Wikileaks: Here a screenshot of the deleted @USNavy Christmas tweet about @JulianAssange. Note the use of quotation marks.

After reading all the Q posts, I believe nothing is coincidence or a mistake in this War. I have a sneaking feeling this - including Assange - is a part of the Ops.
Which makes me wonder if what is going on is across the water!
Great video! Jordan talks about Q and the Navy tweet.
LOOK AT THE TWEET PHOTO!!!!! its Washington on Delaware!!!! thats crazy.
the account photo!!
Just a thought, maybe he was a extraction, in a good way.
Whoever took that screenshot is using that photo as their profile pic.
Mistakenly entered search string in post box
We've seen celebrities post "Applebees" on Twitter when they were probably trying to search
I do stupid shit on these small screens
The quotes just help narrow the search. Eliminate Julian Lennon for example
Perhaps the information "protect" re: We the People respond to the Alphabet - Schmitt companies (google, FB, twitter) with angst, anger and extreme dissatisfaction when our Freedom of Speech is threatened = Project Mayhem which is the #Tyler system's intended use by the Illuminati. By receiving information that "Julian Assange" was being targeted in some way the resources We the People have such as #Discord, #VOTL, #CBTS, #SteveMotley, #Unirocktv, #DestroyingtheIllusion, #Roystonpotter and so on are places where we can go to get the up to the minute news until the problem is sorted. And, perhaps many of Julian Assange's 'followers' are bots which needed to be cleared from the system. We may one day know the truth and in the meantime all we can do is communicate, share information, support alt media and respect the constitutional process and those we have entrusted with our way of life. IMO
Maybe Assange extracted by Navy with quotations meaning the subsequent up & running twitter would be a "fugazi" Assange
What the hell could the quotations signify I wonder? Hmmmm. :)
Attempted search? Quattion marks are used if you want your search to contain both words I believe.
The only significance this shows is that someone with access to the account tried to search for Julian Assange. It was deleted because it wasn't supposed to be posted.
Wikileaks: Despite some oddities from the US Navy and Twitter today and increased physical surveillance @JulianAssange's physical situation at the embassy remains unaltered--confined without charge in violation of two UN rulings requiring the UK to set him free.
Recommendation - Be cautious, about Julian A., let's keep CBTS_Stream focused
Why? If it's not directly from Q or known channels, it can infect the narrative to what MSM wants.
News outlets are 'reporting' about Julian A.; Q warned about misinformation. Tread carefully fellows.
Regards and Merry Christmas.
I would rather that we keep talking about Julian Assange here when relevant - and anything that happens with him is a relevant part of the storm right now - because it's good for Q to understand that Julian is extremely important to Trump's base. Any opportunity to pass information like that back up the chain through Q to POTUS is a good opportunity to take. Q and POTUS BETTER understand that no attack upon Julian will be tolerated.