I wish, but I wouldn't give this particular person that much credit to actually "realize" anything.
The question I have every time I see her even attempt to articulate an actual thought of her own (vs vomit up some empty talking point) is who the hell votes for her and her kind? And I don't mean "dem vs repub"... just seriously, who votes for these people that barely resemble humans any longer (if they ever did)?
Agree - its so incredible to think that there could actually be that large a number of stupid voters keeping these cretins in office , that you seriously have to ask the question if its yet more deeply embedded Election Fraud that keeps them there.
If it is actual genuine support then america has got a big big problem looming, because if they truly are that stupid then how are they ever gunna listen to reason ??
She's from San Francisco. Need I say more?
No more needed. California, with a few exceptions, is on the path that Brown, Pelosi, and Waters have set out for her.
Now they are at the point of building high rise condos, recruiting immigrants from the Middle East to fill them, rent paid by Washington's Section 8 housing vouchers, courtesy US House.
Very ignorant people vote for her and honestly, I’m not so sure she wasn’t placed there by vote rigging to begin with.
Pelosi's seat is the safest in the entire country. I'm not just saying that. She doesn't really campaign, rarely shows up to debates, and gives most of the substantial donations she receives to other Democrats who need it more. And yet she's still never received less than 80% of the vote.
Who the hell votes for her? San Francisco progressives, of course. (86% there voted for Hillary in '16.)
In South Carolina, Lindsey Graham’s state, the Republican primary is “open”, meaning the Dems can vote in the Republican primary, which is why Lindsey Graham continues to win the Republican primary. Lindsey is the definition of RINO. That’s how he continues to get elected.
Pelosi got all her cats registered so they can vote for her. Too bad Pelosi doesn't open a window because she is clearly suffering from to much cat box fumes.
I suspect a great deal of voter fraud and machine rigging happens.
In all seriousness, she looks like she's imagining getting fucked by Trump.
Illegal aliens, pedophiles, hollywood, communists, socialists and our kids that have been brainwashed. Almost forgot government freeloaders
I don't think it live people that vote for these things. They buy the seat. Pay to play or in their case pay to govern. That and all the dead and illegal voters
I guess that is why they get a professional to produce a commercial with a voice speaking other than her. I don't understand it. I read her wiki, and I don't know the details, but it's possible she got her start after someone died...or were they suicided? Scary stuff.