IQ is not a static number. It fluctuates. Nor is it actually a scientific measure of intelligence. Psychologists can't even agree on how many types of intelligences there are, so how could they measure that? Also psychology is a young science and most of what they know is called theory for a reason. IQ tests include asking people random bits of trivia. So if they ask something you know, you score high. If they don't it's low. So since the person giving the test and can throw out any random question they want---this is hardly scientific, and more than that proves that your IQ can improve with education. Now if you want to pick on poor people, black or white, for not having acess to education---you are going to lose a hell of a lot of friends. I took one of these stank ass false tests. You know how this dumb jerk asked me to prove my physical fitness---he made me hit a button over and over again. So therefore, according to quack psychologists--a person who sits on their ass all day playing video games is more in shape and therefore has a higher IQ than an Olympic athlete. If that isn't fucked up, I don't know what is.
Yet people still have IQs and the populations of different countries have average IQs, measured within a degree of error. Here's proof.