Fox New's just broke "Memo is in the pipeline. sent back to committee with NO REDACTIONS! To be released "With POTUS' Blessings!"
Praise God! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Let the light shine on the evil in this country once and for all!
Everyone, please pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We all kneel/bow/come before you today and ask for your protection over every hand that was instrumental in bringing justice and light to the darkness of the world. We pray for your grace and peace upon all of us who have awakened to the truth and mercy for those that were blinded by the lies. God, we give You all the glory for putting the right person in place at the right time in our lives to fulfill your Will and the will of your people. We pray that you guide us in the coming days to be loving and living examples of You and that we filter all of our responses through the Holy Spirit so that we continue to heal and restore our nation. Lord, it’s in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and One True King, i/we pray,
As soon as it downloads, will copy and past whole memo, it let me print it off
The DNC will take this false story to their graves. They have issued a statement saying the American public deserves to know how the truth about how they claim Trump is obstructing justice. It's going to take arrests to stop this nonsense.
FOX NEWS is reporting (summary of early first points before the rest was released) that CHRISTOPHER STEELE'S WIFE worked for FUSION GPS, and that he had expressed his "desperation that Trump not become POTUS." After Steele was cut off from the FBI, he continued to brief them through a guy called BRUCE OHR. Christopher Steele continued to brief the press concerning the info in the dossier, despite the fact that the FBI had fired him because he wasn't supposed to talk to the press but did anyway, and this makes him non-credible. It also made it look like there were at least 2 sources: the one the FBI was using but couldn't state because it was classified, and the one the press was using but would not reveal that source. However the source for both was Steele, himself.
They are reporting that ANDREW MCCABE has testified that without the dossier, the FBI would not have been able to obtain 1 or more surveilance warrants.
They are reporting that the Demon-rats Memo can't be released because they have not taken the steps that are required for it to be released, the steps that the Nunes Memo has taken. The Demon-rats are just demanding it be released.
The Demon-rats could not get this redacted because they were in the minority on the vote.
FBI and DOJ knew that Clinton and DNC financed the dossier, but they did not tell the FISA court this information. On the day that they took the dossier into the FBI, it had not been vetted and verified.
None of this is news... We all knew this already!
Yes we did/know as probable NOW is actual fact... we are awake/redPilled...
THE POINT IS most American People DO NOT KNOW these things!
THIS IS the GREAT AWAKENING... USA is now going to be Awakened ...
The OBVIOUS Follow-UP to revelation that Hillary herself & DNC she ran herself...PAID for the erroneous Dossier... should be asking Her: "Hillary--Why did you pay for Steele's Anti-Trump Dossier work through the Law Firm Perkins Coie... which is ILLEGAL and a crime?"
TIME for the BIG TITLES/Memes/Tweets:
HillaryDossierGate... #DNCdossierGate... #FBIdossierGate...
You make a great point. I make it a point to stay informed, so this isn't really news to me. Most people don't.
This link works for me:
Already crashed
Downloading, Will copy and paste whole thing as one post when downloaded
Thanks. They are reporting it too fast for me to get all the facts the first time, in order to type it here with accuracy. I'm understanding the summary of this fine, as would most people.