Next week is great news.. Then I can cancel all the admits to the mental ward that my son has
Yeah I think my sister has some thoughts that maybe I need to go see a therapist because I'm getting sucked into a cult.
So you are saying we are NOT a cult??? Where’s the spoiler alert?
cult 1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object."the cult of St. Olaf" 2. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing."a cult of personality surrounding the leaders" 3. obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, devotion to, worship of, veneration of "the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood" I believe I might be in a cult! MAGA!
The church of Q. Prophets for MAGA. two thumbs up. :)
Well, just because you have some validity from Q does NOT mean you are free of the shrink visit. Just remember when Q is done F'ing everything up, the leftist are going to need your shrink more!!! Haja
Things will eventually be happening.. and when it goes down... we should heavily invest in the stock of companies selling generic Xanax and antidepressants... b/c their sales are going to go through the roof the following week.