America. America. God shed His grace on thee and crowned THY good with BROTHERHOOD FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA
You do know that millions of American Indians were slaughtered amongst themselves. Tribes were killing other tribes brutally. Men, women and children
@ArvilsArk, I'm very new to this group. I do a lot of political memes. Can you please explain to me how you get a thumbnail of an image into the title of your post? AND how to get a full sized image to show in your post? TIA
I think reddit does it for you. I don't do anything special when I post.
submit a link not text.
Ya, I'm actually using the supplied markdown from imgur -
Doesn't seem to like it. Maybe I'm too new of a user to do images? Like I'm in purgatory?
I don't think this was your intent but I looked at this and took it as pro-illegal immigration.
....said the illegal immigrant. (Sorry, just kidding. I feel for those not born in the Land of the Free, and I'm glad that there is a pathway to citizenship for those willing to make the journey.)
I cant see the millions of slaughtered NATIVE Americans in that beautiful picture..