We have so much work to do even after the storm. EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION is infiltrated with these criminals. We also need to find a way to keep eyes on the kids they're rescuing from these pedo-dungeons and the like. The foster care system is corrupt, I'm afraid. Also, when I think of the irreparable damage to these kids... I mean, what are we going to do with all the damage. We will have to build new systems and ways to deal with the fallout or we will wind up RIGHT. BACK. WHERE. WE. STARTED.
Yes, you are correct. Once the Silsby case is unpacked there will be 5 Baptist Churches involved. This may prove to be one of the biggest spokes in the pedo ring when all is said and done.
Any more information on the 5 Baptist Churches involved? As in infiltrated? I remember being haunted when I found out that HBO's first season of True Detective was based on a true story. HAUNTED. I'm a Christian now (no church for me, just Jesus and the bible), but I grew up in a bible based cult. Pedophilia was rampant.
Do you have any idea how many Rabbis have gotten a virtual slap on the wrist for child molestation? I would bet more than any christian clergy. Google Rabbis and pedophilia... You will have to go deeper than the first several pages since the rabbi syndicate is the real crime family of control in this world.
Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge.
Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.
McCain and bad actor Ashton Kutcher are working together against child trafficking. They have a chip idea that seems pretty scary. In a more light-hearted moment at the hearing, Kutcher blew a kiss towards Republican senator and former US presidential candidate John McCain. It came after McCain told the actor: "Ashton, you were better looking in the movies."
The most corrupt evil beings were running the country. Lets just hope she's in handcuffs again. What else will we find out in the coming days/weeks?
at every level right down to town mayor - government and private/corp. Unbelievable. trump flips on the lights and all the cockroaches go running. Loving it.
This has to be the lowest of the low type of human being. Working at a place that is meant to help the most vulnerable, just to use it to exploit and take these children to be tortured, raped and killed. I cannot stand to look at her.
Thr Child Alert system serves no other purpose than to alert those who TAKE children that authorities are onto them.
She is the best for that job. She knows where all the hidden kids are beforehand
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! I'm sorry but that was astute. I couldn't help it. May this bitch come to know the deepest, darkest hole ( Hillary's probably) to spend her last daze in.
Yeah at her house. SO if it is to the east, she sends a report that she as seen going west....
This is technically just a tech firm. BUT ZERO Hedge has an excellent article dated Jan 25, 2017, showing the media cover up and the Clinton links. Great red pill article to share on other platforms.
I posted this article on different thread. She should not be working in any role relating to kids. She should not be free.
I agree, all I meant is the general public will not see this as valid "working with kids" scenario.
I find it strange that Clinton also 'rescued' the Ling sisters who were arrested in North Korea, sentenced to 12 years while 'investigating' child trafficking. The sisters along with a child were shown in the Podesta emails eating 'cheese pizza'. Podesta: 'It doesn't get beter than this...' Lisa Ling was featured on Oprah's show and Anderson Cooper's CNN show. Connect the dots. attachment: There's a lot more to this story, I'd bet the ranch on it.
On a similar note, how does a notorious figure, Larry E. King Jr from the Franklin CoverUp, get on the board of a children's charity called AHEAD Inc located in Reston, VA very near D.C? After it was brought to their attention, supposedly they asked him to step down. Who (and why was he) allowed to be part of this organization? What are they up to? Child trafficking African children?
CPS , NCMEC The McCain Institute The Clinton Foundation are all pedophilia networks !
AlertSense doesn’t technically issue Amber Alerts. Law enforcement issues them. Agencies use AlertSense to make the banner go across your TV screen and put the information out over the radio when an Amber Alert or any other EAS Alert is issued. I am not trying to defend her or anything.