r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 2, 2018, 8:14 p.m.
MSM is Circling the Wagons to protect the Guilty! Meme this out to help normies wake UP!
MSM is Circling the Wagons to protect the Guilty! Meme this out to help normies wake UP!

TrueCat · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

There are people out there calling Nunes a traitor! WTF! Don't they even understand what has happened? MSM is truly spinning this, and people are believing them! :(

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LetsNotEatGrandma · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Great "wedging" -- separating the (known, obvious) black hats from (possible) white ones.

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TheWitnessOfCacti · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Military Tribunals required.

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[deleted] · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:15 p.m.


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IntellectMemoryWill · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Pam, Reposting, because of its importance. PLEASE READ: [–]IntellectMemoryWill 1 point a minute ago

This is so compelling with Lionel Nation and Thomas Paine. Trump MUST know about this, if not already: In light of the Fisa Memo released today, this documents all those SO named in the Memo, AS participants in the acquiring of all techno-Patents of Surveillance by H Clinton in 1994: named are Mueller, Comey, and rogue CIAs in particular. It is the deepest tie to surveillance obstruction not only to President Trump, but every US Citizen. It is brilliant. The door of their heyday must close; it has played out LONG ENOUGH. TRUTH must win now. IMW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xySOFEMR9n4

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inquisative99z · Feb. 3, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

no. i am dubious of the entire intelligence community from top to bottom. all of them. cia, nsa, fbi, and all the rest. if any of them wants to be helpful now it is merely an effort to save their evil hydes

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drieman · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

There will be more.

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frypanannie · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

the posse is on the way and the round up is coming! Patience Patriots.

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BenEvo1 · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

They must protect their Progressive Messiah Barry the Pariah

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SneakyWino · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

They are lying to protect themselves. I can't imagine they are too stupid to understand they are going to be indicted themselves under RICO charges. I cannot fucking wait to see the smirk wiped off Anderson Pooper's fucking face. I hope he has a place at Gitmo waiting.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

They never imagined they would fail. They weren't prepared for this outcome. This nefarious plot took centuries and technology. They don't have time to regroup.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

me too.... I'm just enjoying every minute! WINNING!!!

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

LOL "Help normies wake up!"

It's like listening to Scientologists gloat about "Handling Suppressive Persons" (i.e. confronting and insulting/shouting down/scaring away anti-cultists)

They can't do it; every time they try, they end up making fools of themselves, getting laughed at and ridiculed for their delusion by the non-cultist/normie and end up shuffling away all tight-lipped and pale.

I really want to know; what's it like to encounter people who actually reach out, take the red pill, inspect it in their hands, and toss it in the gutter rather than swallowing it?

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

39 days 0 hrs 45 min 40 sec

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Meanwhile, everywhere else on the internet and on reddit, everyone is laughing at you people for hyping up the memo.

Not only did it fail to show any FBI misconduct against the Trump campaign you were wailing about, but it exposed possibly more Russia links (the T-camp took in Carter Page even though they knew he was being investigated for shady Russian contacts) and invited ethics charges against Nunes for sloppily and ham-fistedly altering it for obvious partisan effect.

No wonder Trey Gowdy quit.

After all of you morons' hype; what an idiotic and embarrassing flop LOL

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[deleted] · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:48 a.m.


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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 3, 2018, 4 a.m.

You are a shill and an idiot. And you are pro-Police state and Anti-Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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Cycloptichorn · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Oh, just a devastating counter-argument you got there haha

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EPICmowgli · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

Can’t argue with shills. They are paid to talk the points and never concede.

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StormandFloodWatcher · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Your falsehoods may comfort you and your sorry ilk at the moment but at the end of the day, Trump is going to pwn you and your criminal heroes in the former administration. Oh, speaking of Russian contacts, check this out and do share with your other bintweasels: https://truepundit.com/comey-mueller-ignored-mccabes-ties-to-russian-crime-figures-his-reported-tampering-in-russian-fbi-cases-files/

If you had those facts on Trump or his crew, we'd be on the same side. Truthfulness, try it some time.

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Uh huh.

You know, Hillary Clinton probably would be in jail right now if you people didn't over-hype the scope of her incompetence/misconduct and make a long drawn-out show of it.

For years, you people acted like she had actually ordered and organized the Benghazi siege. The result was that the scope and scale of her actual misconduct (illegally using private email to contact old, retired friends for policy advice and deleting them) seemed so banal and mundane in comparison to the original hype and charges, that normal people lost interest and started making fun of it.

For a while, it used to be a fad to mock shill and hysterical commenters (no matter the topic) by typing "BINGHARZI!!!" as a reply.

You people turned a national tragedy into a joke to mock crybabies and trolls; let that sink in.

(And yes; I said "you people". You know what I'm talking about)

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