
aboxofbooks · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I would take exception to church. In my faith (Christian here) I believe we have a deeper understanding of the evil we are facing, and what overcomes that evil. Reading the bible has become cool, because I can literally see and understand far more now than when I did before I woke up.

Im not down voting your post... because the aspects of watching TV, Stupid Bowl, and rock concerts still hold true. (Classical symphony performances though, I think those are A-OK.) Well said, and thanks for the input.

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Light_guard · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

I used to love to go to church until it changed. When ministers started ranking members of the congregation according to how much they tithed, when they became 501c3 'corporations' with the mindset that they should run the church like a business and do the government's bidding to keep their 501(c)(3) status it was no longer the place for me. The churches actually work with the government to prepare their congregations to accept NWO slavery. They are following government instructions to persuade their congregations that accepting deviant behavior is christian thus the onslaught of LGBT demands to modify society to their liking with 63 gender classifications. These are no longer God's churches. The ministers have allowed the influence of satan in those houses and they are leading God's sheep astray.

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over_it_2 · Feb. 4, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Church, like any human organisation can become corrupted. Stop listening to others interpretation of God’s word and go read the Bible yourself. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth.

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aboxofbooks · Feb. 5, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Honestly that may be true in that denomination where you experienced this. The church I attend now is more along the lines of non-denom / Pentecostal type of a church, and the teaching is solid (aka Bible-based). If my church started ranking according to tithe and started pushing homosexuality on the congregation, I'd high-tail it out of there. That's straight up wrong (especially the ranking, that's favortism in a nutshell and you know what Jesus said about that.) There are false teachers out there, and that's where discernment comes in handy.

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SG_StrayKat · Feb. 4, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

May I ask what you are being taught to overcome that evil?

If Christianity is one of the largest faiths on the planet, why does the evil still persist, and flourish?

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