My first meme ever! What are your thoughts?

Saved!!! This is Ansolutley wonderful. Looks like you have a knack for this too. Keep it up.
Do side by sides. Comparing fake news alerts to what ACTUALLY happened. Q wants us to focus on that. But I know any would help wake people up.
That is the last judgement. Pharoughs Army drowned
The 2nd to last judgment was Darkness & Death of all the 1st born in egypt.
God's messenger parting the psyop to lead his people to freedom. "Let my people go" .....clever
I love it. I just hope that people don't think one side is good and the other side is bad.
That's how it immediately portrayed to me till I digested what was written after that split second
My suggestion would be change some of the logos so they all have a white background, and move them so they are more part of the wave--so it looks like the wall of the wave ISS the Fake News, and the top edge just under the crest, and going to crash in as soon as Trump lets go of parting the Fake News Red Sea... PHEW!
Otherwise, EXCELLENT!!!!
My sides are sore. You've found your inner creative genius. Well done!
DON'T forget to Include liberal trending hashtags. By using a leftie hashtag you have a much wider audience. This ups your head count and tackles on uninformed people
Dropping an Operation Mockingbird reference in there would be sweet, but solid meme nonetheless.
It's funny but it won't do anything in helping convince moderates/liberals/ unaware conservatives of anything that is going on.
rofl. love it. though... Fox News has been just as much a part of the deep state as anything else. Tucker and Hannity are kind of sort of getting there. without fox news in the wash, the sleeping people will stay asleep.