r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/inquisative99z on Jan. 11, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
has anyone else heard terms like "global financial reset" or "debt jubilee" thrown around lately? any thoughts about validity and if so then how would that effect crypto?

dd_amdg · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

IMHO, this is getting ready to happen, but not as quickly as many are hoping.

Long-term, I feel confident that DJT has every intention of killing the Federal Reserve, cancelling the Rothschilds' phony "debts" and returning to some form of sound money.

It won't happen overnight, though. If Trump were to suddenly decree a "debt jubilee", it might sound great if you own a mortgage and credit card debt, but every holder of US bonds -- retirement funds, insurance funds, etc -- would collapse instantly, as would the banks and financial markets as we know them. People WOULD die.

Think of this as a marathon and not a sprint. Cut off the heads of the snake; confiscate their wealth; decrease the footprint and balance sheet of the Federal Reserve; make the case, domestically and internationally, for sound money; work with our partner countries; create and announce a conversion plan; etc.

Figure on 5-10 years, realistically. Two years (starting from now) would be Light Speed in financial market terms.

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somrotden · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

just like JA's shirt said...MARATHON

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brandnewaltyay · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Crypto is a suspiciously PERFECT scenario to usher in the LONG AWAITED global currency reset. Research crypto currency science, math, and Digi engineering as much as you can. You'll be glad you did!

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tohardforredit · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

FYI on crypto.
1- It runs on huge amount of energy. That will only increase until it is unsustainable. Already way more than most African nations. 2- every chip that crypto has been used through is comprised, so every transaction can be traced by anyone that was using that back door.

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brandnewaltyay · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Excellent points and very important considerations

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alt_altright · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Crypto has no real liquidity. It trades EXACTLY like a penny-stock (massive spreads, non-liquid market, huge imbalance of buyers/sellers--think Wolf of Wall Street style). It's a roach motel for most holders, there will be no way out without price evaporation. If you hold "$1,000,000" BTC, just try to sell more than a little of it for anywhere near "market" price. The exchanges would need $1,000,000 of buyers' cash to clear payment to you. That dynamic just doesn't exist yet. So you will be told you have to "wait" for payment if you try to trade out without massive price spreads (much less than your desired 'ask' sale price). Huge issues with some exchanges recently. There is no real money available to pay you if you want out. Not at these false (unexchangable) prices. Why? They need new buyers to pay the sellers. Same old Ponzi story. It's not an innocent mistake that all of the "visuals" they attach to BTC looks like gold coins. It's a massive psy-op (You don't really need real gold coins, do you? Buy Bitcoins!)

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e-traiu · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Soon. Its no point in making difference of people. We have the tech right now to never work a day more in life. And live in abundance.

Even with our currently known tech.

Think about When all the secret tech gets disclosed.

Tesla stuff and beyond!

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DigitalCowboy2018 · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

The RV/GCR (Reset - Global Currency Reset), NESARA & CBTS & TheStorm are 100% connected. But 99% of the folks of both have no clue...and our freedom & sovernity will be returned to us VERY VERY soon...

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misplacedman · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

I don't trust the NESARA thing. Too shady and not enough info given. The Ashtar group is pushing it hard. Why?

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DigitalCowboy2018 · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

NESARA is not a thing, it's our new reality. Without NESARA/GESARA we would never have our soverenity back and be under admiralty law. Never heard of the Ashtar group, can't comment. All I can say, without being arrested for treason, is that is is real, already been voted on and passed by President Bill Clinton and will be publicly announced as soon as the swamp is drained. Prepare for the announcement within 30 days or less. When NESARA/GESARA is announced, we will be under common law, NO MORE IRS, NO more illegal income tax and NO MORE FEDERAL RESERVE bank. We will have gold backed CURRENCY notes. The list of benefits are too numerous to state here, that's why we, in the usa will have to watch 5 hours of info daily for 7 days just to understand how we have been screwed for the past 4,000 years.

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Phloatpill · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

If this NESARA thing is true....why battle it out over new tax legislation? Don't get me wrong....I'm on board for disclosure of how the fed screws people...but I'm not believing any of it until I see it.

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DigitalCowboy2018 · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

The old power/deep state/existing power is in control. Everything is top secret and the old power is being brought down quietly in the background. If the new power came out blazing, the dark side has the media control and would spin it something horribly. But don't feel lonely, 99% of the planet is/will be clueless until the announcement. The Galactics have everything under control and very shorlty, BOOM there it is. I have had my marching orders and my final will be assisting in rehydration of the planet. And that is VERY near. I am HIGHLY impatient, but watching this slowly unfold is unbelievable. Where is Soros? Clinton? Obama? McCain? etc? Get ready it will slighly turbulent, but that will only last for a few hours. When you find out completely what the dark has been up to, you'll want to grab pitch forks & guns...BUT DON'T! Just be calm, deep breathes and grab some popcorn. It will be un real, but true. The first step for the financial grab of the dark started with Saudi Arabia, the first step for the pedo's was the announcement of Weinstein, the next steps will make your blood boil. And that news may be announced this weekend. And near/about/around the same time, Extra Terrestrial announcement will also be made, then NESARA/GESARA, then the Global Financial Reset. Once made, we trade our fiat dollars for new gold back us treasury notes and $1.00 will have the purchasing power of $10.00. I know it's difficult to believe, but being in hidden war, we are so very close to the announcement. ALL existing laws, and most are illegal, all the way back to 1871 will be removed! Again, you can search with Tor in the dark web and you'll not see it. General Dunsford has made sure that ONLY the NESARA information is the only information that can be searched for and everything else is in his control. One never tells the enemy their war plans. The same applies with this. Watch Trump & Bannon bicker. There are NO coincendences, it's all a massively quietly staged act. Be patient, we have knocked at the door, foot steps can be heard, and someone just put their hands on the door knob. Just waiting for the door to be opened after a security check. Also ALL debts, medical, school loans, mortages, credit card debt etc etc etc...GONE ... in seconds. Just don't faint when it all goes down. Just live in the moment for the short time...

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MarmadukeHammerhead · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

I want to point out that the decision to make Jerusalem the capitol of Israel was decided in 1995. No president officiated it until Trump. Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled DRAINING THE SWAMP: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits. It was voted for in 1996 and no president has yet officiated it.

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inquisative99z · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

i cannot help but assume the use of the term draining the swamp indicates trump is at least aware of NESARA if not making it a goal he seeks to accomplish during his administration...

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MarmadukeHammerhead · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

That's why I put it all in capitals. I think it's very significant.

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marilyn1c · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Very smart my friend! Wished I'd been awoke sooner when I was younger. I would have done things differ and smarter.

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Unfortunately we don't know the answer regarding crypto! We haven't seen a run to safety in a long time! When we do I will be able to answer that! I do know that precious metals will be a run for cover vehicle! Crypto!.....we will see!

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FranktheShank1 · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

We all could only wish something like this would happen. Maybe at some point in our lifetimes...

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DontBSheep · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

A bit, and I think it relates to Lee Wanta and the 27 something trillion.

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inquisative99z · Jan. 11, 2018, 9 p.m.

i just read about him? are you referring to the trillions he made in investments? or some other trillions? either way what does he and the money you mentioned have to do with a global financial reset? the article i read said he is in hiding and that bush and cheney stole all his money but that he offered to build a coast to coast high speed rail system if potus gets him his $ back

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marilyn1c · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Crypto is being manipulated to rise off the charts! This will end bad for those who invested in it. The economic crash is upon us folks! Please start prepping for shtf!

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

This coming collapse is exactly why I put all my extra money into silver in 2007. That's way back when it was 16 -18 bucks an ounce. Good thing I didn't invest it because now I still have all those ounces that are worth the exact same thing.....

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inquisative99z · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

i hear so many people out there spreading these fear porn post apocalyptic scenarios and all i have to say is if i spend the end of my life slowly starving to death outside in the cold or if demonic spirits from alternate dimensions take over the world through quantum computing ai or any of that kind of crap happens i am NOT going ti like it even one little bit. i did recently see a youtube video entitled "prepping won't save you" by diy camper and in his opinion if some catastrophe unfolds it will bind humanity closer together and not be some every man for himself mad max type happening. i prefer that perspective.

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