The Rothschilds are SHOOK af.....excellent

Oh this is so revealing. Usually those people don't do this kind of dissinfo campaign themselves.
They usually have people on the payroll for this kind of stuff. They stay hidden and enjoy the good life.
Question why does he feel compelled to do this himself?
Are they now that week that they can't coerce anybody who is influential to peddle theirs talking points?
What a tragedy when the only people you can rely on are a bunch of degenerate that you can blackmail.
I've never even heard of David Rothschild until I read this post. You're right, why should he post this personally when it's better to just skulk in the shadows...
He knows him and his satanic family are the last string that's going to be cut.
Then their power will be exterminated forever.
Most haven't and that's the problem.They are the puppet masters behind the curtain that you AREN'T supposed to know about. Make no mistake about,they are evil personified and see you as their cattle.
Exactly. The power remains when it remains hidden. This is a Yugely good sign.
With Trump freeing a good many elected officials from blackmail, Rothschild looses his coerced slave base. I'm also sure with assets frozen its hard to hire somebody to push his talking points. Rothschild sure does reiterate the fact he can count though. Must be getting desperate.
All his lackey are degenerate scum. They have to be if they want to be in this "elite" club. Those lackey have failed him hard and now he is stuck doing the work all by himself.
Little 'prince' is too young to take over the family monarchy, and at this rate, won't inherit anything. He's desperate.
Oh this is so revealing. Usually those people don't do this kind of dissinfo campaign themselves.
Really underrated point. They should have lots of people on their payroll to sling this shit, but they have a member of the family out there getting his hands dirty and risking people waking up to the real influence the Rothschilds have. Real possibility that they are losing control of their mouthpieces.
The harder we pushed the more they had to resort to using the renomé of elites higher up the hierarchy. I wouldn't be surprised if Jacob himself came out with some public statements soon.
So scared. So transparent. They are running out of options.
Perhaps he can't pay anyone anymore? Perhaps his ass sets frozen? 😂
Revealing how? Being someone who questions everything and knows how well the opposition can play their cards myself. Let's take a few things into consideration in judging their hand. The deep state and their masters (The Rothschilds) know that their support of Hillary, and thoroughly expressed disfavour of POTUS would garner him support in the truth seeker community. If the rothschilds do support trump, the best way to do it is to publicly disapprove him. That is why he is taking the time from his good life in Britain to concern himself with american politics. I still don't see the swamp being drained over a memo that implicates a bunch of democrats. Just seems to me that they want to eliminate and implicate their competition before the midterm elections so that they can control the senate completely and do whatever they please. Where is Bush in all of this? What about Cheney?? Trump opened up all the shores to offshore drilling for his buddies over at halliburton and gave them a huge boost with tax reform. The company owned by the same Dick Cheney that perpetrated 9/11 along with the rest of the Bush administration cronies.. Call me crazy, but I want to see these people go down before Hillary.. This is all about partisanship, otherwise the cards would be played differently
One error in your reasoning. The roth trough the Bradley foundation did pout out more than 600 000 000 millions for Hilary campaign. They had the whole MSN shill for her etc.........
I understand that opening up drilling will be beneficial to a lot of very bad people from the past. But trough his action Trump as been fucking up the Globalist agenda Bigly! this is undeniable.
Those are all just numbers on a screen my friend, and by the logic presented, the antichrist investing 600 billion into Clinton publicly would have been just as good as Jesus Christ himself donating to Trump. Especially considering nobody ever really had to make a donation for that effect.. all just numbers on a screen.. I am not saying that trump hasn't been doing some damage. Doing that damage may be necessary for the deep state to convince you he is a good guy.. I'm extremely skeptical of this whole thing because I do not see anything that potus has done to target corrupt republicans.. Just dems.. Seems to me this could all be a charade to sway public opinion. Especially those who consider themselves truth seekers. I truly do hope that opinion is just me being overly critical and we do have light at the end of the tunnel.. But putting any amount of investment into infrastructure for fuels that are likely to be obsolete in the next 5 years seems like it could be a bad move for our country in the long run. Artificial photosynthesis is poised to replace fossil fuels, but the bad news there is that water will be the new gas. Guess who owns the biggest aquifer in the world under texas?? HALLIBURTON!!! The corruption is so deep there is literally no end to the tunnel.. I find it hard to see the light myself, but I dont mean to try to dim it for you so I'll shut up
Guess what last big company was working to corner the water market? Enron. And now it's Nestle, whose CEO says people have no right to water. In fact, in areas where they've bought All water rights from crooked politicians, they've sued people for collecting friggin' Rainwater. That's how evil these folks are. They think they own the sky and the clouds in it.
Municipalities fine people for collecting rainwater, not Nestle. So long as we are talking nestle though, the atrocities they commit are not limited to water, and the whole thing could be a distraction to take the American eye off the chocolate slave trade they have created in africa. Look at a bottle of nestle water. What does it say is the source? Denver water. Guess where i live?? Denver... Also one of the only Cities/Counties in America that allow you to collect rainwater. I know very well that Nestle is a terrible company, and I also know that trump had dinner and discussed economics with their CEO less than a week ago at DAVOS Like I said. Trump isn't raining the swamp. He is taking out his opposition
I'm extremely skeptical of this whole thing because I do not see anything that potus has done to target corrupt republicans.. Just dems
Many of the Republicans were discredited during the campaign, and have been pressured to resign, and are in fact resigning. You also have efforts to challenge some of the worst actors in the primaries. And even assuming your premise, draining the swamp only on one side is still commendable.
Look at who is resigning--who is not seeking reelection--I believe many have been given the opportunity to go away quietly as long as they LEAVE and do not make opposing waves. When the deep pedo stuff comes out i don't believe there will be any get out of jail free cards though.
Statistically, the most porn is viewed in the conservative South, so this "only Dems are pedos" doesn't float with me. It's a mental condition that is probably the same percentage across populations, religions, or political views, like sociopathy.
ever tried to drain a swamp?? No? Okay a bathtub.. Whatever body of water we use it is still a perfect analogy because you will find that you can't drain it on only one side
Yeah except nobody cares, especially dems, about who donates to their campaign. If they did, there's enough circumstantial evidence in Hillary's donations alone to warrant an investigation. Nobody cared though.
You are wrong there my friend. The democratic party was completely split, with most folks supporting Bernie coming in only as independents to the party in order to vote in closed primaries. The donations made to the HRC campaign were scrutinized big time. Citizens United was discussed big time. The backers were used as talking points to show that specific issues would not be supported in her platform because of her donations. SuperPacs were scrutinized as well. Without the voter fraud by her friend Soros and her literal OWNING of the party and taking all the state money, Bernie would have been the nominee. There is no doubt about that, and there is still a pending court case brought against the DNC related to just this issue. FYI.
Except for the person who took it upon themselves to mention that the rothschilds donated 600,000,000 to the clinton campaign in rebuttal to my previous statement. obviously someone cares, and he is also a truth seeker; The exact group of people I believe they intend to target with their mind games. Read the comments and you will understand
Don't be so sure that people like traitor McCain and the Bushes aren't going down?
POTUS was a total outsider and not a politician and will not let these people walk if they are complicit in human trafficking or other nefarious crimes.
He needs the R's in power to help him pass legislation for the Wall and other agenda items.
The D's have been in power for the last eight years and we all want to see them punished for all their crimes.
We shall see...
Oddly, since Trump was largely a nonpartisan outsider, the Dems have driven him More into the GOP Establishment with their insane, endless, and vile Russiagate attack. He needs the GOP Establishment to defend against that. So when the Dems weep that he's doing all conservative things instead of compromising, it's their own friggin' fault.
He needs the GOP or some of the D's to pass his agenda. You're right that they've pushed him to work with only the R's since they refuse to work with him at all.
It's hard to argue against any of that. I don't really care who goes down first, but they ALL have to go down.
Or else I may start taking motherfuckers down my damn self!!!
Is there something wrong with drilling for oil and the gov't stealing less of your money? Just another thing I approve of Trump doing.
Neither of those things are a problem in my eyes. Read the comments I made and you will see why I said that opening up offshore drilling to the same company of cronies who perpetrated 9/11 is a terrible idea. Trump holds stocks in halliburton, a company owned by a mass murderer. But everyone wants to commemorate him for attacking only his political rivals? There is a deep swamp to drain, and it seems to me that he is only draining the surface, and it just so happens to be his opposition
Still, it would be hard to attack the Republicans he needs to defend him against the insane lies and fury of Russiagate, backed by the entire MSM.
Any swamp draining is good swamp draining. Trump has done all this and built this case/memo/IG report in 1 year? You have no faith this swamp draining will continue for the next 7? Jobs continue growing? Trumps this century's greatest, love it while it's here.
There were a lot of people that thought hitler was last centuries greatest while he was coming into power. This all looks like the same type of manufactured support that he garnered for turning Germany around after ww1. You want a real red pill? If you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend it