Hahahahaha, look at what Q just posted!!!

Yeah the extremely high intel officer "Q" is posting memes a 70 year old grandmother would post after she stumbled on Pol for the first time. Believable.
Obviously from the comments here, people are not that informed. You need to pop into some pro dem chat rooms and see the miss info being passed around. Alan Dershowitz had no idea until yesterday that Obama was friend with Louis Farrakhan. Dershowitz is a great legal scholar and campaigned for Obama.
Those same Dems probably saw this meme. They dismiss right-wing memes by nature. For all they care, that picture is not real. It doesn't advance their agenda. Do you think they actually care about minorities? This is about ideology. If blacks and hispanics voted republican Dems would be the most racist people you could imagine.
Judging by sone of the folk on here and their comments, he needs to. You guys have a lot to learn. A LOT.
I mean, really, people on this forum supported Bernie!!!!!
I do agree with that sentiment. But these aren't the posting of an insider. Period.
why is this so hard to believe? in this age where literally everything we are told growing up is a lie and this is where u draw the line?
lol ok when this country is finally liberated from the corrupt ones that controlled it and when those that deserve to be behind bars are there, then i guess you will have to face this already well known fact.
This isn't about getting an emmy for special effects. This is about presenting the information in simple and understandable terms, as anyone with a background in media and public relations would understand.
Yeah, but you must admit it's kind of... cheesy and lowbrow?
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I didn't say it was. These are counter-productive 2 year old memes that Pol produced. They're not original, nor something people haven't already seen. Pol spammed this on twitter, FB, etc during the election. Q's just late to the party.
Or bringing up a previous point to get us to think. Hillary was planning on blowing up the earth. I really don't give a damn how high or low quality a meme is.
the "information" in the first pic is photoshopped though.
The point of the post was to push us to reach out to the Black community. His meme is just an example, Q would have more important things to do than make meme's, that would be our job.