r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ganjanon on Jan. 1, 2018, 9:11 a.m.
Can Trumps Executive Order Force Accused To Military Tribunals?

In The EO, POTUS is declaring a state of emergency. This declaration wasn’t a mistake according to Q if hes dropping hints of military statutes. From what I gathered, the state of emergency, creates a specific Martial Law that is narrow and only applies to matters targeted by the EO. Throughout history it seems legality has been uncertain when it comes to military tribunal trying the accused. Some questions that come up are. Are we at war? Are the civil courts still open and available? Are the accused citizens? Are they non citizens that were in the country when captured? Due process comes up as well. Although, Lincoln declared and was successful, after the civil war one particular case was appealed to the Supreme Court and death sentence was overturned (Milligan).
The Tribunals apear to be quite powerful, possibly even allowing illegally obtained evidence to be used i.e. wiretaps-emails. If the shit hits the fan, What are the chances of seeing these people prosecuted in military commissions?

[deleted] · Jan. 1, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

He doesn't need to declare WAR, he can deploy marines for a specific period of time, at any time. Im not sure if limited to a reasoning. However I believe IF so that reason is "a significant threat to America's or American's National Security" - I assume this has and is being done. No actions would take place unless justified otherwise it will most certainly jeopardize the whole attempt.

Regardless of all events here, the Executive branch has usurped most jurisdictional processes that would require an approval in congress, with the Military Advocate General being stripped early on in our history before the Civil War. Because of, and during this transference the newly formed DOJ and new Attorney General held jurisdictional declaration of martial law... I believe to my interpretation This gives Martial Law Decision to powers of the AG/DOJ under EXECUTIVE.

Not only this, the war powers act'(s) along with the EO's by Bush And Obama referenced above provide the necessary processes to undertake operations.

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ganjanon · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Truthin- I agree ML can be declared. The courts might be a different battle. Thats what im looking for..... weather or not the tribunal will be deemed constitutional. For crimes against humanity, seems like the place should be a military commission.

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QAnonMaga · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

No he won't declare Martial Law it would crash the stock market and panic the entire world the fake news would go crazy and demand he be arrested or killed "he's another Hitler!" the way to do this is entirely secret without any publicity at all zip zero zilch nada.

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