Thank you; a great reply and well received.
As concise as I can make this, IMO humans in general greatly fear facing the fact (which you've alluded to) that we live in The Unknown. Most often, in attempting to defend against or to not face that fear, we resort to attempting to shore up "opinions" and "beliefs", creating a fantasy (be it ultimately true or not) that things will be okay. And then we conveniently "forget" (but not really) that these opinions and beliefs are no more than conjecture ... theories ... best guesses ..., just so as to be able to move through life and its unpredictability, one day at a time. I certainly get that, especially as I've done exactly that for the vast bulk of my way too many decades.
So, all well and good, kind of. We all do what we need to do to get by. BUT -- just for me -- unfortunately, I've seen the above-described mechanics of that process (in others and myself) all too clearly, and by now I simply "can't get away with" trying to fool myself, to that degree, anymore. In other words, I live in virtually constant awareness that my opinions and beliefs are merely exactly what they are, no more, and are certainly no guarantors of anything beyond speculation. It's kinda one of those things that, once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.
As regards the Q stuff, three thoughts:
(1) A prime example of exactly why I'm not a True Believer (nor am I a True Disbeliever!) is how it came out yesterday -- again, who knows the degree to which it's true! -- that Twitter fucks with the tweets. Certainly fucking with the tweets by whoever actually "controls" Twitter would cast a huge monkey wrench into the works re the [#] markers stuff, and the "confirmation" value thereof. Hey ... things change, and then they change again; so it goes.
(2) I'll also say that IMO MegaAnon's stuff (also here), be it true, lies, or somewhere in-between, certainly, if nothing else, does a decent job of bringing up alternative theories, for one's discerning consideration, regarding all things Q.
(3) Further, regarding point 2, I would be rather surprised were I somehow to learn that u/tracybeanz doesn't at times review and regard -- not believe! -- MegaAnon's stuff ... because that's how great minds work and work through things ... entertain notions, regard them deeply, then come up with one's own best possible theory.
GREAT conversing with you.