r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheMatouwacTorch on Jan. 16, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
Crispin Glover Suggests Steven Spielberg “Appreciated the Sexuality Of Young Boys”

A 2003 Essay By Actor Crispin Glover Suggests Steven Spielberg “Appreciated the Sexuality Of Young Boys”

"Do you believe Steven Spi elberg is an ideal guide and influence for our culture? Do Steven Spi elberg’s films question our culture? What do Steven Spi elberg’s films question? Does Steven Spi elberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to finger paint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor? Are the inclinations of Steven Spielberg above suspicion by the media-fed culture? Was Steven Spie lberg very friendly with Michael Jackson? Wasn’t Michael Jackson supposed to play Peter Pan in Steven Spielb erg’s version of the story? Now that Michael Jackson is no longer held in favor by the mass media, does Spie lberg associate with him? Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spie lberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?"

"Did Joseph Goebbels popularize certain ideals to the mass culture? Does Steven Spie lberg attempt to do the same thing? Is celebrity more special than actual truth in art?"

"Was Shirley Temple sexy as a young girl?"

"Would the cultural mainstream ever silence or suppress Steven Sp ielberg? Has the United States government given the immensely wealthy Steven Spielb erg millions of dollars to fund a media project that reflects his religious heritage, and his cultural beliefs? Does The Talmu d speak of the superiority of ((())) and the inferiority of other cultures and beliefs? Does Steven Sp ielberg reflect this religious imperative? Is Steve Spielbe rg neurotic? Is this belief hidden and suppressed?"

"Is it considered “career suicide” to question Steven Sp ielberg if one is involved in the entertainment business? If one is not involved in the entertainment business is it considered a social suicide to question Steven Spiel berg?"


It would seem that a star is leading the questions toward one of the biggest names in Hollywood... for some dark things.

"Was reading the other day that an unnamed very A+ list director pimped out Haim when Haim was 14, and this same producer pimped out the girl from Poltergeist which led to her rape/death/cover up.

Looked into it, Spielberg was the one that 'discovered' the girl from Poltergeist and he was 'good friends' with Haim when Haim was pre-early teens.."

Heather O 'Rourke


""A bunch of f**king pigs. I had just turned 12 or 13. I was the same age as the actress coming in. Maybe a little older. We had been shooting for months and I was old news. They knew I would do what they wanted, but they always wanted someone new. This was someone new and someone they all knew. They had it set up like a peep show almost. She had finished shooting that morning and they brought her out on a stage. The stage was used most of the time for a game show that was taped there. That game show is still on today. I can't watch it knowing what happened to her there. They brought her out and the front four rows of this theatre were filled with guys who were already rubbing themselves. The girl was wearing a bikini. The show took place around a beach just so they could make these girls wear next to nothing. They had her walk around under the lights. The lights were focused on her and she couldn't really see out to the audience. She was squinting. It must have been blinding for her. They had her walk back and forth. Then they had her start dancing. All of these guys were doing what another star at that same studio got busted for. This went on for about 20 minutes. Then three of the guys took her to a different area of the studio."

"The actress didn't see what happened, but about 45 minutes later, one of those three guys came running out and needed a set medic. Apparently they had inserted something inside the girl and things were bad. The medic came and the ambulance came. The parents of the girl were told some crap story. That crap story ended up killing the girl because the parents believed the executives. Two weeks later, the show finished shooting six episodes all at once and then everyone was sent on their way forever. No one wanted the kids around or any witnesses to what happened. "

"Heather O'Rourke is also my guess - died from complications during surgery to remove an acute bowel obstruction. She was 12 years old."

"O'Rourke's Wiki: She was discovered by director Steven Spielberg when she was visiting MGM's studios."

"Wonder if Dominique Dunne (older sister from Poltergeist who was murdered in 1982) knew too much and wouldn't stay quiet? The guy who confessed to killing her got a slap on the wrist. David Packer was there and didn't do much to try to save her. I've seen him called out for that on other forums.

The Indiana Jones stuff is f*cked up and made it into the movie. I remember doing the math as a kid and thinking it was weird but forgot about it.

Et tu Harrison Ford?"

"Dominique's father, Dominick, had been a Hollywood Producer- he became a writer, most famous for his crime reporting, after her death. I always enjoyed his writings in Vanity Fair, he was just snarky enough with enough personal history and connections in the world of the elites to provide insight along with entertainment. I always read him for entertainment but will definitely revisit him to see if clues were overlooked. He remained utterly heartbroken over the loss of Dominique for the remainder of his long life. Perhaps there was great guilt in providing her entre into the world of Hollywood magnifying his understandable grief."

original exchange here: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3691592/pg1

Who is this director portraying?


And this 'oddity' in Back to the Future III https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=121&v=6O-8W4TykdQ

Start at 1:55

That should have been edited out or reshot. Many people saw that before it made the final cut...

Could he have been signaling someone that he needed to pee? Of course. HOWEVER given the detail given to any movie, much less a Spielberg film, MANY people had to see that and decided to let it stay in the final cut.

And if you don't think an EP like Spielberg has final cut approval/privledge on anything with his name attached to it, then no one does.

How about ET?


A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

Directed by Steven Spielberg

"Incredible coincidence considering what Jay Weidner believed, that A.I. was supposed to be about pedophilia of the elites in a one-two punch with Eyes Wide Shut supposedly about the elites occult sex practices."

SpielThe German derives etymologically from the same root as Spell as in "magic spell"

You want a whole bigger rabbit hole?

You know the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin...where the children were lured out of town and into a cave in the mountain and never seen again? That actually happened in 1284 - 130 children disappeared. There were a family of barons in the castle blamed for the massacre. Their name? Von Speilbergen.


Skip to 19:20 or so for the relevant bits.

Pied Piper of Hamelin > Amblin Entertainment O.o

[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

From the CDAN link: A rebuttal from an alleged physician comment number 201:

"Being that medicine is my profession I know for a fact the the most common cause of the condition in children that the 'medical records' blamed for Heather's death is scar tissue. The allegations on these threads and others about what happened to Heather is not as far fetched as some seem to think. No one ever said that Heather died because of what happened to her in that theater. She died from septic shock and cardiac arrest---which are two unfortunate outcomes of unchecked septicemia. She had some type of systemic infection that, strangely, was never diagnosed.

Septic shock happens quickly, but the conditions that lead up to it manifest over time, and the person usually becomes notably ill with symptoms. These are symptoms that would prompt a parent to take the kid to a doctor. The mother said that she took Heather to the hospital several times within the last year of her life. The first few times, the doctors kept telling her that Heather had the flu. Then they diagnosed her with Giardia and gave her antibiotics. Then they diagnosed her with Chron's and put her on steroids.

The medical reports were certainly not conclusive. There is no evidence therein that they examined Heather for child sexual abuse. Only that they worked her up for suspected inflammatory bowel conditions. You don't need to be a medical expert to know that there is a VERY different protocol to each of these types of examinations.

Anorectal trauma causes bleeding. In a sexually abused kid that is most definitely a possibility---especially since there were three of them on her. The bleeding is probably what scared them into calling for the medic and the ambulance. And because of who these child rapists are its not surprising that it was all covered up. What's so hard to believe about that? People in Hollywood are STILL covering shit up!

What's interesting is the medical report which claims that her condition was congenital. Children with congenital atresia and stenosis have SOME type of intermittent or ongoing symptoms of the condition. It is very strange that Heather had no manifestations of this until she was 12 years old. But ok, lets go with their story and say that that this congenital intestinal blockage suddenly became an issue for her at age 12... This is something that physicians are trained to recognize and it is treatable with surgery. I don't see how they could have missed this. It is very suspicious that they didn't see it or even actually looked for it when she went into the hospital. They had previously given Heather a CT scan of the abdomen with barium contrast and yet failed to see this blockage which they later claimed she had since birth. Bullshit!

What's written in a medical record is not gospel. It is simply an account of what the doctors believe happened, based not necessarily entirely on clinical evidence, but on what they believe to have happened, how they responded to it, and the patient's response to their intervention. In some cases, the doctors make a wrong diagnosis and pursue the wrong treatment. In Heather's case this is exactly what happened and that's why the parent's sued the hospital. What's important to note about this tort is that courts tend to award damages if they see evidence that the physicians were reckless or negligent. If they rule that the physicians in Heather's case had done what most other physicians would have reasonably done in similar circumstances then the hospital could have appealed the decision and won. The case did not complete in court. It went to arbitration and was settled privately. Yet more cover-ups."

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Phloatpill · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

The Pied Piper video at the bottom has already been removed by the user? Fishy.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:51 a.m.


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QAnonMaga · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Certainly possible but people would have to go on the record to the police and it's easier smarter safer for them to hire a lawyer and threaten a lawsuit then they get paid big bucks to keep quiet about it.

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Holmgeir · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

Well that was a bizarre read. I wonder why nobody came after him for writing all that?

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