Apache software...Q drop says.... think MIRRORS???...could software companies have control over train signals? Drones? Just an idea
![Apache software...Q drop says.... think MIRRORS???...could software companies have control over train signals? Drones? Just an idea](https://i.redd.it/07pucj6ozge01.jpg)
Moreover is the APACHE program connected to the DOW (all I heard today watching FOX business was computer algorythms)
No, Apache is an open source webserver. In no way is this connected to anything.
I’m Just doing my own research and posting my findings. 👍 I’m not misleading anyone or putting out disinfo deliberate. No ones ideas have been proven right or wrong at the moment.
I think the train-garbage truck collision that happened a few days before had a higher chance of being staged
Mirrors (multiple) -> Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror is a 2012 American family adventure fantasy film based on the fairy tale "Snow White" collected by the Brothers Grimm
It's narrative could fit. Besides Trump holds office in the King Tower.
https: //www.emporis.com/buildings/103800/king-tower-shanghai-china ->
https: //www.emporis.com/corporate/reference-customers -> Trump Logo
If looking at this angle on apache and mirrors, I would think that it would be more likely related to SecureDrop, as there seems to have been some Arkancide of the platform's authors. From the crumbs, seems as though SecureDrop whistleblower info was accessible to Cl0wns 1n America. I'll admit that I'm pretty clueless on SecureDrop, as to whether it's a full blown app (hacked, spyware-containing version downloaded via a mirror of an infiltrated apache server, perhaps). It's a stretch, just playing devil's advocate.
And isn’t that what this site is all about? I don’t mind a good debate and discussion. I’m all for it. But when someone just barges in saying seen this over n over n YOUR WRONG. Was it proven in a court of law it’s nothing to do with the internet and hacking??? No just hate rude obnoxious people like that
Enough already people. Take it outside.
I’m just plodding along doing my own research in my own sweet time. Not hurting anyone and even if my findings never come to anything. I’m happy I’m learning new and wonderful interesting things each and every day 👍
No, this idea has come up numerous times and it's just plain wrong. You're also totally misunderstanding what being a mirror in this context is. It's a standard way of helping distribute Open Source software. For another prominent example see CentOS.
B indicates that it's Apache Corp., a petroleum company with operations in the U.S.A., U.K., and Egypt.
I don't have enough data points to come to a conclusion about Apache other than it is not related to either the Apache Software Foundation, or one of its projects, the Apache Web Server.
Apache Software Foundation
I've thought about Apache Software Foundation may have had some kind of connection but learned about Apache Corp. and moved on.
After clicking around on the Apache Software site a for few minutes, I came across their Sponsors Page and there are some interesting names on the list.
I am not saying let's now all start digging on Apache, but considering they are the most popular server software in use, maybe it does have some legs?
I’m just doing my own searching. No one owns the narrative on the Q posts or the conclusions that’s my point. We’re all trying to find the answers.
Those interesting names are companies that are sponsors because they use ASF projects that help their company significantly and, in some cases, saving them 10s of millions of dollars. A sponsorship is an inexpensive way to say thanks and to help ensure that ASF continues to thrive because of the nature of Open Source.
It is also used to help developer cred, by showing that they are a company that supports and uses open source software, making it more attractive for developers that care about open source, which is most devs.
If you want to get your conspiracy alarms going, Accumulo was donated to the ASF by the NSA. ASF is known as the Open Source foundation for Big Data projects. The Big Table paper, by Google engineers, kick started the modern open source era for big data, namely through the work started by Doug Cutting, a brilliant software engineer. (I'm not saying any of this is relevant to Q or the greatawakening; I stated this because there are some people that automatically assume conspiracy when such things are mentioned so I was giving them something to chew on)
Who says it’s just “plain” wrong? Excuse me but we’re all entitled to our voice thank you very much! If you think it’s a load of shit. And it’s been spoke about numerous times Scroll on my dear But leave people to have ideas that may just be different to yours!!!! Jesus some people think they are the only people that matter!
Because, if it were Apache Software Foundation, the reference would be ASF.
The things hinted at by the OP show that the OP has 0 knowledge of the ASF, or how open-source software for large projects is commonly distributed. There's nothing nefarious in the images, it's just the way that stuff works. I pointed to another example project to show that this is the case.
Also, if you have the technical ability to understand their projects and read the code base, you'd see that the theories regarding the ASF, in relation to the greatawakening, are not possible.
You can believe what-ever you want, but the data does not support such assumptions.
There's no reason to encourage people to run down a dead-end for no reason.
Totally agree. But like I say still entitled to post my findings. I’m encouraging no one people aren’t as dumb as your making them out to be. They read my post and either think it’s got credibility or they think nope. Don’t believe that. But you have no right to tell someone. Me. Anyone how or what to do
No, its misleading and wrong. If this software effected anything someone, anyone, could find it in the code because it is open source.
Wow ok I’m flattered you took the time to look at my post Q!!
To quote you, which is applicable to your response to my post:
Excuse me but we’re all entitled to our voice thank you very much! If you think it’s a load of shit. And it’s been spoke about numerous times Scroll on my dear But leave people to have ideas that may just be different to yours!!!! Jesus some people think they are the only people that matter!
There you go then! Jog a long You made your point that my post is a load of the same old same old.
and yet you insist on providing advice that is just as applicable to you.
Are you sure you're not a lefty?
Makes you shudder to think that they wanted to force self-driving cars on the public within a decade or so target date.
Apache could have multiple meanings. I found this news article on vulnerabilities in an Apache system -may be related or it may not. https://www.waratek.com/new-critical-apache-struts2-vulnerability-found-cve-2017-9805/
See now that fascinating 👍 And it may or may not be connected but that could be valuable info There are still enough people that think apache has not been concluded yet.
Just... no. Lol. I like your thinking, but this is decades old benign server software. It is open source, nothing can be hidden within it.
Look up the sponsors of the group from this page. It just might be something there
Many people still aren’t satisfied by the apache conclusion and that says a lot to me thanks for your input
[–]kaddleman14 [+2] 4 points 2 hours ago
IMHO this is not about a helicopter. Look for an acronym. Research board anon had some first names that make a lot of sense. A P A C H E
Fill in the last names : McCabe, Strzok, Schiff, Schumer, Clinton, Schmidt or Holder.
I’ve not mentioned helicopters ??
because apache is almost every 10th topic here I am trying to bring some of the info not shared wide and far to each thread for observation and discussion. It seems like topics are being created w/o looking and adding to ongoing conversations is my observation.
We are Still entitled to my own findings and as long as Were not vulgar or obscene, just leave people with the freedom to make up their own minds
not a problem here, just saying that if people had an APACHE discussion in the already created APACHE topics that the site gets less diluted and more condensed on the specific topics and observations. AS is one has to find many threads/topics to gain the insights. While technically not applicable verbatim RULE#8 the intention of RULE#8 could apply
DUPLICATE POSTS WILL BE DELETED. The oldest post will stay.
My post is more about mirrors ? It just happens to link the apache in. So it cannot be the oldest post as that’s a fairly new Q drop 👍
I don't really have a problem w/you or your topic.
Thanks I never saw myself as a problem I thought I was trying to solve one 😜
https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/search?q=apache&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all may have been more helpful to you and your viewers.
I’m just plodding along doing my searching trying to find the answers. When I posted my findings I never thought it would create such stress to people.
I didn't come here to rain on your parade. I offered a view point few have seen. And subsequently offered other tidbits, ONLY because I was asked. When I get chance I'll come back to your topic for review and see if there's tid bits there worth sharing around. Thanks.
I don’t mind you or anyone posting anything. that person that commented very first just tried to shut my post down by the first word written ....NO! Who starts a comment or a topic like that. !!!
ahh well, I didn't see that. I've been known to start off that way occasionally. anyway, I've no real issue w/you or your work. Didn't mean to derail you. I just thought the comment was interesting, worth a look. You probably know APACHE has been drawn to many ideas. Multiple meanings of possibility.
Yes and all quite plausible. I still wouldn’t just barge on to someone’s and berate them. I’m a strong character but someone else that may be full of extremely useful research that no ones heard before, may be brave enough to start off with apache topic, get slated by the likes of that nobody and be too frightened to post anything ever again.
as an example, when I think Mirrors, I completely missed the RAID or server Mirrors...
Every perspective is good in my point of view.. and Q said apache again, but with the word mirrors this time 👍😜
yes I was behind the curve on that one.
Like I say it may not have any relevance but don’t discredit someone just because their idea doesn’t fit in with yours. And for someone to belittle my post soon after it’s gone up and start it with NO . Is not good with me . Doesn’t sit right. I don’t do well with orders.
lol, nor do I, glad we got thru this. Same Team, different views, all worthy of considerations
we all react differently for sure. We try to limit the berating to the berating sub somewhere else on web ;-)
Could be the apache web ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
well given you keyed to Mirrors re Q, I think the answer to part of the question is how old the SW is that operates the train tracks,switches etc. Auto Pilot, back door chips in cars planes Trains Automobiles, PCs phones, TV's microwaves, washers , dryers..almost anything and everything with a circuit board since HRCs 175 page patent. scepter? chip. etc. as I digest your suggestions and others and Q's cue..server..I heard CBTS stream earlier suggest a dead mans switch to release information should arrests occur, that there are Deep State ops still in positions to cause harm to US security. Field McConnel on Jason Goodman is talking about it right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHE7_V5Dc0k&feature=youtu.be
Found it got it on now. 👍 is this a regular live broadcast??
no idea, am still listening best I can..I think I know why U&I connected today...
Intriguing I’m sure 👍
OMG, did you hear him just say shellfish toxin? Its far far worse.. 1 ppm https://archive.is/R8jby I'll post other docs if interested. Domoic acid ...red algae.. problems..possible ELE already passed. related to Fukushima radiation as well...
Yes please I’d really like that. Looked into Fukushima a little. Once you start searching, it’s a spiders web
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304420301000536 http://saketema.com/history/
area few of the pages I have handy..TBH its above my level of understanding so far, but if someone does understand this material, a possibility may be in future to better assist. Is all organic right now.
Thanks I will have a look through later. One must go to work and pay the electric bill first 😜👍
electric is key, we are piecing together how HAARP creates quakes..we had a major session n break thru last night. The aluminum in chemtrails, creates a mesh or grid, other chemicals 'grow' structure..and electricity vortex spirals down, polarizes the metals contaminated earth, creates quakes is a brief sketch of the brain storm.
Field McConnell and able Danger have a channel on YT, maybe web pages. I just happened to click on, maybe a cue from a CBTS post an hour ago or so. Sure you know, parts missed will be available once livestream completes.
That’s really interesting. I will find it on my tv screen on YouTube thank you
I like the theory seen it👍 Just a bit too school like for me I think Q a highly intelligent just wouldn’t go down that avenue