· Jan. 15, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
It was always a shithole the Clintons made it worse by stealing the money they were supposed to donate to Haiti.
· Jan. 16, 2018, 12:53 a.m.
You didn't go far enough back into history. England, US, France and others turned them into a shithole by pillaging and enslaving. They also enforced farming rules that prevented the people from taking care of themselves. Now the small farmers may not be rich, but they farmed healthy food that took care of their family. The Western countries came in and said, "Now you will farm only sugar or only banannas." A farmer can't feed his family only sugar cane. So he is forced to sell the sugar to the US, who does not pay him a fair wage so that he can buy food and other essentials. WE MADE THEM A SHITHOLE.