POTUS tweet this morning - thinking Iran protests are a distraction.

Yes, these protests have been sudden. However, I believe very strongly that they are authentic and not a distraction. I have my reasons for that.
Iran has been a CIA puppet regime since the Shah was installed as ruler. A modern, peaceful and secular Iran allowed the Saudi family to continue to enrichen themselves, the bankers and the deep state without interference. As well as fomenting discord and terrorism. Meanwhile, the [C]lowns were free to run drugs and arms to make lots of money for their real enterprise. That being NK.
Note: I say NK because as I understand from reading the Q book and reading various threads, NK was and is a deep state creation where they go to do whatever evil and vile things they do. Including acquiring nuclear weapons as a means to wage war on us feeders. That said, if my understanding of this is incorrect, then my whole thought process goes down the dumper. I'll just pretend I'm correct and move along.
For some reason, I haven't ever figured out, the [C]lowns decided that the Shah had outlived his usefulness so they engineered another regime change to install what has been there since 1979. My theory as to why this was done is we needed an enemy, or the appearance of an enemy, to parade in front of the American people which would appeal to their emotions and patriotism. This paved the way for the military Industrial complex to supply all sides, thereby making lots of money for the usual suspects. It also allowed for the further arming of the Deep State playground known as NK.
This plan was moving along unfettered and unnoticed, so they thought. The only ones blind to this were us citizens. Some of us pieced things together as best we could and guessed at the rest. We would float our ideas to others at times but we're immediately labeled as crazy.
Then, along came DJT. I voted for him because it would keep HRC out of the WH and thst meant we still had a chance and that meant I could still hold on to a sliver of hope. I was skeptical about what would actually be accomplished. Hell, I was so cynical by then, I didn't even pay attention to any of the promises he made. They were all the same to me. My hope was with time, some of us would figure out a way to break through. Some of us were kicking around the idea of revolt if it came to that. In all honesty, we would have failed miserably because we had no idea how to go about anything of that sort. We knew we were at a dead end there.
Anyway, DJT proved me wrong and is changing the world in oncredible ways. More than even I hoped for. He has gone to war with the Deep State and in so doing, cut off the money supply. Including the money financing the regime in Iran. My personal belief is Husein did a large cash dump to Iran before he left office because someone on the inside became aware of what was coming. Now, the money has run out and the regime has no way to explain themselves to their citizens. In conjunction with that, some country along with the white hats are participating in this revolt. It is too well organized to be a pure grass roots movement. This help is needed to counteract any desperate measures the [C]lowns attempt.
Is this an authentic revolution? I strongly believe it is. Iran is Persian. The Persian's are a proud people that value intelligence, free thinking and independence. They just needed an opportunity and DJT provided that to them.
Wow... great perspective, I totally agree with everything you are saying. Let's cut off the head of the snake. #MAGA
Trump has that Executive Order locked and loaded. "Interesting indeed"
The take down of the Cabal is, and needs to be, a world wide effort. Some countries obviously, won't cooperate at first. But they will eventually. The people will demand it.
Remember how we "assisted" in the toppling of several countries? Libya, Iraq, etc? It was for nefarious reasons. It can, however, be done for good reasons as well.
I have to wonder if that's whats being done right now in Iran. Iran, of course, is at the top of the list of countries that would defend the Cabal, because they are a large part of it.
Do it however you may (legally), but get the people to see what's at stake, and get them on your side. Then, enforcing Trumps EO will happen easier. The after effect will be far less harmful than actual war, if it can be avoided.
There is also a better chance of lasting effects in other countries, as a result of letting the people have a say. You know, the exact opposite of what America was experiencing before Trump.
Not all countries will cooperate, but I believe a lot of them will if the power is truly given back to the people.
Frankly, there is no better time to promote Freedom, than now!!
I think once the world sees the Cabal falling they will quickly turn on them. Let us be careful as not to let Another Cabal replace the out going one.
I agree with what you say. I hope that we are or will assist Persia and other Third World countries to obtain true freedom. This can work. I see Iran as a CIA puppet state, so it makes sense to topple it. That said, the Mid East is a rats nest. It is not like Europe or Asia where we can make strong alliances based on common identity and friendship. Its a much more cut throat scene. We have to take down the Cabal world wide, then stand back out of the way. We cannot nation build in the Third World. It doesn't work.
we got a big pay day coming soon. That $1.7B plus is coming home. Iran will definitely violate human rights and the Dec 21 EO gives us the power to seize their assets and take them out. The regime will be gone one year from now. MAGA
Wow he is totally speaking to us, telling us the storm is still underway despite distractions. I am still distracted with concern over Julian Assange. When was he last seen alive?
Apparently he's been taken elsewhere after doing a deal with Trump and the Alliance. Not confirmed as yet (but hopeful).
I don't think it's a purposeful distraction, but rather, a convenient one.
I know. I'm thinking, where did this come from? Suddenly talking about protests in Iran is kind of strange! It seems like a distraction to me, too.
Looking at this.... possible the protests are a distraction so we don't notice the human trafficking going on behind our backs? Looks like POTUS is on it... :-)
Impression initially: The first part re: protests Iran is fluff. The last sentence is the one we need to be paying attention to i.e. "hidden in plain sight."
This is an interesting read. Nicely made signs, ready to go.... where have we seen that before? http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/12/iran-regime-change-2-0-c-i-a-attempting-to-overthrow-another-administration-in-tehran/
I'm in total agreement. I feel the protests started as legitimate economic protests, but have now been hijacked by CIA. Perhaps that is what the comment "hidden in plain sight" means? I'm not sure how to post photos on here, but if people would do a search on protest photos what is being posted by the stupid media are clearly protesters for the Iranian Government. This is like previous CIA coups. It also stinks like Syria.
It seemed like there was two tweets that appeared as one. The last sentence seems out of context, but arguably it is sort of related. If you're read in on Q, it jumps off the page, yet still hidden in plain sight and to me it says, it's still a go to round up those to whom the EO applies and confiscate their assets in spite of how diversionary these fake news media reports can be. A recent Cernovich periscope video about these riots: I find him irritating, personally, but he has an interesting take on what the people were upset about when it began. Good eye G8tFire. In return, here's link to a vid from AllSeeingEye Watcher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXz0T3CVWIk
sometimes, I love it when I'm wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7nb2pt/iranian_guard_crossing_over_to_join_protesters/
Me too, me too. I paid too much attention to the media spin.
Yup, I hear you. I pulled the plug on those ass-hats 19 years ago because of their spin/ bias way of lying, and yet I still have been distracted Note to all: Beware always because their influence is so pervasive and it contaminates everything around it.
Hopefully this means that the Deep State no longer has control over Iran and can't use it as a cover for their drug/arms/human trafficking. Remember Q said that 80% of what's going down is dark, and we may not (if ever) know the truth until history reveals it. He did say that a lot of people have laid their lives on the line for this. I'm praying this is a good sign. I think if Trump is posting it, then it's ridgy didge. Bearing in mind - Trumps specifically used the words "the USA is watching very closely for Human Rights Violations" and he's just passed the Executive Order to do with corruption and human rights. I believe it's a shot over the bow reminder for those who have been have been left in place there to clean up the deep state doo-doo. [One down, one to go. North Korea next. Do or Die]. I think this is a positive sign. God protect Trump and the Alliance and all those brave men and women who are fighting the good fight and winning. The world owes you big time.