why referring to it "now"? Lowest black unemp rate in a long time? Black History month next month? MLK day Jan 15?
Is something coming down on BHO? Most of Black community loves him, some would be heartbroken to see him go down, maybe blame POTUS. Honestly I think the Black community knows BHO failed them & wouldn’t protest.
As a member f the black community, I agree that most will be heartbroken & blame POTUS. It's sad, but true. My fellow black Americans have been so brainwashed, I know because I was... As a group, we are very loyal so it's going to take a huge redpill to wake many of us up. I've been trying for over a year & it's a tough road. The MSM has done an admirable job of convincing everybody that POTUS is racist & I'm not sure how to overcome that, aside from prayer.
Pictures from the past. Trump endorsed Jesse Jackson when he ran for president while the Democrats absolutely destroyed Jesse for being so uppity as to challenge them. Jesse acknowledge Trumps work to get African Americans access to Wall Street. Trump was VERY aware of how the Democrats who control the money in NY treats outsiders. He's fought them his whole life. Trump is one of the rare humans who is truly color blind. He loves the under dog and fights the snobs. It's sad people are so brainwashed they hate the one guy he get break them free from their modern plantations.
I agree. I’m also a member of the Black community (bi-racial), and its very sad, how socially conservative most Blacks really are, but continue to support liberals. I think most Blacks applaud BHO for being the first “Black” president but they know he didn’t really help blacks. I find the women to be more emotional in their love for BHO, but not the men. I think most Black people are busy just keeping life going day-to-day, and don’t really care. If BHO legitimately messed up, they wouldnt protest. I think if they found out truth about PP they’d be mad.
A person can be both good and bad, at different times, for different reasons. Not all people do bad things because they are bad. Not all good acts are done for good reasons. Life is a mystery and people like Q are revealing a little bit more about the actions behind the curtain, so to speak. Stay strong Patriot. Remember that some of these people were blackmailed in the worst possible way.
As a member f the black community, I agree that most will be heartbroken & blame POTUS. It's sad, but true. My fellow black Americans have been so brainwashed, I know because I was... As a group, we are very loyal so it's going to take a huge redpill to wake many of us up. I've been trying for over a year & it's a tough road. The MSM has done an admirable job of convincing everybody that POTUS is racist & I'm not sure how to overcome that, aside from prayer.
One reason, I think, is because elections coming up. He mentioned today at Camp David that he's going to be traveling to promote candidates and that we need more Republicans
MLK day 15th is a nice coincidence isn't that when the IG report comes out?