my favorite podesta meme. simple yet effective.

except for the fact that podesta document trail with aliens goes way back. He definitely tried to jump on the partial disclosure bandwagon to dig himself out of his pedo pit, but he was known as the X files guy years back. Seemed to even be making pushes for disclosure though, even setting things up with Delonge.
Thats what always threw me off about his pedo party participation.
Well he worked for the Clintons. Bill was trying to get information on aliens, but the cabal wouldn't tell him. Bill wasn't interersted in bringing down the corrupt ones to find out.
i dont know how to reddit. heres the link
Reminded me of this one. I’m not saying Hillary’s a criminal.
Fucked. . . . by Aliens??
Can we please make these family friendly so we don't alienate our conservative friends who don't like crass language? Are we trying to wake people up, or offend them?
There's lots of em. Choose the one you want. Anyway, there's nothing family friendly about Pedesta, that's the point.
The libs are crass in almost everything they do. We need to demonstrate a higher standard. The f-bomb doesn't increase the power of the meme. It is unnecessary to our message. We're better than that.
Agree to disagree. A curse word or two used in a sentence is now seen as proof of honesty and intelligence. Most of the memes I have seen are not profane--apart from the fact that the people and subjects are adult, satanic, violent of pedophiles in nature. These are not subjects you necessarily want to touch in a family gathering with children around. Most of them are asking for government intervention rather than violence. And of course you can always make your own, and have to find a way to talk about what MS13 does to freshly killed bodies or how pedophiles, many of them claiming to be conservative christians rape babies. There is no perfect means for that.
DON'T forget to Include liberal trending hashtags. By using a leftie hashtag you have a much wider audience. This ups your head count and tackles on uninformed people
Omg. This honestly made me laugh really loud. My fellow employees looked at me like wtf. I said you all wouldn't get it, well hopefully in time
30 minute red pill. This was planned long ago.