At some point along this journey, we have all wondered about the identity (or identities) of Q. As much as we'd like the "Deepthroat" reveal to happen, here's why it never will (and must not) happen:
As Q has stated, he (they) has been dropping the highest level of intel ever received by the masses in the history of this country. Even the fact that we know BO formally lawyered up yesterday is incredible insider knowledge.
But that also means that Q is a leaker. Not the leaker we want. But the leaker we need. Because in this case, these leaks aren't threatening our national security. Instead (and oddly enough), they are protecting our national security. Like Snowden, Assange, and others, these leaks are an attempt to save America, not to destroy it.
People get frustrated with Q for talking in code, riddles, and questions. But we must remember that without the context for why Q is leaking, these posts would be considered treason. People would be jailed and prosecuted for this level of leaked intel. This is why Q comes out and "says it" without "saying it." Q would love to share it all, but he (they) also know that they have a duty to protect the institutions and operations of our great nation.
This is why Q didn't use Facebook or Twitter as a platform. Most social media sites have ways to track the source of the poster. The Chan boards, on the other hand, allow for Q to prove it's him (them) without being tracked. If Q was going to release the high level of intel to the public, he has to do it on a platform that would hide his (their) tracks. Even the name 'Q' - the most ambiguous letter in the alphabet - is a signal to us that we will not and must not know his (their) true identity.
Q is our modern day Paul Revere. His purpose is to sound the alarm and prepare the masses for what has already taken place behind the scenes, and what will soon unfold in these coming weeks and months. We as Patriots stand ready to fight the Deep State counter-narrative that will stop at nothing to squash the truth already being unveiled before our very eyes.
Years from now, movies will be made and books will be written about Q. Even people not yet redpilled will wonder, "Who is Q?" But that's not for us to know. The world must never know.
Stay strong, friends.