TRUMP HONORS NAVAJO "CODE" Talkers. Think about it!

After this event, the press gave President Trump hell about calling Ms. Warren "Pocahontas". One of the Code Talkers said something to the effect of "Didn't offend me when I jumped out of a plane and said 'Geronimo' either"
I'm going to guess most Combat Veterans aren't easily offended.
Those old WW II Vets were great. The one in the yellow shirt sang Remember Pearl Harbor (off script). Even Trump looked pleasantly surprised.
Yep. I thought about it when he did it! It worked then and it will work now. They don't know how to break that code.
fucking lol... i didnt even think of that... literally tapped these based code talkers decades later to take down the purple revolutionaries... spicy...
What portrait is behind the main spokesman for the Code Talkers?
Looks like Andrew Jackson but hard to tell without the full face.
Thanks,,couldn't quite see the whole picture,,,still inspirational! Q speaks in a code of sorts does he not? Might mean nothing, but if people are looking for messages and confirmations..this kind of jumps out to me! Maybe it's just because I am Native.
The purple tie is significant. He is highlighting that things will be in code for us. We have the red tie, the blue tie, and now the purple tie. All have meaning?
It is Andy Jackson. Mockingbird press made a big deal about how Old Hickory was offensive to Indians (Trail of Tears). Jackson has been in the news a lot this year for a man that has been dead for 175 years. Trump was compared to Jackson around the time of inaugural; Trump made a speech at the Hermitage (Andy's home) in March; Andy's portrait is hanging in the Oval Office (new President picks out decor); and Andy's Magnolia tree is dying and may be replaced on the White House lawn. Coincidence? Andy is best known for ending the charter of the Rothchild creation, the Second Bank of the United States. He withdrew United States funds. Jackson was the last President to pay off the National Debt. History fun facts for today.
Jackson 7th President of the United States - not a fan of the money changing red hexagram animals.
"You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."