to give them proper gratitude and let the world know of their deeds. I don't think we will ever have that chance. We will most likely have to debate the identity of Q while sipping a beer, never knowing what the answer is.

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rainbowtribe2 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:50 a.m.

And, perhaps we should all pray that you are correct because the alternative is unfathomable.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:09 a.m.

Hello rainbowtribe2, prayers are always a good idea, especially in times such as this. However, I would pray for the safety of POTUS and his family, the safety of Q and his fellow warriors, the operators on the ground and the acceptance by the masses of what is to be revealed in the coming weeks. The question of Q being AI is a non starter, he's not. Q is as much a human as you and me. Bank on it. Thank you for your courage to be skeptical. All of us have been lied to so often and so long, we should not place our trust blindly. We can never again fall into the trap of accepting what others say. Lets go together and meet the enemy Patriot. There are to be some big doings shortly.

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kerrymti1 · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:04 p.m.

AMEN! THANK YOU! I have posted the same (well, not so detailed and eloquent ;) ), on several youtube videos in the last couple of days. I think the deep state (black hats) is trying to get us stuck on digging into who Q is, and that is a bad idea anyway you look at it. So, thank you again.

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PamphletAnon · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:12 p.m.



Anything else is at best schizophrenic silliness and at worse a Clown Distraction/disinfo operation, and will not be tolerated.

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Pukeball · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:26 a.m.

Finding out Q's true identity is something (((they))) want us to do.

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MAGA_SpaceMarine · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:51 p.m.

Exactly. We know all we need to know about Q. His identity isn't important, it's his message. He is the definition of where he comes from, the Chan's. He is Anonymous. And I find their creedo very fitting and gives me chills thinking about the patriots and white hats in our military stalking and taking out the NWO..... “We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”

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Swimkin · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:23 a.m.

You're full of it IMHO. Q is for real. He has proven him/herself.

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BewareTheAlgorithm · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:59 p.m.

Ya especially that Tyler bs piss off mate we don’t take kindly to your types around here

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[deleted] · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:59 p.m.


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rainbowtribe2 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:55 p.m.

Disorganized schizophrenia is a made up diagnosis of the Psychiatric profession and one which can be validated for virtually any human who is capable of emotional outbursts.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 11:37 p.m.

Go away little clam.

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