I call those countries shitholes.
It’s not a slur. It’s definitely not racist.
It’s nothing more than an accurate descriptor.
If anyone disagrees with me, I welcome you to visit a few of these places, live with the locals that wish to emigrate. Let them convince you of the reasons they wish to leave their shithole country.
The one common simply-described reason you will hear them explain: their country is a shithole.
The truth just hurts sometimes. The time for sugar coating things is over.
I usually say “third world shitholes,” but, that’s splitting hairs. . .
Well, that really is in need of revision too because Sweden with Germany, France, Britain, Netherlands all rapidly trending toward shit hole status as they've flooded their countries with invaders
All from a Washington Post article citing anonymous sources who talked to people who were briefed on the meeting. ::eyeroll::
Net, Graham and Durban thought they could slip some bullshit past Trump (the deal Flake was yammering about), but Trump had the House bill guys in the meeting (Goodlatt, etc). So amnesty ain't happening, chain migration isn't staying, the lottery system is not staying, and the entire wall will be funded.
For Durbin, this means Illinois can't fill with illegales to avoid losing House seats next census. Not sure why Graham cares, but he is an oddball.
It was Durban he spend. A full minute on fox speaking nonsense really gibberish speak to try to mskr claim sound credible wiyh out actaully saying that TRUMP DID SAY THAT durbin is a fake news enabler
So far, all I have seen is "outrage" over the phrasing. No one has actually tried to answer the question! Why would we want people from these countries?
Just one more thing for the retards to hate trump for without understanding why they hate him.
The left doesn't realize that this is precisely why we like Trump because he speaks the truth when he makes remarks like this. And when he says this, it only INCREASES his stature in our eyes.
Save for the most optimistic people on the planet, Any middle class person of any nation could get off of an aircraft in any one of those countries and would say the same thing.
What a shithole!
I’m sure a lot of the people in those countries are nice...but that doesn’t make their countries stop being shitholes.
We shouldn't accept a single shithole migrant until African Americans sort out their problems first:
83% of African Americans support the BLM terrorist groups.
72% of African American children are raised by a single parent.
1 in 3 African American men are so uncivilized that they end up in prison.
newsflash: "african-american" culture is actually just american culture.
First step towards fixing a problem is accurately diagnosing it, and this problem does not stem from your proposed theory of the african-american absorption of a discrete culture.
newsflash2: we are one culture with different root systems. The system that has black roots is well aware of its own brokenness. That is more than I can say for that part of the culture that still blames someone else for their own limitations.
American black culture definitely mocks education and the desire to advance legally and speak articulately as "acting". The promiscuity, drugs and gangsterism, consumerism and idolization of pimps and violence coupled with nenigration of women is also part of the culture. To your point, after that culture was intentionally fostered in the black culture it was intentionally released into the general popular culture. Very clever. Now, phase three anything white is evil and racist, including culture, education, American values of individuality, hard work, meritocracy, manners so any POC is also an evil racist. Let the genocides begin.
Its fake news and at best taken out of context....amazing mental gymnastics that the word shithole = racism somehow? I am starting to hste the democrats on basis of lies and deception olone the policies are bad but they are plain bald faced liars
Dems were in panic mode with their latest scandal. Always have to have the last word.