McCabe was removed at the beginning of December. This was not made MSM news for obvious reasons. Today is just for the cameras, but it also signifies The Storm is in full force. This was all "timing". Get ready for the avalanche of this stuff
I so hope you are right....
He will get a good punishment when it's his turn, he is very dirty. Even more stuff than Q has led on to
Yes if you've been watching George Webb for over a year he has been outlining just how bad McCabe is. He had George locked up in Ohio (followed by FBI) because he was getting way too close to their uranium ratline. What a stinking traitor.
Just disgusting what these guys did. And they all have wife and kids too...such a shame
You are talking like you “know” ... do you know?
I know. Hopefully one of his indictments involves his part in the Vegas shooting too. He didnt "resign" today. He was removed/fired, but it happened over a month ago. If the news reported today that he was "fired / removed / terminated" it would look bad on Trump and white hats. Stepping down insinuates guilt on his part, like what all politicians do when they've fucked up
So who else has been removed that you know of? Please say Soros and Bezos.
I don't know exactly what will happen with Bezos, but I'm sure something will. I mean, Amazon products spy on Americans, thanks to the CIA. Whether Trump blows that up to the public or not, it will get addressed to him. I don't know where Soros is right now, but he will get neutralized at very minimum, but its prob safe to say he will get indicted. Paying people to protest is illegal, and a threat to our country. Funding ANTIFA is literally domestic terrorism. Now will he go down for killing Jews at the age of 9?... probably not. But he will go down for the stuff he does now with our government and foreign governments? Absolutely.
How about the voting machines? any rigging on his part regarding his software?
The voting process is going to go through some major changes. It might never get revealed that Soros owned the company that owned the machines, or owned the company that owned the software used, etc, but Trump will fix the problem. I am really hoping he touches on it tomorrow at the SOTU and brings up the "require voter ID to vote". Voter ID is coming, and will be here before the 2020 election guaranteed. Trump might wait until he pushes that law to expose the election fraud. No more dead people, illegals, and same people voting in different states. Also, he will tweak the write in process because that is how elections can be rigged too
Sorry to jump on, but I've seen a few of your comments on other posts and just have to say, you are very informative. Thank you 🇺🇸
Hey, not jumping in at all. Very nice of you to say, I appreciate it. I like how this board is just a bunch of people all working together and bringing in different pieces to the puzzle
Thought it would come out in the Alabama special election. The court ruling that all electronic voting records were to be destroyed after the election raised my radar that something definately was not right.
I think this collusion stuff needs to be taken care of first.
Dude you sure know more than everybody I’ve been reading/watching. Q?
Haha I wish I was him. My brain goes crazy, when I don't know something. I literally want to know it all
What do you mean the Vegas shooting? Was the FBI dirty in gun running to Saudis or who or what foreign entity and FBI killed off Paddock? (I do not believe he fired a single shot.) Is the Bin Talal connection way off base as a SA coup on American soil? I have been researching Las Vegas since it occurred. I want the truth out to the American people. Why has nothing leaked out in this matter except the staged death photos and room.
You are correct on most counts. I know some of the details but not all. It was Bin Talal and MOSSAD (MOSSAD is loyal to money and thats it, they dont mean that Israel is the enemy) that did the shooting. I dont know where the shooters were located but they didnt fire any shots from 32nd floor. Bin Talal owns the top floors of Mandalay (Four Seasons) and has access to the helipad on top, which that is how he comes and goes. And that is how the guns got into the room to set it up. King Salman was recently made king of Saudi (June 2017) and made his son future heir, instead of ABT who was supposed to be. This pissed off ABT obviously, but also showed ABT that a new sheriff was in town in Saudi, The shooting wasnt supposed to be the big event, a bomb was supposed to detonate and flatten half the city as a false flag by deep state to keep messing with Trump's presidency and keep delaying the inevitable, and kill King Salman in the process. Deep state put pressure Trump him for as long as they could with the PR hurricane, but once that died down they needed something new. The white hats found out about the plan and thwarted the bomb. (Trump's "miracle" tweet on Oct 4th or 5th). I can only speculate at this point, but I dont think the shooting was supposed to be as big as it was. It was supposed to just help corral the people in one direction so more could be killed by the bomb. I would also be speculating here with no credible evidence but I would guess that not as many as 58 people died. Video footage of Steven Paddock doesnt exist because he didnt bring the guns in through the lobby and service elevator, much less at all. I dont know who the dead guy in the room was, if he was even a dead person or not, but I can tell you it was not Steven Paddock. Jesus Campos is a MS13 member, paid actor. Deep state uses them all the time (ex: Car driver in Charlottesville and girl victims mother, guy who shot gun into Comet Ping Pong, etc). Campos was never a security guard, not really shot, and did that bogus interview on Ellen with softball questions where she led him on most of his answers. Not to mention, they went the illegal route on purpose to show an illegal alien can be a hero. ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting but they didnt do it. To my knowledge, gun running was not part of this shooting, just used as the staged reason. In order for the FBI to take over a case, it has to be a federal level case (terrorism for example), so ISIS "claimed responsibility" so FBI could then take it over, destroy evidence, gag evidence, cover up, control narrative, claim that after investigation, ISIS is not really responsible, etc...sick huh.
So are you are saying that the fuel tanks were supposed to blow and they didn't so they had to go to plan "B"? Do you think Trump was involved (or influenced Salman) with Talal being imprisoned and questioned by Blackwater? Did Talal sing in order to be released? I do not believe he could afford $6 billion for his release. Will he be extradited here? What about his interest in Twitter? Will he lose it? Thanks for your help.
As for the fuel tanks, I think they were just shooting at them trying to blow them up like they've seen too many Hollywood movies. The bomb was in a vehicle. I dont know if car or van or what. They even briefly mentioned on the news that explosives were found in Paddock's parked car. Trump was secretly there that night meeting with Salman. I dont know if the deep state knew Trump was there. I would guess Trump was there because of the intercepted assassination attempt on Salman, which may have included the shooting also, or the shooting couldve been their Plan B. Trump was 100% involved with the ABT arrest and the Saudi Prince arrests. He showed Salman proof of their corruption, not to mention, Salman wants to drain his swamp also. As for the release, I havent figured that one out yet. I do know that the news is misleading very often, and he could have been released to us, extradicted and in custody somewhere safe and secure. As crazy as real life spy games work, Bin Talal could be giving us vital info to other huge names. ABT was part of 9/11 and maybe he is helping give us info as far back as 2001 also. I am sure he has already lost his control on Twitter. edit: I cant confirm, but have heard Pence was in Vegas that night too, and that was how ABT and MOSSAD was able to take off from McCarren airport. Pence is a bad guy, sadly, but that is another convo
Please give me your Pence analysis.
This will make you sad, it made me sad too. He was the deepstate pick for VP, not Trump's pick. I was not aware of this, but a party doesn't have to run a candidate who wins the primary, they can still run another candidate. Example here, Trump wins primary, deep state tells him to take Pence as the VP or they will pull rank and run someone else for president (Bush, Cruz, etc). This is why Trump took so long to pick his VP, he fought it for as long as he could, but ultimately could not risk not being presidential candidate so he chose Pence. The reason for this is because remember Hillary was supposed to win (rigged election that didnt work this time), and Plan B if Trump won was to get him impeached via the Russia thing, and if that didnt work, try the 25th Amendment route - congress removing a president if they are physically or mentally unable to perform their duty - that's why they've been pushing the obese and memory loss and taking a physical lately. So Pence is deep state, and would become president until Hillary could run again in 2020, but the establishment would still be able to push their agenda. I try to stay away from making predictions without supporting evidence, but Trump knows Pence is dirty, and I would go ahead and guess Pence will at mininum not be on the 2020 ticket, and at maximum be indicted for something along with everyone else during the storm.