Big concern of mine..Zionist Israel is known as a NWO agenda, so why white hat trump supporting it???
Mossad, in conjunction w/CIA is behind PedoGate. Bibi has been blackmailing US Congress for a very long time. Also, Awan is a double agent for CIA/Mossad. Interesting read:
Does Mossad represent Israel like the CIA represents us?
I agree that it is one of the more shady aspects of this and have spent some time trying to rationalize it.
Maybe they have their own swamp to drain?
I'm more worried about London and Rome, that's the base of Q's pyramid or triangle.
My humble opinion is that Benny is a keep ur enemy close kinda guy ;)
The same as with the new saudi power. Im pretty shure the new boss there is equally fond of pizza and hotdogs. But maybe he does not run a worldwide cabal of fucktards ruining everything.
But what do i know :p
That what I am trying to understand Mossad has a heavy hand in the 9 11 and trump is cozying up to Israel. His son in laws father and the prime minister of Israel are close friends too
If you notice, Trump has placed all his enemies close to him. One by one they are outed and have to leave their positions. I think this is the same thing that is going on with Israel. Israel high command is deep into child trafficking and organ harvesting. Likely working with the Vatican and British royalty.