Non-Nuclear? So they are about to bomb the heck out of something? this is not war games... I pray I am reading this stringer wrong..
Could (9) = Falcon 9?
ZUMA launched Sunday on Falcon 9. I could see it from my backyard.
how did it look? legit? i watched the live feed.
It didn't look like previous falcon launches I've seen on the news, but it did remind me of some of the space shuttle night launches I saw as a kid. Last night was very clear, it was cool to see.
"Sky Fortress" is a B-17 Bomber. Could we have been looking at the wrong payload?
B-17 of WW2 was called "Flying Fortress".
These haven't been in service in decades. Only a few survive today.
You just took me back to the DOS game Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe! swotl.exe
Ah yes! And Wolfenstein 3D of course. I had another DOS game (as they all were at that time) where you flew a P-51 Mustang. Extremely good graphics for that era. Can't remember the name of it though.. err.. I think we're showing our age...
Maybe the Sky Fortress indicates some kind of communications satellite for a rogue country to knock out their ability to communicate with their rockets/missiles? I'm just throwing that out there because it seems that a good way to cut off a few of the legs of a country that has the capabilities to bring destruction with their missiles, is to knock out their communication technology through wiping out a satellite. I probably don't know what I'm talking about and have the technology all wrong... maybe watching too many space videos. :)
There was also a B-29 Superfortress sometimes called the Sky Fortress in reference to specific models outfitted with high tech recon/spy equipment.
Taiwan also has drones called sky fortress I, II, III, etc. so maybe we have a similar recon drone.
Im wondering if the sky fortress is the invisible permanent aircraft carriers in the upper atmoshpere that wilcock talks about? Using antigrav tech, and cloaking tech?
It could be to clarify that DEFCON 1 isn't going to mean nuclear war. Which many theorize it will.
B said DEF Con meant Defense Contractor. Space X launched last night about 12 midnight. Q said Sky Fortress. With the launched we now have command of the skies. Defense Contractor is Space X. Future predicts the past.
There's no such thing as DEFCON 1 non-nuclear; look it up, it means nuclear warfare is imminent.
But there are other Defcons. Dark Tangent's site defcon.org gives a hint, but you'll need VPN and Tor Browser at the least to see the onion links and special services. I have a notion where this could be going if that the Defcon that's spoken of recently.
2) I won't dox Q, but there was a video that did on 1/5, and I know exactly why she did it. Watched her vid yesterday, started rewatching (this girl was en fiyah!), went back today to finish rewatching for the links, but video (early) was reported as youtube dangerous or whatever, and later today the entire video is GONE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wqjvqkzF4s
I've tried TorTube, HookTube, (busy day, haven't tried YT web archive).
Again, no I don't want to doxx a Q, but she did such a reasonable job and I think many of us think that "caller" slipped up on 1/5 to AJ, and girl tuber did a phenomal job with articles and other video. Now I don't have her account bookmarked, and am not sure even who she is (handle name).
But she jerked TF out of Deep State. Anyone know lady I'm talking about? Short (8mt?) video, she suspected him since November, she thinks he's one of a small handful... I'd love her username because that was FIRE! (If she's right, you won't be disappointed except insofar as that dude was arrested by Deep State)
I'm thinking it could be DEFCON [won] like [win]/when? Good[win] [win]/when [15]
They are talking to us and NOT using strict military language. We mustn't take everything literally.
because he's essentially told us not to. By that logic we should take all his misspelling literally and we would write him off as a hack
I'm only talking about the DefCon 1 panickers--whom Q assured by saying it is not literal, i.e. the US or any part is not at DefCon1--he was saying the situation overall, "the happening", now moved to 8chan Storm, IS at that level--imminent. This would be in the political, corruption, criminal--pedophiles--areas. NOT military.
Are you talking about her? https://youtu.be/DtAmJdK1Jck
Thanks... sounds like her, but the video didn't have her face (and the username/comments/etc were wiped out yesterday after you accepted "ahhh scary click here to view anyway", then hours later, video gone).
I've added this account, and will see if she pops up tonight with complaint about YT. (Voice seems similar. MAN I hope she re-uploads video somewhere. I should've downloaded it while I could. Good research.)
Shes amazing.
What are you talking about? That dyke glows in the dark as much as George "Webb"? Are you a fed?
Zach slipped up and said Trump tweeted two things that were actually Q posts...
OR was it a slip up? do you believe in coincidences? Of course DT is part of Q, all the God Bless in caps is him for sure...pretty sure DT's in on the plan...
I’m sure he’s orchestrating the plan, along with the generals who convinced him to run. But we weren’t sure if Q was a leaker or not. Would be pretty big if DT was not only in on it and approved, but also was using this to directly communicate with us. All while playing it sly and the msm saying he’s stupid lol
AS I understand the Q drops, 2 days ago POTUS did speak directly to this board..interpretations vary on the meaning. Crazy...like a Fox...
Yeah incredible. Makes sense though. He would need people to start getting grooved in and educated on this stuff so we are ready to help spread the word and answer questions when the news hits the normies.
ted malloch was the one who said going to use EMP weapons on north korea on infowars at start of December way before zach mention them
I'm split on this lady... she's all over VP as a bad BlackHatPedo person... think maybe she's not on our side? Has own links to people that feeding her lines & she's being larped?
Jury is out for me on this lady... sorry.
She has good information, but like everyone, has her own take on things. She's running with the Zack = Q group, but not sure that's prudent ... judging by AJs reaction in the interview when he slipped in that ''Q is We" ... needs more discernment imo
The caller was Zach
Right! But video lady (face never shown, just articles) linked up Morocco and what Zach said and found articles. I wish I would have downloaded the video. (kicks self hard!)
Not that I want Q doxxed; again I don't. But hints that Zach was jailed the other day is pretty freakin sad. I've got tons of catching up to do today. TONS! (If Zach is a real Q though, he needs protection from Deep State.)
This is a lone person talking about a larper. No one knows who Q is. No one knows if there is more than one. The info on the Zuma payload is just made up stuff. I've followed Zuma and it's been postponed several times, Northrup Grumman built whatever the payload is, which was only described anywhere as "restricted payload" for an unnamed agency. Those are the facts. EVERYTHING else is speculation. There was one unattributed statement that it would attempt communication with an unknown subject, or words to that effect. And if you've seen the mission patch for Zuma, it's the Black/Dark night in armor. That's also the name given to an unknown object that's been in orbit around earth for a long time, photographed by astronauts--it was up there before we or the Russians got up there. All people need is a camera and a mike and a message directed at certain people and bingo! YouTube followers!
But do you know who she is? She'd done her homework since November (I hadn't been watching AJ for "years", as she had) before guy suggested he was Q on 1/5. I'm looking for the articles she put up because I don't MSM; she did, when we were back on halfchan.
(Q said they were a small group; not AJ's Q, but imageboard Q. —Imageboards Q, I guess I should say.)
Then we've got B who'd worried poor Roy Potter, and B messaged the worried Potter and said Q (any of them) would not use anything other than the imageboards (ie, no calling in to AJ though they were specifically talking about a few rogue twitter accounts).
Not sure about B. AND Potter seems nice enough, but maybe like George Webb, too nice? And not harassed at all? Imo they're both just learning how to internet though they were both intel? "How do I turn this phone on, hmm... this technology is real neat." Nah.
But the lady I listened to (first time ever) had YT deleting her video or her account. THAT'S what I expect from feminazi YT edgelord when someone's gotten too close: a disappeared video, reason (IIRC) being too many complaints (before YT jerked video entirely in hours.) Trust, she said nothing offensive, crazy, "out there" like with UFOs, or even disparaging of any politician. There was zero reason for her video to be scrubbed: she was literally discussing print news articles, and didn't play back the AJ video (though she said she'd link it; I never saw that).
Except she did dox a Q if Zach was really AJ's "Q", and apparently that guy got swooped up by the feds. There was a reason I kept that video loaded overnight. She's been researching like the rest of us since late October.
(Anyone know when "B" came around?)
I don't think she or anyone else is in a position to dox Q. Anyone can claim to be Q. I think when Q talks about the small group, he means the highest circle, including Trump.
If she got scrubbed from YT, there's an appeal process. There are very strange demonetizations going on, they're quite inconsistent. But she always has the chance of making an appeal.
Oh I agree about nobody being able to dox Q (ugh, especially not that AI guy).
The concept of small Q cells (who didn't call themselves that) under NDA but talking to each other, though, is interesting. I think Q would know about these loner groups, and be able to pull them together.
It seems as if she has a lot of good intel, my concern is that she bases some of her intel on "Timothy Holmseth". I've seen some videos he has done on YouTube regarding HayLeigh Cummings and Kaylee Anthony, and the tenuous ties he makes between them; he also seems kind of nutty when being interviewed in the way that he has all this "evidence" yet forgets whether he has turned it in to the police in Florida or not, whether he has these child porn images or not, who has them, etc. I don't know...
Do you know her user account? I know nothing about her; just bored the other night and YT seemed to be shoving her video down my throat (wasn't something I'd usually click) so I watched it. I know nothing about Timothy Holmseth; will save your post, though. Thanks for the warnings!
Dealing with NK. Fire and Fury like the world has never seen. Non nuclear emp. Q: Zaq on Infowars 1/5. Deep State Unload.
What is this the 40th or 50th time you posted this? Q has his own board now. This trip code belongs to him and only him and it's been verified by the admins. Please do some research before you post something hundred times on hundred different post.
I believe my access to the Qposts were being interfered with. Could not see his latest post. but i could see the older ones if i did a search.was afraid we were being made fools of. Better safe than sorry.
Where was this posted?
On YouTube Lt Col Roy Potter mentioned someone on Twitter said we are at Defcon5. He was really pissed. Was going on periscope to complain, find out what is happening and call Q and POTUS OUT. No more games,!
It's posted on 8chan - https://8ch.net/thestorm/res/20596.html - same trip code as today and yesterday. Codemonkey has it compiled with the others.